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Assignment (AM-5101) (PKD) 2023-2024

1. Providing neat sketch deduce the two-dimensional differen al equa ons of equilibrium using
polar coordinates.

2. Deduce the compa bility equa on for two-dimensional stress system in polar coordinates
using the same stress func on as used for rectangular coordinates.

3. With the help of compa bility equa on for two-dimensional stress system in polar coordinates
derive the stress components for stress distribution symmetric about an Axis.

4. Derive the expression for r and  for cross sec on of a long hollow uniform cylinder with
internal radius of a and external radius of b subjected to internal and external pressure of pi
and po, respec vely.

5. Derive the expression for magnitude of normal and shear stress on a plane in a three-
dimensional stressed element whose normal makes angles of ,  and , with x, y and z axis
respec vely. The normal and shear stress components for the element are x, y, z, xy, yz,
and zx, respec vely.

6. Explain how a unit vector in a three-dimensional space can be transformed form one axis
system to another axis system, where the second axis system is generated due to rota on of
first axis system about the origin. Write down the rota on matrix in this regard.

7. Derive the expression for transforming three-dimensional stress system from one co-ordinate
system to another co-ordinate system.

8. Write down the Stress Invariants in connec on with Principal Stresses in three-dimensional
elas city. Why they are called ‘Invariants’?

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