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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 400–408

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Experimental simulation of the hydraulic fracture propagation in an T

anthracite coal reservoir in the southern Qinshui basin, China
Jun Liua,b,d, Yanbin Yaoa,b,∗, Dameng Liua, Lulu Xuc, Derek Elsworthd, Saipeng Huanga,
Wanjing Luoa
School of Energy Resource, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
Coal Reservoir Laboratory of National Engineering Research Center of CBM Development & Utilization, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
Hubei Geological Survey, Wuhan, Hubei 430034, China
Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, G3 Center and EME Energy Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA


Keywords: As coalbed methane (CBM) reservoirs have extremely low permeability, hydraulic fracturing is a common sti-
Coalbed methane mulation process for enhancing the CBM production. An in-depth understanding about the propagation me-
Anthracite coal chanism of hydraulic fractures in coal is important for designing a hydraulic fracturing process and thus for
Hydraulic fracture propagation improving the CBM production. This study performed a set of true tri-axial fracturing experiments on six block
Reservoir stimulation
samples (300 mm × 300 mm × 300 mm, including raw coal and artificial roof/floor) with consideration of in
Qinshui basin
situ conditions, aiming at simulating the propagation of hydraulic fractures in the CBM reservoir in the Changzhi
field, southern Qinshui basin. Four groups of experiments were organized to evaluate the influences from the
pre-existing natural fracture, in situ stresses and injection flow rates on the hydraulic fracture propagation.
Meanwhile, five series of numerical simulations were constructed to model the relationship between in situ
horizontal stresses and hydraulic fracture propagation. The results show that the hydraulic fracture propagates
only along the pre-existing natural fracture direction under a small approaching angle, while it propagates along
both the directions of the pre-existing natural fracture and the maximum horizontal principal stress
(σ < SUB > H < /SUB >) under a large approaching angle. Whether pre-existing natural fractures exist or not
can result in a distinct influence on hydraulic fracture propagation. Hydraulic fractures straightly propagate
along the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction under a high value of horizontal stresses difference coefficient (Kh),
while they tend to deviate from the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction under a low Kh value. The influence of Kh
is greater than that of the horizontal stresses difference (Δσ) in determining fracture propagation to extend along
the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction in the coal seam. Large approaching angle, high in situ stresses and a high
injection flow rate are three major factors to cause the roof/floor broken by hydraulic fluids.

1. Introduction productivity (Yuan et al., 2015). For example, almost all shale gas wells
and more than 90% of coalbed methane (CBM) wells are improved by
Hydraulic fracturing is usually defined as a process by which frac- hydraulic fracturing in United States (Zhang and Bian, 2015).
tures are initiated and propagate resulted from hydraulic loading ap- Although gas extractions from coal and shale are both highly de-
plied by fluid inside the fractures, which is a primary means in en- pendent on hydraulic fracturing, production requirement for the pro-
hancing gas production from low-permeable rocks, such as tight pagation of hydraulic fractures in coal seam is different from that in
sandstone, shale and coal (Ferrill et al., 2014; Yuan et al., 2015). Hy- shale because coal and shale have large differences in petrological and
draulic fracturing can significantly increase the number of inter- mechanical characteristics (Penny et al., 1991; Liu et al., 2017; Wu
connected cracks and apertures and result in the improvement of gas et al., 2018). Hydraulic fracturing is expected to create extensive and
permeability even though that some gas/oil is extruded by high-pres- complex fracture pathways in shale, which aims at minimizing the
sure fluid (Abass et al., 1992; Gan and Elsworth, 2016; Yuan et al., spacing between fractures and maximizing the total stimulated re-
2017). The hydraulic fracturing technology has hitherto been ex- servoir volume (Sobhaniaragh et al., 2016; Yuan et al., 2016). In con-
tensively employed in the petroleum industry to stimulate oil or gas trast, in coal seam, hydraulic fracturing is supposed to stimulate long

Corresponding author. School of Energy Resource, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China.
E-mail address: (Y. Yao).
Received 30 November 2017; Received in revised form 5 May 2018; Accepted 11 May 2018
Available online 16 May 2018
0920-4105/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Liu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 400–408

Fig. 1. Propagation mechanism of a hydraulic fracture in layered formations (Zhao and Chen, 2010).

