Final Project mcm619

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Student id: bc200200538

Student Name: Afia Zaman

MCM 619
Final Project
“Impact of TV Drama on Cultural Values in Pakistani
society; A viewer’s perspective”
Pakistani TV dramas have gained immense popularity not only in
Pakistan but also across borders including India, Middle Eastern countries, and
even the Western world. Pakistani TV dramas not only entertain but also
educate and inform viewers about social, cultural and political issues prevalent
in society. These dramas often reflect the day-to-day struggle of common
people, and therefore, they are relatable to a vast audience. The entertainment
industry plays a significant role in the economy of Pakistan, providing
numerous job opportunities to a large number of people.
The main purpose of making TV dramas is to provide entertainment for
audiences. TV dramas are an important part of the entertainment industry, and
they offer a diverse range of genres and stories to appeal to different audiences.
TV dramas can also serve educational purposes by addressing social issues,
historical events, or cultural topics. They can offer a deeper understanding of
societal problems, raise awareness about social injustice and encourage viewers
to take actions. TV dramas can also serve as a means of escapism and provide a
break from reality for viewers.
Pakistani dramas play a vital role in shaping society by raising awareness
about social issued and influencing people’s attitudes towards them. They often
address taboo on controversial topics such as domestic abuse, child marriage,
honor killing and gender inequality, and provide a platform for discussion and
debate on these issues. Pakistani dramas also play an essential role in promoting
cultural and societal norms and values and promote the importance of
education, family values, and community cohesion.
In addition to that, Pakistani dramas have played a main role in
promoting cultural tourism by presenting the country’s beautiful landscapes,
rich history, and cultural heritage to the world. Foreigners are now more
interested in visiting Pakistan after getting a glimpse of its beauty through
Pakistani dramas. One of the most significant impacts of Pakistani TV dramas is
that they have created awareness among the general public about various social
issues. The dramas have provided a platform for people to engage in discussion
about these issues and have played a crucial role in changing societal attitude
towards them.
Overall, these dramas have provided a platform for people to engage in
discussion about these issues and have helped in shaping public opinion on
various social issues. While TV dramas have made a significant contribution to
the entertainment industry and have been appreciated globally, there have
been concerns about their negative impact on society.
One negative aspect of Pakistani TV dramas is the tendency to reinforce
harmful stereotypes. Some TV dramas glorify toxic and abusive relationships,
presenting possessive and controlling behavior by men as romantic and
desirable. The normalization of problematic behavior can have negative impact
on viewers and their perceptions of what constitute acceptable behavior in
relationship. Many dramas also follow the same formulaic pattern, with
predictable plot twists and clichéd characterizations leading to a lack of creative
and innovative storytelling.
Overall, while Pakistani TV dramas have gained popularity both locally and
internationally, there are still areas for improvement.
Now days, people spend most of their time on social media and in
watching dramas. Their lives are influenced by these dramas. People watch
dramas for different reasons; these shows offer a unique form of entertainment
and fulfill certain emotional and psychological needs. TV dramas captivate a lot
of attention. Creating awareness about social issues through TV dramas serves
several important purposes. In summary, TV dramas are a powerful medium for
creating awareness about social issues. They educate, spark conversations,
challenge stigmas, faster empathy, promote behavioral change and provide
support. By leveraging the influence and popularity of TV dramas, we can make
a significant impact in addressing social issues and working towards a more
inclusive and equitable society.

