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Scene 1: Class
Characters: Selen, Kate, Diora, Mr.Smith, Lucy, (cameo)

SELEN: (whispering to Kate) Hey do you know?

KATE: what?
SELEN: isn’t she her close friend?
KATE: yeah, does she not care about her best friend?
SELEN: I don’t know. Doesn’t she feel normal when she finds out that her best friend is missing?

(DIORA come to class)

DIORA: …..

(LUCY come to class)

LUCY: Dioraaaaaaaaa~ (Lucy greets Diora happily)
LUCY: How are you? Are you all right?
DIORA: Yeah, that is so
LUCY: you must be very tired of people who often ask you, right?
DIORA: Yeah, I don’t even understand what they are asking me


(The teacher entered the class)
(the Students go to their seats)
Mr. SMITH: Good morning everyone!
STUDENTS: Good morning sir!
Mr. SMITH: Are you ready for today’s math quiz?
DIORA: (mumble) oh damn
DIORA: (Sigh) Haaaaaaaaah~
Mr. SMITH: Okay, students, before starting, keep your bags in front of the class, and you can only have
stationery on the table. Understand?
STUDENTS: Yes, sir~
DIORA: Aaaah how about this I don't memorize anything, okay, I'll just count the buttons
(all of students doing the task)
(during doing a task, diora is counting the buttons of her uniform for getting the answer)
(Diora accidentally drop her pencil)
(Diora trying to take the pencil)
(Diora found some long hair strands on the floor)
DIORA: Wait, does my hair loss when I scratch my head? Ah yeah, don't think about it, the important
thing is I have to do this math quiz first.


Scene 2: Canteen
Characters: Diora, Ansel, Selen, Kate, Ronald

(Diora looks around canteen)

(Ansel grab Diora’s shoulder)
DIORA: Oh my god! you just strarled me, Ansel!
ANSEL: Hahaha sorry~ btw, how was the quiz? Wasn’t the quiz easy enough earlier?
DIORA: (Diora answered him with a forced smile) Easy? Yeah of course it's easy ... for you. You’re
ANSEL: Owwhh, not really, I'm the same as you guys who have difficulties in taking exams or quizzes
haha, but that quiz was indeed easier than the previous, wasn’t it?
DIORA: all math quizez are too difficult for me.
ANSEL: Hahahaaa, don’t do that. Let's go. I will pay for it
DIORA: (confuse) I will pay for it? Wait… so, you will buy a meal for me?
ANSEL: yeah, of course
DIORA: Are you serious?
ANSEL: I'm serious. I know that your mood is bad because of the quiz
DIORA: Wait? How do you know?
ANSEL: Of course I know, I saw you sigh several times. I also saw you count the buttons of your own
(they’re looking for some snacks)
(after getting the snack, they’re taking seats)

SELEN: When her best friend is missing, she’s even closer with another guy
KATE: Looks like she doesn’t care about her bestfriend
SELEN: Aaah, I really feel sorry for being friends with people like Diora

ANSEL: Don't listen to them, they don't know anything

DIORA: (Diora answered him with little bit angry) Then, do you know anything about this matter? …..
Never mind, my mood is gone. I'll go back to class
(Diora leaves Ansel)
(Ronald greets diora)
RONALD: Hey, Diora! What’s wrong?
(Diora nudge Ronald)
(Ronald is approaching Ansel)
RONALD: What’s wrong, bro?
ANSEL: Nope, nothing
RONALD: you know, I told you, you shouldn’t try to getting close with her because the people know that
she’s not a good girl. She doesn’t care about her best friend anymore.
ANSEL: Don’t say it. I think she’s the best girl in this school


(The sign that school activity is done today)

Scene 3: Diora’s room

Characters: Diora, Anneth
(Diora entered her room and then throwing her bag)
DIORA: (Sigh) Sucks!
(Diora suddenly sit at her dressing table)
DIORA: it was the worst day! Why are they treat me like that? They don’t know anything
(Diora found a strand of long hair)
DIORA: wait… why this strand of hair is long? My hair is short and the color is quite different from
(Anneth appeared through her reflection in the mirror)
(Diora looked back, then anneth’s disappeared)
(Diora grabbed the strand of hair)
DIORA: It really isn't my hair, and also the strands that I found in the classroom aren't mine.