and stable cracks that can be connected with the pre-existing natural Although there are extensive investigations on the influences of the
fractures to improve drainage efficiency and gas extraction (Wu et al., hydraulic fractures propagation in coal, most of these researches are
2018). Due to the special demand for hydraulic fracturing in coal seam, based on mathematic modeling or simulation (e.g., Wang et al., 2014;
better understanding the propagation mechanism of hydraulic fractures Wang et al., 2017), other experimental researches only discussed some
in coal seam is of great significance for designing an optimal hydraulic limited influence factors such as injection fluid (Fan and Zhang, 2014),
fracturing process and thus for enhancing CBM production. natural fractures (Wang et al., 2017), or in situ stress (Tang et al.,
Existed achievements suggested the propagation of hydraulic frac- 2011). Moreover, there are also some other deficiencies for the existed
ture is influenced by various factors, among which the in situ stresses simulation experiments on coals, for example ignoring the influences of
and the pre-existing natural fractures are two dominant factors the roof/floor (Jiang et al., 2016), or using artificial specimens (Lin and
(Renshaw, 1994; Yang et al., 2011; Zou et al., 2016). According an Du, 2011). As for as the anthracite coals of southern Qinshui basin in
experimental study reported by Tan et al. (2017), larger horizontal China, there is few report relating to direct predicting the hydraulic
stresses difference (Δσ) exerts more control on induced fracture mor- fracture propagation. In this study, a set of true tri-axial hydraulic
phology and makes the hydraulic fractures expand vertically in coal. fracturing simulation experiments are conducted on large natural an-
Other experimental research (Beugelsdijk et al., 2000; Wu et al., 2018) thracite coal samples from southern Qinshui basin. Different from ex-
also suggested that higher Δσ tend to straighten the hydraulic fracture isting researches, this study considered much more comprehensive in-
in coal and make the fracture surfaces more regular. The pre-existing fluences on hydraulic fractures propagation, including the depth, tri-
natural fracture also acts important influence on the propagation of axial stresses, pre-existing natural fracture, roof-floor, and injection
hydraulic fracture in coal. Based on a numerical study, Wang et al. flow rate. Thus, this study is helpful for forecasting the hydraulic
(2017) stated that natural fracture contributes greatly to form a com- fractures propagation in study coal seam, which would provide theo-
plex fracture network and increase coal porosity in the fractured region, retical basis and technical support for the efficient CBM extraction in
which indirectly improving coal permeability. The third influence the southern Qinshui basin.
factor for the propagation of hydraulic fracture is the mechanical
strength properties of coal seam and roof/floor. Wang et al. (2014) ever 2. Mechanism of fracture propagation
did a numerical simulation study and found that both the elasticity
modulus and Poisson's ratio have a positive relationship with the scale Zhao and Chen (2010) established a model to explain the hydraulic
of induced hydro-fracture in coal. Different from the view of Wang et al. fracture propagation in coal-bearing strata (Fig. 1), which is employed
(2014), Jiang et al. (2016) pointed out higher elasticity modulus im- in this study. For the fracture propagation in coal and its roof and floor,
pedes the development of induced hydro-fracture in coal. According to in this model, the critical hydraulic pressures can be obtained by
Jiang et al. (2016), the length, width and height of main hydraulic
K1c π
fracture respectively decreases about 21.3%, 13.8% and 14.2% when P1 = + σh
2 h (1)
the elasticity modulus increases from 1.43 GPa–2.43 GPa. Previous re-
searches also suggested that other mechanical parameters such as ten- P2 = σv cos2 θ + σh sin2 θ + σt (2)
sile strength and uniaxial compressive strength of coal have negligible
influence on the development of hydraulic fractures (Wang et al., K2c π
P3 = + σh
2014). The mechanical strength of the roof/floor has certain influence 2 h (3)
on hydro-fracturing because the height of hydraulic fractures will be where P1 is the critical pressure (MPa) above which a hydraulic fracture
significantly controlled by the roof/floor and the fractures can only stops extending at the interface, P2 is the critical pressure (MPa) above
propagate in coal seam if the strength of roof/floor is stronger than that which a hydraulic fracture extends along the interface I or II, P3 is the
of coal (Wu et al., 2018). In addition, the propagation of hydraulic critical pressure (MPa) above which a hydraulic fracture penetrates
fracture is also related to the injected fracturing fluid: the injected fluid through the roof or floor, K1c is the fracture toughness of coal (MPa·m1/
with high-viscosity commonly forms short and wide hydro-fractures in 2
), K2c is the fracture toughness of the roof or floor (MPa·m1/2), h is the
coal (Shimizu et al., 2011; Fan and Zhang, 2014); and different injec- fracture half-height (m), σt is the tensile strength of interface I or II
tion flow rate, time and pressure can induce different propagation rule (MPa), and θ is the stratigraphic dip of the interface (°).
of induced hydro-fractures in coal (Wang et al., 2014). The values of P1, P2 and P3 are used to predict the patterns of

