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Short Qs 2 marks
1. Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting
impression? Explain. [CBSE 2023]
What makes a thing of beauty a joy forever? [CBSE Term 2 2022]
Life is full of sorrows. What brings joy in it? [CBSE 2015]
How can we get joy in life which is otherwise full of sorrows? [CBSE 2015]
What makes human sufferings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings? [CBSE
ANS. A thing of beauty gives us permanent happiness. When we look at objects of
beauty, we feel happy and the lasting impression that such objects leave on our mind
continues to give us pleasure even when they are no longer in our sight.
Short Qs 2 marks

2. In the poem "A Thing of Beauty". How is grandeur

connected with the mighty dead? [CBSE 2023]
What grandeur is associated with the mighty dead'?
[CBSE Term 2 2022]
ANS. The mighty dead are associated with grandeur
because we are inspired and motivated by the tales of our
predecessors' and forefathers' valour and heroic actions.
Short Qs 2 marks

3. Rationalise why Keats uses the metaphor 'an endless

fountain of immortal drink' in his poem, "A Thing of
Beauty". [CBSE SQP Term 2 2022]
ANS. Things of beauty are just like the immortal drink
of the gods that flow continuously and never gets
finished. Just as the endless fountain of immortality is
an elixir of life, similarly things of beauty are constant
and everlasting in providing unending joy and bliss.
Short Qs 2 marks
4. How does a thing of beauty provide shelter and comfort?
[CBSE Term 2 2022]
In the hot season, how do man and beast get comfort? [CBSE
ANS. During the summer season, walking beside little
streams and rivers that are regarded as life's essential
elements provides solace to both humans and animals. They
relax in the shade of the trees underneath a bower.
Short Qs 2 marks

5. How can the mighty dead be described as a thing of

beauty? [CBSE Term 2 2022]
How can the mighty dead be things of beauty? [CBSE 2017]
ANS. The mighty dead are considered as a thing of beauty
because of the inspirational deeds they have done. Even now,
people are still motivated by their stories and legends. They
continue to inspire us and we feel delighted and proud of
their stories of bravery and courage.
Short Qs 2 marks
6. What are the things of beauty that the poet mentioned in the poem
"A Thing of Beauty"? [CBSE Term 2 2022]
Mention any four things of beauty that add joy to our life. [CBSE 2015]
Which objects of nature does Keats mention as sources of joy in his
poem, "A Thing of Beauty"? [CBSE 2015]
ANS. The objects of nature mentioned by Keats as sources of joy in
his poem "A Thing of Beauty” are the sun, the moon, old and young
trees, clear water streams, musk-roses and daffodil flowers.
Short Qs 2 marks

7. What rich bounty has heaven given us? [CBSE

ANS. Heaven has showered us with blessings. The
natural world, with its beautiful landscapes and
friendly creatures, leaves enduring memories of
happy days. Tales of the brave people are a
constant source of inspiration for us.
Short Qs 2 marks

8. What does a thing of beauty do for us? [CBSE

ANS. A thing of beauty brings us infinite
happiness and lifts our spirits when we are low
and despairing. Such a thing brings us eternal
joy to remember. In many ways, it also gives us
warmth and shelter.
Short Qs 2 marks

9. How do beautiful things help us live a happy Life?

[CBSE 2014]
ANS. Looking upon beautiful things brings us
comfort and contentment, and the memory they
evoke in us is a source of everlasting delight. They
enable us to live happy lives by easing us of the
everyday challenges that we face.
Long Qs 5 marks
1. How does Keats' poem, "A Thing of Beauty" appeal richly to the senses,
stimulating the reader's inner sight as well as the sense of touch and smell? Write
your answer in about 120-150 words. [CBSE SQP Term 2 2022]
ANS. Keats' descriptions allow for a deeper perception of the imaginary,
converting it into a life-like experience by stimulating the reader's inner sight as
well as the sense of touch and smell. Keats was able to do this by effectively playing
with words. The cool comfortable bower, the dancing daffodils, the babbling
stream and the mid-forest brake with the musk rose blooms arouse our
imagination along with the sense of hearing, touch and smell. The stories of the
mighty appeals to our heart. The eternal fountain may suggest the fountain of
youth yet it has a sublimating effect on the reader. The poetic descriptions indeed
showcases beauty which appeal to our senses and gives delight.
Long Qs 5 marks
2. What is the message of the poem "A Thing of Beauty" ? [CBSE Term 2
ANS. The poem's message is that one of the traits of beauty is, it may always
bring happiness and inspiration. They create a lasting impression on our
memories and provide us with endless joy. The poem conveys that a thing of
beauty is a joy forever. It transcends time. It will never fade away. When one
is surrounded by evil or there is a lack of noble nature, beauty has the ability
to drive out negativity and darkness and help us lead a peaceful life. It
improves one's health and helps in restful sleep. It also highlights the idea
that beauty pours down from heaven in the form of an 'immortal drink'. As a
result, everything that is lovely deserves to be valued.
Long Qs 5 marks
3. Justify the title of the poem "A Thing of Beauty". [CBSE Term 2 2022]
ANS. In the poem "A Thing of Beauty", the poet says that a thing of beauty is a
joy forever. He compares a beautiful object to a bower, where we might rest
peacefully. He says that a beautiful thing will never pass into nothingness and
that its loveliness will only increase with time. He continues by saying that
there is so much sorrow and suffering in the world that the only reason we can
continue to exist is because of the beauty that surrounds us. He links the
objects of beauty to an endless fountain of immortal drink pouring unto us
from the heaven's brink. The poet emphasises the need for us to protect and
preserve beautiful things, since they are precious not only for us but also for
the future generations. Hence, the poem entirely focuses on the things of
beauty and has a justified title.
Long Qs 5 marks
4. How do things of beauty have a lasting impact on us? [CBSE Term 2 2022]
ANS. A thing of beauty gives us eternal and everlasting happiness. It makes
such an impact on us that we are able to relive it every time we think about it.
The poet says that a thing of beauty never fades into nothingness; instead, it
continues to become more precious with time. It is this beauty, a creation of
God, which lifts the weight of sorrow and gloom from our hearts and minds. As
we get wrapped up in the beautiful flowery band, we get a reason to live further.
We find delight in the sun, the moon, and in both young and old trees. The trees
sprout and spread their branches to provide shelter within their shade for the
peaceful sleep. The clear and small streams of water make a cooling shelter for
themselves against the hot season. Thus, these things not only enrich us but
also have a lasting impact on us.
Long Qs 5 marks
5. Keats's things of beauty move away the pall from our darkened spirits. Explain.
[CBSE Term 2 2022]
ANS. In Keats' poem, "A Thing of Beauty," he expresses the idea that beautiful
things have a remarkable effect on our spirits. He claims that these lovely things
have the power to lift the "pall" from our sad thoughts. In this context, "pall" refers
to a depressing feeling.
What Keats is saying is that encountering or experiencing something beautiful has
the power to uplift and enlighten our spirits. A beautiful scene in nature can lift our
spirits and make us feel happy and content, driving away any sadness or negativity.
Our emotional state is transformed by beautiful things; they give us a sense of
wonder and happiness and a stronger sense of connection to the outside world. It
seems as though they possess the ability to lift the pall of despair that could loom
over us. In essence, Keats is celebrating the healing and rejuvenating power of beauty
in our lives.

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