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Intuitive tarot masterclass: learn tarot in 20 days

Sectiunea 1: Introduction into intuitive tarot learning

1. Learning the tarot intuitively

Hello. Welcome. My name is Astrid, aka The Psychic witch and I’m a professional tarot card reader
for over 15 years. I started reading tarot when I was about seven or eight and I turned professional
when I was 18 and I’m a professional tarot card reader to this day.

I also conducted a lot of different classes about tarot in pe, but also online and I felt that now it was
a good time to use all that, my experience that I have with it to put together this particular course.

When I was teaching, I noticed that the students been coming to me and repeating me pretty much
continuously the same problems that they had with learning tarot. They felt intimidated by the tarot
cards. They felt like it’s very complex, they felt kind of struggling with sometimes the very
mechanical understanding of tarot and mechanically learning the meanings and then mechanically
reading the specific cards and the spread. Those other students I had felt like it’s just too mechanical.
And a lot of people also been having problems with just simply not being overwhelmed with the
amount of information that the tarot cards has been throwing at them..

So I decided to make a course that’s going to be addressing all of these things and it’s just going to
be different and we are not going to be doing any of that. We are not going to be doing frustrating
learning. We are not going to be doing over complexity. We are just going to go through the very
deep, intuitive connection with the cards and with the meanings and understanding cards in context.
Not just understanding each card separately, but understanding the whole arcana as in a whole what
they mean, what they represent. And all of this is going to help us to get a better deeper
understanding of the tarot cards. Then that naturally leads towards learning without frustration,
significantly better and deeper connection of the cards, with the cards and deeper and better
understanding of the meanings and obviously deeper and better readings, because you are going to
not just see the mechanical meaning of the card, but you are going to see all the depth of the
information that the card is conducting to you. And you will also understand all the other cards in
context and from that you will be able to do a a really amazing readings that just simply go beyond
just the memorized meanings, mechanical meanings of the cards.

So this is what this course is trying to do and we are going to do it within 20 days. Where I’m going to
take you from day one when we are going to be choosing the right tarot cards for you, all the way to
day 20, when we are going to be conducting a full intuitive reading for either yourself or for a client
or for a friend.

So this was my goal with this course I really wanted to do a course that, as I said, is a bit different.
And I’m really hoping this is something that you’re resonating with. And if you do, I’m going to be
looking forward to see you in my next lesson.

2. Who can and who can’t learn tarot

Hello. Welcome back. So in this particular lesson, I’m going to be talking about who can learn tarot.
So the short answer to that is pretty much anyone to kind of dive into it a bit deeper. I would say that
obviously there is loads of misconceptions about who can learn tarot and what people need to have
or not to have to be able to do it. I would say tarot quite unfairly does have quite an air of being
intimidating divination tool, which really is nothing intimidating or scary about tarot. But we’ll go
through that in some of the later lessons. Some people think that you need to be gifted at a tarot
deck. That’s not necessarily true. On the contrary, if you are a gifted autodidact, there is a bigger
chance that somebody will just give you a tarot deck that you won’t be able to read because simply
its imagery that you are naturally just not really connecting as a person or is just not really triggering
your intuition.

You don’t have to be out of a family of witches. It helps, but you don’t have to. You don’t have to
have anybody in your family interested in tarot. You can be the first one who can be the pioneer in
your family. And also, you don’t need to be already somehow clairvoyant or intuitive to begin with. It
helps. It might speed up your intuitively connecting with the cards, but even people who are not
very, don’t have their intuition open. Because I do believe everyone is intuitive to a certain degree.
Just more people have the ability more open than the others. If you’re one of these people who
don’t have have this ability as much open, that’s not a problem at all.

As you will start working with the tarot cards and doing entering meditations with them and cary
them around and doing the readings with them. The more you work with these tools, the more your
intuition will start completely naturally opening up. So even if you feel you are not very intuitive,
that’s not a problem. It will start opening up through working with the cards.

You will just usually need to, you know, do a bit more readings and kind of be patient and let it kind
of open. So it might take you a little bit longer to fully start getting all of these visions and intuitive
hints about them, but you will get them eventually.

So I would say who can learn tarot and become a total card reader? I would say anyone. So you
need to have anything? Some form of a calling to tarot cards? I would say the only calling or anything
that needs to be there, it’s you simply just feel drawn to them, that’s a calling. You feel interested in
them, you feel called to them. There’s something in them that just feels attractive to you. You feel
drawn to them. That’s the calling you’ve been looking for. That’s the calling to tarot cards.

People who are not feeling, no calling to tarot cards will not feel interested in them. So since you’re
watching this video, I assume you are drawn to tarot cards, otherwise you wouldn’t be watching this.

That’s all enough of a requirement that you need to meet and other things that you will need both
specifically for this course is a book and a pen because we are going to be making tarot card journal.
So you just need to be willing to like take notes and have a pen and a paper and some time
throughout the day to basically, you know, watch the videos and done some activities for the
lessons. Then just kind of do the activities if you’re willing to do that and you feel drawn to the tarot
cards. Congratulations. You’re more than qualified to learn tarot.

3. What can this course do for you

Hello, welcome back. So in this lesson, I’m going to be explaining how this course works and what it
can do for you. So in this course, we have 20 days for which we are going to be learning tarot. You
don’t have to take every day a lesson. It doesn’t have to be 20 consecutive days. You can take breaks
in between if you feel like it. But altogether is going to be 20 days when we are going to be learning
tarot through you looking at my video lessons and if the lesson has some activities at the end, I’m
recommending for you to do

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