J. Liu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 400–408

Fig. 2. Illustration of sample preparation by combining coal and artificial roof/floor (a), and picture of an actual specimen (Sample 4#) after fracturing experiment

fracture propagation when hydraulic fractures reach formation inter- (σh) horizontal stresses are measured on the basis of the Kaiser Effect.
faces, such as stopping the extension, extending along the formation By the Kaiser Effect theory, when the exerted stress reaches the max-
interface, and directly penetrating through the roof and floor of the coal imum value of the coal seam loaded in the past, acoustic emission
seam. would noticeably increase (Lavrov, 2003; Lehtonen et al., 2012; Hsieh
et al., 2014). Prior to the Kaiser Effect test, three small coal cores
3. Experiments (diameter of 25 mm and length of 50 mm) were horizontally drilled
from a major coal sample along the radial directions at increments of
3.1. Samples preparation 45° in the horizontal plane. Then, for these coal cores, normal stresses
were measured to calculate σ < SUB > H < /SUB > and σh.
In this study, hydraulic fracturing experiments are performed in a The Kaiser Effect tests were performed for samples 3# and 4#,
true tri-axial pressure system descried by Zhou et al. (2008). The nat- whose tri-axial stresses (σv/σ < SUB > H < /SUB > /σh) are 18.2/
ural anthracite coal samples were collected from the No. 3 coal seam of 20.4/16.4 MPa and 12.7/15.8/11.8 MPa, respectively. These results
the Shanxi formation in the Changzhi CBM field, southern Qinshui were used in the design of the fracturing experiments.
basin. Six cubic samples (each with a size of
300 mm × 300 mm × 300 mm) were specially made, in which each 3.3. Fracturing experiment
sample was composed of a 75-mm-thick layer of artificial roof, a 150-
mm-thick layer of coal and a 75-mm-thick layer of artificial floor During the fracturing experiments, guar fracturing fluid with a
(Fig. 2). Among the six samples, the coal of 1#, 2# and 3# was ob- viscosity of 6 mp·s was employed. Meanwhile, a yellow fluorescent dye
tained from a burial depth of 930 m, while that of 4#, 5# and 6# was was added into the fracturing fluid for better tracing of the hydraulic
collected from a burial depth of 650 m. fractures. According to the principle of similarity criterion (Liu et al.,
To model the in situ reservoir conditions in the Changzhi CBM field, 2000), the laboratory injection flow rate was 0.33 mL s−1, which is
both the artificial roof and floor parallelly contact the coal seam be- used to simulate the injection flow rate of 6.0 m3 min−1 during a field
cause the Shanxi formation has a conformable contact with upper and fracturing operation.
bottom sedimentary rocks (Cai et al., 2011). In this study, we define the In this study, six samples were organized into four groups to eval-
in situ roof and floor of 1#, 2# and 3# samples as ‘sandstone’ and those uate the influences on hydraulic fractures propagation from four dif-
of 4#, 5# and 6# samples as ‘shale’. According to test results of the in- ferent factors (Fig. 4). Among which, Group I (1# and 2#) is designed
situ roof/floor samples at each sampling location, the compressive to model the influence from the approaching angle of pre-existing
strength of sandstones varies from 29.8 MPa to 35.2 MPa with an natural fracture, Group II (4# and 6#) simulates the influence from the
average of 33.0 MPa, while that of shales averages 21.5 MPa with the existence of pre-existing natural fracture, Group III (3# and 4#) sym-
range of 18.6–24.3 MPa. Since it is hard to bond the sandstone/shale bolizes the influence from different tri-axial stresses, and Group IV (4#
with coal, we used artificial rocks as roof or floor of coal during the and 5#) characterizes the influence from different injection flow rates.
experiments. Made by mixing cement (high clay content) with quartz After the hydraulic fracturing experiments, the fractured coal blocks
sand and water, the artificial rocks with higher and lower mechanical were separated from the roof and floor to observe the propagation of
strength are employed to simulate the in situ sandstone and shale, re- fractures within the samples.
spectively. The artificial roof/floor was made as far as possible to match
the mechanical strength of in-situ roof/floor. To choose ideal artificial 3.4. Stress simulation analysis
roof/floor, we did uniaxial compressive strength tests for a series of
artificial cores with different sand/cement mass ratios. According to the The effect of horizontal stress on hydraulic fracture propagation was
results shown in Fig. 3, we chose sand/cement mass ratios of 1:3 and simulated by using the finite element analysis software ANSYS 13.0.
1:7 to make artificial rocks and to simulate the real sandstone and shale, The simulation was based on the assumptions that 1) the simulated
respectively. rocks are treated as isotropic linear elastic materials and the strata dip
is close to horizontal, and 2) the maximum tensile-stress criterion was
3.2. In situ stresses measurement taken as the failure criterion with no consideration of the interaction
among the fluid field, geothermal field and stresses field. To simulate
The depth-dependent vertical stress (σv) is obtained from the density the in situ reservoir conditions, the input parameters were set as fol-
logging, while the maximum (σ < SUB > H < /SUB >) and minimum lows: Young's modulus of 3800 MPa, Poisson's ratio of 0.37, tensile

