Gr10 Exam Review

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Name: _________________________

Date: __________________________

SNC2D Scientific Inquiry Review

Define each of the following and give an example:


Scientific Law


Scientific Theory


Scientific Model

What is the scientific data base? _________________________________________________________


Explain why scientific theories are important to the Cycle of Proof: _____________________________


Identify and briefly describe the 4 steps in the Cycle of Proof:

1. ___________________: _____________________________________________________________

2. ___________________: _____________________________________________________________

3. ___________________: _____________________________________________________________

4. ___________________: _____________________________________________________________

What happens if a prediction turns out to be wrong? _________________________________________

Match each term to its definition at right.

____ variable A. something for which the experimenter measures the response

____ independent variable B. a limitation on the accuracy and precision of a measurement

____ dependent variable C. things in an experiment that are kept constant

____ controlled variable D. something changed by the experimenter

____ experimental uncertainty E. anything in an experiment that may be changed

Write a correctly worded hypothesis in response to the following Question:

“What effect does the temperature of the reactants in a chemical reaction have on
the rate of the reaction?”



For the Question above, identify the independent and dependent variables.

Independent: ________________________________________________________________________

Dependent: _________________________________________________________________________

Give at least three examples of variables that would have to be controlled:



Identify at least three possible sources of experimental error:



If the data were to be plotted on a graph,

what variable would be on the horizontal axis? _____________________________________________

what variable would be on the vertical axis? _______________________________________________

what would be a good title for the graph? _________________________________________________

Sketch the shape of the graph if:

when the independent variable increases, the when the independent variable increases, the
dependent variable increases linearly. dependent variable increases at an increasing rate.

when the independent variable increases, the there is no relationship between the variables.
dependent variable decreases at a decreasing rate.

What is qualitative data? Give an example.


What is quantitative data? Give an example.


What is the difference between an observation and an inference?



Lab reports should be written in the:

____________ person, _________________ voice and _____________ tense.

Rewrite the following procedure step in a format appropriate for a lab report:

“Using a metre stick, measure the distance between the object and the lens.”

Nomenclature and Formula Flowchart

How many elements?

1: Diatomic 2: Binary 3+: Polyatomic Ionic

Molecules Compounds Compounds
“HOFBrINCl” Ex. AlCl3, NH3 “Nick the Camel...”
Ex. H2 Ex. NH4NO3
hydrogen gas ammonium nitrate
Metal & Non-metal 2 Non-metals

Ionic Compound Covalent Compound (Molecular)

“Metal non-metal–ide” Use prefixes
Ex. Na2O Ex. CO2
sodium oxide carbon dioxide

Metal has only one valence charge Metal has multiple valence charges (multivalent)
No Roman numeral Roman numeral in brackets indicates charge on
Ex. ZnCl2
zinc chloride Ex. CuO copper (II) oxide
Cu2O copper (I) oxide

*Acids (when (aq) is shown)

Binary Acids (H bonded to a non-metal) Oxyacids (H bonded to a polyatomic ion)

Hydro____ic acid ____ic acid
Ex. HCl(aq) hydrochloric acid Ex. HClO3(aq) chloric acid
H2S(aq) hydrosulfuric acid H2SO4(aq) sulfuric acid
1A 8A
1 1.008 2 4.003
atomic atomic
number mass
H He
6 12.01
Hydrogen 2A atomic
3A 4A 5A 6A 7A Helium
3 6.941 4 9.01 2 5 10.81 6 12.01 7 14.01 8 16.00 9 19.00 10 20.18
symbol C oxidation states
Li Be + 4, 2
Carbon (bold most stable) B C N O F Ne
Lithium Beryllium name Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
11 22.99 12 24.31 13 26.98 14 28.09 15 30.97 16 32.06 17 35.45 18 39.95

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Sodium Magnesium 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 1B 2B Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
19 39.10 20 40.08 21 44.96 22 47.88 23 50.94 24 52.00 25 54.94 26 55.85 27 58.93 28 58.69 29 63.55 30 65.39 31 69.72 32 72.59 33 74.92 34 78.96 35 79.90 36 83.80

