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Multiculturalism (Багатокультурність):

Definition: A discourse emphasizing the coexistence and celebration of

diverse cultural identities within a societal framework.
Societal Transformation (Трансформація Суспільства):
Definition: The process of profound and significant changes in societal
structures, values, and norms.
Cultural Pluralism (Культурний Плюралізм):
Definition: The acceptance and coexistence of various cultural
expressions within a society.
Globalization (Глобалізація):
Definition: The increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of
countries and cultures on a global scale.
Inclusivity (Інклюзивність):
Definition: The practice of including and accommodating diverse
individuals or groups.
Cultural Hybridity (Культурна Гібридність):
Definition: The blending and negotiation of multiple cultural affiliations
within individuals and communities.
Intersectionality of Cultures (Інтерсекціональність Культур):
Definition: The interconnected nature of cultural elements, influencing
various aspects of life, including art, language, and cuisine.
Economic Advantage (Економічна Вигода):
Definition: The positive impact of cultural diversity on a nation's
economic development.
Social Cohesion (Соціальна Когезія):
Definition: The degree of unity and integration within a society.
Educational Imperatives (Освітні Імперативи):
Definition: Essential elements and requirements in the educational sphere
to promote cultural competency and intercultural dialogue.
Cosmopolitan Global Community (Космополітичне Світове
Definition: A vision of a global community characterized by cultural
diversity, mutual respect, and unity in diversity.

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