J. Liu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 400–408

Fig. 3. Compressive strength test for artificial cores with different sand/cement mass ratios. The dash line represents the average compressive strength of in-situ roof/
floor at each sampling location.

strength of 0.55 MPa, coal density of 1.40 g/cm3, fracturing fluid visc- fractures occurring along bedding plane in the coal seam.
osity of 6 mp·s, and injection flow rate of 0.33 mL/s. In total, five series The occurrence of yellow fluorescent dye in the roof or floor in-
of models were constructed. Because the experimental Group III (3# dicates the roof or floor is cut through by hydraulic fractures, and vice
and 4#) was set to evaluate the influence from different in-situ stresses, versa. The experiment results demonstrate that both the roofs and floors
in this stress simulation analysis, the input mechanical properties were are intact for 1#, 4# and 6#, the roof are intact but the floors are cut
the average values of experimental tests for coal samples 3# and 4#, through for 2# and 3#, while both the roof and floor are cut through
while the injection parameters were the same with the practical op- for 5# (Table 1).
eration in Group III. In general, multiple types of fractures are induced in coal reservoirs
during the hydraulic fracturing experiments. It seems that the propa-
4. Experiment results and discussions gation of hydraulic fractures in coal reservoirs is much more complex
than those in sandstone, carbonate, and shale reservoirs. Vertical frac-
The results of the fracturing experiments are exhibited in Table 1, tures commonly develop within the coals, and limited horizontal frac-
and the fracture propagations in the six samples are shown in Fig. 5. It tures usually occur at the upper section close to interface between the
can be found that vertical fractures are common in the selected samples roof and the coal. The roof or floor can be cut through only when there
(1# through 5#), whereas horizontal fractures only develop in limited is a large approaching angle, high tri-axial stresses, or a high injection
samples (e.g., 3# and 6#). The extension of vertical fractures occurs flow rate. The details about the experimental results are given below.
along the natural fracture direction in 1#, while it occurs along the
σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction in 4# and 5#. The vertical fractures 4.1. Impacts of pre-existing natural fracture on fracture propagation
in 2# extend along two directions, i.e., the directions of the natural
fracture and σ < SUB > H < /SUB > . The horizontal fracture in 6# 4.1.1. The approaching angle of pre-existing natural fracture
extends along the direction of the natural fracture. The fractures in 3# Group I (1# and 2#) provides an example of the influence from the
are complex, with vertical fractures extending along the directions of approaching angle on fracture propagation. As shown in Fig. 5, a hy-
the natural fracture and σ < SUB > H < /SUB > and horizontal draulic fracture propagates only along the natural fracture direction

Fig. 4. Hydraulic fracturing experiments simulating

different in situ reservoir situations (θ1, approaching
angle; NF, pre-existing nature fracture; Q, injection
flow rate; S, in situ stresses). Note the artificial roof/
floor of samples 1#/2#/3# and samples 4#/5#/6#
are made with sand/cement mass ratios of 1:3 and 1:7
to simulate the sandstone and shale, respectively.

