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College of Teacher Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9
(Based on DepEd Order #42 S. 2016)


A. Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature
and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to
use processing, assessing, summarizing information, word derivation and
formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and
interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a speech choir.

B. Performance Standards:
The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus,
Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and
Audience Contact.

C. Learning Competencies:

D. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

a. Identified the characteristics of an elegy found in the poem;

b. relate themselves or shared an experience with the given pictures; and
C. composed an elegy and performed it in a way of spoken poetry or a song
to the class.

A. Topic:
B. Values infused:
1. Compassion and appreciation towards life.
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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

A. References
1. Curriculum Guide
a. EN9WC-Ie-9
2. Other Learning Resources: Internet-Based

B. Teaching Materials
1. Laptop
2. PowerPoint Presentation
3. Visual and Audio-Visual Aids (e.g., projector, speaker)
4. Printed copy of the poem


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries
Good morning, Class! Good morning, teacher!

(a student volunteers)
Before we start our class, may I request
someone to lead the prayer?

Okay, Stacey volunteered. Please come in Let us bow in silence and feel the
front and lead the prayer. presence of the Lord…
Checking of Attendance

Before we jump into our discussion for

today, Attendance checker, do we have any
absentees for today?

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None, teacher. Everyone is present

That’s great! What a great way to start the
week. I believe no one has the ‘Monday
sickness’ today, right class?

Not everyone, teacher!

B. Warm-Up Activity

A lot of us have experienced loss in our

lives. We have lost family and friends,
homes, countries, pers, precious objects.
Now my dear students, we will be playing
the Act-it Out Challenge. I will be giving a
scenario and each group must portray that
scenario. You are given 30 given seconds
to prepare each scenario.

Did everyone get it? Yes, teacher!

Okay, very good. Now, proceed to your

groupings now students.

Group 1: Scenario 1:
(While burying their pet dog,
Your reaction to your dog’s death
everyone’s crying and hugging each
other while the owner is giving out her
final words to her furry friend before
burying it)
: brownie, it might be painful that
you’re gone now, but at least you no
longer have to experience pain. Your
agony is no longer prolonged.
Farewell, my furry friend, you will be

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College of Teacher Education

Group 2: Scenario 2:
Your Reaction to your idol passing away (While watching the evening news
telecast, one of their headlines is all
about a famous male actor passing
away due to an accident. This actor
happened to be Giana’s favourite
actor. She was shocked and couldn’t
process anything at that time. She
called her friend right away)
: Have you heard about the news?
It was so sudden. I don't know what to
do! Yu Min means so much to me.
: I was shocked as well. Explains
why his name is trending now on
twitter. Poor guy, he died on the peak
of his career.

Group 3: Scenario 3:
Your Reaction to a loved one who already
(Last night, Raul cannot sleep after
passed away visiting you in your dreams.
waking up from his dream. He
dreamed about his grandmother who
passed away years ago and only
realized it was her 5th death
anniversary. It was a long time ago
that he last went to visit her grave. He
opened this up to his mother
immediately the next day.)
: Mom, I think Lola visited me in my
dreams last night. I couldn’t sleep well.
: How was it? Was it a nightmare?

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: It wasn’t, mom. It was more a

reminder that we need to visit her
tomb anytime soon.
: You’re right. It’s been a while since
we went to see her. We’ll offer her a
Group 4: Scenario 4: prayer and some flowers then.
Losing a precious possession that came
from a late family member.

(Lisa went out with her friends wearing

the necklace her late grandfather gave
her. She accidentally dropped this
somewhere and only realized the
necklace was missing when she got
back home. She hurriedly scanned
their house for the necklace but was
nowhere to be found. She called her
friend immediately)
: But you weren’t any necklace when
you got back from the bathroom.
Maybe you lost it there?
: I only realized it was missing when
I got home. I can’t lose that necklace.
It was the only thing that reminded me
of Lolo.
: Don’t worry, we’ll go back to that
restaurant first thing in the morning.
I’m sure a someone from the store
was able to keep that.
: I won’t keep my hopes high, but
thank you for your help. Thank you,

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College of Teacher Education

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Fantastic job, everyone! Thank you all for

your active participation.

