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The Catholic Church of Sanger and Del Rey


828 O Street Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas: Saturday 5:30 pm; Sbado 7:00 pm; Sunday 7:30 am; Mon-Fri 7:00 am Reconciliation/Confesiones: Thursday/Jueves 6:00 pm-7:00 pm; Saturday/Sbado 2:15 pm & 6:30 pm. Other times, call for an appointment.

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 23, 2011
First Reading -- You shall not oppress an alien, for you yourselves were once aliens in Egypt (Exodus 22:20-26). Psalm -- I love you, Lord, my strength (Psalm 18). Second Reading -- You became imitators of the Lord, so that you became a model for all believers (1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10). Gospel -- You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:34-40). QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK 1. How do I live out the commandments in my daily life? Give example. 2. Can I see Christ by the way that I behave?

30 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

23 de octubre de 2011
Primera lectura -- Dios escucha el llanto de los oprimidos (Exodo 22:20 -26). Salmo -- Te amo, oh Seor, mi fuerza (Salmo 18 [17]). Segunda lectura -- El pueblo de Dios es conocido por su conversin y amor de Dios (1Tesalonicenses 1:5c-10). Evangelio -- La ley principal es la ley del amor (Mateo 22:34-40). PREGUNTAS PARA LA SEMANA: Adultos Cmo vivo los mandamientos cada da? Nios: Puedo ver a Cristo en mi comportamiento?


12050 E. North Avenue Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas: Espaol Domingo 8:30 am y 1:00 pm English Sunday 10:30 am Bilingual Sunday 5:00 pm


5375 Carmel St. Del Rey Masses/Misas: Sbado 5:30 pm; Sunday 9:30 am; Primer Viernes 5:30 pm Confesiones: Sabads antes de la Misa

Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Peter Quinto, RCJ, Pastor Philip Puntrello, RCJ Salvatore Ciranni, RCJ Rene Panlasigui, RCJ

Office Address: 828 O Street (PO Box 335) Sanger, CA 93657 Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10:00 am-5:00 pm (Closed from 12 noon-1:00 pm) Tel: (559) 875-2025 Fax: (559) 875-2618 Website: 35 days before implementation on November 27, 2011 Session #5: LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Sunday, October 23 9:00 am-10:30 am (Bilingual) 11:30 am-1:00 pm (Bilingual) 2:00 pm-3:30 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm-5:00 pm (Bilingual) Session #6: EUCHARISTIC PRAYER Wednesday, November 2 4:30 pm-6:00 pm (Bilingual) 7:00 pm-8:30 pm (Bilingual)

World Mission Sunday

WE ARE ALL MISIONARIES Do you know the date of your Baptism? Well, on that day, you became a missionary, called by our Lord to share your faith with those around you and to be part of the Churchs mission to the world. We are not all able to travel to foreign lands as St. Francis Xavier did. However, we can all make effort in our daily lives through prayer and sacrifice to support those men and women who are called to leave their homeland and preach the Good News of the Lord in a foreign land. On World Mission Sunday, we have the opportunity to be part of the Churchs missionary work in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands through our prayers and generous help offered to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.

Domingo Mundial de las Misiones TODOS SOMOS MISIONEROS Sabe usted la fecha de su Bautismo? Bien, pues en ese da usted se convirti en misionero, porque fue llamado por nuestro Seor a compartir su fe con aquellos a su alrededor y a ser parte de la misin de la Iglesia al mundo. No todos podemos viajar a tierras extranjeras como lo hizo San Francisco Xavier. Sin embargo, todos podemos hacer un esfuerzo en nuestras vidas diarias, a travs de la oracin y el sacrificio, para apoyar a aquellos hombres y mujeres llamados a dejar su patria para ir a predicar la Buena Nueva del Seor en tierras lejanas. En el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones tenemos la oportunidad de ser parte de la labor misionera de la Iglesia en Asia, Africa, Latinoamrica y las Islas del Pacfico, a travs de nuestras oraciones y generosa ayuda ofrecida a la Sociedad para la Propagacin de la Fe.