J. Liu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 400–408

Table 1
Fracture propagation in the coal, roof and floor.
Samples σv/σ < SUB > H < /SUB > /σh (MPa) Q (mL·s−1) θ1 (°) Location of hydraulic fracture propagation

Coal Roof/Floor

1# 18.2/20.4/16.4 0.33 30° VF along NF None/None

2# 18.2/20.4/16.4 0.33 70° VF along NF and σ < SUB > H < /SUB > None/VF
3# 18.2/20.4/16.4 0.33 / VF along NF and σ < SUB > H < /SUB > HF along bedding plane None/VF
4# 12.7/15.8/11.8 0.33 / VF along σ < SUB > H < /SUB > None/None
5# 12.7/15.8/11.8 0.66 / VF along σ < SUB > H < /SUB > VF/VF
6# 12.7/15.8/11.8 0.33 / HF along NF None/None

Note: Q is injection flow rate; θ1 is approaching angle; VF is vertical fracture; HF is horizontal fracture; NF is pre-existing natural fracture.

Fig. 5. Fracture propagation in six samples. The red lines schematically indicate the main hydrologic fracturing directions. NF is pre-existing natural fracture. Note,
in figure (e), the fracture in the roof/floor along the σh direction are artificial during separation of coal and roof/floor after fracturing. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

J. Liu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 400–408

under the small approaching angle (30°) 1# (Fig. 5a). By contrast, 10 m × 10 m (Wang et al., 2017). The experimental results also indicate
hydraulic fractures propagate along the directions of σ < SUB > H < / that the fluid leak-off occurs in the interface of coal and roof/floor
SUB > and the natural fracture and even cut through the floor under (Fig. 5d), resulting in that the Pw has a transitory breakdown at point N
the high approaching angle (70°) of 2# (Fig. 5b). Zhou et al. (2008) in Fig. 6d, then a slight increase, followed by a smooth phase with rare
ever did some experimental simulations on artificial blocks which were variations (Fig. 6d). By contrast, in sample 6#, a horizontal fracture is
made by cement and fine sand with a mass ratio of 1: 1. The results of created along the major pre-existing natural fracture parallel to the
this study agree well with the Zhou et al. (2008), in which the hydraulic bedding plane (Fig. 5f), which differs from the numerical simulation
fractures crossed the pre-fractures only at high approaching angles of study by Wang et al. (2017) where both vertical and horizontal cracks
60° or greater. It seems that larger approaching angle (> 60°) tends to are induced. During the fracturing process, there is a rapid decrease of
induce more complex fracture system. Pw caused by fluid leak-off when the fracturing fluid reaches the pre-
Because the tensile strength is weak on the interface between the existing natural fracture of sample 6# (Point N in Fig. 6f). Then the Pw
coal seam and its roof and floor, the tension failure criterion can be increases slowly and finally tends to remain stable when the fracturing
used to explain the mechanism of the experimental results of 1# and 2# fluid reaches the boundary of the sample (Fig. 6f). The relative low Pw
(Zhao and Chen, 2010). According to Eq. (2), the critical hydraulic value after Point N in Fig. 6f makes it difficult for a hydraulic fracture to
pressure of the natural fracture plane (Pn) is given by develop along another orientation, resulting in that the hydraulic
fractures propagate only along the pre-existing natural fracture in 6#.
Pn = σH cos2 θ1 + σh sin2 θ1 + σt1 (4)
The comparison indicates whether the pre-existing natural fracture
where θ1 is the approaching angle (°) and σt1 is the tensile strength of exists or not can result in a distinct influence on the hydraulic fracture
the natural fracture (MPa). After a trigonometric function transforma- propagation.
tion, Eq. (4) can be written as
σH + σh σ − σh 4.2. Tri-axial stresses' impact on fracture propagation
Pn = − H cos 2θ1 + σt1
2 2 (5)
Group III (3# and 4#) was used to investigate the influences from
According to Eq. (5), Pn increases with the approaching angle ran- tri-axial stresses on hydraulic fractures propagation. As shown in Fig. 5,
ging from 0° to 90°. Sample 2# has a lager approaching angle and thus a the single hydraulic fracture is formed along the σH direction and the
higher Pn than sample 1#. In contrast, the lower Pn of sample 1# made roof and floor remain intact in 4# (Fig. 5d), while many fractures are
the hydraulic fracture propagate easily along the natural fracture in 1#, formed along multi-directions in 3# (Fig. 5c). The major vertical frac-
and the fracturing fluid leak-off behavior in the natural fracture re- ture in 3# propagates along the σH direction at first, then deviates from
sulted in the rapid decrease in the fluid pressure (Pw) (point N in the σH direction, and finally breaks through the floor (Fig. 5c).
Fig. 6a). The fluid leak-off pulls down the Pw, so that the hydraulic
fracture can hardly propagate along the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > 4.2.1. Explanations for formation of multi-fractures
direction and cut through the roof or floor in sample 1# (Fig. 6a). The development of multi-fractures in coal seam is related to the
Regarding to sample 2#, due to the larger Pn, the hydraulic fracture can breakdown pressure (Pf), in which the larger Pf value usually means the
hardly propagate along the natural fracture and thus there is few fluid hydraulic fracture is harder to be created. Pf is given by the following
leak-off in natural fracture, so the Pw just decreases a little at the point equation (Haimson and Cornet, 2003):
N in Fig. 6b when the fracturing fluid reaches to the natural fracture.
Pf = 3σh − σH + σt 2 − αPp (6)
The continuous accumulation of Pw results in the broken of floor by
hydraulic fluids at Point M in Fig. 6b. where σt2 is the tensile strength of coal (MPa), α is the biot coefficient
(dimensionless), and Pp is the pore pressure of coal (MPa).
4.1.2. The existence of pre-existing natural fracture According to Eq. (6), for its lager σh value, 3# has a greater Pf value
Samples 4# and 6# in Group II can be used to investigate the in- than 4#, resulted in the hydraulic fracture is harder formed in 3# when
fluences from the existence of natural fractures. There is no pre-existing compared to the situation of 4#. Besides, the fluid leak-off occurs in the
natural fracture in 4#, while a major pre-existing natural fracture exists interface between coal and roof/floor of 4# (Fig. 5d) but not in that of
in 6# and is parallel to the bedding plane. For 4#, a vertical fracture is 3# (Fig. 5c). Thus the sample 3# has a greater Pw accumulation than
created along the σH direction (Fig. 5d), which is consistent with the sample 4# during the fracturing process (Fig. 6c and d). In this situa-
numerical simulations based on conceptual coal models with 2D size of tion, during the fracturing process of sample 3#, multi-fractures can be