Does anyone want to share their

experience while doing this game? What
did you learn from doing this? Teacher!

Yes, Angela. It was exciting despite the topic’s

nature which is very sad, teacher. We
were able to collaborate and have the
same feelings towards the topic.

That’s nice, Angela. What about the others? Teacher!

Proceed, May. It was actually challenging in our

group teacher because some wanted
to have a calm reaction towards one
topic while the others wanted to have
a more emotional reaction.
It goes to show that each being is uniquely
different. We have different perceptions and
reactions to things. Just remember that our
emotions are valid. Anymore? I want to try, teacher.

Go ahead, Raul. Out of the activity, teacher, we were

able to express varied emotions
towards the topics and scenarios.

Expressing emotions can be very difficult

for some people. There is also a stigma on
how men should not cry and how women
are emotional beings. It’s a complex world
out there, students but the bottom line is
that you should not be afraid of your
emotions and to express them.

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College of Teacher Education

D. Lesson Proper
Now, students. Expression is the act of
saying how you feel or showing how you
feel. Now what are various methods or
ways to express yourself? Journals!
Creating stories!
Writing poetry!


In our previous discussion, we discussed

We talked about lyric poetry and the
kinds of lyric poetry.
Indeed, thank you. Who wants to share
what they have learned? Lyric poetry is a type of poetry that
expresses personal emotions,
thoughts, and feelings of the poet. It is
usually characterized by its musicality
and use of language that is rich in
imagery, metaphor, and other literary

Very good! What about the kinds of lyric

poetry? Can you please give me an
example, Carl. Yes teacher. One of the kinds of lyric
poetry is ode. It is a type of lyric poetry
that praises or celebrates a person,
event, or thing. Odes are usually
written in a formal style and have a
serious tone.

That’s correct, what is Sonnet? A sonnet is a 14-line poem that

typically follows a specific rhyme
scheme and meter. Sonnets are

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

known for their rhyme scheme and

often express themes of love, beauty,
and mortality.
Good job, Eliz.

However, is it possible that other emotions

can be a topic? Yes!

Okay, can you give examples? Anger!


Most of you answered emotions related to

sadness or melancholy. Now, what
situations make you feel sad? Anyone?
Losing someone

Oftentimes, it is when we lose someone

important. Have you ever attended a
funeral? Yes

Okay, can I have someone share their

Yes, Tom?
My lola passed away last year and it
was a very sad experience. A lot of our
family members came home and were
very devastated. Still, we tried to
remain happy by playing card games.
We did rituals like breaking pots,
washing our hair with vinegar, and my
sister’s lola recited a long piece of
wailing over my lola.

In our culture, we lament over the dead very

differently from others. We mourn for the
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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

dead for a week and conduct different

rituals because we have superstitions.
What Tom said to students is an example of
Lamay and what your lola did is called
Dungaw. In our own Ilocano culture, this is
a form of lamenting over the dead by
reciting an impromptu piece that rhymes at
every end of each line. In other cultures,
they also recite a poem or recite a speech
about the dead.

Does anyone know what they are called?

(No response)
It’s okay, don’t be afraid to try, class.
Teacher, may I try?
Go ahead, Jien

Is it called a tribute?

Nice try, Jien! Jien gave us a great hint,

we’re getting closer. Tribute is something
you do to express your salute or to praise
someone. Now, does anyone want to try? Teacher!

Go ahead, Louis Obituary, teacher?

Again, close answer Louis. Obituaries notify

the public of your loved one's passing. It is
usually with the details about his or life.

It’s actually called a Eulogy or Elegy.

A eulogy is usually a speech that praises

the achievements and character of a person
who has died, often as part of a funeral

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

An elegy is a poem that expresses sorrow

or melancholy, often about someone who
has died.

Have you ever read or heard of an elegy,

students? Not yet, teacher.

Okay, it’s understandable that you’re not

aware of elegies since it’s not a common
practice here in the Philippines.

But who here experienced losing someone

(Students raise hands)
or something important?