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
3 4,3 5,4,3,2 3,2,6 2,4,6,7 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,1 2
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
37 85.47 38 87.62 39 88.91 40 91.22 41 92.91 42 95.94 43 (98) 44 101.1 45 46 47 48 112.4 49 114.8 50 51 121.8 52 127.6 53 126.9 54 131.3
102.9 106.4 107.9 118.7
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
4 5,3 6,5,4,3,2 7 3,2,4,6,8 2
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium 3,2,4 2,4 1 Cadmium Indium 4,2 Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Rhodium Palladium Silver Tin
55 132.9 56 137.3 57 138.9 72 178.5 73 180.9 74 183.9 75 186.2 76 190.2 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 209.0 84 (209) 85 (210) 86 (222)
192.2 195.1 197.0 200.6 204.4 207.2
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
3 4 5 6,5,4,3,2 7,6,4,2,-1 4,2,3,6,8
Cesium Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium 4,2,3,6 4,2 3,1 2,1 2,4 Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead
87 88 (226) 89 104 (261) 105 (262) 106 (263) 107 (262) Halogens Noble
(223) (227) Gases
Ra Unq Unp Unh Uns
Fr Ac
Radium 3 Unnilquadium Unnilpentium Unnilhexium Unnilseptium
Francium Actinium
Alkali Alkaline
Metals Earth
Name: __________________________
Date: ___________________________

SNC2D Chemistry Review

Draw the Bohr-Rutherford diagram for each of the following atoms and determine the valence charge of
their ions:

Sodium: Aluminum:

Sulfur: Fluorine:

From your periodic table/chemistry cheat sheet, what is the valence of each of the following ions?

Potassium ____________ Oxide ____________

Iron (III) ____________ Phosphide ____________

Carbonate ____________ Ammonium ____________

Chloride ____________ Silver ____________

Hydroxide ____________ Sulfate ____________

Any alkali metal: ____________

Any alkaline earth metal: ____________

Any halogen: ____________

Given the list below,

• Draw a wavy underline beneath those compounds that are acids. Name these compounds.
• Draw a circle around those compounds that are molecular. Name these compounds.
• Draw a double underline beneath those compounds that contain polyatomic ions and look up the
formula and valence charge of the ion.
• Draw a star next to those compounds that contain multivalent metals. Determine the valence
charge of the metal based on how it is combining with the negative ion. Name these compounds.
• Name all remaining compounds.

Al(OH)3 __________________________ Fe2O3 __________________________

HBr(aq) __________________________ Cu3N2 __________________________

NH3 __________________________ NiSO4 __________________________

AgNO3 __________________________ Na3P __________________________

CaS __________________________ H3PO4(aq) __________________________

SO3 __________________________ AuCl3 __________________________

PbF4 __________________________ PBr5 __________________________

NH4NO3 __________________________ OF2 __________________________

P2S4 __________________________ ZnCl2 __________________________

K2SO4 __________________________ CCl4 __________________________

NaHCO3 __________________________ C6H12O6 __________________________

Diagram each of the following molecular compounds:

Carbon dioxide

Carbon tetrafluoride


What makes each of the compounds organic? _________________________________________________

Given the list below,

• Draw a wavy underline beneath those compounds that are acids. Write the formula for these.
• Draw a circle around those compounds that are molecular. Write the formula for these compounds.
• Draw a double underline beneath those compounds that contain polyatomic ions and look up the
formula and valence charge of the ion.
• Draw a star next to those compounds that contain multivalent metals. Determine the valence
charge of the metal based on how it is combining with the negative ion. Write the formula for these
• Write the formula for all remaining compounds.

calcium hydroxide ______________ strontium nitride ______________

sulfuric acid ______________ methane ______________

sodium hydroxide ______________ calcium carbonate ______________

beryllium phosphide ______________ carbon monoxide ______________

lead (II) nitrate ______________ aluminum fluoride ______________

lithium bicarbonate ______________ copper (I) oxide ______________

magnesium chloride ______________ hydrogen peroxide ______________

nitric acid ______________ sulfur hexafluoride ______________

potassium iodide ______________ ammonium hydroxide______________

tin (II) sulfide ______________ water ______________

dinitrogen trioxide ______________ hydrochloric acid ______________

What does the (aq) written beside the formula for an acid stand for? What does it mean?


What are four differences between molecular and ionic compounds?

• _______________________________________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________________________________
For each of the following skeleton chemical equations, write the word equation and balance the equation:

1. _____ Pb(NO3)2 + _____ Na2SO4 → _____ PbSO4 + _____ NaNO3

Word equation:

2. _____ NaN3 → _____ Na + _____ N2

Word equation:

3. _____ KI + _____ Br2 → _____ KBr + _____ I2

Word equation:

4. _____ Ni2O3 → _____ Ni + _____ O2

Word equation:

5. _____ CS2 + _____ O2 → _____ CO2 + _____ SO2

Word equation:

For each of the following word equations, write the balanced chemical equation:

1. methane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

2. barium + oxygen → barium oxide

3. aluminum bromide + fluorine → aluminum fluoride + bromine

4. lithium sulfate + barium chloride → lithium chloride + barium sulfate

5. nitric acid + calcium hydroxide → calcium nitrate + water

What does balancing chemical equations have to do with the law of conservation of mass?