Fig. 6. Fracturing curve of the six samples.

J. Liu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 400–408

formed when the accumulated Pw (Fig. 6c) is larger than the critical propagation, in this study, a series of numerical simulations on the
hydraulic pressures in the micro-fractures and coal bedding plane conditions of different horizontal stresses were constructed using the
(Fig. 5c). ANSYS Finite Element Software. The boundary conditions for the si-
In this study, hydraulic fracturing experiments indicate that multi- mulation are defined in Fig. 7a. All loadings were applied on the model
fractures are created simultaneously along multiple directions for 3#, surfaces and displacement in each element was constrained along the
including σH, the coal bedding plane, and the direction of the micro- directions of x-axis and y-axis. Since the simulated blocks were con-
fractures. This is discrepant from the previous view that the layered sidered to be linearly elastic, the finite element analysis was valid be-
formation can only fracture at the location with the minimum critical fore initiating any fractures (Huang et al., 2017). In this study, the in
pressure and the hydraulic fractures can hardly propagate along mul- situ stress preconditions for five simulations are given in Table 2, and
tiple directions at a same time (Zhao and Chen, 2010). Hence we as- the simulated results are shown in Fig. 7b and f. Five series of simu-
sume the fracture propagation patterns are determined not only by the lations are organized into two groups: series A, B and C are for ana-
values P1, P2 and P3 but also by the relationships between Pw and P1, lyzing constant Δσ but varying Kh, whereas series C, D and E are for
P2 and P3. The specific mechanism needs more investigation as the Pw analyzing varying Δσ but constant Kh (Table 2). To obtain a reliable
is an important influential parameter for determining fracture propa- simulation results, we defined the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > of 4–20 MPa
gation. and σh of 2–10 MPa, which values are within the accrual values of
σ < SUB > H < /SUB > (4.50–41.86 MPa) and σh (2.07–26.40 MPa) in
4.2.2. Explanations for breaking through the floor the study area (Meng et al., 2010; Yan et al., 2013).
Even though the roof and floor of 3# have greater compressive In the stress nephograms (Fig. 7), variable colors indicate the dif-
strength than those of 4#, the floor of 3# is broken through by frac- ferent value of compressive stress in each simulated situation, in which
turing fluid, while the roof and floor of 4# remain intact (Table 1; darker color means greater compressive stress and vice versa. The po-
Fig. 5). This reveals that tri-axial stresses have a great effect on the tential fractures tend to be induced initially nearby the wellbore and
behavior of a hydraulic fracture breaking through the roof and floor. then propagate along the direction with high stress concentration. From
The coal seam commonly has high stress sensitivity (Jose, 1997; the simulated series A to B to C, under the conditions that Δσ value
Meng et al., 2011; Li et al., 2013). Due to the case that 3# has higher in remains constant at 2 MPa, the stress concentration degree at the crack
situ stresses than 4#, 3# readily has the low leak-off of a fracturing tip increases steadily along the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction with
fluid. The lower fluid leak-off makes the continuous Pw accumulation in increasing values of Kh (Fig. 7b and d). This means that it is easy for a
3#, which explains why the floor is fractured (point M in Fig. 6c). hydraulic fracture to propagate straight along the σ < SUB > H < /
Another reason for the floor of 3# is cut through is that 3# has a SUB > direction in series C, but it is prone to deviate from the σ <
high vertical stress. Because the experiment is modeled under the SUB > H < /SUB > direction in series A. The simulated results agree
condition that the coal seam is in parallel contact with the roof and with the experimental results of 3# and 4# (Table 1). From series C to
floor, P2 in Eq. (2) can be expressed as D to E, by contrast, Kh remains constant and Δσ increases from 2 to