ANNETH: Are you happy without me?

(Diora shocked and rush to the bed and pull the blanket)
ANNETH: (crying) Why?
(Diora put her headphone and fall asleep)
(the rooster crows)
(Diora prepare herself to going to school)

Scene 4: School(Class)
Characters: Diora, Ansel, Anneth, Selen, Kate, Lucy

(Diora approaches Ansel)

DIORA: Hi. Ansel. Sorry for yesterday’s incident. I was upset
ANSEL: Oh Hi, Diora. Don’t mention it! I know what you feel
(Selen gossiping)
SELEN: Oh I see, you are happy Anneth disappeared, right? Because you have been fallen in love with
Ansel since you were friend with Anneth, right?
(Diora suddenly stand up from the chair)
DIORA: Shut up Selen! You don’t know anything!
SELEN: Uhhh, you are so angry, I’m afraid. Hahaha
KATE: oooh come on selen, someone is angry, don’t you afraid?
SELEN: of course I’m very very afraid of her, we better go to our seats, let’s go Kate
DIORA: yes, just go!
(Ansel try to calm down Diora)
ANSEL: Don't think what did they say, they didn't know anything. They just want to put you down.
DIORA: Yes, Ansel. But I'm tired of talking incoherently like that. It made me feel even guilty since
Anneth disappeared


(Someone looking at diora at the back corner of the classroom)
ANNETH: (Whispering) Dioraaaaaaa~
DIORA: Lucy, do you call me?
LUCY: What? I’ve been silent
DIORA: Oooh, Okay
(Diora getting goosebumps)
(Someone grabbed diora’s leg)
DIORA: (Scream) Aaarrrrgggghhhhhhhh
ANSEL: What’s wrong, Diora?
DIORA: It's okay, it's just that it seemed like someone was gripping my leg under the table.
ANSEL: Maybe you have a lot of minds. You are tired so you are hallucinating
DIORA: I think I should go to wash my face
(Diora hurried to the toilet)

Scene 5: Toilet
Characters: Diora, Anneth
(Diora wash her face)
(someone knock the door)
DIORA: Please, just come in. the door is unlocked
(the door is opened, but no one enter)
(diora shoked and speechless)
(diora see a figure of a girl creepy)
DIORA: Who are you? What do you want?
ANNETH: You must know who I am
(The figure is disappeared)
(Diora leave the toilet)
(suddenly, Lucy is also on going to toilet)
DIORA: ah Lucy, im so sorry
LUCY: What’s wrong Diora?
DIORA: Lucy, I feel like something's weird lately. There is a female ghost who haunts me I don't know
what she wants
LUCY: Maybe it's just your hallucinations. There is no way a ghost can keep haunting you if you don't
have anything wrong with that ghost while she is alive.
DIORA: No. I really saw it clearly. I found strands of hair in class, then when at home, there were creepy
whispers. And earlier in class, someone grabbed my leg from under the table. And just now happened, she
showed herself in the school toilet
LUCY: I'm also confused about what to do, Diora. I don't know anything about this
DIORA: Okay, I'll go home first. I'm tired. Maybe I'm not getting enough rest. Bye, Lucy!
LUCY: Okay, Take care. Bye, Diora!