What would you feel if you lost your

parents? Does anyone want to answer? Teacher!
Let’s hear it, Ben. Realistically speaking, teacher. I’d feel
scared. Their existence is a necessity.
Without them, I wouldn’t be able to
survive. Their love and care are
something I cannot live without.

Losing a parent is difficult. But what would

you feel if you were the parent and you lost
your child?
A rather difficult question, right? Since you
are all but teens yourself. Side note though,
I’m not suggesting you become one
anytime soon but think about it. How would
Can I try, teacher?
you feel in this situation?

Sure, Gelo. Let’s give a hand to Gelo.

I’ve heard people say that “the death
of a child is the greatest sorrow of a
parent” The reality that parents will
die sooner than their children is
inevitable. But if that were to happen
to me, as a father, I would be in
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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

disbelief. I’d feel so much anger at

how I wasn’t able to do so much to
prolong my child’s life. I’d feel so
much sorrow and cannot imagine
Good job, Gelo for expressing your feelings.
what I'd do.
It’s difficult to share emotions let alone
share. But it’s best to not keep it all in and
express it anyway. One method is through
an elegy.

Here we have an example of an elegy

written by Conrado V. Pedroche.

Get one and pass the poem. Let’s read the

poem in silence first then I want you to mark
down parts of the elegy that you find
interesting or puzzling. You can encircle
words, add question marks, add sad or
happy or any emoticons you can think of. An Infant’s Death by Conrado V.

1 You were not meant for sorrow,

little one;
2 You were not meant for music
nor the pain;
3 You were not meant for
September rain
4 Nor the sunshine and the
grass; for now you are gone
5 From those sweet, fleeting
moments with warm love
6 And scented breasts; from the
eyes that wondered long,
7 From lips joy-parted from a
mother’s song’
8 And arms that ached with
tenderness. But of
9 This earth you have become

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College of Teacher Education

10 A brief and sudden loveliness

11 Wrap in the softness of a new-
born flower.
12 What if you knew no living
13 No far and shining wonders
14 Earth holds no beauty lovelier
than your hour.
Well. How did you feel after reading the
poem? Okay, let’s read the poem again but
this time out loud.
An Infant’s Death by Conrado V.

1 You were not meant for sorrow,

little one;
2 You were not meant for music
nor the pain;
3 You were not meant for
September rain
4 Nor the sunshine and the
grass; for now you are gone
5 From those sweet, fleeting
moments with warm love
6 And scented breasts; from the
eyes that wondered long,
7 From lips joy-parted from a
mother’s song’
8 And arms that ached with
tenderness. But of
9 This earth you have become
10 A brief and sudden loveliness
11 Wrap in the softness of a new-
born flower.

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College of Teacher Education

12 What if you knew no living

13 No far and shining wonders
Reading the poem twice, I think we were 14 Earth holds no beauty lovelier
able to somewhat internalise it. than your hour.
So from the title of the poem alone, it talks

From reading the poem, what overall

emotion can you get from this? An infant’s death

Go ahead, Louis. Teacher!

From the poem, teacher, the author

feels sorrowful from the death of the
infant. The author feels heartbroken
that the baby was not able to indulge
in the earthly pleasures of life. The
child would have experienced a great
life ahead of him and her. Who knows
who the child would have been but
Let's applaud Louis for that comprehensive that dream was cut short.
insight. But does anyone want to challenge
Louis? Is there a possibility that the author
is not sad but rather happy instead?
The poem is open for interpretation. There’s
no wrong answer here, my dear students.
Teacher may I try?

Okay, nice job for trying. Let’s hear it then,

What if the child was suffering?
Suffering from a sickness. The author
felt the pain of the infant and watching
the child going through such treatment

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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

made it much more difficult and more

sorrowful than the actual death of the
infant. The author felt comfort from the
death of the child because the child is
now free from the pain.

Nicely done, Kris. Plus 3 points to Louis and

Kris for giving such thought-provoking

Now, to further understand the depth of the

poem, let us have a line-by-line analysis of
the said elegy.

