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Name _____________________ Class :________________


I. How much do you know about America?
A. Say what these numbers /dates correspond to:
300 million : ___________________________________________________________________
17 times :_______________________________________________________________________
1776 _____________________________________ 1865_________________________________________
1929_____________________________________ 1960s_________________________________________
B. Give the name of U.S

C. See map Place some cities, states and mountains :

2. Give the names of the main cities of the West Coast _____________________________________________
3. of the East Coast_______________________________________________________________________________
4. Give the name of states with a Spanish name _____________________________________________________
5; with an Indian name ______________________________ ______________________________________________
6. Give the name of the state of Louis XIV: _______________________________________|

Bonus: What else do you know? ______________________________________________________________


A. Place the name of the boroughs:

1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. _________________________________________
Name _____________________ Class :________________
B. Ask the questions about the facts and answer:
 You are a tourist visiting New York. Imagine
the questions you ask your guide, AND imagine
the answers of the guide. (Utilise les
questions en WH-)
Number of boroughs? You (Question): _____________________________________________
Guide (Answer) : ________________________________________________________
Of nationalities? _____________________________________________________________
Answer : __________________________________________________________________________
Temperature in the winter? _______________________________________________________
Answer : __________________________________________________________________________

The statue of Liberty:

Age? _____________________________________________________________
Answer : _______________________________________________________________
Height? _____________________________________________________________
Answer : _______________________________________________________________
Time to get there? _____________________________________________________
Answer : _______________________________________________________________

C. French  English. Dire…

quel est le parc le plus grand :____________________________________________________
quelle est la rue la plus longue : __________________________________________________
quel est le gratte-ciel le plus haut : ________________________________ __________

III. Imagine that you visited this famous building (the E.S.B).
Dans un court paragraphe racontez votre visite en donnant des informations à propos
du nombre d’étages, d’ascenseurs, du prix du billet, du temps que ça prend pour
monter en haut… Donnez vos impressions sur ces faits !

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