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Egzamin z języka angielskiego

dla kierunku technik masażysta

Imię i nazwisko___________________________

Zadanie 1
Match the words to make correct expressions.
Dopasuj słowa, aby utworzyć poprawne wyrażenia.

1 bamboo a effects

2 tight b sticks

3 side c heat

4 apply d massage

5 deep tissue e adhesions

6 retain f pressure

7 basalt g muscles

8 break up h rocks

Zadanie 2
Translate the following sentences.
Przetłumacz poniższe zdania.

1 Szukam nowej pracy.

2 To ostatni krzyk mody, jeśli chodzi o masaż.
3 Kamienie bardzo dobrze trzymają ciepło.
4 Po masażu tkanek głębokich zawsze bolą mnie ręce.
5 Umyte, zdezynfekowane i podgrzewane pałeczki bambusa używane są do masażu
Zadanie 3
Translate the following words and expressions into English.
Przetłumacz poniższe słowa i wyrażenia na język angielski.

1 urlop macierzyński – ____________________________________

2 samozatrudniony – ____________________________________
3 płatny urlop – ____________________________________
4 równowaga pomiędzy pracą a życiem osobistym – ____________________________________
5 baza klientów – ____________________________________
6 osoby niepełnosprawne – ____________________________________
7 pakiet korzyści – ____________________________________
8 wynagrodzenie za godzinę – ____________________________________

Zadanie 4
Complete the sentences with the suitable words.
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi słowami.

well-being treatments reduce muscles qualified soft tissues

contraindications disease assess prevent

1. According to some studies, massage therapy improves the general _________________ of

patients because it stimulates the release of serotonin.
2. A relaxing massage can _________________ stress.
3. A massage is the manipulation of joints and _________________ . The goal is to reduce tension
and pain.
4. Physical therapy includes both passive and active _________________.
5. PTs prescribe exercises to _________________ loss of mobility.
6. Some diseases or injuries may be _________________ for massage. These include open wounds,
burns, thrombosis, inflammation and muscle ruptures.
7. These exercises are good for your back _________________ .
8. Degenerative disc _________________ (DDD) is a result of the ageing process.
9. Physical therapists need extensive medical knowledge to correctly _________________
movement dysfunctions.
10. A physical therapist is medically better _________________ than a massage therapist
Zadanie 5
Complete the table with relevant information.
Uzupełnij tabelę odpowiednimi informacjami.

The human body is made up of bones and joints. Bones make up most of the skeleton, the bony
framework of the body. The skeleton:
• facilitates movement,
• supports the body,
• protects internal organs,
• produces blood cells (red bone marrow),
• stores minerals (calcium).

The skeleton of an adult human is made up of 206 bones. Bone is a hard and dense connective tissue.
Joints provide a connection between bones. Synovial fl uid lubricates joints and reduces friction.
Cartilage is a connective tissue found at the ends of bones. Its purpose it to reduce friction and
absorb shock. Cartilages, unlike other types of tissue, do not have a blood supply. If they are
damaged, they do not repair themselves as quickly as a bone does.
Tendons are dense, fi brous connective tissue found in joints. Tendons connect muscles to bones.
When skeletal muscles contract, tendons make it possible for bones to move.
Ligaments are similar to tendons, but they connect bones to bones at a joint. They make it possible
for bones to move within a safe range of motion by stabilising joints they surround.

A stimulus from the brain is required to make ligaments, tendons, bones and muscles work together
and for movement to be possible.

Bones are divided into fi ve categories based on their shape:

• long bones
Long bones are longer than they are wide. They consist of the main part, called a shaft (diaphysis)
and extremities (epiphysis) on one or both ends. Long bones support the weight of the body, provide
structural support and facilitate movement.
Examples: humerus, metacarpals (fingers)

• short bones Short bones look like cubes. They are more or less equal in length and width. Short
bones provide support and stability. They allow for more movement than long bones do.
Examples: wrist and ankle bones

• flat bones Flat bones protect internal organs such as the heart, brain or pelvic organs. Flat bones are
thin and broad, often with curves. They have large surfaces for muscle attachments.
Examples: ribs, skull, pelvic bones, sternum

• sesamoid bones Sesamoid bones are small and round bones which are embedded in tendons. Their
shape resembles a sesame seed. Sesamoid bones protect tendons from compressive forces and
physical stress. Their quantity and location may vary across individuals.
Examples: patella (kneecap)

• irregular bones Irregular bones have complicated and irregular shapes. Irregular bones of the
vertebral column protect the spinal cord. Irregular bones of pelvis protect pelvic organs.
Examples: vertebrae, facial bones, ischium





Zadanie 9.
Choose the correct answer.
Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

1. Angela ………………………………. to work every day

a. go b. goes c. is going
3. Tom usually ……………………………. carefully.
a. drives b. drive c. is driving
5. “………………………………….. him, Paul?
a. Are you understanding b. do you understand c. are you understand
6. We always …………………………. our holidays in Crete.
a. spend b. spends c. are spending
7. They ………………………………. exercises in their notebooks now.
a. are writing b. write c. writes
8. How often ……………………………… you teeth?
a. do you brush b. you brush c. are you brushing
9. Bob and Ken ………………………….. their lessons today.
a. are studying b. study c. studies
10. I start my work …..................8 a.m.
a. in b.on c. at

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