30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 23, 2011 LIVING JUSTLY "You give that back right now!" How many of us have heard that line, probably more than once, as we were growing up? We come home with the trophy of what we thought was a really sweet deal, only to have our parents undo our profits by making us return the spoils. They had a different idea of what constituted a "fair trade agreement." Justice in our dealings with others continues to be an important measure of our character, and like a good parent, God cares very much about how we treat each other and about how others treat us. God hears the cry of the poor, and answers the call of the oppressed. God's beloved children are not to behave like bullies. 30o DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO - 23 de octubre, 2011 VIVIR EN JUSTICIA "Devulvelo ahora mismo!". Cuntas veces hemos escuchado esa frase, probablemente ms de una vez, cuando ramos nios? Llegamos a casa con el trofeo que consideramos un dulce hallazgo, para que nuestros padres deshicieran nuestras ganancias hacindonos devolver el botn. Ellos tenan un concepto muy diferente de lo que constituye un acuerdo "de intercambio justo". La justicia en nuestros tratos con otros constituye una importante medida de nuestro carcter, como un buen padre de familia, a Dios le importa mucho cmo nos tratamos los unos a los otros y cmo los otros nos tratan a nosotros. Dios oye el clamor de los pobres y responde al llamado de los oprimidos. Los hijos bien amados de Dios no se han de comportar como abusadores. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA

2:15 pm-Confessions (Fr. Sal) O 3:30 pm-Mary De La Paz-97th bday (Fr. Peter) O 5:30 pm+Maria Luisa Benavides (PP) O 5:30 pm+Ramon Castellanos (PQ) DR 6:30 pm-Confessions (PP) O 7:00 pm-Jose & Maria Morales (SC) O 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 23 7:30 am-Pro populo (Fr. Sal) O 8:30 am+Pedro Ramirez (Fr. Philip) B 9:30 am+Christine Lopez (RP) DR 10:30 am+Petra Ponce (Fr. Philip) B 1 pm+Jose Maria Rodriguez (PQ) B 5 pm-Jose Maria Argelia Sorto (PQ) B Monday, October 24 7:00 am-M. Padilla Family (PP) O 9:00 am+Steven Gomez (Fr. Peter) O 6:00 pm-Vsperas en espaol (PQ) B Tuesday, October 25 7:00 am-Christina Villalobos-bday (Fr. Philip) O 6:00 pm-Vsperas en espaol (PQ) B Wednesday, October 26 7:00 am+Jesus Mendoza & +Aurora Chavez (Fr. Philip) O 5:30 pm-Misa en espaol (Fr. Sal) DR 6:00 pm-Vsperas en espaol (PQ) B Thursday, October 27 7:00 am-English Mass (Fr. Philip) O 5:00 pm-Hora Santa (PP) O Friday, October 28 7:00 am+Maria Luisa Benavides & Tony Benavides (Fr. Philip) O 6:00 pm-Vsperas en espaol (PQ) B Saturday, October 29 2:15 pm-Confessions (Fr. Philip) O 3:30 pm-Alexandro Morales & Norma Sanchez-wedding (Fr. Peter) O 5:30 pm+Rosie Hernandez (Fr. Sal) O 5:30 pm+George Trejo (Fr. Philip) DR 6:30 pm-Confessions (Fr. Sal) O 7:00 pm-Jose & Julieta Vargas (Fr. Peter) O 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 30 7:30 am-Pro populo (Fr. Philip) O 8:30 am+Sixto Jimenez (Fr. Sal) B 9:30 am+Christine Lopez (Fr. Philip)DR 10:30 am-Teresa Castillo & Family (Fr. Peter) B 1 pm-Misa en espaol (Fr. Sal) B 5 pm-Jose Castellanos y Familia (PQ) B +++++ DAILY LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS (Oct 24-28) 6:40 am Morning Prayer: Ella B. 7:00 am Lector: Carmen A. Resp. Psalm: Ruth A. EMHC: Reyna M. 7:30 am Rosary: Virginia M.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rom 8:12-17; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Rom 8:26-30; Lk 13:22 -30 Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39; Lk 13:3135 Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 2529; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Mal 1:14b -- 2:2b, 8-10; Ps 131; 1 Thes 2:7b-9, 13; Mt 23:1-12 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Rom 8:12-17; Lc 13:10-17 Martes: Rom 8:18-25; Lc 13:18-21 Mircoles: Rom 8:26-30; Lc 13:2230 Jueves: Rom 8:31b-39; Lc 13:3135 Viernes: Ef 2:19-22; Lc 6:12-16 Sbado: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 2529; Lc 14:1, 7-11 Domingo: Mal 1:14b -- 2:2b, 8-10; Sal 131 (130); 1 Tes 2:7b-9, 13; Mt 23:1-12 +++++ SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Mission Sunday; Monday: St. Anthony Mary Claret Friday: Ss. Simon and Jude Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Trigsimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Domingo Mundial de las Misiones; Lunes: San Antonio Mara Claret Viernes: Santos Simn y Judas Sbado: Santa Mara Virgen +++++ THE HOLY FATHERS OCTOBER 2011 INTENTIONS General Intention: For the terminally ill, that in their sufferings they may be sustained by faith in God and by the love of others. Missionary Intention: That the celebration of World Mission Sunday may increase in the People of God the passion for evangelization and the support of missionary activity through prayer and economic aid for the poorest Churches.

