Gravitation 1 KSA 9th

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CTsavitzrbon hapter- lo)

Univesa a vtagOT
Ako knonn QS Newton's law of G1aavitabdn
#Acodirg t Universal lqw gavitabbn
a foxce
this uniuese
attraus evey other obgect

diety poppotidna) to the podu of their masseg

2 qn inveasely opoatonal to the Sauare of the
clistance b them
Let two objects A and B of
musses M and m sespehvely
e at aclistance d oDM eath
othex d

A toUnivesa aw of g3avitzubdn,
the fooe b the s
) F d M xm

CoNbíning balh h eq Ne get

F Mm

F= Mxm

whee G univesal qva Vityhbn constant

Unives al savitnbion Conatant ( )

Nenon X metre
G Fxd2
Mxm (KilogaM)2
SI unit o 61 Nmkg
G 661 x toNm-Kq
*The value o was found out by Heny Cavendan
asensidve balante
D using
Smol vclue afgravitrabbnal (onuti tells
The extem*ly
Us tha ote af avitabdn b a two 0vdinuy
ob will be veny very neakK
Gvitubdnal onst is equal to the toste
which exic bl tuo bodies qf unt masse kept
unit elistane fao each other
Cn Fx d

Gn F

Foat grovitntbn s a ve ctor quumbity

Imtotore Vniversol La of Caruvitybdn

J pained Seve eol phenomenon ike
The foe thab binds us to the eaath.
t moon arbund tN earth
The rnobbn

3 The mobdn pkan audund t Sun

The tdes cue to the moon and he Sun

Tnvese - squure Rule

Ne double 4h dictore bl w bodiea

entoboral toete be tome
one forth
halve the distone b wo bodies
Th ontbbrul fore b ebe (ome dour bmes.
t Free fall The alling of a body trom a height
tDwards the eaxth underthe gvavitubdnal fone
eoth s calledree doll
Giulileo concluded that
The qcelerqbdn f
opject talling freely towards
egath does not depend On MusS a and
gumefor all te bodies

Why why Cmetal coin eaches the und first and -feather
takes nmoR me to seah,
doppedrom Same

This s due to the frt that Suafae areu is

ery cabe as
COMpaed to
mudh mo oesista ne
eathe expenentes
foor a i gn t sþee
Speed issloned
cown. In a((um, botn ill each qt Same me.)
AcelerubGon due to gavty
* Tne unifosm auelerabdn produed in in aa
foeely falling body
due to qoqvitabdnal forte eadth is known
qcelerabdn due t qvity
Ttiscenotad by
Jts SI unit fs MSs2

Relobbn b a and
Act to univesal law Giavitrhon
F Gm
to 2nd lg 4f MobDn
F ma

f mg -)
Taom equ ) gnd i)
mg Nm
9 G1M

Hee 9 qceleeqbdn due to graviy

Unveasal Coqvitational Const
H Mass a4 Eaath
distante b) dbyet and eadbh.

Thus cloos nob depend on mas a obyet

3f the Obec sOn tha Suafate feaath
Then d= R (Rudius &aath)

*On Poles ess
weyht More

On ecuaor R MoMore
waght less

* Value 9f. a, on th Eaotht udae

Pt C 67 Xio Nm- Kg2
M 6x kg
R 64 xIom ds

R (64 Xo)2
Thus value Of Cituejedabbn due » gavity e
9.8 MS

Gaaviba, The eeth attonda all the obyects tovaels

its Cetre The forte with hich the eqvth
pulls the object tvwaals it s culled he
savitatbngl fore euath br 61aavity
#Sinikiare roaut
is sesponsi ble foa holding the qtmosphere
the eaxtn
2 Rain falling t the eaath
lon oder in the ivex
Keep US fismly on ound

t+aqitabonal Forte
At to Nenon eveny obset n this univease atsqcbs
evey other objedt with a cetin ore The fore with
whith two Dbsets attracs eadh othex Is Callecd 9avitabdna'

+Centuipetal forte Ccente- seeking)

