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In this article, ASME Section VIII, Division 1 is referred to as “code”. Pressure vessels that are constructed
in accordance with the requirements of the “code” are referred to as “code pressure vessels”. Local thin
areas are referred to as “LTAs”. Following nomenclature is used:
R = Inside radius for cylindrical shell or spherical segment, in
= KoD for ellipsoidal heads where Ko is from Table UG-33.1, in
(0.9 for 2:1 ellipsoidal heads)
t = Required thickness for shell or dished head as applicable
tL = Minimum thickness of LTA
L = Projected axial length of LTA in a cylindrical shell, in
C = Projected circumferential length of LTA in a cylindrical shell, in
DL = Maximum dimension of LTA in a spherical segment, in
Is it permitted for thicknesses in code pressure vessels to be less than the required thickness?
Yes. Mandatory Appendix 32 sets the requirements when thicknesses lower than the required thicknesses
are acceptable per the code.
Are there areas of code pressure vessels where LTAs are not permitted?
It is not permitted for LTAs to be located on the following components or the areas of the components in
code pressure vessels:
1) Corrosion resistant linings or overlays
2) Torus portion of a torispherical heads
3) Flat heads or conical heads
Code allows acceptable LTAs in cylindrical shells and spherical segments of shells (spherical vessels,
hemispherical heads, and spherical portion of torispherical and ellipsoidal heads) under internal pressure.
What are the general requirements that must be fulfilled for LTAs to be acceptable by the code?
Following are the general requirements that must be fulfilled:
1) The manufacturer shall maintain a record of the location and the extent of all LTAs, and provide it
to the user, if requested.
2) The maximum design temperature of pressure vessel shall not exceed that given in the following

Subsection C Table Temperature, °F

Table UCS-23 700
Table UNF-23.1 300
Table UNF-23.2 150
Table UNF-23.3 900
Table UNF-23.4 600
Table UNF-23.5 600
Table UHA-23 800
Table UHT-23 700

3) The following notation shall be entered on the Manufacturer’s Data Report under Remarks:
“Constructed in Conformance with Mandatory Appendix 32, Local Thin Areas in Cylindrical Shells
and in Spherical Segments of Shells”.
What are the allowable locations for LTAs in a pressure vessel?
Following are the allowable locations for LTAs:
1) For small openings [UG-36(c)(3)], the minimum distance between the edge of the LTA and the
center of the opening shall be equal to or greater than the inside diameter of the opening PLUS
2) For openings other than the small openings, the minimum distance between the edge of the LTA
and the reinforcement limit of the opening shall be equal to or greater than √Rt.

3) For torispherical and ellipsoidal heads, the edge of the LTA shall not be closer than 2.5√Rt to the
cylindrical shell side of the tangent line of the head-to-cylinder junction. See Figures 1 and 2:

Figure 1: Limits for Torispherical Head

(Courtesy of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)

Figure 2: Limits for Ellipsoidal Head

(Courtesy of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)
4) LTAs for a torispherical head must lie entirely within the spherical portion of the head.
5) LTAs for an ellipsoidal head must lie entirely within a circle the center of which coincides with the
axis of the vessel, and the diameter of which is equal to 80% of the shell diameter.
6) A constant thickness head-to-cylinder junction for a hemispherical head is not considered an area
of high stress. LTAs for hemispherical head is acceptable within the entire head and shell region
for a constant thickness head-to-cylinder junction.
7) Location for LTAs is limited for non-constant thickness hemispherical head-to-cylinder junction as
shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Limits for Hemispherical Head

(Courtesy of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)

8) The edge of an LTA shall not be closer than 2.5√Rt to the centerline of a stiffening ring or a
structural support.
9) A junction between two sections of the same thickness within a cylindrical section, hemispherical
head, torispherical head, or ellipsoidal head is not considered an area of high stress and does not
limit the allowable location of an LTA.
What are the requirements for single LTAs in cylindrical shells of code pressure vessels?
Single LTAs shall satisfy the flowing equations (see Figure 4):
a) tL/t ≥ 0.9

b) L ≤ √Rt

c) C ≤ 2√Rt
d) t – tL ≤ 3/16 in

Figure 4: LTA Nomenclature

(Courtesy of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)
The longitudinal stresses on the LTA from mechanical loads other than internal pressure shall not exceed
What are the requirements for multiple LTAs in cylindrical shells of code pressure vessels?
A pair of local areas with finished axial length, L1 and L2 (see Figure 4) are acceptable if the individual LTAs
satisfy the requirements of single LTA in cylindrical shells, and one of the following conditions is met:
(1.0+1.5 cos θ)(L1 +L2 )
1) When θ ≤ 45°, the minimum axial separation shall be greater of OR 2t.
2) When θ > 45°, both of the following shall be met:
2.91 cos θ (L1 +L2 )
a. The minimum axial separation shall be equal to or greater than .
b. The minimum circumferential separation shall be equal to or greater than 2t.
Multiple pairs of LTAs are acceptable, provided all pairs meet the rules of a single pair specified above.
Multiple LTAs may be combined as a single LTA. The resultant single LTA is acceptable if it satisfies the
rules for a single LTA in a cylindrical shell.
What are the requirements for single LTAs in spherical segments of shells of code pressure
Single LTAs shall satisfy the flowing equations:
a) tL/t ≥ 0.9

b) DL ≤ √Rt
c) t – tL ≤ 3/16 in
What are the requirements for multiple LTAs in spherical segments of shells of code pressure
1) Multiple LTAs may be combined and evaluated as a single LTA. The encompassed areas of the
combined LTAs shall be within the DL dimension.
2) Each LTA in the encompassed area shall meet the rules of single LTAs in spherical segments of
shells specified above.

3) Multiple LTAs may be treated as single LTAs provided their edges are no closer than 2.5√Rt.

Compiled from Mandatory Appendix 32 of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division

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