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Define and Enlist Common Household Pests

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Submitted to

Dr. Nazia
Submitted by; Aqsa (2020 ag 8305)
Bs zoology th
- (8 semester)
Section: M1

What is Pest?
Pest refers to any organism, usually an insect, plant, or animal, that adversely affects human
activities. Pests are often considered harmful because they damage crops, transmit diseases, or
interfere with livestock. Controlling pests is a crucial aspect of agriculture, public health, and
ecosystem management to mitigate economic losses and maintain a healthy environment.
Most Common Household Pests
Here are some of the most common ones that you might come across:

Sr. Common name Scientific name

1. Houseflies Musca domestica
2. Bed Bugs Cimex lectularius
3. Ants Formicidae
4. Mice Mus musculus
5. Cockroaches Periplaneta americana
6. Spiders Parasteatoda tepidariorum.
7. Fleas Ctenocephalides canis.
8. Earwigs Forficula auricularia
9. Centipedes Scutigera coleoptrata.
10. Carpenter Ants Camponotus pennsylvanicus
11. Cloth Moths Tineola bisselliella.
12. Crickets Acheta domesticus.
13. Wasps Vespula germanica
14. Weevils Curculio glandium
15. Gnats Hippelates spp.
 Common Name: Houseflies
Scientific Name: Musca domestica
Houseflies are small flying insects with a gray thorax and distinctive
stripes on their back. Found in unsanitary conditions, they contaminate
food surfaces and act as disease vectors. Their presence can contribute to
the spread of various illnesses, making effective pest control essential.
 Common Name: Bed Bugs
Scientific Name: Cimex lectularius
Bed bugs are blood-feeding insects that hide in cracks and crevices,
especially in and around beds. These pests cause itchy bites and potential
allergic reactions by feeding on human blood. Bed bug infestations can lead
to psychological distress and often require professional pest c ontrol
 Common Name: Ants
Scientific Name: Formicidae
Ants, social insects with distinct body segments, are commonly found
indoors. They form visible trails while searching for food and can
contaminate food, damage proper ty, and deliver painful bites. Addressing
ant infestations promptly is crucial to prevent further structural issues or
attraction of other pests.
 Common Name: Mice
Scientific Name: Mus musculus
Mice are small rodents with pointed snouts, large ears, and long, scaly tails.
They cause property damage by gnawing on materials, contaminate food,
and transmit diseases. Swift control measures are necessary due to their
rapid reproduction and the potential for significant infestations.
 Common Name: Cockroaches
Scientific Name: Periplaneta americana
Cockroaches are common household pests, known for their resilient nature.
These insects have flat bodies and long antennae, often inhabiting dark and
damp areas. They pose health risks by contaminating food, triggering
allergies, and spreading disease-causing bacteria. Infestations are challenging
to eliminate due to their rapid reproduction and adaptability.
 Common Name: Spiders
Scientific Name: Parasteatoda tepidariorum.
Spiders are common household pests, weaving webs in corn ers and
undisturbed areas. While most are harmless, some species can deliver
venomous bites. Regular cleaning and sealing entry points help control
spider populations and reduce the risk of encounters.
 Common Name: Fleas
Scientific Name: Ctenocephalides canis.
Fleas are blood-feeding parasites often brought into homes by pets. They can
bite humans, causing itchy, red welts. Flea infestations require thorough
treatment of pets, their living areas, and sometimes professional pest control
to eradicate the problem.

 Common Name: Earwigs

Scientific Name: Forficula auricularia.
Earwigs are nocturnal insects with pincer-like appendages on their abdomen.
They seek shelter in dark, moist areas and can enter homes in search of food.
While generally harmless to humans, their presence can be unsettling. Seal
entry points and reduce moisture to discourage infestations.
 Common Name: Centipedes
Scientific Name: Scutigera coleoptrata.
Centipedes are multi-legged arthropods that prefer damp environments. While
most are harmless, some species can deliver a mild venomous bite.
Controlling moisture levels and sealing entry points help mitigate centipede
 Common Name: Carpenter Ants
Scientific Name: Camponotus pennsylvanicus.
Carpenter ants are large ants that excavate wood to build nests. They do not
consume the wood but can cause significant structural damage. Identifying
and addressing carpenter ant colonies is crucial for preventing long-term
harm to wooden structures.
 Common Name: Cloth Moths
Scientific Name: Tineola bisselliella.
Cloth moths, including the common clothes moth, can damage fabrics,
carpets, and stored clothing items. The larvae feed on natural fibers like wool
and silk. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and using moth repellents can
help prevent infestations.
 Common Name: Crickets
Scientific Name: Acheta domesticus.
Crickets are nocturnal insects known for their distinctive chirping sound.
While generally harmless, they may damage fabrics, paper, and plants.
Reduce outdoor lighting to minimize their attraction and use barriers to
prevent entry.
 Common Name: Wasps
Scientific Name: Vespula germanica
Wasps, including yellow jackets and hornets, can build nests in and around
homes. They are aggressive defenders of their nests and can deliver pain ful
stings. Professional removal may be necessary to eliminate nests safely.

 Common Name: Weevils

Scientific Name: Curculio glandium
Weevils are small beetles that infest stored g rains, cereals, and pantry items.
They can contaminate food with their presence and may require discarding
infested items, thorough cleaning, and proper storage practices.
 Common Name: Gnats
Scientific Name: Hippelates spp.
Gnats are small, flying insects that can be a nuisance indoors. They are
attracted to moisture and decaying organic matter. Removing standing
water, keeping trash sealed, and using traps can help manage gnat

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