Scene 6: Diora’s Room

Characters: Diora, Ansel
(diora wondering about the figure that haunts her)
(Ansel is calling Diora, even in the late night)
ANSEL: Good evening, Diora. What are you doing?
DIORA: Oh, evening Ansel. I’m not doing anything. I’m just trying to sleep.
ANSEL: Oh sorry if i bother you I just want to tell you something.
DIORA: What do you want to say? Just tell me
ANSEL: Honestly, I like you, Diora
DIORA: What? OMG, I was surprised. Why do you like me?
ANSEL: “I have no reason why I like you. But, you are beautiful, you are kind, and you are my ideal
woman. We've known for a long time. Do you wanna be my girl?
(Suddenly, the screaming is sounded)
DIORA: Astagfirulah Bestie!
ANSEL: What’s happened?
DIORA: No, it’s nothing. I’m just shocked
ANSEL: Oh okay. So, how is your answer?
DIORA: Maybe I can't answer now, sorry. I am so sleepy. I want to sleep. See you tomorrow at school
ANSEL: Hmm okay. Good night, Diora. Sweetdream! Mwahhhh!
Scene 7: School (classroom)
Characteristics: Ansel, Diora, Ronald
(Diora is coming to school, while Ansel and Ronald are waiting in front of class)
ANSEL: Hi Diora!
DIORA: Hi Ansel!
ANSEL: You look so beautiful today
DIORA: Oh thank you, You look handsome too
ANSEL: Oh thank you, hmmm how about last night’s question? Do you already have the answer?
DIORA: Hmm, perhaps with a little doubt, I accept you to be my boyfriend
ANSEL: Oh really? Oh my god. Thank you, Diora
RONALD: Are you serious? You’re dating that girl right now.
ANSEL; Shhhhhtttttt!
RONALD: Oh damn!
DIORA: So, what will you do after this, Ansel?
(Suddenly, The bell is ringing)
MR. SMITH: Good Morning, Students!
STUDENTS: Morning Sir!
MR. SMITH: Okay, today we will discuss about Logarithm. Have you read about the source?
MR. SMITH: Whyyy?
RONALD: Oh Sir, you must know that math is very hated by all students. When we read the source that u
give, we never understand about it. Bcz we are not JEROME POLIN
MR. SMITH: what a nonsense! Forget it. We back to the discuss.
(MR. Smith explain about the material)
(Selen and Kate Gossiping Diora)
KATE: Selen, I heard that Ansel is dating Diora
KATE: I’m very sure. Bcz Ronald said that.
SELEN: NO WAY! IMPOSSIBLE! I don’t really expect that thing
(Mr. Smith suddenly looking back to Selen and Kate)
MR. SMITH: SELEN, KATE! What are you doing? Keep silent please. If you make a noise again, please
leave the class! Understand?
(All of students are studying until the bell is ringing)
Scene 8: Warehouse
Characters: Ansel, Ronald
(They are talking while smoking in the warehouse)
RONALD: I have some question for u
ANSEL: What?
RONALD: What things that makes u interest to Diora?
ANSEL: Why u ask about that?
RONALD: Please answer! Hmmm I know that diora is a beautiful girl, but don’t u suspicious to that girl?
Anneth is missing. And we know anneth was missing when diora tried to stay away from anneth. If I were
u, I will be suspicious to her. That’s all thank u!
ANSEL: honestly, it’s not about her appearance. I have other reason why I want to getting close with her.
RONALD: it’s your business. I don’t want to interfere about your problem
ANSEL: chills broo!
Scene 9: Classroom
Characters: Anneth, Diora, Lucy
DIORA: Is this Anneth’s bracelet?
DIORA: Help…Help…Help!
(ANNETH Approaching Diora)
DIORA: Please, I don't know anything. What do you want from me?

LUCY: Diora, why did you pass out in class?
DIORA: I saw the ghost again in the corner. She looked like mad to me. But I feel I haven't done anything
LUCY: By the way, are you dating Ansel?
DIORA: Hmm yaa, but I still feel something strange. Every time I get close to Ansel, I must be haunted
by that figure
LUCY: Never mind forget it. You are getting better right? Now, let's go home. It is getting dark

Scene 10: Class (The next day)

Characters: Diora, Anneth
(Diora come to class earlier, she takes a sit and listening to music)
“BRUGHHHH” (the chair moved and fallen)
(Diora stand up and feel scared)
(Anneth is crying and scarying Diora)
DIORA: Please what do you want?
(Diora is crying for a long time and feel stressful)

Scene 11: School(Canteen)