O - St. Marys Church on O Street B - St. Marys Church on Bethel Avenue DR - St. Katherines Church in Del Rey PQ - Fr. Peter Quinto, RCJ PP - Fr. Philip Puntrello, RCJ RP - Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ SC - Fr. Sal Ciranni, RCJ

Saturday, October 22 1:00 pm-Ashley Maribi Solano-Rojas -15th (Fr. Philip) O Page 2

Send, O Lord, holy apostles into your Church.

INTENCIONES DEL SANTO PADRE PARA EL MES DE OCTUBRE DE 2011 General: Por todos los docentes, para que sepan trasmitir el amor a la verdad y educar en los valores morales y espirituales autnticos. Misionera: Para que las comunidades cristianas dispersas en el continente asitico proclamen el Evangelio con fervor, dando testimonio de su belleza con la alegra de la fe. PRAYERS + Have been requested for the intentions of: ORACIONES + Por las intenciones de:

Manuel Vargas, P. J. Vauter, Nick Velasco, Valerie Villagomez, Patricia Villarreal, Roberto Ybarra, Isabel Zavala

+++++ + For all those who are serving in the military + Por el personal militar
Joe Aguilera, Gilbert Avila, Benedict Balagtas, Bill, Daniel Campos, Juan Carlos Campos, Johnathan Cardiel, Jonathan Chacon, Joe Contreras, David De La O, Eloisa Delgado, Martin Ellison, Mark Roy Espinoza, Maribel Fernandez, Amy Fidalgo, Seth Fidalgo, Rudy Flores, Tanya Florian, Stewart Fowler, Kimberli Fuentes, Cole Herron, Karisa Garza, Manuel Garza Jr., Patrick Garza, Aaron Gonzalez, John Guerra, Joseph Hernandez, Salvador Hernandez, Rolando Iglesias, Iban Marin, Craig Mulligan, Gabriel Nieto, Christopher Ohano, Michael Ortega, Celerino Pealoza, Michael Anthony Perez, Javier Saenz, Sofia Sanchez Silva, Jesse Sandoval, Tom Siquieros, Donald Sombat, Michael Teel, Rafael Torres, Michael P. Tortorete, Matthew Valdez, Fernando Zapata ***To all whose loved one is in the military, please call the rectory (8752025). Care packages will be sent to them from Sanger if you provide us their address.

CELEBRE LA ESPERANZA QUE SALVA Hoy es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Estamos llamados hoy a celebrar la esperanza que salva a travs de nuestras oraciones, participacin en la Eucarista y donativos generosos en la colecta dominical, el da de hoy, a beneficio de la Sociedad para la Propagacin de la Fe. SEPTEMBER FINANCIAL REPORT INCOME Sunday Collections 10,687.40 Baptism & Wedding 870.00 Mission Station 2,882.00 Religious Education Fees 2,882.00 Tamale Sales 473.42 Candle Sales 1,647.95 Interest & Investment 4.49 Prayer Groups 258.00 Quinceaera 310.00 Candle, Votives & Poor Box 1,614.47 Donations-Unrestricted 13,838.91 Total Income 36,652.64 EXPENSE Salaries & Wages 10,264.00 Health Insurance 4,133.00 Employer FICA 567.85 Fringe Benefits 1,202.15 Assessments 4,388.00 Priests Retreat 900.00 Altar & Liturgical Supplies 5,231.59 Books/Supplies 2,688.00 Administrative 5,018.59 Utilities 5,743.86 Maintenance & Building Repairs 3,991.31 Carnival/Bazaar 1,022.43 Insurance 1,974.00 Overnight Travel 1,733.93 Miscellaneous 1,211.22 Total Expense 14,166.21) Church Building Fund Net Income 1,759.00 (12,407.21)

