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Task: "Sigulda" Mobile App Evaluation

Sub – Management of digital economy and society

EKA University of Applied Sciences

Name – Kevinkumar Dhansukhbhai Savaliya

An app evaluation is a comprehensive analysis of the features, functionality and overall
performance of a mobile application. Whether you're a user assessing the suitability of an app
for your needs or a developer looking to improve your creation, a thorough evaluation is
essential. In this process, we examine key aspects such as usability, design, performance,
security, and functionality, providing valuable insights that help you make informed decisions
about the app's usability and effectiveness. This assessment should help you understand the
strengths and weaknesses of the app and ultimately improve your digital experience.
✓ Downloading the "Sigulda" Mobile App:
Accessibility and availability – it is very easy to get from play store, it take less effort to
App size – size of this application is 16.33 MB.
It is very easy to get connected to app by simply making account into it with various bank
confirmation or you can use your ID card.

Here you can see Screen shot after getting into the app.
You can see at the top of page name of account holder and
below that functionality, you can direct enter to all of these
such as trending news, discounts available, transport,
contact book, your profile etc.
Bottom line of the page with almost same functionality
with detailed view.

Breaking news or activity – with the app you can go through trendig activities around the city. You can
be part of it and not going to miss the event. As a tourist it is the important feature to get the idea of
activity that you can enjoy at place.

Here is the section where we can see Trending activities.

To know more about it need to click on the page and you can see detailed
description about activity such as below.

What is the activity?

When and where it will be take place?

What is the fees ?

Contact of the organiser.

Here in this screenshot you can see bottom line functions.

There we can use tourism fuction to find a cafe, restaurant, hotels or

some attractive place available near by even you can see the distance,
contact details and description of place.

Best thing is you can go through pictures of place, so you can get idea for
worth visiting or not.

We can see map feature top left corner which can directly open google
map and app has their own mapping feature, so which make app very
easy to use to find a location for particular place.
Map feature – as mentioned above we can use map through the app to reach the destination. Mapping.

feature of app is visible and detailed

Transport – you can see transportation feature available on app. You can see the departure place and
time on weekdays and weekend.
Pros of application
Easy to log in.

Very easy to understand its functionality.

Detailed description of particular things. Eg. Contcats, address

Multy funnctional. E.g Food, transport, tourist place, trending news.

Cons of application
Battery consumption high.

No english language available. If its local people oriented then it is ok.

Ideas to improve application

Multy language can be added.

High graphic quality.

Can be added purchase function to make it more multi-functioned.

In my opinion, sigulda app has multiple functionality with detailed description. We can use it for transport,
to know recent activity or nearest tourist attraction. So, we can avoid other application but to improve
more can give purchase option for transport or can add booking or reservation option for hotels.

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