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Prayer Requests
Y Pray for healing of Gloria Ivers broken ankle. Y Pray for the healing of Pauls father as he recovers from hip surgery. Y Pray for Franks Grandma Warnock who might go to heaven soon, and pray she has peace and a relief from her intense pain. Y For all who grieve the passing of Jersey DeHaven and Jace DeHaven. They are grandchildren of Tiffany Godfreys neighbors who were tragically killed in Arizona. Y Pray for the Gonzalez family: Extended family conflicts, finances and marriage. Y Pray for Angelicas friend Ann, a friend and colleague, who is receiving treatment for breast cancer. Y Pray for Gary Longs sister Karen as she has been diagnosed with Parkinson.

radiation treatment and will be undergoing eye surgery and chemo therapy due to brain cancer. Y Pray for Dwight Zvorak as he recovers from the disease of alcoholism. Y Pray for persons and process involved in property purchase for COL. Y Pray for Ben Simmer, a young man just graduated from college and has MS. He is currently receiving advanced treatments.

One storyline of the Bible is how God gave people gifts and then called them to use these gifts in service. This week well review two passages from 1 Corinthians where the apostle Paul taught about spiritual gifts. Then well look at individual examples of people in the Scriptures who were called and then used their gifts in ministry. These stories really are our stories. Each of us have been given gifts, and we have been called to share them in ministry. This week may these stories give examples of people using their gifts. May each of us learn from the stories. Comments about the devotion can be emailed to Monday, October 31 Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 The Apostle Paul listed some Spiritual gifts in this passage. Other places that Spiritual gifts are listed are Ephesians 4, Romans 12 and 1 Peter 4:9-11. The gifts that he listed here are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discernment, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues. An important verse in this story is verse 7

Y Prayers for the following New Church

Developments: Concord Presbyterian Church, Delaware, Ohio New Albany Presbyterian Church, New Albany, Ohio Ramseyer Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohio

Y Pray for Mary McNamara, President of

United Seminary, whose cancer has reappeared.

Y Pray for Carole Lloyd, a friend of Pastor

Paul and Amy Moore, whose brain cancer has reappeared.

Y Pray for a seven year old boy named Carter Olson who has completed

To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. You and I have been given Spiritual gifts to use for the common good. Yesterday in worship everyone took a Spiritual Gifts inventory. Which three gifts did you identify? How could you use these gifts for the common good today? If you werent able to be in worship which of the nine gifts listed above would you identify in yourself? As you pray today, pray that you can use your gifts for the common good.

Wednesday, November 2 Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13 God chooses people based on their gifts. Many times the gifts that God wants to use are not immediately obvious to us. Samuel examined seven of Jesses sons as possible kings. Each of them seemed to have the gifts to be the king; however God wanted gifts that werent known by others. When David was brought forward to Samuel, God directed Samuel to choose him as king. God saw and knew the gifts of David. These gifts far outweighed the apparent gifts of his brothers. When we choose people for tasks in the church, we must ask God for discernment. Often what seems obvious to us is not the way of God. God knows the gifts of people and understands how those gifts can be used for the common good. Today, as you pray, pray about the gifts of the people at Chain of Lakes. Think about a particular person. What gifts has God given that person? As you think about the person give thanks and praise to God for the gifts. Then think or imagine yourself looking in the mirror. What gifts has God given you? Give thanks and praise to God for these gifts. Thursday, November 3 Read Exodus 4:10-17 Moses didnt acknowledge his gifts in front of God. God wanted Moses to go to Egypt and help lead the Israelites out of there. His question in verse 11 is one that many people in the Scriptures have asked of God, Who am I that I should go We often doubt the calling that God has given to us. God became angry with Moses because Moses kept questioning whether he should follow the call of God. When Moses doubted himself, God said he would provide

Aaron to help him. Aaron had the gift of public speakingsomething that Moses didnt identify himself as having. God doesnt get angry often, but one way to make God angry is to resist using our gifts in service. God has deep desires for our lives and wants us to live into these desires through our gifts. Moses eventually said yes to God. When we use our gifts we say yes to God too. Friday, November 4 Read Jeremiah 1:4-10 Like Moses Jeremiah had doubts about the call that God gave him. He thought because he was so young that he couldnt live into Gods calling. God responded with a remarkable reply: Do not say, I am only a youth; for [you] shall go to all to whom I send you, and [you] shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord. Jeremiah 1:7-8 At times it is scary to use our gifts. God is always willing to help us and be present with us. The above verse has the word, you in brackets. Put your own name in the brackets and read the verse over and over. Let that be your prayer today. Saturday, November 5 Read Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus baptism was like a commissioning. In front of many people the Spirit of God descended from heaven like a dove. It landed on Jesus. Jesus was God, so he had the gifts to be the Messiah. Through this commissioning the entire gathered group could see this.

Tuesday, November 1 Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-14:1 When we use our gifts God requires that we use them in love. Many people use their Spiritual gifts, but they dont use them for the common good and/or they dont use them in love. We can think of huge examples of people using gifts, but using them for themselves people like Muammar Gaddafi, or Bernie Madoff, or Tom Petters. And we can think of smaller examples of people who dont use their gifts for the common good and/or dont use them in love. Through the Spirit were asked to be relentless in using our gifts for the common good and use them in love. This is such an important task that its hard to imagine wanting to do it without the benefit of Gods help and presence. Today as you pray, pray that God will lead you to use your gifts for the common good and your motivation for using them will be love.

We have similar rituals in worship. We commission people to be leaders in the church, to serve as teachers for youth and children, even to serve as pastors of churches. Often people will have hands put on them, and a leader will pray over them. This commissioning is similar to the commissioning of Jesus in this story. The gifts that we bestowed on someone are recognized in public for use in ministry. Today, as you pray, pray for the leaders of Chain of Lakes Church. Pray that the gifts they have can be used for the common good and used in love. Also pray that we at Chain of Lakes will be a community where people are encouraged to know their gifts and then given opportunities to use those gifts in service to God and to others.

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