Maria Acosta, Joey Almeraz, Cora Alvarado, Francisca Alvarado, Margaret Alvarez, Michelle Azpiraz, Dalvin Baker, Henry Banuelos, Jose Antonio Becerril, J. J. Benavides, Jose Calavera, Nathan Cantu, Ofelia Castellanos, Angie Castillo, Daniel Cerda, Albert Cisneros, Kendra Constance, Lupe Cortz, Hilda De Anda, Santos De La Fuente, Dolly Dodson, Joey Franco, Amber Frausto, Raymundo Frausto, Ronnie & Nicole Gallardo, Joe Galvan, Mike Galvan, Angelica Gandara, Brianna Garcia, Miguel Garcia Jr, Jackie Gardner, Christi Garza, Cindy Gonzalez, Elvira Gonzalez, Juanita Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez, Roy Gonzalez, Ruben Gonzales, Johnny Guardado, Jocelyn Guerra, Benny Hernandez, Josefina Brecenio Hernandez, Maria Elena Ponce Herrera, Paulita Ibarra, Esther Infante, Raymond Infante, Alberto Lacayo, Gabriel Lara, Gustavo Leon, Maegen Lopez, Ruben Lucid, Enrique Magdaleno, Rosalinda Mancilla, Victor Hugo Mancillas, Blanca Martinez, Jeanette Martinez, Daniel Mata, Louis Mata, Monica Merlo, Josephina & Jose Montes, Magdalena Moreno, Aurora Murillo, Isabel Murillo, Hilda Nicacio, Eduardo Padilla, Lydia Pedregon, Raymond Perez, Ric Perez, Robert Perez, Jr., Jennifer Pichardo, Joseph Puente, Sarah Quinn, Joe Resoer, Gina Reyes, Noe Reyna, Estella Rico, Mike Rico, Julian Rocha, Arthur C. Rodriguez, Carlos Rodriguez, Irma Romero, Angelita Ruiz, Ismael Ruiz, Patricia Ruiz, Antonio Salazar, Edward Sandoval, Nellie Scholar, Kellie Smith, Sandy Smith, Genaro Solorzano, Frank Soto, Connie N. Tacata, Elisa Toledo, Lourdes Valeriano,

STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE CO-RESPONSABILIDAD DE TESORO October 15 & 16 St. Mary $ 3,061.00 St. Katherine 355.00 Total 3,416.00 Church Building Fund 51.00 Bishops Appeal 569.00 SECOND COLLECTION Todays second collection is for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. SEGUNDA COLECTA La segunda colecta es para la Sociedad para la Propagacin de la Fe. CELEBRATE THE HOPE THAT SAVES Today is World Mission Sunday. We are invited today to celebrate the hope that saves through prayer and participation in the Eucharist, and by giving generously to the collection today for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.

STEWARDSHIP: WHOLEHEARTED Jesus insists that all religious rules, the witness of prophets and saints, and every aspect of faith rests entirely on wholehearted love of God, and loving others as ourselves. A woman named Carla could not sleep one night. Restless, she opened her Bible and came upon these two greatest commandments. She realized, guiltily, how many things displaced God in her life. She hid behind baggy clothes and believed herself not good enough. Carla's parents had emphasized sin and a harshly judgPgina 3

Enva, Seor, apstoles santos a tu Iglesia

mental God. Carla saw that the commandment was to love God, love neighbor, love self. The common thread was love, not sin, unworthiness, or judgment. Next morning Carla read the words again. Jesus said "love your neighbor as yourself." Carla equated self-love with selfish pride. She had to understand love in a new way. So began a new path for Carla. She prayed gratefully every day for God's love and blessings. Step by step, she changed. LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW Carla found an experienced spiritual director in her area to help her. To find a priest or qualified lay director, ask at the parish, a nearby religious retreat center, a seminary, or the diocesan offices. CO-RESPONSABILIDAD: SOBRE TODAS LAS COSAS Jess insiste en que todas las leyes religiosas, los testimonios de profetas y santos, y todo aspecto de la fe tiene su fundamento en amar a Dios sobre todas las cosas, amar a los dems y amarnos a nosotros mismos. Una mujer llamada Carla no poda conciliar el sueo una noche. Sintindose insomne abri su Biblia y encontr estos dos grandes mandamientos. Se sinti culpable al darse cuenta de cuntas cosas en su vida reemplazaban a Dios. Debido a que sus padres haban enfatizado en

el pecado y en un Dios castigador, Carla siempre se senta como poca cosa. Pero se fij en que el mandamiento era amar a Dios, amar al prjimo y amarse a s misma. El comn denominador era el amor, no el pecado ni el inmerecimiento ni las sentencias. A la maana siguiente volvi a leer las mismas palabras. Jess dijo "ama al prjimo como a ti misma". Carla identificaba el amor a s misma con el egosmo y el orgullo; de ahora en adelante tendra que entender el amor de una manera nueva. Y as comenz un nuevo camino para ella. Diariamente empez a darle gracias a Dios por su amor y bendiciones. Poco a poco ella fue cambiando. LA CO-RESPONSABILIDAD VIVIDA AHORA Carla encontr a un director espiritual de su rea que la ayud. Para encontrar a un sacerdote o a una persona laica calificada como director o directora espiritual dirgete a tu parroquia, a algn centro de retiros de tu localidad, a un seminario o al obispado.

