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B - Division ‘A’

Jurisprudence – Seminar Topics

One seminar per day in class. 4 seminars in a week.

All four students who are assigned for the week, should be ready for seminar on any day of that

Roll Topic Week

1. Rights – Meaning & Characteristics 8/1
(Also include Legal and moral wrong, Characteristics, Rights and duties as
2. 8/1
Legal Rights in the wider sense of the term - Hohfeld's Analysis
3. Perfect & Imperfect Rights, Principal & accessory rights, Public & Private Rights 8/1

4. 8/1
Proprietary and Personal Rights; Legal and Equitable Rights
5. 15/1
Right in rem and Right in personam, Vested and Contingent Rights
6. 15/1
Right in re propria and Right in re aliena, Positive and Negative Rights
7. 15/1
Possession - Meaning, nature, Modes of acquisition
8. 15/1
Possession in law and possession in fact
9. 22/1
Mediate and immediate possession
10. 22/1
Corporeal and incorporeal possession; Possessory remedies
11. 22/1
Ownership - Meaning, characteristics and subject matter
12. 22/1
Sole and Co ownership, vested and contingent ownership
Trust and beneficial ownership, legal and equitable ownership 29/1
14. 29/1
The nature of personality, legal and natural persons
15. 29/1
The legal status of lower animals, dead men and unborn person
16. 29/1
Corporations - Types and characteristics
17. Acts and liabilities of corporation, Agents, beneficiaries and members of a
Corporation 5/2
18. 5/2
Lifting of corporate veil
19. 5/2
Ownership and Possession - A comparative analysis of concepts
20. 5/2
Title - Concept ; Vestitive facts
Agreements, classes of agreements, Void and Voidable agreements 12/2
22. 12/2
Meaning and nature of obligation; Solidary Obligation
23. 12/2
Sources of obligation
24. 12/2
Meaning of Property; Movable and Immovable Property
Right in re propria and right in re aliena over immaterial things 19/2
26. 19/2
Modes of acquisition of property
27. Legislation as a source of Law 19/2

28. Subordinate Legislation – meaning and kinds 19/2

29. Delegated legislation and the different controls over it

30. Precedent as a source of law 26/2

31. Ratio Decidendi and Obiter Dicta 26/2

32. Circumstances when a precedent loses its value

33. Do judges make law? (A discussion on precedents as judge made law)
34. Origin of Custom and Theories of Transformation of Custom into Law 4/3

35. Essentials of Custom and its Kinds 4/3

36. Constitutional basis of precedents in India 4/3

Kinds of legal rights 11/3
38. Solidary obligation 11/3

39. Kinds of Possession 11/3

40. Independent Corporate Existence 11/3

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