Identify the type (synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, or combustion) of
each of the following reactions:

magnesium + oxygen → magnesium oxide Type: ___________________________

copper (II) chloride + aluminum → aluminum chloride + copper Type: ___________________________

propane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water Type: ___________________________

calcium carbonate → calcium oxide + carbon dioxide Type: ___________________________

sulfuric acid + sodium hydroxide → sodium sulfate + water Type: ___________________________

FeCl3 + Mg → MgCl2 + Fe Type: ___________________________

NaN3 → Na + N2 Type: ___________________________

Mg(OH)2 + AgNO3 → Mg(NO3)2 + AgOH Type: ___________________________

H2 + O2 → H2O Type: ___________________________

CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O Type: ___________________________

Predict the products of each of the following reactions:

magnesium + nitrogen → ______________________________ (synthesis)

strontium hydroxide + lead (II) bromide → _________________________ +


aluminum iodide + bromine → ______________________________ + ___________________

hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide → _________________________ + _________________________

glucose + oxygen → ____________________________ + ______________________

Li + O2 → __________________ (synthesis)

NaCl → ___________ + ____________ (decomposition)

K2SO4 + Al → __________________ + __________

CaBr2 + Ba(NO3)2 → __________________ + _________________

C4H10 + O2 → __________________ + __________________

One of the reactions above is the reaction for cellular respiration. Which one?

The opposite reaction is called _____________________________.

Which of the following compounds are acids, which are bases, and which are neutral when in solution?

KOH _____________________ H2SO4 _____________________

Pb(NO3)2 _____________________ NaI _____________________

HNO3 _____________________ NaOH _____________________

Cu2SO4 _____________________ H2O _____________________

HF _____________________ AlCl3 _____________________

NH3 _____________________ NaHCO3 _____________________

Which oxides form acids and which form bases when reacted with water?

Al2O3 _____________________ CO2 _____________________

SO3 _____________________ Li2O _____________________

N2O _____________________ MgO _____________________

Predict the product of the following reaction and balance the equation:

K2O + H2O → _______ ________________ (synthesis)

Neutral solutions have a pH of ______________.

Acidic solutions have a pH of _________________________.

Alkaline solutions have a pH of ________________________.

Would a solution with a pH of 1 be acidic or alkaline? Weak or strong? __________________________

Would a solution with a pH of 8 be acidic or alkaline? Weak or strong? __________________________

What is a neutralization reaction? __________________________________________________________


Give an example of a neutralization reaction:

Give an example of a practical use of a neutralization reaction: __________________________________

Name: ___________________________
Date: ____________________________
SNC2D Optics Review
c 8 m 1 1 1 h i −d i
c= f n= c=3.0 ×10 ni sin i = nr sin r = + M= =
v s f di d o ho d o

Define each of the following terms:

Source Light produced by . . .








Label the electromagnetic spectrum below with the terms used to describe the different wavelengths:

A source that emits light of all wavelengths will appear _____________________.

An object that absorbs light of all wavelengths will appear ____________________.

All electromagnetic (light) waves travel at a speed of __________________________ in a vacuum.

What is the frequency (in Hz) of a visible light wave with a wavelength of 650 nm (650 x 10-9 m)?
Show a GUSS solution.
What is the Law of Reflection? ___________________________________________________________


Draw and label a diagram to illustrate this law:

You can be seen by others because you reflect light. Is this regular or diffuse reflection? Explain.



What is refraction? _____________________________________________________________________


A block of glass has in index of refraction of 1.5. Calculate the speed of light in the glass.
Show a GUSS solution.

Light is incident on the surface of the glass at an angle of 35o. Calculate the angle of refraction.
Show a GUSS solution. (Remember that the index of refraction of air is 1.0.)

What is Total Internal Reflection? _________________________________________________________

Under what conditions can Total Internal Reflection occur?


An object is placed 6 cm from a concave mirror with a focal length of 2 cm. Draw a ray diagram to locate
the image:

What are the characteristics of the image?

S: __________________________________ A: __________________________________

L: __________________________________ T: ___________________________________

An object is placed 3 cm from a convex mirror with a focal length of -2 cm. Draw a ray diagram to locate
the image:

What are the characteristics of the image?

S: __________________________________ A: __________________________________

L: __________________________________ T: ___________________________________

An object is placed 2 cm from a converging lens with a focal length of 4 cm. Draw a ray diagram to locate
the image:

What are the characteristics of the image?