Revised Roman Missal WORKSHOP: Session #5

Our fifth session on the Mass will explore the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This part of the Mass includes the Presentation and the Preparation of the Gifts (when bread and wine are brought to the altar) and the Eucharistic Prayer, which contains a dialogue, thanksgiving, the story of the Last Supper, Jesus words of consecration, and our acclamation of faith. The gifts of bread and wine brought forth in procession represent us; so does the money weve earned and have contributed to the church. The offering brings together Gods creation and the work of human hands. We can never understand the Eucharistic Prayer fully or appreciate it completely, but we try. Our session makes connections with meals at home and with Christs offering to the Father. He gave his friends his flesh and blood the night before he died so that theyd be able to understand what he would do on Calvary: sacrifice himself as the ultimate covenant between God and humanity. This memorial makes his saving grace present for people today. The words may change, but the core meaning never will. Come join us! This is a MUST for lectors, extraordinary ministers of holy communion, choir members, ushers, parish groups, parents of students in Faith Formation, First Communion, Pre-Confirmation & Confirmation, and sponsors.


Lord Jesus Christ, shepherd of souls, who called the apostles to be fishers of men, raise up new apostles in your church. Teach them that to serve you is to reign, to possess you is to possess all things. Kindle in the young hearts of our sons and daughters the fire of zeal of souls. Make them eager to spread your kingdom upon earth. Keep our present religious and seminarians healthy, both physically and spiritually. Grant them courage to follow you, who are the Way, the Truth and the Life, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. Page 4


Dios de Amor, Tu muestras tu favor hacia nosotros y nos das tu gracia en el Bautismo. Bendcenos con valor para llevar a cabo la misin de Jess. Concdenos corazones abiertos y generosos para que viendo las necesidades de los dems respondamos con compasin. Que la Iglesia sea bendecida con mujeres y hombres que se dedican a Ti en el matrimonio, la vida clibe, el diaconado, el sacerdocio y la vida consagrada. Es en Cristo y por Cristo que nos ofrecemos a Ti ahora y siempre. FAmn.

Participen a las plticas sobre el Nuevo Misal Romano. Este domingo se trata de la Liturgia de la Eucarista. Ven a unirse con nosotros! Es para todos, especialmente los grupos parroquiales, ministros laicos, ministros extraordinarios de la sagrada comunin, coros, padres, jvenes adultos, etc. La sesin en espaol es de 2:00 pm a 3:30 pm el domingo. Las dems sesiones son bilinges: 9:00 am10:30 am; 11:30 am-1:00 pm; 3:30 pm-5:00 pm. Le sesin para el mircoles es sobre la Plegaria Eucarstica: 4:30 pm6:00 pm; 7:00 pm-8:30 pm.


Contact Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ for information on Vocations: 618-0257

