PBH101 Final

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Question 1: What are some benefits of smoke-free life?

Living a smoke-free life is like having a superhero lifestyle for our health! Imagine
our body as an extraordinary fortress, and when we keep it smoke-free, we’re
putting up an invisible force field of awesomeness. Here are some super benefits:
1. Easy Breathing: Our lungs work better, helping us breathe without any nasty
smoke. It's like upgrading from a scooter to a rocket!
2. More Energy: No more feeling tired. It's like having our own power plant
running on clean, smoke-free fuel.
3. Tasty Treats: Our favorite foods taste better because we can taste them
properly. It's like a flavor party in our mouth!
4. Saving Money: We can buy more fun stuff because we're saving money.
Imagine watching our favorite movies every week!
5. Super Smell: Our nose becomes a superhero detective, sniffing fabulous
scents like flowers and yummy food.
6. Health Hero: Our body becomes a fortress, protecting us from icky invaders.
You're the superhero of your own story!
7. Fresh Clothes Forever: Say goodbye to smelly clothes! Without smoke, our
outfits stay fresh, and we'll be the fashion superhero of the day.
8. Happy Wallet: Our money can go on adventures! Instead of buying smokes,
we can save for cool stuff like games, toys, or whatever makes us smile.
9. Super Sleep: Our sleep becomes a superhero's secret weapon. With no smoke
messing with rest, we'll wake up ready to conquer the day!
10. Mood Magic: No more mood swings! Being smoke-free keeps our emotions
on a steady, happy course. It's like having a magic wand for our feelings.
11. Loved Ones' Guardian: Living smoke-free makes us a superhero protector
for our family and friends, shielding them from harmful secondhand smoke.
It's like having a caring shield around the ones we love!
Remember, living smoke-free isn't just a choice; it's like unlocking a whole new level
in the game of life, where you become the superhero of your own amazing story!


Question 2: Why is it essential to aware young people about the danger of
smoking? explain briefly.
Raising awareness about the dangers of smoking among young people is crucial for
several reasons:
1. Health Risks: Smoking is a leading cause of preventable diseases and premature
death. Young people may not fully grasp the long-term health consequences of
smoking, including respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, and various cancers.
2. Addiction Risk: The brain is still developing in adolescence, making it more
vulnerable to the addictive properties of nicotine. Early exposure to smoking
increases the likelihood of developing a lifelong addiction, which can be challenging
to overcome.
3. Peer Influence: Smoking often starts due to peer pressure and social acceptance.
Young people may perceive smoking as cool or rebellious, making it essential to
educate them about the actual risks and encourage positive alternatives.
4. Prevention is Key: Early intervention and education can prevent young people from
starting to smoke in the first place. By raising awareness about the dangers, we can
empower them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
5. Protecting Future Generations: Educating young people about smoking not only
protects their health but also contributes to a healthier society for future
generations. By reducing smoking rates among the youth, we can lower the overall
burden of smoking-related illnesses and healthcare costs.
6. Impact on Development: Smoking during adolescence can adversely affect physical
and cognitive development. It may interfere with lung growth, impair brain
development, and affect overall well-being.
7. Limited Opportunities: Smoking can limit opportunities in life. Some jobs and
activities have rules against smoking, so choosing not to smoke can open up more
possibilities for your future.
8. Positive Role Modeling: Being aware of the dangers of smoking allows young
people to make positive choices and be good role models for their peers and future
generations. It sets a healthy example for others to follow.
9. Gateway Drug Effect: Smoking can act as a gateway drug, increasing the risk of
experimenting with other addictive substances like alcohol or illicit drugs. Educating
young people about the dangers of smoking can help prevent them from entering a
cycle of substance abuse.


Question 2: Why is it gastro and diabetes? Explain about type I and type
II diabetes.
"Gastro" just means issues with our stomach and digestion. It includes things like
tummy troubles, stomachaches, or problems with digestion.
Diabetes is a condition that affects how our body uses food for energy. There are two
main types:
Type 1 Diabetes:
 Cause: It happens when our body's defense system mistakenly attacks the
part of our body that makes insulin, a hormone that helps control our blood
 Onset: It usually starts when we're young.
 Insulin Dependence: People with Type 1 diabetes need insulin shots to stay
healthy because their bodies don't make enough insulin.
 Symptoms: Things like feeling very thirsty, going to the bathroom a lot, losing
weight, and feeling tired.
 Management: Along with insulin shots, managing Type 1 diabetes means
checking our blood sugar, eating healthy, and staying active.
Type 2 Diabetes:
 Cause: It happens when our body doesn't use insulin properly or doesn't
make enough of it. It's often linked to things like being overweight and not
being active.
 Onset: It usually happens when we're older, but more and more young people
are getting it too.
 Insulin Resistance: Unlike Type 1, people with Type 2 diabetes may make
insulin, but their bodies have trouble using it.
 Symptoms: Similar to Type 1 and might also include slow healing of wounds,
getting sick often, and problems with vision.
 Management: Managing Type 2 diabetes involves making healthy lifestyle
choices like eating well, exercising, and sometimes taking medicine.
In a nutshell, gastro is about stomach and digestion issues, while diabetes is about
problems with how our body handles food for energy. Type 1 is when our body
doesn't make enough insulin, especially when we're young. Type 2 is when our body
has trouble using insulin, and it often happens when we're older or not very active.




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