S: __________________________________ A: __________________________________

L: __________________________________ T: ___________________________________
A 1 cm object is placed 6 cm from a converging lens with a focal length of 4 cm. Use both the lens and
magnification equations to calculate (a) the location and (b) height of the image. Show a GUSS solution.

What are the characteristics of the image?

S: __________________________________ A: __________________________________

L: __________________________________ T: ___________________________________

Draw a cross-section of the human eye and label the cornea, the crystalline lens, the iris, the optic nerve,
the retina.

Where does most of the refraction in the eye occur? ___________________________________________

What part of the eye is most like the film (or CCD) of a camera? _________________________________

What is myopia? _______________________________________________________________________

How is it corrected? ____________________________________________________________________

Explain why: __________________________________________________________________________

What is hyperopia? _____________________________________________________________________

How is it corrected? ____________________________________________________________________

Explain why: __________________________________________________________________________

Name: _________________________
Date: __________________________

SNC2D Biology Review

Draw an animal cell. Label the organelles and, in the table below, explain the function of each.

organelle function

cell membrane


endoplasmic reticulum






Identify two ways in which a plant cell is different from an animal cell:


Draw and label each of the phases of mitosis and explain what is happening during each phase.

Phase: Phase: Phase: Phase:

Description: Description: Description: Description:

Define each of the following terms:

interphase: __________________________________________________________________________


cytokinesis: _________________________________________________________________________


apoptosis: __________________________________________________________________________


stem cell: ___________________________________________________________________________


regeneration: ________________________________________________________________________


differentiation: ______________________________________________________________________


What is the difference between an embryonic stem cell and and adult stem cell?

Define each of the following terms:

tissue: ______________________________________________________________________________


ground tissue: _______________________________________________________________________


mesophyll: _________________________________________________________________________


xylem: _____________________________________________________________________________


phloem: ____________________________________________________________________________


epidermal tissue: _____________________________________________________________________


stoma: _____________________________________________________________________________


meristematic: ________________________________________________________________________


anther: _____________________________________________________________________________


What are the 4 organs of a flowering plant, and what is the function of each organ?

1. _________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________________
What is the word equation for photosynthesis?


In which organisms does photosynthesis occur? ____________________________________________

What is the word equation for cellular respiration?


In which organisms does cellular respiration occur? _________________________________________

Why is cellular respiration necessary?


Explain what is going on in the alveoli: __________________________________________________


Explain how the respiratory system depends on the circulatory system:



Explain how the circulatory system depends on the respiratory system:



Define homeostasis: __________________________________________________________________


How is homeostasis maintained at the cellular level? _________________________________________


Explain, with reference to what is happening at the cellular level, how the respiratory and circulatory
systems work to maintain homeostasis when you are exercising.

respiratory: _________________________________________________________________________


circulatory: _________________________________________________________________________

Name: ________________________________

Climate Practice Quiz


Part 1: Multiple Choice (8 marks, 1 mark each)

1. Heat is transferred from equatorial regions to the poles by which of the following methods of
heat transfer?

A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. none of the above

2. What wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is associated with thermal energy?

A. infrared B. ultraviolet C. visible D. x-ray

3. Albedo is the:

A. absorption of ultraviolet radiation by ozone in the stratosphere

B. fraction of the solar energy that is reflected
C. measure of the amount of energy required to change the temperature of an object
D. persistence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

4. What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere, where weather occurs?

A. mesosphere B. stratosphere
C. thermosphere D. troposphere

5. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

A. carbon dioxide B. methane C. water vapour D. all of the above

6. Increased levels of greenhouse gases increase which of the following?

A. the solar energy coming into the atmosphere

B. the thermal energy leaving the atmosphere
C. the average global temperature
D. both B and C

7. The IPCC is:

A. an international agreement by the nations of the world to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
B. a Canadian governmental organization that regulates greenhouse gas emissions
C. a group of leading climate scientists from many countries
D. a Canadian political lobby group advocating for carbon taxes

8. The permanent storage of greenhouse gases in reservoirs, especially underground reservoirs, is

called carbon:

A. conversion B. mitigation C. sequestration D. sourcing

Part 2: Short Answer (12 marks)

1. Explain why the natural greenhouse effect is a good thing. (1 mark)



2. What is the anthropogenic greenhouse effect? (1 mark)



3. What is the primary source of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect? (1 mark)



4. What is the Kyoto Protocol? (1 mark)



5. Give an example of a positive feedback loop and explain how it works. (2 marks)





6. What is the Keeling curve? (1 mark)



7. What is the general trend of the Keeling curve? (1 mark)


8. Why does the Keeling curve show seasonal variation? (1 mark)


9. What is the current level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? (1 mark)



10. What is a carbon sink? Give an example. (2 marks)



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