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Name, surname- Kevinkumar dhansukhbhai savaliya

The answers to the exam questions must be based on course topics (presentations), sources of
international law, and the student's knowledge and opinion. The use of other internet sources and
artificial intelligence is prohibited.

In case of plagiarism, the exam will not be accepted and graded!

Max points: 70 points

1. Compare international and national law. Fill in the table. (4 points)

Criteria International Law National Law

Subjects of law Mainly States Natural and legal persons

Separation of powers no Classical separation of powers

2. Find out for each area of law if is it Private International Law or Public International Law. Insert X
in the appropriate place. (4 points)

Areas of Law – examples Private International Law Public International Law

International Family Law X

International Criminal Law X

Your example of Private International Law: International Property Law

Your example of Public International Law: International Labour Law

3. Find out the correct period of time to each historical event/fact/concept ect. Use the key words
below. (3 points)
Key words: Antiquity, Middle Ages, The Early Modern Era, The 19th Century, The 20th Century

Historical event/fact/concept ect. Historical period of time

1. Clausula rebus sic stantibus. Middle Ages

2. The industrial revolution. 19th centuries.

3. The collapse of religious unity in Europe. The early modern era

4. The UN was founded. The 20th Century

5. Jus gentium. ANTIQUITY

6. Your example: The Cold War Period The 20th Century

4. Identify whether the following statement is true or false. Insert X in the appropriate place. (3 points)

Statement True False

1. UN Charter obliges all Members to ‘settle the international disputes by peaceful X

2. International law has central enforcement. X

3. International Law delimits the jurisdiction of the it’s subjects. X

4. Soft law contains non-legally binding international instruments. X

5. International law has vertical and centralized character. X

6. Your statement: Rules of customary International Law bind all States. X

5. Find out for each example appropriate source of international law. Insert X in appropriate place. (4

Examples International International General Soft Law

treaties custom principles

1. Giving foreign diplomats criminal immunity X

2. The Montreal convention for the unification of X

certain rules for international carriage by air, 1999

3. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights X

4. Sovereign equality of states X

6. Find out for each example appropriate subjects of international law. Insert X in appropriate place.
(3 points)

Examples States Regional International Non-Governmental Corporations

Organization Organization Organizations

1. World Health X
2. League of Arab States X
3. Sierra Leone X
4. Accenture X
5. Samaritan International X
6. Your example: UN X

II PART (about organization you made the presentation for 2nd homework assignment)!!!

1. Write the name of your organization. (1 point)


2. What is a main benefit of your organization for global community? Explain your answer. (2 points)
Answer – IMSO providing seamless and efficient system to member states.
This system is designed to give rapid communication in maritime and aeronautical emergencies to
enhancing safety and coordination.

3. What is your organization's contribution to the development of international law? Explain your answer.
(2 points)
IMSO has a membership comprising countries from Globe.
It is providing technical support to member states for implementing and maintaining satellite.
It is giving information of natural disaster or storm weather conditions to eliminate risk to save human

4. Explain your organization’s cooperation with other subjects of international law. (2 points)
IMSO is also working with private entities to navigate cargos or shipments, with NGOs to give
guideline during natural issues occurring. As well as helping states for maritime and aeronautical

5. Fill in the table about your organization. (8 points)

Name of your International or General or Open or closed Intergovernmental or

organization: regional functional nongovernmental

Answer: international functional closed Intergovernmental


Explanation: Made to resolve IMSO restricted Agreements between

Ensuring specific issue and membership to internal governments
maritime safety to provide general particular states or member states
world guide lines,
ensuring political

1. Choose one Latin term we studied in our course and explain its role in International law. (2
Answer – 1) Pacta sunt servanda
The concept of Pacta sunt servanda, which is the Latin term denoting the imperative nature of
upholding agreements, serves as a fundamental tenet within the realm of International Law.
This principle asserts that all participating parties to international treaties are obligated to honor
their commitments. It is crucial to note that the rule of pacta sunt servanda derives its
foundation from the underlying principle of acting in good faith, with the exception of cases
falling under jus cogens.
2) clausula rebus sic stantibus
The concept of clausula rebus sic stantibus, derived from Latin, refers to the present state of
affairs or the circumstances at hand. In the context of Public International Law, this doctrine
examines the notion that a treaty ceases to hold obligatory status when there is a substantive
alteration in the prevailing conditions.

2. Which subject of international law has full legal personality? Explain your answer. (2 points)
Answer –
Role of States
It is important to stress the continuing primary role of States as the only subjects with full and
‘original’ international legal personality.
The membership of the United Nations is limited to sovereign States, as international
organizations are only eligible for observer status.
The initiation of a contentious procedure before the International Court of Justice is exclusively
reserved for States.