(Diora come to the canteen and see the dance party poster on the wall magazine)
DIORA: What? dance party? Tomorrow night? ... I hope ansel ask me to be his partner
(Soon after that, Ansel come to Diora and ask her to be his partner)
Ansel: Hi babe
Diora: Oh hi ansel, you make me shock haha
Ansel: did you see the poster?
Diora: yes of course, tomorrow night, right?
Ansel: yeah, have you get a partner?
Diora: Not yet (smiling)
Ansel: So, Are you willing to be my partner tomorrow?
Diora: Of course, I’m your girlfriend
Ansel: Oh okay. Then, go to the class! You’re late.
Diora: Okayy (while walking to the class)
Ansel: (Ansel is still standing and looking t diora with a smile)
Diora: Why don’t you also go to class? (blush)
Ansel: hmmm no I think. I have permission to decorate the school hall for tomorrow party
Diora: oh okay. See you!
Ansel: See you, babe!
(Ansel leave Diora and go to the hall)
Scene 12: School Hall
Characters: Ronald, Ansel, Carol
(Ronal, and Carol is decorating the ballroom for dance party while ansel come and immediately stay
CAROL: Ronald, can you bring me the ballons?
RONALD: (Ronald give the ballons)
CAROL: Thank you, bro. hmmm by the way, what’s wrong with Ansel? Does he have a problem? He
suddenly goes quite
RONALD: I don’t know. Maybe he is thinking about Diora, as I know, he is in love.
CAROL: WHAT??? It means that he is dating Diora?
RONALD: Yeahhh. I have talked to him that I’m not agree about his relationship
CAROL: I don’t expect about it. I think he is still Anneth’s boyfriend
RONALD: Whatt the ffffff?
ANSEL: Sssshhhh!!! Please decorate properly. So we can go home soon
RONALD: Hmm okayyyy

Scene 13: School Hall (Saturday night)

Characters: Diora, Ansel, Lucy, cameo

(Ansel and Diora entered the school Hall)