Can someone read the first line? Okay Ines,

you read.
You were not meant for sorrow, little
So how would you interpret the first line? one;

The first line describes a “little one” so

it is most probably a child, an infant to
be exact as stated in the title “An
Infant’s Death”. “Little one” is also a
sign of tenderness and affection
through the tone and the choice of
words. And then it further states that
the child was not meant for sorrow
suggests that the speaker believes the
child was meant to be happy and
So why do you think children must be happy
and carefree and not to be sad or sorrowful?
I think teacher because they are still
young, they are fragile and must be
taken care of and infants must be
nurtured and loved in order to grow
healthy and kind.

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College of Teacher Education

That is such a good interpretation. Now we

move on to the next line. Can somebody

Okay Joshua. You were not meant for music nor the

The second line continues the pattern

of negation, stating that the child was
Interpret it based on your knowledge.
not meant for music or pain. This could
be interpreted in different ways - the
speaker may be suggesting that the
child was not meant to experience the
emotions that music and pain can
evoke, or that the child was not meant
to have a life that was marked by
extreme highs and lows.

Thank you, Joshua. Does anyone want to

further elaborate? Me teacher.

Okay Lily.
Music and pain are binary opposites.
Music being the symbol of happiness,
liveliness and vigor. While pain is the
opposite. It is suffering, grief and
anguish. And the narrator is sad that
the infant would not experience music
as much as there will also be pain in a
person’s life.

Thank you for that wonderful interpretation.

Next line, may we have Jeremy.

You were not meant for September

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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

The mention of September rain may

evoke a sense of melancholy and
transience. September is often
associated with the end of summer
and the beginning of fall, which could
symbolize the fleeting nature of life.

Rain could also symbolize sadness

because it is often associated with a
gloomy atmosphere. Rainy weather
can be associated with feelings of
isolation and loneliness, loneliness
when someone is not there anymore.

Wow. What a deep interpretation. This

shows how well you’ve understood the

Me teacher.
Now for the fourth line. Any volunteers?
Nor the sunshine and the grass; for
Okay, read the line and interpret it.
now you are gone

The line "Nor the sunshine and the

grass; for now you are gone" suggests
that the child has passed away and is
no longer able to experience the
simple joys of life, such as feeling the
warmth of the sun and enjoying the
beauty of nature. The phrase
"sunshine and the grass" may be a
metaphor for the beauty and vitality of
life itself. The fact that the child is now
gone implies that their life was brief
and incomplete, and they were not
able to experience all the happiness
and wonder that life has to offer. The

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

line reflects a sense of loss and

mourning over the child's untimely

That is right. Every death is painful and it

hurts more if it is a child, moreover if it is an
infant. Yes teacher. I agree.

Okay, let’s move on with the fifth line. Can

someone read?
Okay Mario.
From those sweet, fleeting moments
with warm love

The phrase "sweet, fleeting moments"

suggests that the child's life was
characterized by brief moments of
happiness and love. The use of the
word "fleeting" emphasizes the sense
of transience and short-livedness.

Very good. How about “warm love”? What

is it referring to?
The phrase "warm love" emphasizes
the nurturing and affectionate nature
of these moments, possibly referring
to the child's interactions with their
loved ones, especially the parents. A
mother’s hug is always warm and feels
like home so I think that is what the
“warm love” is also referring to.
Overall, the line conveys a sense of
nostalgia for these precious moments,
which are now just memories.

Thank you for that comprehensive and

emotional interpretation.

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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

Can someone read the sixth line?

Okay Aera. The floor is yours.
And scented breasts; from the eyes
that wondered long,

And scented breasts; from the eyes

that wondered long" refers to the
child's experience of being nurtured by
their mother. The phrase "scented
breasts" suggests the comforting
scent of the mother's body, which the
child associated with safety and
security. This line also emphasizes the
child's connection to their mother
through the act of breastfeeding,
which can create a powerful bond
between mother and child.

The second part of the line, "from the

eyes that wondered long," suggests
that the child was curious about the
world around them and was always
exploring their surroundings. The use
of the word "wondered" suggests a
sense of awe and amazement,
possibly indicating the child's sense of
wonder at the world and their place in
it. This line emphasizes the child's
innocence and curiosity, as well as the
mother's role in nurturing and guiding
the child's development.
Such a long and complete answer. You
have provided us with amazing analogies
and examples. Very good job.