10 MPa (Table 2), in which the change in the stress concentration de-
P2 = σv + σt (7)
gree at the crack tip along the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction is too
In Eq. (7), σt is so low that it can be neglected. Thus, P2 is mainly small to be distinguished (Fig. 7d and f), indicating that a hydraulic
related to σv. Because 3# has a larger σv value than 4#, the P2 value of fracture can selectively propagate along the σ < SUB > H < /SUB >
3# is higher than that of 4#. Thus it is hard for the hydraulic fracture in direction in the three horizontal stresses conditions. In general, the si-
3# to extend along the interface between the coal and the floor, re- mulations results confirm that Kh is much more important than Δσ in
sulting in the accumulation of Pw. This also can cause hydraulic frac- determining hydraulic fracture propagation along the σ < SUB > H < /
tures break through the floor in 3#. SUB > direction.

4.2.3. Effects of Kh and Δσ 4.3. Injection flow rate impacts on fracture propagation
The horizontal stress difference coefficient (Kh) and the horizontal
stress difference (Δσ) are defined by Group IV, which includes 4# and 5#, was set to study the influence
of the injection flow rate on fracture propagation. The roof and floor of
σ − σh Δσ
Kh = H = 4# are intact under the low injection flow rate (0.33 mL/s) (Fig. 5d),
σh σh (8)
while both of them for 5# are broken (Fig. 5e) during hydraulic frac-
Kh and Δσ are two key parameters influencing hydraulic fracture turing process with a high injection flow rate (0.66 mL/s) (Table 1). The
propagation along the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction. It is still dif- results suggest the Pw of 4# is lower than P3, while that of 5# is larger
ficult to compare the importance of the Kh and Δσ. Pan et al. (2015) than P3. This demonstrates that a high injection flow rate may result in
insists that the Δσ is important because larger Δσ value usually increases breaking through the roof and floor by hydraulic fracturing for the coal
the distance of induced fracture in the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > reservoir with constant P3. Compared with the situation of sample 4#,
direction, while some achievements by Zhou et al. (2010) and Guo et al. the Pw is accumulated more rapid because of the larger injection flow
(2014) suggested that Kh value controls the propagation of hydraulic rate (Fig. 6d and e). Regarding to sample 5#, the Pw is accumulated
fracture, because induced fracture would propagate along the σ < continuously after a transitory decline at Point N in Fig. 6e because of
SUB > H < /SUB > direction at greater Kh. According to the mea- the breakdown of coal seam, which finally results in the breakdowns of
surements on shale samples, there is an obvious trend to form a main the roof and floor (Point M in Fig. 6e).
fracture when Kh is greater than 0.25 (Guo et al., 2014). In this study, In this experiment, the comparison between 4# and 5# also in-
for 3# and 4#, both samples have a Δσ of 4.0 MPa, while the values of dicates that high injection flow rate (0.66 mL/s) makes similar types of
Kh are 0.24 and 0.34, respectively. The experimental results show that induced fractures with the low one (0.33 mL/s) (Fig), i.e., vertical
some hydraulic fractures deviate from the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > fractures extending along the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction
direction in 3# (with lower Kh), whereas almost all induced fractures (Fig. 5d and e). Hence, during the field operation of hydraulic frac-
propagate straight along the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction in 4# turing in study area, the injection flow rate should be limited in a
(with higher Kh). It seems that under the constant Δσ, a higher Kh value certain extent to avoid fracturing the roof/floor which may lead to high
is more favorable for a hydraulic fracture extending along the σ < water production. High flow rate can stimulate extending single branch
SUB > H < /SUB > direction. fracture for coals seam, which may be different from the situation in
To confirm the combined effects of Δσ and Kh on fracture shale (Wang et al., 2016) or synthetic mortar samples (Fallahzadeh