Literature Review
This study was conducted to investigate the impact of private channel’s
television dramas on the perceptions of female viewers. Private TV channels
are attracting the public magnetically. The study aimed to explore the
perceptions of viewers about private channels dramas and whether the uses and
gratification model was assimilated according to the nature of the study. The
survey was considered to be an appropriate procedure for analyzing the effects
and social changes introduced by the three private TV channels. The sample
was drawn from occupation and location, and the disproportionate sample was
drawn from age and education category using cluster sampling. [1]
This study examines how the media revolution of the 21 st century is
changing the conversation around taboo topics in a conservative society. It
explores the depiction of taboo topics in Pakistani private TV dramas and
analysis the ideologies behind the words in a broader social and cultural
context. The study outlines the significance of drama in shaping and
recontextualizing ideologies and identifies certain salient taboo features
applicable to almost every play. [2]
The study aimed to investigate the effect of exposure to TV story line
featuring transgender individuals in Pakistani dramas “Khuda Mera Bhi Hai”,
“Alif Allah Aur Insaan” on ARY Digital and HUM TV, respectively. The study
used content analysis and a coding sheet constructed by the researcher to
evaluate the result. The study found that the story lines of both dramas were
affiliated with more supportive attitudes towards transgender character and
their issues. The study also found that attitudes of more conservative TV
audiences became more positive as they saw more media portrayals of
transgender individuals. The finding suggests that entertainment content has
the potential to influence attitudes toward minority groups. [3]
The depiction of impulsive behavior of people in our media, especially in
television dramas is common nowadays. Stories based on marital affairs and
physical abuse is popular content in a majority of the Pakistani Urdu TV
dramas. These dramas have gained high ratings and have become a part of daily
discussions in many homes in our society. Daydreamed lives, illegal
independency, and unwise behavior depicted Visual Television Contents can
change its audience’s perception of the world completely. People start doubting
their relationships with their significant others on a subliminal level. This
representation also sets precedent for distrust in the minds of children as well.
In this paper, researchers argue that repeated television exposure increases
favorable attitudes to separation between married couples. [4]
This study aimed to examine the impact of Pakistani TV dramas on the
country’s social values. The research investigated whether drama content
affects Pakistani society cultural values, modernizing lifestyle, and westernizing
culture, taking into account demographic variables such as age, education, and
marital status. These dramas are modernizing and westernizing the lifestyle of
Pakistani people. Luxurious homes, expensive cars, parties, alcohol, drugs, and
romance are promoted in drama settings implicitly. It is recommended that
PEMRA, as a responsible authority, needs to check the psychological and social
effects of the content of TV dramas on youth to avoid any distortion in cultural
practices as these practices are the identity of a nation and society. Overall, the
study highlights the impact of Pakistani TV dramas on the cultural values of the
society and the need to regulate the content to avoid any negative effects on the
younger generations [5].
Research Objectives and Questions
This key focus of this study is to meet the objectives to find out:
 To assess the viewers' opinions and perceptions regarding the
influence of TV dramas on Pakistani culture.
 To identify the extent to which individuals believe that TV dramas
shape societal norms and values.
 To investigate whether these representations align with or
challenge traditional Pakistani cultural values.

Research Design
The theoretical framework of this research is based on the Cultivation
theory of mass communication. This theory is correlated to how media content
affects people’s minds, their attitudes and behaviors. Theory of cultivation is a
framework used as sociological explanations of communication. It implies that
those frequently exposed to the media for a long time are more likely to see the
social reality of the environment portrayed by the media they view, influencing
their patterns of behavior.
The quantitative data analysis method is used to verify the impact of TV
dramas on our society and our lives. The research in hand was a social survey
that aimed at exploring the effects of media on the values of people in Pakistan.
For this purpose, the sample was selected using the purposive sampling method.
This technique is most appropriate for fulfilling the purpose because people
lacking awareness may provide less valid and reliable data. “TV dramas” are
independent variable in this research work, and the dependent variable is the
viewers of Pakistani T.V dramas. Respondents are men and women from age
25-45. Because people of this age group are most sensible. The result is
represented in percentage.

The questionnaire for this study is taken from research articles by
different writers who conducted study about impact of Pakistani dramas on our
culture and society. This questionnaire's reliability is relevant and can be
generalized to any other population. The questionnaire consists of closed-ended
and one open-ended question for respondents' suggestions and opinions.

Data Analysis
Table 1: Sample according to gender & Qualification

Sr. Demographic of Category F %

1. Gender Male 50 50%
Female 50 50%
Total 100 100%
2. Qualification Graduate 20 20%
Housewives 40 40%
Office workers 40 40%
Total 100 100%

The above table shows frequency distribution of a sample of population

targeted in the research as per their gender. To evaluate the data, sample of 100
people was taken at random with the equal distribution of different areas from
Lahore and Islamabad.
In education point of view, out of the sample of 100 people, 20%
respondents are graduates. 40 percent of the whole sample are housewives and
40 percent are office workers.
Table 2: Survey Result

