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18th of January

Hello. My name is Janice B Gordon, and this is the Scale Your Sales podcast.
(Music, so 1 or 2 second pause)
Welcome to the Scale Your Sales podcast, listed number 9 of 43 best podcasts for every sales
professional. I am Janice B Gordon, the Customer Growth Expert; recommended by LinkedIn
Sales as one of 15 innovating sales influencers to follow.
(1 or 2 second Pause)

In today’s episode, my guest talks about [Summary]

2:00pm – 2:30pm Victor Antonio (Vik Tor An Tone E O)

A globally sought after sales trainer and consultant who earned a B.S. Electrical Engineering,
an MBA and built a 20-year career as a top sales executive and becoming President of Global
Sales and Marketing for a $420M company. He's the author of 16 books on sales and
motivation and recently launched the Sales Velocity Academy learning platform with 600+ video
courses. In 2018, he was the first to publish AI's impact on Sales in his book, "Sales Ex
Machina: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the World of Selling". Welcome to Scale Your
Sales Podcast, Victor Antonio.

3:00pm – 3:30pm James Ski

The CEO and Founder of Sales Confidence. Building the world's most valuable B2B Sales
Community. Helping salespeople and sales leaders at each stage of their career with their
mindset, wellbeing and performance via a exclusive learning and development
membership. Welcome to Scale Your Sales Podcast, James Ski.

5:00pm – 5:30pm Joe Marcoux (Mark-who)

Known as the Sales Sensei, Joe is the founder of the Sales Dojo where entrepreneurs,
business professionals and sales leaders go to practice their skills LIVE in an interactive and
safe environment. Welcome to Scale Your Sales Podcast, Joe Marcoux (Mark-who).

2:00pm – 2:30pm Victor Antonio (Vik Tor An Tone E O)

3. Share a challenge or customer success story that demonstrates your expertise.
Helping clients:
1) increase conversion rates
2) increase average deal size
3) shorten sales cycle

4. How do you know that you have the right people in the sales team to achieve the
revenue goals?
When you have a great product/service that's competitive, you remove all barriers to selling,
and you have a great incentive plan, the best of the best will review themselves.
5. In your experience what sales competences directly impact buyer and customer
Advocacy: The ability to help buyers make a buying decision from competing options.

6. What steps have you taken as a sales organization or working with sales organization
to develop buyer and customer-centricity?
I teach salespeople how to reduce anxiety and increase certainty; the result equals confidence
to move forward.

7. What practical strategy enables buyers to buy?

Social proof and most importantly a step-by-step plan on how the product/service will be
implemented and adopted.

8. What one tried and tested strategy would you offer our listeners, on how to scale their
Don't focus on overcoming objections, focus on blocking them before they are brought up.
Doing this build credibility and allows you to control the conversation.

9. a. If you were on a desert island alone, what one thing would you take with you? or b.
Who is your Hero or Shero and tell us why?
Ayn Rand: Philosopher of Objectivism

10. Please state if there is any other question (and the answer), that you would like to be
Not at this moment.

3:00pm – 3:30pm James Ski

3. Share a challenge or customer success story that demonstrates your expertise.
Our core business was originally events. When covid hit...overnight we were unable to bring
people together and unfortunately over a 12 week period I had to let go everyone working for
me. We then adapted and moved the business successfully online and also developed a
membership subscription. Once events returned due to the increasing reach we had created
online they successful sold out in no time.

4. How do you know that you have the right people in the sales team to achieve the
revenue goals?
Our focus is on the mindset, wellbeing and performance of our sales people. We set high
standards and encourage a high-performance mindset. However, the positive pressure, drive
and motivation we use must be done in a sustainable way. We do not wish anyone to burn out.
All our team have access to peer group circles, mentorship and one-to-one coaching to support
their development.

5. In your experience what sales competences directly impact buyer and customer
I'm a big believer that people still buy from people they like. Likability can be trained and
development once you have self-awareness. How you make a customer feel during the sales
process is critical to support them and how they champion you within their organization.

6. What steps have you taken as a sales organization or working with sales organization
to develop buyer and customer-centricity?
Fortunately our company sells to the persona we are. We are sales people selling to sales
people and sales leaders so we are inimately connected to their challenges, ambitions and
dreams. We work at being relatable and understand them in a way to builds trust, comfort and
credibility. They tend to like the fact we live in their world.

7. What practical strategy enables buyers to buy?

Easy of purchase. Making it easy to buy from you is critical to drive growth and success. Do not
create barriers and bottle necks in the buying process. When people are ready to buy! Help
them buy!

8. What one tried and tested strategy would you offer our listeners, on how to scale their
Invest in developing your sales people by providing them with world class sales tools and
access to mentors, coaching and peer groups to help them always be uplevelling themselves.

9. a. If you were on a desert island alone, what one thing would you take with you? or b.
Who is your Hero or Shero and tell us why?
Peter Jones - Dragons Den. He attended my school has achieved global success with his
business and gives back to the next generation of entrepreneurs via his foundation. He has
created a life I would like to replicate.

10. Please state if there is any other question (and the answer), that you would like to be
Why is Sales Confidence so important to you?

5:00pm – 5:30pm Joe Marcoux (Mark-who)

3. Share a challenge or customer success story that demonstrates your expertise.
Sales is a perishable skill. Through the foundation of repetition in a valid and safe environment,
members of the sales dojo develop unconscious competence to create buying conversations.
Since the pandemic, Zoom and video sales calls online have become commonplace. Scripts
alone are just words. These represent 7% of the way we communicate. Body Language is 55%
of the way we communicate as human beings and the techniques practiced in the Dojo become
natural, habitual and authentic.

Here are some examples:

4. How do you know that you have the right people in the sales team to achieve the
revenue goals?
Strategy # 1: S.O.S.
Sales Objection System
An elegant 2-step blueprint to overcome any objection.

Strategy # 2: AIME
This is the method to create Buying Conversations where people choose to buy vs the icky
feeling of "being sold"
Align, Inspire, Motivate and Empower your guest to decide to say yes.

Strategy # 3: Live I.T.

Live Interactive Training is a critical component to member success.
By training live with skilled and experienced professionals, members get to develop winning
habits that help them manage emotions during challenging conversations.

5. In your experience what sales competences directly impact buyer and customer
The goal for any professional should be to delight their guests so they want to become a
customer. The customer experience creates the sale.

6. What steps have you taken as a sales organization or working with sales organization
to develop buyer and customer-centricity?
The discovery process is what we call A.I.M.E. It begins with Alignment with our guest.
If there is proper alignment we can then Inspire and Motivate with the right questions to
ultimately Empower them to make a win/win decision.

7. What practical strategy enables buyers to buy?

Be sure to uncover a combination of at least 3 goals / problems.

8. What one tried and tested strategy would you offer our listeners, on how to scale their
Put systems in place that can be practiced, measured and repeated.
Our motto is Learn/Do/Teach.
In other words, our sales team members must teach the skills they learn.
When you want to master something, teach it.

9. a. If you were on a desert island alone, what one thing would you take with you? or b.
Who is your Hero or Shero and tell us why?
My fishing gear.

10. Please state if there is any other question (and the answer), that you would like to be
Can you completely eliminate objections?
Answer: You can become a master of Objection Prevention.
To think that you can eliminate objections when they are a normal part of any buying
conversation would lead you into serious trouble.
Objections are an emotional response and they create a "mirror" emotional response.
When Emotions go Up, Intelligence goes down!

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