J. Liu et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 400–408

Fig. 7. Simulation results of five series of horizontal stress conditions in Table 2.

Table 2 injection flow rate on the hydraulic fracture propagation were dis-
Numerical simulations of five horizontal stress conditions. cussed. The following conclusions can be made:
Series σ < SUB > H < / σh/MPa Δσ(σ < SUB > H < /SUB > - Kh
SUB > /MPa σh)/MPa (1) A hydraulic fracture propagates in the coal seam along a pre-ex-
isting natural fracture direction under a small approaching angle,
A 10 8 2 0.25 while it propagates in the coal seam along the directions of a pre-
B 6 4 2 0.5
C 4 2 2 1
existing natural fracture and σ < SUB > H < /SUB > under a large
D 10 5 5 1 approaching angle. The pre-existing natural fracture exists or not
E 20 10 10 1 can also result in a distinct difference on the hydraulic fracture
(2) A hydraulic fracture propagates straight along the
et al., 2015), where higher injection flow rate means more complex σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction under a high value of Kh, and
network of induced fractures. tend to deviate from the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction under a
low value of Kh. The influence of Kh is greater than that of Δσ in
4.4. Implication for predicting hydraulic fracture propagation determining the fracture propagation along the σ < SUB > H < /
SUB > direction in the coal reservoir.
Among the involved factors on hydraulic fracture propagation in (3) The Pw accumulation can be resulted from large approaching angle,
this study, the pre-existing natural fracture and in situ stresses are the high in situ stresses and high injection flow rate, which may break
reservoir properties of coal seam, while the injection flow rate belongs the roof or floor by hydraulic fracture. The hydraulic fracture
to the operation parameter during hydraulic fracture process. Because propagation is related to Pw and the critical hydraulic pressures at
of the heterogeneity, the coals at different sections or locations contain different interfaces, such as the pre-existing natural fracture, coal
variable properties and thus have different propagation mechanism of petrological layered interfaces, or the interfaces between the coal
hydraulic fracture. and rocks.
During the hydraulic fracturing in the anthracite coal reservoir of (4) Compared with lower injection flow rate, higher injection flow rate
Changzhi CBM field, a small approaching angle (< 60°) tends to induce makes similar types of induced fracture but more rapid Pw accu-
single branch fracture along pre-existing natural fracture, while a large mulation. Hence the injection flow rate should be limited in a
one (> 60°) probably stimulates complex fracture systems. In terms of proper extent to get more induced fractures and protect the roof/
Kh, the lower value (< 0.25) usually results in a complex fracture floor, during the field operation of hydraulic fracturing in the coal
system, while the higher value (> 0.25) tends to form a single main seam of Changzhi field.
fracture alone σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction. Nevertheless, the
fracture orientation tends to extend along the pre-existing natural Acknowledgments
fracture instead of the σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction if the coal
sections contain pre-fractures, even though the Kh value is larger than We acknowledge financial support from the National Natural
0.25. For example, only horizontal fracture is induced alone pre-ex- Science Foundation of China (No. 41472137); the key project of
isting natural fracture in sample 6# but vertical fracture is formed alone PetroChina Co Ltd (2017E-1404). We also gratefully acknowledge the
σ < SUB > H < /SUB > direction in sample 4# and 5# even though financial support for 1-year visiting scholar fellowship from the China
these samples have the same Kh value of 0.34. Regarding to the injec- Scholarship Council (No. 201706400020).
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