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2. She has already charged the phone.

She’s already charged the phone. (forma contracta)

She hasn’t charged the phone yet.
She’s charging the phone – Ela está carregando o telefone (aqui é verbo
to be porque o outro verbo vem com ing)
Perfect tense
Have + main verb in the past participle
Already/ just

I have just had an idea

Have you had an idea yet?
Yes, I have already had an idea

What do you do?

What do you have?

What have you done?
What have you had? I have had a headache (perfect
What did you have? I had a headache (past

To be + USED TO – ACOSTUMADO A …..(alguma coisa)

To Use – usar ( I use my cell phone in class) Eu uso meu cellular na sala.
To be + USED TO – ACOSTUMADO A …..(alguma coisa)
I am used to work during the night ( Eu estou acostumado a trabalhar
durante a noite)

Used to – costumava a fazer algo

I used to swim when I was a teen(Eu costumava nadar quando eu era

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