The fove thct COuses the aueleation and keeps tha body
along the cioular poth is atng tvwards the
movin forre s called the centn peta) gorre,
Cehtre This fore
The mobibn moon ardund he earth s due t
the cenbi petal ore The centipebl fone is provided
b he fore QE ttraubbn of the euath

Nhy Ne
Jhy Ne (annt See. the mobon the eaath tDNOBds
skone? t
Au Newbon's Ind lqs qf motibn
= ma OR
ey small, due to whth
Stone is
Hs the mass f a

a laae queleubon ih t
g3citabbnal fore
g3qvitabbna produces
towabds -he eaath
qnd we Can See the sbone culling
eath q very mall quelerobon
But due » ge mass q mobdn
we cannot see the earth's
podues n eth aad
tovards the dalting stone
s max. On
The value o quelerabon due to qaviby
the 8ufae of eadth
h e value d e c . on going above the sufate
of easth be t i s e

As distante inc cind hence the Value dec

The value
of dlso dec n going belon the
8uefote of eaat or inside and t betoMes
ze at the Cehtre t h e
This foamula not applcahle side tha Susfote)

does not depend on mass

+ c

As 9 does notb depend on mass o body Thexforr)
big 8tone qnd a Small stone chopped froM te waf o
housethey Nill each tha gDund Ot the Same. Gime

Eouabon motibn d eel falling odies

Changes tod

Subt at h ut t gt

-48ghon hyh
lh4 M)
uhen q body is ilina vedcally donnwods,
Thena is token as +e and 0
Nhen body is thaonn
Vexbcally upwads,
Then g is taken as -¬ gnd 0
The tme taken by a body to ise to highest boint is
eumal to tha ime t tukes tw all soM the same heighb
Mass and Weight

cquandt of matter Containe
The mass of abody she

is a Scala qMarbty
*SI unrt f mass is kilogaam
qnd does not change
The mass f q body s COnstt

srory plate to plate.

The mass a body4 Cannot be zeo.

Neight hch it s
The Height a body is the fone Nith
attqded tonards he certaea the eaath
* As We knoN thot
Mxa OR
By clefinitbbn the oe ctrathdn qf eadth on a
body s known as weight
Waight ( ) mig
whee M mausmaAs bod

8I unit OF weighb Newton (A)

Vector uarbty
qcty m vedcall donnwod diechvn
Weight o abody s ngt Constt
can can be 2e&0
J i s meaguaed wwth a Spring balante,
Atb gNen
8Ven pl4Le s Conatt Theefoe. nêtghb
weight* h7
Thug, gb q e n place we can use te

obecb meau Or mass


Weight, an Obyecr ne Moon

on he
Heighb Qan oJ on tte m0on ertt s the forte. wi
whih the moon atrquy that obyecb
Wm G mXm
hee Mm Masc of moon
Rm Rudius ofmoon

Shon We 6 Wm
A Jniversa la GnavitaNon
On Eaath We = F = O1 Me m
On Moon Wm F =
We knoN thot,
. Massf eaxth s luD times therb fmoon
' Ne =
loo X Hm--
qnd Radius eaths 4 times that of moon
Re 4x Am
FooM equ ),n 0v)
Ne Cloox Mm) Xm_
G Mm xm
We Wim)
OR We 62.
ne 6 Wm OR He m
CHHo 6)

Df sene bi
www w
Mass and eiakt ;

Mass Height
Tis the quantib matter Ttis
S thefoe with uhich
contained îna body gn obTect is atdacked by
22 aays emainsS Same vanes tsorm plate to
Can nevey be 3ed 3 Can be zesv ct he
centre o eath.
Jis measued n kg 4 t s measuked in N

Dfeent bW 9.Ond

J t is queletobbn due to s univesa gravitabon

gacvi by Constont
22 Vqnesoom plae to 22 T value deman same
place through out the universe,
3 Tt Cun be ge3D 3 t Can never be ze&o.

8 Ms G 661 10 Nm2]Kg

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