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Nama : Daniel Haposan Gultom

Class : Bisnis Digital – A

NIM : 1710623016

WEEK 12 AND 13

Warming Up

1. Yes, I do. Sometimes if I use bajaj from Kramat Station to State University of Jakarta, I
always haggle to get a better price.
2. I usually haggle in In tradisional market, clothes shop, and fruit merchant and I don’t
haggle if I in mall, supermarket, and online shops.

Business Culture

If i need to trade with an Argentina company, the factors that i need to consider is Kindness
and respect other will do. Because when we have a bad image, client wouln’t want to have a
deal with you. And lastly feelings sometime take precedence in negotiation. Such as on the
text which is thinking suggests a cultural context that may prioritize emotional considerations
in business discussions.

Vocabulary (Fill The Blank)

1. israelis watch TV showing Fox News Correspondent American Steve Centanni, at a shop
in downtown Jerusalem, Sunday, Aug 27,2006.
2. He said the decision was Irrevocable.
3. The victory inspired him to Dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt.
4. They Specify their wishes to an interior designer.
5. They embargoed oil Shipment to the US.
6. The main Beneficiary of pension equality so far have been men.

Vocabulary (subway)

1. For diet reasons, I always bought about 6 servings of fried chicken without sauce.
2. For me, the factors I consider when buying something are price (finding the cheapest
one), quality (finding the best one of them), functionality and features (whether it is
useful for everyday use), and finally The element is ratings and reviews from other


A wallet, because I need to buy and upgrade my old wallet with a new ones. For me all factor
in the four P’s that I usually use product, price, and promotion. I didn't think about place because
now there are online stores and you can buy the products you want.
I also completely agree with B statement. Because when a product is promoted, it means
that the company has to spend more money on it. The more money a company spends, the higher
the price of its products. On the positive side, consumers are more interested in your product than
those who didn't advertise at all.

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