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AI commands are instructions that you give to an AI system to perform a specific task, such as

generating content, interpreting data, or simulating a customer response. To type an AI command,

you need to follow some general guidelines and best practices that will help you get the most out of
your AI tool. Here are some tips on how to type an AI command:

- Know your AI's capabilities: Before you type an AI command, you should understand what your AI
tool can and cannot do, and what features and functionalities it offers. This will help you craft a
command that is aligned with your AI's strengths and limitations, and avoid frustration and

- Use clear and specific language: When you type an AI command, you should use clear and specific
language that tells the AI exactly what you want. Avoid vague or ambiguous terms that could
confuse the AI or lead to unwanted results. For example, instead of typing "write something funny",
you could type "write a joke about cats".

- Provide context and examples: Sometimes, you may need to provide some context or examples to
help the AI understand your command better. This can be especially useful when you want the AI to
generate content that is related to a certain topic, genre, or style. For example, if you want the AI to
write a poem about love, you could provide some examples of poems that you like, or some
keywords that you want the AI to use.

- Use inline commands: Some AI tools offer inline commands that you can use to access different
features and functionalities within your document. Inline commands are usually triggered by a
keyboard shortcut, such as cmd+k or ctrl+k, and they allow you to perform tasks such as writing
sentences, paragraphs, lists, headlines, code blocks, and more. Inline commands can save you time
and effort, and help you write faster and better.

- Experiment and iterate: Finally, you should experiment and iterate with different AI commands to
see what works best for you and your goals. AI tools are constantly evolving and improving, and you
may discover new and exciting ways to use them. Don't be afraid to try different commands, tweak
them, and see how the AI responds. You may be surprised by the results.

These are some of the best ways to type an AI command. By following these tips, you can make the
most of your AI tool and create amazing content, data, and responses. I hope this helps you. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/19/2024

(1) Write faster and better with inline AI commands - Type.

(2) How to Write Good AI Prompts: A Beginner’s Guide (+12 Templates).
(3) How to Use Character AI Commands in Chat? -

(4) How to use the Command Prompt in Windows 10 and 11.

(5) Linux Type Command | Linuxize.

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