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What are fiberglass pipes also known as?

Fiberglass pipes are also known as GRP (Glass

Reinforced Plastic) pipes or FRP (Fiber Reinforced
Plastic) pipes.

What are the advantages of using fiberglass pipes? Fiberglass pipes have a high strength-to-weight
ratio, low thermal conductivity, excellent resistance
to corrosion, and smooth interior surface,
minimizing friction loss and enhancing flow

What is the design principle of pipe support? The design principle of pipe support refers to the
components and systems used to provide structural
support and stability to pipes, ensuring their proper
alignment, elevation, and protection.

What is the purpose of pipe restraint? The purpose of pipe restraint is to prevent the
movement or displacement of pipes under certain
conditions, specifically employed to resist forces
that could cause pipes to move, shift, or separate.

What are the functions of piping support? The functions of piping support are to prevent pipe
stresses in excess of allowable limits, maintain
proper alignment and elevation of pipes, absorb
vibrations and shocks, and protect pipes from
external forces and environmental factors.

What are the functions of piping support? To prevent pipe stresses in excess to allowable, to
eliminate the leakages in joints, to absorb excessive
line vibrations, to counter the undesirable effects of
seismic, wind, water hammer, slug, and other
dynamic loadings, to remove unintentional
disengagement of piping from its supports, to
prevent excessive pipe sag, to eliminate exposure
of elements to temperature extremes outside their
design limit, to limit undesirable line movements to
protect sensitive equipment against overloading, to
redirect pipe thermal movements to the favorable
direction, and to reduce excessive loading in
support itself.

What is the purpose of MSS-SP-58 (USA)? To establish the material, design, and inspection
criteria to be used in the manufacturing of standard
pipe supports.

What is the purpose of MSS-SP-69 (USA)? To provide recommendations for the selection and
application of pipe supports.
What is the purpose of MSS-SP-89 (USA)? To provide recommendations for the fabrication and
installation of pipe supports.

What is the purpose of BS-3974 (UK)? To specify the specification of pipe supports.

What is the purpose of VGB-510 L (Germany)? To provide standard supports guidelines.

What is the RCC-M specification for pipe supports? The RCC-M specification is a French specification
for pipe supports.

What are primary piping supports? Primary piping supports are pipe supports that are
directly attached to the pipe.

What are some examples of primary piping Some examples of primary piping supports include
supports? shoe support, clamp support, guide support, line
stop support, and Trunnion support.

What are secondary piping supports? Secondary piping supports are pipe supports that
are not directly attached to the pipe.

What are some examples of secondary piping Examples of secondary piping supports include
supports? support brackets, secondary steel members on
which pipe or primary supports rest, tee post, goal
post, sleepers, racks, etc.

What are the three types of pipe support based on The three types of pipe support based on hardware
hardware rigidity? rigidity are rigid support, resilient support/elastic
support, and adjustable support.

What are the three types of piping supports based The three types of piping supports based on piping
on piping insulation? insulation are piping supports for hot insulation,
piping supports for cold insulation, and piping
supports for acoustic insulation.

What are the four types of pipe support based on The four types of pipe support based on pipe
pipe support function? support function are resting support, guide support,
axial stop or line stop, and anchor support.

What are the two types of pipe support based on The two types of pipe support based on welding are
welding? welded pipe support and clamped pipe support.

What is the purpose of pipe fittings? Pipe fittings are components used to connect,
control, and change the direction of pipes.
What are pipe fittings? Components used to connect, control, and direct
the flow of fluids in a piping system.

What is the purpose of pipe fittings? To ensure the proper functioning and integrity of the
piping system.

Are all pipe fittings the same? No, different pipe fittings serve different functions as
per layout or process requirements.

What are the types of pipe fittings? Elbows, reducers, valves, tee fittings, coupling,
union, cap and plug, and cross.

What is the function of elbows in a piping system? Elbows are used to change the direction of the pipe,
typically in 45-degree and 90-degree angles.

What is the function of reducers in a piping system? Reducers are used to connect pipes of different

What is the function of valves in a piping system? Valves are used to control the flow of fluids by
opening, closing, or partially obstructing the

What is the function of tee fittings in a piping Tee fittings have a T-shaped design and are used to
system? create branches or splits in a pipeline.