Question Responses F %
Dramas presented during the Strongly agree 6 6%
last ten years had been a Agree 10 10%
purposeful entertainment. Neutral 23 23%
Disagree 28 28%
Strongly disagree 33 33%
Total 100 100%
Our drama industry is over Strongly agree 38 38%
shadowed by Indian dramas Agree 22 22%
particularly in dresses, makeup Neutral 25 25%
and romantic scenes. Disagree 13 13%
Strongly disagree 2 2%
Total 100 100%
Issues focused in our dramas Strongly agree 15 15%
are representative of our Agree 38 38%
society. Neutral 23 23%
Disagree 17 17%
Strongly disagree 7 7%
Total 100 100%
The theme of our most dramas Strongly agree 32 32%
is restricted to love stories. Agree 38 38%
Neutral 19 19%
Disagree 8 8%
Strongly disagree 3 3%
Total 100 100%
Today’s dramas are promoting Strongly agree 40 40%
western dresses particularly in Agree 39 39%
females. Neutral 19 19%
Disagree 2 2%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 100 100%
Are these dramas Promoting Strongly agree 45 45%
socially unacceptable Agree 37 37%
behavior? Neutral 13 13%
Disagree 4 4%
Strongly disagree 1 1%
Total 100 100%
These dramas are source of Strongly agree 46 46%
Promotion of trend of love Agree 40 40%
marriages. Neutral 10 10%
Disagree 4 4%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 100 100%
These dramas are source of Strongly agree 39 39%
promotion of dominant Agree 37 37%
negative characters. Neutral 15 15%
Disagree 5 5%
Strongly disagree 4 4%
Total 100 100%
These dramas are source of Strongly agree 34 34%
promotion of bad habits like Agree 40 40%
smoking. Neutral 18 18%
Disagree 4 4%
Strongly disagree 4 4%
Total 100 100%
These dramas are source of Strongly agree 32 32%
promotion of western events Agree 42 42%
(valentine day etc). Neutral 24 24%
Disagree 2 2%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 100 100%
These dramas are source of Strongly agree 0 0%
promotion of religious values. Agree 0 0%
Neutral 19 19%
Disagree 37 37%
Strongly disagree 44 44%
Total 100 100%
Do you think that TV dramas Strongly Agree 44 44%
are causing a decline in the Agree 23 23%
respect for others? Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 7 7%
To some extent 26 26%
Total 100 100%
Do you think that TV dramas Strongly Agree 39 39%
are promoting western Agree 31 31%
lifestyle and fashion in our Strongly Disagree 0 0%
society? Disagree 0 0%
To some extent 30 30%
Total 100 100%
Do you think that TV dramas Strongly Agree 51 51%
are promoting love marriages? Agree 18 18%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
To some extent 31 31%
Total 100 100%
Do you think that TV dramas Strongly Agree 31 31%
are polluting Urdu with Agree 40 40%
foreign languages words? Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 8 8%
To some extent 21 21%
Total 100 100%
Do you think that there is a Strongly Agree 28 28%
decline in our religious Agree 44 44%
tendency? Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
To some extent 28 28%
Total 100 100%
Do you think that TV dramas Strongly Agree 33 33%
are promoting Valentine Day, Agree 47 47%
New Year, Mehndi function Strongly Disagree 0 0%
like activities? Disagree 0 0%
To some extent 20 20%
Total 100 100%

Do you think that TV dramas Strongly Agree 29 29%

are changing our dressing Agree 49 49%
styles? Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 3 3%
To some extent 19 19%
Total 100 100%

Do you think that TV dramas Strongly Agree 23 23%

are promoting Dating culture? Agree 48 48%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 4 4%
To some extent 25 25%
Total 100 100%

