Excel Test Script

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Introduction to Excel Test

New Holdings Performance

As the sales manager of New Holdings Performance (NHP) you have been asked to look into the
feasibility of selling items over the Internet. NHP specializes in aftermarket components for customizing
high-end and performance vehicles. Since the overhead for selling items online is less than that of a
traditional store, some online items will be discounted.

Exercise 1: Introduction to Spreadsheets

In order to fulfill your task, you are going to use Excel to analyze the projected online sales of selected
items. Begin by entering the necessary text.
1. Enter text
a. Start Excel and open a new blank workbook. Save the new workbook on the desktop as
First Name_Last Name_ETest_NHP.
b. Type NH Performance Pricing Information in cell A1.
c. Type the following into cells A5 through A10:
Brake kits
Side skirts
Exhaust system

d. Type the following into cells B5 through G5:

Cost Markup Rate Retail Price Discount Sale Price Profit Margin
2. Enter values
a. Type the following into cells B6 through B10:

b. Type the following into cells C6 through C10:

c. Type the following into cells E6 through E10:
3. Enter TODAY’s Date
a. Click cell A2, click Formulas in the Home Menu, and then select Date & Time, then
b. Save changes. Remember to frequently save your work.

Exercise 2: Mathematics and Formulas

To fill in the other columns, formulas will be used to calculate the remaining values.
1. Use Cell References in a Formula and Apply the Order of Precedence
a. Open the previous file, if it was closed at the end of Hands-on Exercise 1.
b. Click cell D6, and type =B6*(1+C6)
2. Use the Semi-Selection Method to Enter a Formula
a. Click cell F6, type =, click cell D6, type -, click cell D6 again, type *, and click cell E6.
Press Ctrl + Enter.
3. Use Cell References in a Formula and Apply the Order of Precedence
a. Click cell G6, type =(F6-B6)/F6. Press Ctrl + Enter.
4. Copy Formulas with Auto Fill
a. Click cell D6, and double-click the fill handle to copy the formula to the remaining cells in
the column.
b. Select cells F6:G6, and double-click the fill handle to copy the formulas into the remaining
cells in the two columns.
5. Changes Values and Display Cell Formulas
a. Enter the following values, to see the resulting changes.
b. Click cell B10 and type 1400
c. Click cell C7 and type .35
d. Click cell E9 and type .3
e. Save changes

Exercise 3: Workbook and Worksheet Management

As we continue to improve the workbook, some changes will be made such as renaming the worksheet,
adding and deleting rows or columns, and adjusting column widths.
1. Rename a Worksheet and Select a Tab Color
a. Open previous file, if it was closed at the end of Exercise 2.
b. Change the name of the Sheet1 tab to November and its tab color to the Standard Color of
2. Insert, Move, and Delete a Worksheet
a. Add a new worksheet.
b. Drag the November worksheet tab to the right of the new tab.
c. Name the blank worksheet December and its tab color to the Standard Color of Dark Red.
3. Insert a Column and Rows
a. Return to November worksheet.
b. Insert a column between the Sale Price and Profit Margin columns.
c. Click cell G5 and type Profit.
d. Type =F6-B6 in cell G6, select Enter, then use the fill handle to populate the remainder of
the column.
e. Insert a row between the title row and the Supercharger row.
f. Type and bold Performance in cell A6.
g. Insert a row between the Brake kits and Side skirts rows.
h. Type and bold Add-ons in cell A9.
4. Delete a Row
a. Delete the blank row 3.
5. Adjust Column Width and Row Height
a. Position the pointer between columns A and B and double-click. Drag the pointer until the
width of column A is 150 pixels.
b. Change the row height of the first row to 45 by using the Row height box.
c. Save the changes.

Exercise 4: Using the Clipboard

When looking at the worksheet, you discover that Exhaust System is listed under Adds-on instead of
Performance. Additionally, you have decided to list another type of grill. Finally, you will experiment with
pasting options.
1. Select a Range and Move a Row to a New Location
a. Open previous file, if it was closed at the end of Exercise 3.
b. Insert a row between Brake kits and Add-ons.
c. Move the Exhaust system information from its current location to the blank row you just
created, using cut and paste.
2. Copy and Paste a Range
a. Copy and paste the Grill information in row 11 and paste it into row 12.
b. Click cell A12 and type -Retro at the end of the existing item description.
c. Click cell B12 and type 125.
3. Use Paste Special
a. Click cell A1 and apply the following formatting to the title: 26 pt, bold, and Green, Accent
6 color.
b. Copy the range A1:H12 into the Clipboard.
c. Go over to December Worksheet
d. Click cell A1 and click the Paste arrow.
e. Adjust the first column to view the date properly.
f. Save changes.

Exercise 5: Formatting
Finally, you will experiment with formatting the worksheet.
1. Merge and Center the Title
a. Open previous file, if it was closed at the end of Exercise 4.
b. On November worksheet, select the range A1:H1 and click Merge & Center.
c. Select the range A2:H2, merge and center the cells, and bold the date.
2. Align Text Horizontally and Vertically and Wrap Text
a. Select the column titles A4:H4 and click Wrap Text.
b. Center and bold the selected text.
3. Increase Indent
a. Select the range A6:A8 and click Increase Indent.
b. Select the range A10:A12 and increase the indent.
c. Decrease the width of column A to 15.00.
4. Apply Borders and Fill Color
a. Select the range A4:H4 and apply a Green, Accent 6, Lighter 80% fill to the cells.
b. Select the range A1:H1 and apply a Green, Accent 6, Lighter 40% fill.
c. Select the range G4:H12 and apply an Outside Borders border.
5. Apply Number Formats and Increase and Decrease Decimal Places
a. Select the ranges B6:B12, D6:D12, and F6:G12 and click Accounting Number Format.
b. Select the ranges C6:C12, click Percent Style, and click Increase Decimal.
c. Select the range E6:E12 and apply the Percent Style to the selected cells.
d. Select the range H6:H12, apply the Percent Style to the selected cells, and increase the
number of decimals to one place.
e. Save changes
Exercise 6: Page Layout & Orientation
The page breaks are showing that all the information is not on one page, so let’s fix page setup.
a. Select Page Layout, Orientation, then change to Landscape. If you do Print Preview, you will see it
neatly fits on one page.
b. Save changes and close your workbook, then upload file to MOODLE, IF you won’t do the bonus.

Bonus(5pts): Create a Column chart.

a. Select the range A6:B8, then Insert on the Home Menu, choose Insert Column Chart.
b. Change the Chart Title to Performance.
c. Style and color your chart.
d. Save changes and close the workbook.
e. Upload your file to MOODLE.

*Please delete your file as soon as soon as you have successfully submitted your test. You can then
leave the room quietly.

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