Parish and Diocesan News

ROSARIO MISIONERO 23 de octubre, Domingo Vengan hoy a los terrenos del saln de la Iglesia de Santa Katerina por la calle Carmel en Del Rey para el rezar con la comunidad el Rosario Misionero en este Domingo Mundial de las Misiones a las 5:30 pm. Les esperamos. THANK YOU!!! From the Guadalupana Society and Lectors...for all the help and support in making and selling the tamales. It was a huge success. God bless everyone. BASIC CATECHIST TRAINING October 27, Thursday The next session for Echoes of Faith is for Module 4 on the Scriptures Part 2, from 7-9 pm at the Faith Formation Center. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION October 27, Thursday Could you not keep watch and pray for one hour with me? (Mt. 26:40b) 5:00 pm (Spanish) 6:00 pm (Silent) 7:00 pm (English) at the old church on O Street. ADORACIN EUCARSTICA 27 de oct., jueves De modo que no pudieron permanecer despiertos ni una hora conmigo? 5:00 pm (adoracin en espaol) 6:00 pm (adoracin en silencio) 7:00 pm (adoracin en ingls) en la iglesia chiquita por la calle O. YOU CAN HELP YOUR MARRIAGE! Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through times of trouble, disillusionment, and misery in their marriages. There is HOPE for your marriage. For confidential information about and/or to register for the next weekend retreat, please call 1-800-470-2230 or visit the website at SCIENCE, FAITH & MIRACLES October 23, 24 & 25, 7-8:30 pm Holy Family Church, Kingsburg What does the best science have to say about a woman who bleeds from her hands and feet, as if her body is spiritually crucified? Is it real? What about a statue of Jesus weeping actual tears and shedding blood? Is it real? What about a Communion Host, which became human flesh? Are you skeptical or doubtful about miracles? Can science lead to faith? Can faith benefit from science? Mr. Tim Francis of Fort Worth, TX, is a nationally known speaker and presenter on SCIENCE, FAITH and MIRACLES. This is a 3 night conference at Holy Family Church. Come for any or all of the presentations. Info: 897-5953 or FREE! TATIANA IN CONCERT IN KINGSBURG October 27, Thursday, 7 pm Tatiana (or Tajci for short) was a music pop star in Croatia before giving up fame and fortune to sing only for God and for His glory. Her concert tour Let It Be is a musical retreat, telling the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary through music and Scripture. A reception follows in the church all. All are welcome. For more information call 897-5953 or see Location: Holy Family Church, 1275 Smith St. Kingsburg PRIESTHOOD DISCERNMENT RETREAT - October 28-30 St. Johns Seminary, Camarillo, CA OK, you have been wrestling with the idea for awhile, Is God calling me to serve him as a priest? Your present job or school is not exciting you or something seems to be missing in your life. Maybe the Lord has a different calling for you. If you have completed at least 2 years of college and would like to explore the call to priesthood you are invited to a Discernment Weekend at St. Johns Seminary in beautiful Camarillo, CA. There is no charge and it could be a life-changing experience. For more information speak to Father Peter or any of our priests. You may also contact Fr. Dan Avila, Director of Vocations, Diocese of Fresno, at 488 -7424 or vocations@dioceseoffresno .org. RETIRO DE DISCERNIMIENTO VOCACIONAL SACERDOTAL 28-30 de octubre Seminario de San Juan, Camarillo, CA Bueno, usted ha estado luchando con la idea por un tiempo, Es que Dios me llama a servirle como sacerdote? Su trabajo actual o la escuela en que estas ya no te interesa tanto como antes o parece que algo te est faltando en tu vida. Tal vez el Seor tiene un llamado diferente para usted. Si ha completado por lo menos 2 aos de Universidad y te gustara explorar la llamada al sacerdocio se le invita a un fin de semana de discernimiento en el Seminario de San Juan en la hermosa ciudad de Camarillo, CA. El retiro se ofrece gratis a los participantes y podra ser una experiencia que cambia tu vida. Para ms informacin hable con uno de los sacerdotes o al Padre Peter. Tambin puede comunicarse con el Pbro. Daniel Avila, Director de Vocaciones, al 488-7424 o al ANNUAL CANNED FOOD DRIVE October 29, Saturday The Annual Canned Food Drive by our High School students in Faith Formation will be next Saturday from 8:00 am-11:00 am. Please remember our brothers and sisters in need who visit Fr. Hannibal House especially during this winter months. Remember our Lords words in Matthew 25: For I was hungry and you gave me food Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me. COLECTA ANUAL DE COMIDA 29 de octubre, sbado La Colecta Anual de Comida Enlatada de nuestros estudiantes de la Formacin Religiosa ser el prximo sbaPage 5

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Noticias de la Parroquia y la Dicesis