Seventh line? Anyone? Okay Luke. You

read it.

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College of Teacher Education

From lips joy-parted from a mother’s

What do you think the line tells us?
This line of the poem mentions "lips
joy-parted from a mother's song,"
which could be interpreted in a
number of ways. It may suggest that
the child found joy in listening to their
mother sing, or that the mother found
joy in singing to her child.
The line suggests that the child was
soothed and comforted by the sound
of their mother's voice, possibly
indicating a close and loving
relationship between mother and
Thank you, Luke. Any further child.

Yes, Gigi?
The mother's song in this line
represents a powerful expression of
maternal love and affection. It is like
telling your baby stories even if they
still don’t understand it. Even so,
mothers still do this and it brings
comfort to a baby by hearing her
mother’s voice. They even do it when
babies are still inside the tummy, and
parents are still doing it as they get
older. But in this instance, the baby is
not there anymore.

Very good, Gigi. You all have wonderful

insights about the passage. Anyone who
would want to try line 8? Yes, Joseph?
And arms that ached with tenderness.
But of

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College of Teacher Education

In this line, the mother is describing

what it feels like to hold a baby for a
long time. But as departing from what
it literally means, I can say that the
mother is reminiscing the times when
she can still carry her baby. Nothing
can ever reciprocate the moment she
had with her baby even if she’s tired
from carrying and nursing him/her all
Wonderful ideas. You were able to expound
on such a simple statement. Anyone who
would like to volunteer?
Yes, Mina?
This earth you have become memory,

In this passage, it has been made

clear that the mother acknowledges
the fact that her baby is already gone,
and that the memories of what once to
be a bundle of joy who came to this
world are nothing but distant
memories and are now only meant to
be cherished and remembered.
Impressive thoughts, Mina. In this
passage, it was really made clear of the
truth that the loss of a loved one will really
leave a void. Any more hands?

Let’s have Philip. A brief and sudden loveliness fulfilled,

In this passage, I can say that things

went too fast for the mother and the
baby. Her loss was too soon as she
still hasn't fulfilled her duties as mother
to her child. It goes to show that death
really is unexpected and no matter
how we want to spend the rest of our
lives, all we can do is to make the most
out of the time that we have with them.

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College of Teacher Education

Thank you for sharing such great insights,

Philip! How about line 11, who wants to

Yes Betty? Wrap in the softness of a new-born


For me, in this line, the mother

compares her child to the softness of
a newborn flower which is fragile. This
also gives off the idea that the
innocence of a baby is what makes
him/her fragile, teacher.

Short but direct to the point answer, Betty.

Good job! In the next lines, the two seem to
have the same idea or are connected to
each other. Anyone who wants to try, class?

Yes, Jasper? What if you knew no living victory, No

far and shining wonders half-

This line represents the ‘what-if’s’ of

the mother if her baby was also given
the chance to live, where several
opportunities could’ve also been
awaiting for him/her. Because I
believe that one of the shining
wonders that life can give us is the
opportunity for us to experience and
learn from this journey and how these
lessons became contributory factors
to our growth as better versions of
Great insight, Jasper, it was just so ourselves.
unfortunate that the infant wasn’t able to

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

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MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

experience the wonders in life. For the

concluding line, who wants to share his or
her insight?

May we have Tristan. Earth holds no beauty lovelier than

your hour.

In this last line, what mattered most to

the mother are the moments she had
with her baby. Those mattered in a
sense that not even anything here on
earth is lovelier than the time she
conceived and gave life to her infant
but in life, there are things or
circumstances that are just out of our
control. Although we can argue or
state that she will, one day, move on
from this painful experience, her
current feelings as a mother will
remain valid.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts,

Tristan. Passing of a loved one indeed is
such a painful process and that moving on
cannot be done overnight. Great insights,
dear students!