What is the function of coupling in a piping system? Coupling is used to connect two pipes together,
usually permanently.

What is the function of union in a piping system? Union is similar to couplings but allows for easy
disconnection of pipes or components for
maintenance or repairs.

What is the function of cap and plug in a piping Cap and plug are used to seal the ends of pipes
system? when they are not in use or need to be closed

What is the function of cross in a piping system? Cross has a plus-shaped design and provides four

What is the process of evaluating the behavior and Pipe stressing.

performance of a piping system under various
operating conditions, including pressure,
temperature, and external forces?
What is the purpose of pipe stressing? To ensure that the piping system can safely handle
the expected loads and operating conditions without
experiencing excessive deformation, displacement,
or failure.

What are the common causes of pipe stress? Thermal expansion and contraction, pressure loads,
weight loads, external loads, pipe misalignment or
misplacement, expansion and contraction due to
equipment movement, fluid transients, corrosion
and erosion, and operational charges.

What is hoop stress? Hoop stress is a circumferential stress that acts

perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe
and is created by the internal pressure of a fluid,
gas, or liquid flowing through a pipe.

What is axial stress? Axial stress is the result of a force acting

perpendicular to the cross-sectional area of the pipe
and is caused by external loads or changes in

What are the main types of piping stresses? Hoop stress and axial stress.

What is axial stress? Axial stress is the stress that results from a force
acting perpendicular to an area of a body, causing
the extension or compression of the material.

What is bending stress? Bending stress is the normal stress that an object
withstands when it is subjected to external load at
any cross-section.

What is fatigue stress? Fatigue stress refers to the stress that occurs due to
cyclic loading or repeated stress cycles over time,
which can lead to progressive damage and eventual
failure of the pipe.

What is the importance of pipe size selection in Pipe size selection is critical to ensure the efficient
designing a piping system? and effective operation of a piping system, and it
depends on factors such as flow rate, pressure
drop, and fluid properties.

What are the factors that determine the appropriate Flow rate, pressure drop, fluid properties, velocity
pipe size selection? limits, and standards and codes.
What is the consequence of excessive fluid velocity It can lead to pressure drop, erosion, noise, and
in a pipe? vibration.

What is the purpose of ASME B31.3 and ASME They provide guidelines for pipe size selection
B31.1? based on design criteria, material selection, and
specific applications.

What is the importance of proper piping material They control the flow efficiency.
selection and system design?

What is the effect of larger pipe diameter on It can help reduce pressure drop, but it may also
pressure drop? increase initial costs and require larger pumps or
higher energy consumption.

What type of fluids may require larger pipe sizes to Fluids with higher viscosities.
minimize frictional losses?

What is the potential consequence of very low fluid It can result in sedimentation or settling of particles
velocities in a pipe? within the pipe.

What is the potential consequence of using It may lead to damage or failure of the pipe system.
inappropriate materials for corrosive fluids in a pipe

What is the economic pipe diameter? The diameter corresponding to the minimum cost of
a piping system.

How can optimizing pipe size and fluid velocity It can reduce pressure drop, lower frictional losses,
improve system efficiency? enhance heat transfer, mitigate erosion and
corrosion, and provide adequate safety margins.

Why is proper pipe and tube sizing critical in It helps minimize issues such as pressure drop,
designing a functional and efficient piping system? reduce frictional losses, mitigate erosion and
corrosion, and ensure system safety.

What are the benefits of following best practices in An accurately sized piping system can be achieved,
pipe and tube sizing? resulting in improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness,
and overall system performance.

How can optimizing pipe size and fluid velocity It can reduce pressure drop, lower frictional losses,
increase the service life of pipes? enhance heat transfer, mitigate erosion and
corrosion, and provide adequate safety margins, all
of which can contribute to extending the service life
of pipes.
What are the benefits of accurately sizing a piping Improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall
system? satisfaction in various industrial, commercial, and
residential applications.

What are some of the applications that can benefit Industrial, commercial, and residential applications.
from an accurately sized piping system?

What can result from following best practices in An accurately sized piping system.
piping system design?

Why is an accurately sized piping system It can result in improved efficiency,

important? cost-effectiveness, and overall satisfaction.

What are some of the industries that can benefit Various industrial, commercial, and residential
from an accurately sized piping system? applications.

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