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Disney appeals federal judge's dismissal of its lawsuit against DeSantis about:reader?

Disney files appeal after federal judge

dismissed its lawsuit against DeSantis
By Rob Wile

4–5 minutos

Disney filed an appeal Thursday of a federal judge's ruling that

dismissed the company's lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron
DeSantis and board members he appointed to manage a planning
district Disney once operated in the state.

U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor on Wednesday tossed out

Disney's lawsuit against DeSantis over the loss of a long-standing
planning district, ruling that Disney lacked standing to bring the

Winsor said Disney's claims of injury resulting from the

appointment of board members to a new district created by Florida
lawmakers was "in the past."

Disney also failed to show damages from specific actions the new
board has taken or will take because of the governor’s alleged
control of it, Winsor wrote.

"In fact, Disney has not alleged any specific injury from any board
action," Winsor said.

Winsor was nominated by President Donald Trump in 2018 and

was sworn in in 2019.

1 de 4 02/01/2024, 10:26 p. m.
Disney appeals federal judge's dismissal of its lawsuit against DeSantis about:reader?

A Disney spokesperson said in a statement following the ruling:

“This is an important case with serious implications for the rule of

law, and it will not end here. If left unchallenged, this would set a
dangerous precedent and give license to states to weaponize their
official powers to punish the expression of political viewpoints they
disagree with. We are determined to press forward with our case.”

A spokesperson for DeSantis said in a statement:

"As stated by Governor DeSantis when he signed HB 9-B, the

Corporate Kingdom is over. The days of Disney controlling its own
government and being placed above the law are long gone. The
federal court’s decision made it clear that Governor DeSantis was
correct: Disney is still just one of many corporations in the state,
and they do not have a right to their own special government. In
short — as long predicted, case dismissed."

The origins of the suit lie in the battle over the passage of a bill,
which DeSantis signed into law in summer 2022, that limited
discussion of gender and sexuality in schools. Dubbed the "Don't
Say Gay" bill by opponents, the bill restricted teaching those
subjects to fourth grade and above.

2 de 4 02/01/2024, 10:26 p. m.
Disney appeals federal judge's dismissal of its lawsuit against DeSantis about:reader?

Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.Joe Burbank / Tribune News
Service via Getty Images file

Former Disney CEO Bob Chapek came out against the bill
following vocal opposition on social media from Disney employees.

In response, Florida state lawmakers began taking steps to

dismantle what was then known as Disney's Reedy Creek
Improvement District, the planning area it had maintained de facto
control over since the late-1960s. That control allowed the
company to make building and infrastructure changes in and
around Walt Disney World.

Last February, the Legislature effectively stripped away Disney's

control over Reedy Creek, renaming it the Central Florida Tourism
Oversight District and appointing five officials backed by DeSantis
to serve on a newly created board.

Disney sued, claiming DeSantis and the Legislature had dissolved

Reedy Creek in retaliation for and in violation of the company's
First Amendment rights. It alleged in a separate lawsuit that the
new Oversight District was failing to properly preserve records.

In December, The Associated Press reported that about 50 out of

370 employees had left the Central Florida Tourism Oversight
District since it its takeover, "raising concerns that decades of
institutional knowledge are departing with them, along with a
reputation for a well-run government."

CORRECTION (Jan. 31, 2024, 5:40 p.m. ET): A previous version

3 de 4 02/01/2024, 10:26 p. m.
Disney appeals federal judge's dismissal of its lawsuit against DeSantis about:reader?

of this article misstated what grades are covered by the law

limiting discussion of gender and sexuality in schools. It restricts
teaching those subjects to fourth grade and above, not third grade.
It also misstated the court the judge serves on. He is a U.S. district
judge, not a state judge.

Rob Wile

Rob Wile is a breaking business news reporter for NBC News


Austin Mullen and John Filippelli contributed.

4 de 4 02/01/2024, 10:26 p. m.

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