do de 8:00 am-11:00 a.m. Recuerde por favor a nuestros hermanos necesitados que visitan a la Casa de Padre Anbal especialmente durante estos meses de invierno. Recordemos las palabras de nuestro Seor en Mateo 25: "Tuve hambre y me dieron de comer Lo que hicieron para uno de estos hermanos mos, han hecho a m". GUADALUPANA RETREAT RETIRO GUADALUPANO October 29, Saturday From 8 am to 12 noon at St. Anthons Ranch, 2688 S. Newmark Avenue. FESTIVAL OF THE SAINTS October 31, Monday snacks and beverages. Please drop them off at the office during the week, at the church on Saturday and Sunday, or at the hall on October 31st. HOLY-WEEN: EL FESTIVAL DE LOS SANTOS 31 de octubre, lunes Vengan y Celebran a los Hroes de nuestra Fe! Olvdense a los fantasmas, las personas macabras, las brujas y los vampiros!!! Como cristianos catlicos debemos luchar contra las influencias negativas y malas del mundo recuperando el significado cristiano de esta tradicin muy especial que, como la Navidad y la Pascua, ha sido cambiada a una empresa material y comercial. Algunos dicen que es divertida, pero por qu malgastes una gran oportunidad de evangelizar a los nios, la juventud y sus familias? El lunes, 31 de octubre, es la Vspera de la Fiesta de Todos los Santos (es la que significa la palabra Halloween). Todos los nios y sus familias son invitados a la fiesta vestidos como su santo(a) favorito(a). Tambin se puede vestirse como uno de los animalitos en el Arca de No, un ngel, u otra persona conocida como modelo de la fe cristiana. SE NECESITAN: Dulces (sin envolturas espantosas, por favor), juguetes para premios, bocados y bebidas. Favor de traerlos a la oficina durante la semana, a la iglesia el prximo domingo, o al saln grande el da de la fiesta Muchas gracias por defender nuestra fe, y por dejar brillar la Luz de Jess!!! CONFIRMATION SPONSOR ORIENTATION ENGLISH MEETING (English) November 6, Sunday, 6-8 pm This is a mandatory meeting with Fr. Peter for Confirmation Year 3 sponsors. The meeting will be in the church after the 5:00 pm Mass. Sponsors and their candidates must attend together the said Mass. REUNIN CON LOS PADRINOS DE CONFIRMACIN (espaol) 13 de noviembre, domingo Es una reunin obligatorio con el Padre Peter para los padrinos de confirmacin, de las 6:00 a 8:00 pm. DAY OF RETREAT FOR YOUNG SINGLE WOMEN November 12, Saturday All young single women ages 18-35 are invited to a Day of Retreat with the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master at their convent on 3700 N. Cornelia Avenue in Fresno, on November 12 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. For registrations, call Sr. Tiziana at 275-9978. Please bring your sacklunch, notebook and a pen. Donations are accepted. ROGATIONIST FUNDRAISER The Rogationist Fathers have a drawing to visit their Formation House in Tonal, Jalisco Mexico. The 1st prize is a trip for four to the Rogationist Formation House with a guided tour by Fr. Antonio Carlucci Drawing will be held on Dec. 3, 2011 Contact Juan Lomeli to get your ticket today (875-9429, 349-2851) or Martha Lomeli (278-0252). SORTEO ROGACIONISTA Los Padres Rogacionistas les invitan a participar en un sorteo y visitar la Casa de Formacin en Tonal, Jalisco Mexico. El primer premio ser un viaje para cuatro personas a la Casa de Formacin guido por el P. Antonio Carlucci. El Sorteo ser el 3 de Diciembre. Favor de llamar a Juan Lomeli para comprar el boleto (8759429, 349-2851) o a Martha Lomeli (278-0252). MARIAN PRAYER PROGRAM The Knights of Columbus Central Chapter has the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe at various locations. The image is scheduled at the following locations: Oct. 1-16 District Deputy #62, Porterville Oct. 27 Mass 5:30 pm, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Clovis Nov. 3-13 St. Anthony of Padua, Fresno Nov. 16-20 St. Paul Newman Center, Fresno Nov. 21-30 St. Johns Cathedral Dec. 1-9 St. Mary, Sanger Dec. 10-17 Bakersfield

Come and Celebrate the Heroes of our Faith! Forget about ghosts, ghouls, witches and vampires!!! As Catholic Christians we must fight against the negative (and evil) influences of the world by recovering the Christian meaning of this very special tradition that, like Christmas and Easter, have been turned into a worldly and commercial enterprise. Some say its fun, but why waste a great opportunity to evangelize children, youth and their families? Next Monday, October 31st, is the Eve of the Feast of All Saints (All Hallows Eve-\ or Halloween). All children and their families are invited to our party at St. Marys Church Hall on Bethel & North Avenues, dressed as their favorite Saint or Bible Hero. Other costumes may be of the animals in Noahs Ark, angels, and other holy men and women recognized as models of faith. There will be refreshments, carnival games and prizes. Please bring a canned food in exchange for carnival game tickets. WANTED: Candies (no scary wrappers, please), Small Toys for prizes, Pgina 6

Favor de llamar al P. Rene Panlasigui para preguntas sobre las Vocaciones: 618-0257


Sunday/Domingo Oct. 23

PRAYER FOR A NEW BISHOP Almighty God, send your Holy Spirit to guide those who will advise the Holy Father in the selection of the next Bishop of the Diocese of Fresno. May he have the zeal of Saint Paul, the priestly gifts of Saint John Vianney, the wisdom of a loving father and brother, and most of all, the heart of your Son, Jesus. We ask that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us, and Saint Therese, our patroness, join us in this prayer, which we make through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

9:00 am Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 11:30 am Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 2:00 pm Formacin de Fe de la Familia 3:30 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia
Monday/Lunes Oct. 24

5:30 pm Hope Sanger (Ciranni Center) 6:30 pm Grupo de Oracin (saln) 6:30 pm Capacitacin de Animadores (Del Rey) 7:00 pm Elementary Faith Formation Catechists Meeting with Fr. Peter Quinto (FFC1) 7:00 pm AA Meeting (FFC #5) 7:00 pm Ensayo del Coro de 8:30 am (FFC#8)
Tuesday/Martes Oct. 25

