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0,1,2,3 condi�onals

Fill the sentences by using proper condi�onal.

1. If I ……………………………….. (spend) with my brother , we ………………………………………………………

(not argue) so much as a kids.
2. I ……………………………….. (trust) him more, if I ……………………………………… in your place.
3. In F1, when the driver …………………………………….(finish) his round in less than 20 minutes, they
……………………………..(become) a winner.
4. I hated this book. How can they had been so stupid? If they …………………………………………..
(open) that door, they …………………………………………………… (surive) the whole trip, but the
dragon killed them.
5. If you ………………………………(wake up) early enough, we …………………………………(go) to the
shopping mall in the morning.
6. Some people believe that if you ……………………………………(cross) a black cat, you
……………………………….(have) a bad luck.
7. I ………………………………………. (use) so much salt, if my cholesterol ……………………………… (be) so
8. If I ……………………………………….. (not get) my salary before 31st, I ………………………………… (be
able to) pay my loan �ll Friday.
9. If she …………………………………..(be) a beter writer, she …………………………………………(win) the
10. Jake lost all his money on gambling. If he ……………………………………………………… (go) to rehab,
his family …………………………………………………… (take) this enormous loan last month.
11. He …………………………………………… (go) to the hospital if he ……………………..…………………………….
[(sking) use con�nues form] so fast in Aspen.
12. What …………………………….(happen) if I ………………………………………….. (put) my finger into the
hole? (two possible answers, consider what is the difference between them)
13. If I ……………………………………………….. (be) Hannah Montana, I ………………………………………. (tell)
everyone about my secret life.
14. Scien�sts say that if petrol industry …………………………………(not take) global Warming seriously,
everyone ……………………..(be) in trouble.
15. When Mike ………………………………………..(eat) too much sugar, he …………………………(get) a bit
16. Newton law says that if ………………………………………. (be) a constant force, a body
………………………………(move) with linear mo�on.
17. My mum …………………………………………… (visit) you, if you
……………………………………………………………(tell) that you were in hospital.
18. If my Spanish class …………………………………(be) tomorrow, we ………………………….. (go) to that
French bistro nearby.
19. Who ……………………………………(take) care of their children when they ……………………(be) at
20. She ………………………………(not sign) this contract, if company’s offer ……………………..(be) higher
than it is right now.
21. What ……………………………….. you ……………………. (do) if you ………………………………… (find) 100
dollars on the street?
22. Please, …………………………….. (use) the baking sheet when you …………………………. (cook)
something in my oven.
23. …………………you…………………………… (buy) some extra pasta if it ……………………………………….. (be)
on sale?
24. If I ……………………………. (meet) Ariana, I …………………………………………….. (tell) her which of her
records is my favourite and why.
25. ……………………………….(make) sure to take this watch to the watchermaker when it
26. Vietnam War ………………..………..never……………………….…………. (happen), if America’s economy
……………………………………………………….(boom) so much in the XX century.
27. I think Alice …………………………………….. (be) a profesionnal tenis player if she
……………………………………..(train) a bit harder.
28. Every Friday when we ………………………………………(finish) work we ………………………(visit) this
pub on the corner.
29. If I …………………………………….(be) in your shoes, I ……………………………………….(invest) some more
in short-term bond.
30. When paper …………………………………….(produce), lots of water ……………………………………….(use)
UWAGA, 26 strona bierna.

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