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Teacher: Subject: Theme: The Métis – Daily Life Period:

Weiduan Kong Social Studies 13:55-14:35

Learning Goal:
● demonstrate understanding of the texts by discussion, Q&A
● connect the content of the text to everyday life and make comparisons
● visualize what have been read and/or discussed
● make an anchor chart introducing the Métis

Success Criteria:
● Answers are fluent and maintain the meaning of the text.
● Thinking is supported with details cited from the text.
● Ideas are organized presented clearly.

Strands & Expectations:

A1. Application: compare ways of life among some specific groups in Canada around the beginning of the nineteenth
century, and describe some of the changes between that era and the present day
A1.1 describe some of the similarities and differences in various aspects of everyday life

Pre-Class reminder: Ensure technology works and materials are gathered
Materials / Resources/ Handouts:
-reading and worksheets
- chart paper, pictures and markers
-list of prompts/questions to further understanding
Think-Pair- Share Concept Attainment/Formation One-on-one conference Moodle
Numbered Heads Four Corners ✓ Check work completed ✓ Video / Film
✓ Direct Instruction Cloze Passage ✓ Observations ✓ Handouts
Seminar Brainstorm/ Concept Mapping Exit Cards LCD
✓ Questioning/Socratic ✓ Learning Centers Quiz ✓ Computers/Laptops
Interview Portfolio Challenges ✓ Text
Simulation/Role Play Independent Study Self/Peer Assessment Google Drive
Debate Articles Mini Challenges ACCOMODATIONS
✓ Small Group Work PMI/KWL ✓ Conversations ✓ Notes/Organizers
Case Study Note Making Placemat ✓ Extra Time
Presentation Graphic Organizer Short online survey ✓ Breaks
Computer Lab Case Studies ACHIEVEMENT CHART ✓ Chunk the work
Video / Film Anticipation Guide ✓ Knowledge/Understanding SEA Laptops
Surveys Modelled ✓ Thinking Personal list of voc.
Jigsaw ✓ Shared ✓ Communication ✓ Check for understanding
✓ Class Discussion ✓ Guided ✓ Application Preferential seating
12 minutes Interactive Reading and Discussion
- lead-in question
How do we pronounce the word Métis? Can you think of another word with an accent mark?
- slides show and reading
- new words/concepts
1. tanned animal skin
Tanning is the process of treating skins and hides of animals to produce leather. This process permanently
alters the protein structure of the skin, preventing it from decomposing and turning it into a stable material.
2. animal skin and animal hide
The industry defines hides as skin of large animals e.g. cow, buffalo; while skins refer to skins of smaller
animals e.g. goat, sheep, deer, alligator…
Why did the Métis use tanned animal skins to make clothes?
Do you or your family members wear something made of leather? What? When? How do they feel?
Why did they choose horse as their main means of transportation?
What is your preferred way of going to the Niagara Falls?
Why did the Métis rely heavily on the buffalo?
What are the similarities and differences between the food you eat and what the Métis used to eat?
Why were the Métis always on the move?
What does the word “nomadic” mean?
Did the men and the women play similar roles in their group? What might be the reason?
Do you think it is a good idea to leave some people out of a group activity just because of their gender?

10 minutes Video and Discussion

How do you like their traditional dance?
Please use a least two descriptive words to describe the music/dance/clothes…
What does the infinite symbol on the Métis flag mean?
13 minutes Anchor Chart & Worksheet
- Students choose one of the following topics to work either with a partner or individually (depending on the
number of students)
 Residence
 Clothing
 Hunting
 Transportation
 Governance
 Métis flag
 Arts
Form one or two complete sentences to introduce one aspect of the Métis life and culture.
Write the sentence(s) on the anchor chart.
Choose relevant pictures (provided by the teacher) to add on the chart.

- Students take turns to write on the anchor chart. When waiting for their turn or after finishing their part on
the chart, they do the tasks on the worksheet.

5 minutes Wrap-Up Discussion

- positive feedback and conversation
- one thing that impressed you the most

Student – Specific Accommodations (i.e. extra time, provide templates, handout of notes, IEP specifics)

– elaborate on conversation to support further understanding

– draft with teacher before finalizing the sentences
– IEP specific: matching worksheet for the student

Assessment for & as Learning:

Interactive Reading:
For – Do students understand the information in the text and video?
Reading Response:
Of - Do students answer questions in complete sentences? Do they cite information from the text, video and discussion?
Anchor chart:
As - brainstorm ideas, organize, develop

Reflection on learners/lesson Learning Skills

What worked & what did not work? What to change for next time? Organization
Independent work

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