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Types of memory according to our senses

Visual 100-200 millisecond

Auditory 3-4 seconds

Touch – move



To learn a language we care a lot about visual and auditory.

Stages of memory

Encoding ( processing)

Storage (saving)

Retrieval (bringing the information back)

encoding, storage, and retrieval (Melton, 1963). Encoding is defined

as the initial learning of information; storage refers to maintaining
information over time; retrieval is the ability to access information
when you need it.

Difference between attention and concentration:

attention is an off and on activity, we can choose to pay attention to

something or not, on the other hand concentration has levels or
degrees though it is hard to measure these levels.

Attention is like pointing a flashlight at something. It's the act of focusing your
awareness on a specific thing while ignoring other things around it. It's like looking at
one object in a room full of objects.
Concentration is like keeping that flashlight steady on the same thing. It's the ability to
focus your mind on that one thing for an extended period. It's like holding the flashlight
steadily on the same spot without letting it wander or flicker.

In short, attention is about directing your focus, and concentration is about maintaining
that focus steadily over time.

Sub modalities
1. Visual System: This system is connected to our sense of sight. It involves mental
images and visual cues. When you remember a place you've been, or imagine a
scene, you're using your visual representational system.
2. Auditory System: This system is linked to our sense of hearing. It includes inner
dialogue, sounds, and even music playing in your mind. When you remember a
song or have a mental conversation, you're using your auditory representational
3. Kinesthetic System: This system is tied to our sense of touch, movement, and
physical sensations. It includes feelings of touch, temperature, and even
emotions. When you recall the feeling of a warm hug or the sensation of walking,
you're using your kinesthetic representational system.

Representational system

The opposite of concentration is distraction ( birblawi)

Some tips to empower your memory:

Try to set a plan for everything

Try to set a timer for anything you do.
Think about achievements not difficulties.
Distribute your tasks according to duration.
Obstacles of concentration:

- Not having motivator and stimuli.

- Not having a plan.
- Doing multiple tasks together.
- Not having priority.
- Being tired and getting sick.
- Thinking negatively.
- Attention deficit disorder ( a sickness) ADD.
- Lack of rehearsal and fulfillment.

1= yar
4= chakat
5= para
6= shagrd
7= halal
8= hanar
9= nwezh
10= dars


You have to use it or lose ( use the information that u learn. )

The main system:
You use numbers, words, places, pictures, colors to remember
things .

What is intelligence?
Is the speed you come across possibilities.

0 1 ‫ ر ِر‬k g 2 d t 3s z 4ch j 5p b 6 sh zh 7 (7) 8 ‫ ح خ غ‬h M

9 nafaq

0 ‫ِر َيوي‬
1 ‫فيل‬9 ‫ هةَلؤ‬8 ‫ حةَلوا‬7 ‫ شا‬6 ‫ ثَي‬5 ‫ ضا‬4 ‫ سَيو‬3 ‫ دؤ‬2 ‫كا‬

00 ‫ِر ةوِرةوة‬
01 03‫ِر استة‬ ‫ ِر اديؤ‬02 ‫ِرةط‬
04 ‫ِر اوضي‬
05 ‫ِر ؤب‬
06 ‫ِر اشي‬
07 ‫ِر ووح‬
08 ‫ِر م‬
09‫ِر ؤن‬

Some principals that make information stay for a long time:

1- Attention
2- Concentration (if you do not like a thing to memorize try to think
about it as a challenge and exercise).
3- Understanding.
4- 4- visualization ( photographic memory).
5- Imagine unusual pictures in your mind (for example a nail that
people can rest beneath.
6- Connecting new information to past information.
7- Connecting information to fear and sorrow and feelings.

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