ORACIN PARA UN NUEVO OBISPO Dios todopoderoso, enva tu Espritu Santo para guiar a los que aconsejarn al Santo Padre en la seleccin del prximo Obispo de la Dicesis de Fresno. Que l tenga el afn de San Pablo, los dones sacerdotales de San Juan Vianney, la sabidura de un padre y hermano amoroso, y sobre todo, el corazn de tu Hijo, Jess. Que la bienaventurada Virgen Mara interceda por nosotros, y que la Santa Teresa del Nio Jess, nuestra patrona, nos una en esta oracin, que hacemos por Cristo, nuestro Seor. Amn.

10:00 am Divina Voluntad (Ciranni Center) 5:00 pm Legion of Mary (Seminary)892-3031 6:00 pm Padres y Madres Orantes (capilla)
Wednesday/Miercoles Oct. 26


ALTAR SERVERS Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ 875-0416 ALTAR SOCIETY Carmen Alonzo 875-3827 APOSTOLATE OF LIFE Christi Garza 875-2812 GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Charlene Biedermann 875-7741 CABALLEROS DE COLN Cesar Torres 303-5474 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Maria Ramirez 875-9685 CHOIRS Adult English 10:30 am 2nd & 4th Sun Divina Voluntad 7:00 pm Sbado Teresa Castillo 875-4297 Adultos Espaol 8:30 am Domingo Mary Lombardo 875-4827 ngeles de Mara 1:00 pm Domingo Rolando Rodriguez 875-6639 Juan Carlos 286-8087 Children 10:30 am 1st & 3rd Sunday Beth Musgrave 876-3936 DIVINE MERCY MESSENGERS Erlina Rogers 876-3562 ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Juan y Maria Martinez 394-1531 ENGLISH BIBLE STUDY Fr. Philip Puntrello, RCJ ESTUDIO BIBLICO Hna. Reyna Maldonado, MEMI 888-2889 FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM St. Mary, North & Bethel, Sanger Elementary 875-6340 Jr. High & High School 875-6340 Adults (RCIA) 907-2881 St. Katherine, Del Rey English: Julia Flores 888-2903 Spanish: Maria Ontiveros FR. HANNIBAL HOUSE 1501 14th Street, Sanger (PO Box 37) Tel. 875-0564; Fax 875-8815 Email: Call for the schedule GRUPO DE ORACIN CARISMTICA Memo Jimenez 312-3050 ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Michael Quiroz 360-1574 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Cesar Gonzales 875-5823 LAY ROGATIONIST VOCATION ANIMATORS (LARVA) Francisco Javier Luna LECTORES Y COMENTARISTAS Martha Lomeli 875-9429, 349-2851 LECTORS & COMMENTATORS Anna Galvan 875-6091 Art Mendoza 304-7040 LEGION OF MARY Sal Rodriguez 875-8002 MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Javier & Isabel Luna NA MEETING Yaya 709-9498 PADRES Y MADRES ORANTES Angel V. & Gloria M. 875-5424 ROGATIONIST SEMINARY Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ 875-5808 SOCIEDAD GUADALUPANA Jaime Garza 876-3603, 876-3707 ST. MARYS GIFT SHOP Lulu Torres 303-5451 YOUTH MINISTRY Edge (Junior High) Millie Muoz 875-6764 Life Teen (High School) Efrain Santos 618-5808

4:30 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 7:00 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 7:00 pm Grupo de Oracin (Del Rey) 7:00 pm Grupo de Biblia (Ciranni Ctr)
Thursday/Jueves Oct. 27

5:00 pm Hora Santa (Calle O) 6:00 pm Silent Adoration (O Street) 6:30 pm Capacitacin de catequistas (Del Rey) 7:00 pm English Adoration (O Street) 7:00 pm RCIA Precatechumenate (FFC #7) 7:00 pm RCIA Catechumenate (FFC #4) 7:00 pm Echoes of Faith (FFC #1) 7:00 pm Ensayo del Coro de 1:00 pm (FFC5)
Friday/Viernes Oct. 28

5:30 pm Ensayo del coro (Del Rey) 6:00 pm Prctica de lectores (Del Rey) 7:00 pm Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (saln)
Saturday/Sabado Oct. 29

8:00 qm Retiro Familiar para la Primera Reconciliacin (iglesia-salones) 9:00 am Catecumenado en espaol (FFC) 3:30 pm Catequesis para Nios y Padres DR (Del Rey)

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Pgina 7

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