LUCY: (greeting Ansel and Diora) Hi Diora, Hi Ansel. You’re perfect couple guys
ANSEL: Oh, Hi, Lucy. You look so pretty tonight
(Diora little bit envy and shout & holding Ansel’hand)
ANSEL: What’s wrong, Diora?
DIORA: No, nothing
(Music start, Diora and Ansel go to middle and start dancing)
(Everyone look Diora and start mocking her)
KATE: You’re crazy girl. You shouted with no reason when we were dancing. Embarrassing.
(Lucy trying to calm Diora)
LUCY: Everything is alright, Diora. You still have time to erase this stigma
(Lucy suddenly looked Diora’s hand(bracelets))
LUCY: (interrogate diora with angry) Wait, is this Anneth’s bracelet? Why you’re wearing Anneth’s
bracelet? You know where Anneth is, don’t you?
DIORA: (start panic) No, it’s not what you think
LUCY: Maybe it's true what people say. You are the cause of Anneth's disappearance. And the figure that
has been haunting you all this time is Anneth. She is angry because of what you have done to her
CAROL: what?? That’s so horrible. I can’t believe it
SELEN: I’ve told you that Diora is so suspicious
KATE: OMG, bestie. so, you’re the one who make Anneth’s disappearance?
CAROL: I feel sorry for Anneth for being Diora’s bestfriend, I can’t believe you do a thing like this to
Anneth just for getting Ansel to be your boyfriend.
SELEN: Wow Dioraaa
(Lucy suddenly screaming and run outside)
DIORA: Lucy wait!
(Suddenly blank out, all of student leaving the hall)
DIORA: why did the lights suddenly turn off? Wait…. Where’s Ansel?
(Diora look Ansel at the corner hall and look him cry and acting weird)
(Ansel look diora and approaching her)
(Ansel suddenly grab diora’s hand make an eye contact with her)
ANSEL: (With a deep breath) I Love you
(Diora start to get scared by ansel’s behavior)
(Suddenly diora’s look at the corner of hall and see a corpse and start shiver)
(Diora move away from Ansel)
(Ansel looked Diora)
ANSEL: How beautiful you are. I really like the way you dress
DIORA: What do you mean?
ANSEL: I just want to try playing with you?
(Ansel touch Diora’s chin)
DIORA: Do not try anything with me!
ANSEL: Don’t be afraid. I will do it well
(Diora trying to run away from Ansel)
(Ansel trying to catch Diora but can’t)
(Diora hiding at under table)
ANSEL: Where are you, Diora? Do you wanna play hide and seek?
(Diora hit the table)
(Ansel find Diora)
(Ansel hand DIora hostage and talk to her)
ANSEL: “Do you know whose idea for tonight's dance party? Yes me. i wanna dance with you, i wanna
play with you, and i wanna …”
(A sharp knife cut diora’s hand until it bled)
DIORA: Arrgghhhh…You are insane. What do you want from me?
ANSEL: Hahaha, I want you to die. Cause I know, she's trying to haunt you, and that's gonna get all this
exposed. So, I have to kill you. But before killing, I want to play with you first.
(Suddenly Anneth’s come from behind and saving Diora by move Ansel’s knife to himself)
DIORA: Anneth, is that you?
ANNETH: You’ve done a big mistake, Diora
DIORA: I’m really sorry if I stayed away from you at that time. I just don't want to spoil your happiness
with Ansel. Honestly, I love Ansel too, but you have more right with him. And I let you guys date
(Anneth look at Ansel)
ANNETH: Do you love me, Ansel?
ANSEL: I’m sorry, Anneth
(Ansel faint)
DIORA: What are you talking about? I do not understand
ANNETH: Do you want to know what your big mistake?
DIORA: What? Please tell me
ANNETH: You've accepted the wrong man, bastard man
DIORA: bastard man? What’s wrong with him?
ANNETH: (with emotion) THEY BOTH HAVE KILLED ME!!!!!!!
DIORA: What do you mean they both?
ANNETH: I’ve been killed by Ansel and the other one who close to you?
DIORA: who’s that person, Anneth?
ANNETH: I've been waiting to tell you for a long time. But when I try to approach you, you are always
DIORA: So, what you’re going to say?
Scene: 14 (Flash back)
ANSEL: Anneth, I want to tell you something
ANNETH: what’s that?
ANSEL: honesly and Jujurly, I’ve been watching you for a long time
ANSEL: So….. I have interest with you Anneth, do you want to be my girlfriend?
ANNETH: (EXITED)Yes, Of course
ANNETH: wait, I think I forgot to do my assignment, I will go to the library
(Anneth accidentally see Ansel with Lucy)
ANNETH: is that Ansel?
(Anneth quietly spying Ansel)
(Anneth see Ansel and Lucy holding each other)
ANNETH: wait….. is that Lucy?? What they’re doing? Why they’re holding hand?
ANNETH: ….. (Shocked)
(Anneth drop her book)
(Ansel realized Anneth is watching them)
ANNETH: what are you doing?
ANSEL: nothing, I just studying together with Lucy
LUCY: yeah right Anneth, I just want Ansel to teach me, and just that.
ANNETH: HAAAH? Really? I don’t believe both of you
ANSEL: what do you mean? I am honest with you
(Ansel trying to grab Anneth’s hand)
ANNETH: (Scream)You’re a Liar!!
(Anneth push Ansel and get away from him)
(Anneth’s Bracelets fell)
ANSEL: Anneth!! WAIT!!
(Ansel trying to catch Anneth)
ANNETH: Get away from me, you are a Liar!
ANSEL: Okay Fine, Fine! I will tell you the thruth I… Have…More….Love….for Lucy,
ANNETH: Are you crazy?? You’re my boyfriend! How dare you cheating on me! With my friend
ANSEL: Anneth.. listen…-
(Anneth slap Ansel)
ANSEL: What the hell!! You slap me?
(Ansel suffocate Anneth)
ANNETH: Ansel, let me go!!
(Anneth try to struggle)
(Anneth found a pencil at the table)
(Anneth stab Ansel’s Hand)
ANSEL: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrggg!
LUCY: Ansel! Stooop! Please! You’re gonna make Anneth die!
(Ansel realize that Anneth is Die)
ANSEL: …Anneth?
(Ansel feel stressful)
(Ansel scearming and look at Lucy)
ANSEL: Lucy, you must help me to bury Anneth’s corpse
LUCY: wait… you mean anneth is already die?
ANSEL: shut up!! Please help me now!
(Lucy approach Ansel with a fear and help Ansel to bury Anneth’s corpse)
LUCY: (crying and smile) Good job Ansel!
Lanjutan Scene 13 (In the Hall)
DIORA: I can’t believe you’re that crazy. You killed my friend
(Diora leave Ansel and try to find Anneth corpse)
(Diora found Anneth corpse and hug her)
DIORA: Anneth forgive me please… I’m sorry for left you at the time. (Crying)
(Diora call the police)
DIORA: There is troble here, please come to Mandala’s school
(A few moments the police arrive)
(Lucy caught by the police and Ansel take to the hospital)
The body of a 17-year-old student was founded at the Mandala school with the initials AS. It is suspected
that he was killed by a student with the initials AF which helped by a classmate with the initials LP.
Because of the love problem. Apart from that, the perpetrator also tried to kill a friend of the victim who
initiated DN. Currently the bodies have been found and buried properly and the two perpetrators have
been arrested.

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