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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Scale Your Sales Podcast Preparation


Scale Your Sales Podcast Preparation Q&A

We are delighted to host you on Scale Your Sales Podcast, a show for enterprising CEO’s, CROs and Sales
Leaders. Janice B Gordon interviews Revenue Generating Executives and Thought Leaders, who are
accelerating sales revenues and successfully achieving customer outcomes.

In each episode we delve into the personality and expertise and dig into the strategies our guests have
used to scale their sales. Our experts discuss the challenges and successes of scaling a sales
organization, sharing their insights of customer expansion and lessons learnt.

We appreciate you completing and returning your answers at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled
recording date. Please note, this is a requirement of your booking. This helps Janice and you to prepare
for the recording of Scale Your Sales Podcast. In the podcast interview we will tailor the questions to your
expertise. In No. 10, you can add additional questions you'd like to be asked.

In addition, your answers will be repurposed in our quarterly LinkedIn promotional article. Please note, full
responses are better content, vague and yes-only answers cannot be included. Your bio and image will be
used in the introduction and promotion of your podcast episode.

By submitting your answers, you are giving Janice B Gordon your permission to live interview, record and
repurpose your words in the manner stated above. By submitting your answers, you confirm that you own
the copyright in all materials you use or have copyright clearance or relevant rights to use and share such
materials. Please be full and frank in your answers.

1. Your Name and phonetic Derek Roberts

pronunciation of your full name :-)

2. How would you want to be introduced/promoted? (maximum 50 word bio please) Note
amendments may be made to entice the audience to listen to this podcast discussion.
Derek Roberts has built, trained, and coached sales teams and sales leaders for nearly thirty years.
Although he is an executive coach, consultant, and professional speaker, he is quick to proudly identify
himself first and foremost as a sales professional. An executive partner with Integrity Solutions since
1999, Roberts also owns the consulting and training firm Roberts Business Group, which sells and
distributes Integrity Solutions’ products. He is co-author of the new book, Listen to Sell: How Your Mindset,
Skillset, and Human Connections Unlock Sales Performance.

Your following answers are used in the LinkedIn article to promote your episode. If you could share
customer success stories, challenges, and successes, this makes great content.

3. Share a challenge or customer success story that demonstrates your expertise.

Derek can discuss his ongoing work with both one of the leading U.S.-based home, auto and life insurance
companies as well as with a leading humanitarian aid non-profits in the world. Both of these clients have
seen significant growth and goal achievement in support of their missions by shifting both the mindsets
and related skillsets around what selling means.

With the humanitarian non-profit, Derek has led training and coaching for more than 12,000 of their
employees nationwide in sales, service and coaching training. The work has has produced measurable

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results in the performance and the motivation of their sales team. The skills and behavior change seen in
their people has assisted in achieving significant ROI for their 'Reach, Revenue and Filling the Bucket'

4. How do you know that you have the right people in the sales team to achieve the revenue
Selling happens between the ears before it can ever happen between two people. Sales is far more of a
mindset issue than it is skillset. While skills, product knowledge, etc. are important, 5 factors weigh far
more heavily in whether a person is truly cut out to succeed in sales: their view of selling itself as a
profession, their view of their own abilities, the alignment of their values with the mission and values of the
organization, their level of belief in the product(s) and service(s) they're representing, and their
commitment to the necessary activities to achieve their goals.

5. In your experience what sales competences directly impact buyer and customer experience?
Defer to Derek there.

6. What steps have you taken as a sales organization or working with sales organization to
develop buyer and customer-centricity?
The only reason that a customer would or even should consider doing business with us is that somehow
we enhance their ability to attract and serve their customers. The risk that many of us face is forgetting to
look past the initial sale. We get focused on delivering a solution to a customer as if that was the end of
the value chain. We fail to look downstream and understand the proportional value that we are
contributing to their customer’s experience. As a result, the questions we ask during the sales process can
come across as narrow and even self-serving. We end up focusing too much on features or failing to
effectively connect those features to perceived customer value because we lack a true understanding of
how the customer connects our solutions with how they serve their customer.

7. What practical strategy enables buyers to buy?

Let's talk about what’s different about selling in 2024? Here’s just a few things:
- Longer buying cycles.
- Numerous and unpredictable (and often unknown) stakeholders.
- Ever-increasing digital interactions spawning an overwhelming volume of data and analytics.
- a customer base that's both well-informed and distracted—and pretty confident they don’t need us…

As the selling environment has evolved and the sales ecosystem has grown more complex, many
salespeople are beginning to question whether their role still has meaning. Some are wondering whether
they even want to be in sales anymore.

We believe there’s never been a better time to be in sales. And we wanted to write a book that celebrates
sales as a profession and the salesperson as a respected, valued partner.

Professional salespeople and strong sales leaders have never been more necessary, and there have never
been more opportunities to be successful and fulfilled in your work.

To be effective, you need new tools, new skills and more training. But at the same time, regardless of
what’s happening in the industry at any given moment, the secret to sales success lies in mastering the
human elements in sales.

8. What one tried and tested strategy would you offer our listeners, on how to scale their sales?
Trust and authenticity are far and away a salesperson’s biggest differentiators.
The insights and human connection the salesperson brings to the sales conversation are more valuable
than even the most sophisticated algorithms.

9. a. If you were on a desert island alone, what one thing would you take with you? or b. Who is
your Hero or Shero and tell us why?
Defer to Derek on this...

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10. Please state if there is any other question (and the answer), that you would like to be
Would like to discuss the motivation behind writing our new book, Listen to Sell, How Your Mindset,
Skillset, and Human Connections Unlock Sales Performance.

If any published book, kindly place

your link here.

For LinkedIn: Kindly place your profile

link here.

For Instagram: Kindly list your x

username/link to your profile here.

For Twitter: Kindly list your x

username/link to your profile here.

11. Please upload a headshot image

less than 50 KB with transparent
background (PNG if possible). By
completing you agree for your image
to be used in promotional materials,
such as on social media platforms.

As a guest of Scale Your Sales I agree.

podcast, You are ticking to confirm
that you have rated and reviewed at
least one (1) episode of the Scale
Your Sales Podcast on iTunes and/or
Spotify prior to your interview date.

You will receive a copy of your survey answers prior to the podcast recording date. If you have any
problems completing this survey please reach out to me, Jacq Cocamas, the podcast
administrator, Let me know if you are struggling with how to rate and review
the podcast so I can send you further instructions.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom :-)

Jacq and Janice

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