Now that you’ve understood what an elegy

is can someone synthesize our topic for
today? Elegy has a theme of sadness and
grief of losing a person, a loved one,
a pet, or even a person whom you
have no personal relationship with.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education


I will distribute a sheet of paper to each one

of you as you notice the paper has a
tombstone, and your task is to paste a 1x1
picture and create your own epitaph.

An epitaph is a short inscription or

statement written in memory of a deceased
person, typically engraved on a tombstone
or monument. Epitaphs can be simple or
elaborate, and may include a person's
name, dates of birth and death, a message
of remembrance or tribute, or even a
humorous or witty phrase. Epitaphs are
often written by family members, friends, or
loved ones as a way to honor and
remember the person who has passed

An example of an epitaph is

Here lies Baby Ana,

A beautiful and sweet daughter.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

She has the purest heart,

And will be loved beyond stars.

I will give you 15 minutes to finish your

activity. After that, you may pass your
paper in front. Are there any questions?
None so far, teacher.


To apply what you have learned in our lesson, compose your own elegy about any
sorrowful event in your life and you will perform it in front of the class. Your poem and
performance will be graded based on the following criteria:

Rubric for Written Output:



Novelty (the The writer’s Uniqueness in The writer’s There is

perspective of perspective the perspective of perspective admirable
the writer the writer is uniqueness of
adheres to is not seemingly is very unique the writer’s
originality) apparent , and apparent, and the and evident, and perspective, and
the approach approach shows the approach the approach
is very fair creativity. illustrates good manifests
ordinary. creativity. excellent

Style/Technique Use of There is fair use The good amount Efficiently and
(the use of vocabulary, of vocabulary, of vocabulary, effectively
vocabulary, figurative figurative figurative incorporated
figurative language, and language, and language, and vocabulary,
language, and sensory sensory details in sensory details in figurative
sensory details) details is the piece, which the piece language, and
lacking, thus adds minimal moderately sensory details in
generalising the poem that

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education
the literary response to the evokes the show strong
work. reader/s. reader/s. suggestiveness.

Mechanics/ Use Frequent Some errors in Minimal errors in The literary work
of Convention errors in punctuations, punctuation, is free from
(correct punctuations, spellings, and spellings, and misspellings and
spellings, spellings, and grammar grammar do not errors in
punctuations, grammar interrupt the hinder the punctuations and
and grammar) hamper the reader/s in reader/s in grammar, and
reader/s in reading and reading and the reader/s fully
reading and understanding understanding understand the
understanding the poem. the piece piece without any
the text. interruption.

Message can
Message (the be merely The poem is Clear message is Message is
purpose of the extracted from lacking in focus evident in the text convincing and
message) the poem due and somewhat that engages the obvious allowing
to very little engages the reader/s in the reader/s to
focus; reader/s, thus reading in and interpret the
therefore, the fairly achieves its through the poem very easily
poem, and
purpose is not purpose.
achieved which attains its accurately.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education
Rubric for Oral Presentation:



Physical Uses posture Uses posture Uses posture Unsure eye

Presence appropriate for appropriate for the appropriate at contact and
the poem, looks poem and times unsure, at body language.
relaxed and establishes eye times confident. Did not try to
confident. contact with all involve the
members of the audience during
Establishes eye audience during the presentation.
contact with all the presentation.
members of the
audience during
the presentation.

Voice Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles

Articulation and distinctly all and distinctly and distinctly most or can not be
the time, and all the time, but of the time. understood or
mispronounces mispronounces Mispronounces no mispronounces
no words. one word. more than one more than one
word word.

Evidence of The performers The performers The performers The performer

Understandi know the poem know the poem know some of the could not say the
ng well and have pretty well and poem, but do not poem without
obviously have evidently appear to have using a written
practiced practiced reciting practiced. Refers copy.
reciting the the poem once or to notes 3-4 times,
poem several twice. Refers to and the performer
times. There is notes once or appears ill-at-
no need for twice, but the ease.
notes and the performer is
performer relatively
speaks with confident.

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future
College of Teacher Education

Castro Ave., Laoag City, 2900 Ilocos Norte, Philippines

  (077) 600-2014

MMSU @45: ACHIEVE-ing more for the future

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