3. What document is the most important in International Human Rights? Explain your answer. (2
collective agreement
The validity of provisions outlined in a collective agreement, regulations governing working
procedures, the terms of an employment contract, and directives issued by an employer shall be
null and void if they undermine the legal rights of an employee, in violation of applicable laws
and regulations.

4. Which sources (conventions, principles, agreements, guidelines, etc.), in your opinion, are the
most important in the field of International trade and business? Write down two such sources
and explain your choice. (4 points)
Answer –
In my opinion, agreements and guidelines are the most important in the field of International
trade and business.
I selected these two because, Agreements giving a specific understanding on particular topic or
on context of fundamental things. On those member states are agreeing so in future we can
avoid clash between member state and can work smoothly.
Furthermore, I chose Guidelines because if something happened in future. It can be solved as
per guidelines to avoid any economical or humanity damage.

5. What kind of benefits are of Self-regulation system in the advertising sector? Mention at least
two benefits. (2 points)
1) Marketers – The application of self-governance within the advertising sector, through the
promotion of ethical advertising methodologies, plays a significant role in fostering
consumer trust in diverse brands. Consequently, this cultivates customer allegiance,
improves sales outcomes, and consolidates a company's standing within the marketplace.
2) Policy Makers - Self-regulatory advertising standards offer an supplementary level of
safeguard for consumers that serves as a complement to the existing legal structure.

6. Which two Principles for good business practices from the United Nations Guidelines for
Consumer Protection are more difficult to put into practice? Justify your answer. (4 points)
1)Protection of privacy - As we all know in this era whatever things, product or online subscription you
are purchasing, you have to subscribe with your Email id, documents and contact number. In
marketing area, people are selling personal information to marketers for advertising purpose or its
giving to the fraudster for money as well.
2)Consumer complaints and disputes – Some of brands do not have proper complaint and dispute
settlement departments. Such as some Chinese mobile companies have big markets in India but when
customer need help with the damage product they must wait a longer for solution and sometime
dispute will be unsolved.
7. Which monopoly association has especially negative effect for consumers – cartel, syndicate,
trust or concern? Justify your answer. (3 points)
In my opinion, cartel has negative impact on consumer, because here two same product
manufacturers can manipulate prices of product and may they can restrict on supply. Which
may cause a lot.

8. Write three the most important reasons (in your opinion) why companies do reorganizations. (3
Mergers are frequently executed with the primary objective of acquiring a larger portion of the
market, diminishing operational expenses, venturing into unexplored territories, consolidating
similar products, augmenting revenue streams, and ultimately enhancing profitability— all of
which are anticipated to yield advantageous outcomes for the stakeholders of the involved
firms. Subsequent to the merger, the newly formed entity's shares are allocated among the pre-
existing shareholders of both constituent enterprises.
This form of merger arises when enterprises selling identical goods but operating in dissimilar
markets come together.

Enterprises participating in a market expansion merger aim to secure entry into a larger market,
thereby increasing their customer base.

9. You have a dilemma: what to choose – arbitration or litigation to resolve disputes that may
arise from a business contract? What will the choice depend on? (3 points)
I would like to go with arbitration, it is More flexible – parties can select the procedure that is most
appropriate for resolving their international dispute. On other hand litigation is not flexible.
With arbitration, The solution can satisfy both parties and in litigation there is only one winner.
Arbitration is confidential (unless the parties agree otherwise), private character. Where as litigation
can be Public.

10. What kind of contribution does the International Labour Organization make to the development
of international law? Justify your answer. (3 points)
International financial institutions (IFIs), such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank,
and African Development Bank (AfDB), have incorporated specific elements of labor
standards into certain facets of their operations.


An increasing number of bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements, along with regional
economic integration arrangements, encompass social and labor provisions pertaining to the
rights of workers.


Advocacy groups and non-governmental organizations utilize international labor standards to

advocate for modifications in policy, legislation, or implementation.

11. Do you agree with J.William Fulbright who said: Insofar as international law is observed, it
provides us with stability and order and with a means of predicting the behavior of those
with whom we have reciprocal legal obligations. Explain your point of view. (3 points)
Yes I strongly agree with J.William Fulbrigh international law is observing very well in all
areas of Law.
During the covid world fought together under WHO guidelines, vaccination program taken
together without any discrimination. I am Indian student I took vaccine in Latvia, there is also
no discrimination between citizen or non-citizen.
World together helping in War zone as well.

12. Which topic we studied in our course was particularly interesting and useful specifically for
you as a person and a student in your specialty? Explain your answer. (3 points)
I am really interested in The ICC codes are the International Chamber of Commerce codes on
marketing and advertising.
As my main goal of study is branding and marketing, this law of conduct will really help me to
maintain human rights, to follow it in genuine manner. I can learn more about this
internationally which can protect me from facing legal issues as well.

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