The study examines the “Impact of Pakistani TV dramas on cultural values in
Pakistani society; a viewer’s perspective” The information was gathered from
100 respondents, equal male and female, from the all corner of the city
randomly. The study was carried out to check the effect of TV dramas on
cultural values.
The study reveals that 32% of the respondents strongly disagree that dramas
poste during the last ten years had been a purposeful entertainment. 28%
simply disagree with this statement. 13 % viewers were neutral. Whereas 10%
agree and 6% respondents strongly agree with this statement. This data further
reveals 38% respondents strongly agree that our drama industry is over
shadowed by Indian dramas particularly in dresses, makeup and romantic
scenes. 22% people agree while 25 % viewers remain neutral. 13% respondents
disagree and only 2% strongly disagree this statement. This study also finds
15% people strongly agree that Issues focused in our dramas are representative
of our society while 38 % agree and 23 % remain neutral.
The major hypotheses of the study is to find out impact of Pakistani TV dramas
on cultural values in Pakistan. The study concluded that in response to a
question that the theme of our most dramas is restricted to love stories,
majority of people almost 90% agreed the statement. Just 10% do not agree. To
analyze that if today’s dramas are promoting western dresses particularly in
females this research is conducted. 79% of the respondents agree with this
statement whereas 19% people were neutral. While just 2% of the respondents
The results revealed that 44 percent strongly agreed that TV dramas are causing
a decline in respects for others and 23 percent agreed that the TV dramas are
causing a decline in respects for other whereas 7 percent disagree and 26
percent says to some extent. According to the gathered information, 39 percent
strongly agree the statement that TV dramas are promoting western lifestyle
and fashion whereas the 31 percent agree that the TV dramas are promoting
the western culture. In this sense, 70 percent agree or strongly agree the
According to finding, 51 percent of respondents strongly agreed that TV dramas
are promoting the love marriages. 18 percent agreed that TV dramas are
promoting the love marriages. Furthermore, 71 percent of respondents agreed
that TV dramas are polluting Urdu with foreign languages words whereas 8
percent of the respondents disagreed the statements. According to gathered
information, out of 100 respondents, most of them 72 percent agreed that there
is a decline in religious tendency in the society whereas 28 percent thought
that to some extent. As many as 24 strongly agreed the statement that the TV
dramas are one of the hurdles to perform the religious duties whereas, 50
percent agreed the statement. According to finding, 80 percent says that TV
dramas are promoting Valentine, New Year like festivities whereas the 20
percent think about to some extent.

 Majority of the population in Pakistan is not media literate. The TV
dramas change their behavior of viewers and affect cultural values as an
effect of dramas. It is hereby recommended that steps should be taken to
enhance the media literacy in the society.
 It is thereby suggested that our TV dramas, which have the highest
viewership, should contain better content in order to improve Pakistani
cultural values.
 It is also recommended that the TV dramas should telecast the
modernization keeping in our cultural values in view.
 It is recommended that the TV dramas should promote our religion and
social setup.
 It is also recommended that the foreign culture should be avoided in the
dramas for a healthy society.

The study “Impact of Pakistani TV dramas on the cultural values of Pakistan”
illustrates that most of the respondents agree that Pakistani TV dramas affect
people's minds, change their lifestyle, and promote Western cultural practices
among people of Pakistan. Pakistani drama content mainly focused on the
luxury villas, home decor, expensive latest cars, family and friends’ gatherings,
dance and drink parties, and male-female extramarital affairs. Therefore, the
study concludes that Pakistani dramas are primarily present in western culture.
Gerbner explains that more exposure to TV leads to more adoption of specific
thinking patterns and ultimately adopting the behaviors. Heavy and light
viewers have different exposure and think about the programs and perceive it
differently. After watching TV dramas, people tried to adopt the lifestyle of
these characters in their daily life. The current study findings proved that
drama content is affecting the cultural values of Pakistani society by
modernizing lifestyle and westernizing eastern culture despite eastern culture.
This study revealed that television has great impact on women’s life and even
changed the opinion about the selection of their outfit because media used
persuasive techniques to manipulate the minds of women regarding their attire.
In Pakistan, there are so many social issues/problems that need to be addressed
and people should have to be learned about them and Pakistani TV drama now
dares to deal with the taboos and social issues/problems. These dramas are
playing a very important role in the daily life of audience.

[1] Raza, T., Amin, S., & Ali, S. (2017). “Private Channels’ Dramas and Female
Viewers Perceptions.” In Global Mass Communication Review 2(1), 75-85.
[2] Zeb, S., Khan, U., & Ajmal, M. (2021). “Recontextualization of Ideologies: A
Critical Study of Tabooed Representation in Pakistani TV Dramas.” in
sjesr, 4(1), 89-97.
[3] Waheed, Saima , et al. (2021). “Storyline Depiction of Transgender Issues in
Dramas” in Journal of Peace, Development and Communication, 5(1), 325-339.
[4] Warrich, H. R., Shehzad, M., Waheed, S. (2021). “Impact of Pakistani TV
Dramas on the Social Values of Pakistan.” in Webology 18, 954-967.
[5] Abbas, S., & Mahmood, R. A. (2021). “Manufacturing Consents in Dissolving
Marriages: A Qualitative Content Analysis on Pakistani Urdu TV Dramas.” in
Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 21(2), 93-116.

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