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GAC 002 AE3 Zamid Akil Affif Lopez GAC002


SeaWorld or Wild
The life of dolphins at SeaWorld is characterized by deplorable feeding practices,
discrepancies in longevity, and infringements upon their rights, all of which are absent in
their natural habitat. The captivity of dolphins in SeaWorld compromises their social
dynamics and mental well-being, hindering their natural behaviors. This essay aims to
explore these contrasting experiences, revealing the detrimental effects of confining dolphins
for human entertainment. It also emphasizes the significance of safeguarding their rights and
preserving their natural habitats.

feeding practices for dolphins at SeaWorld and in the wild have both similarities and notable
differences. At SeaWorld, dolphins are fed a controlled diet that is carefully portioned to meet
their nutritional needs. The feeding process is structured and scheduled, allowing for
monitoring and educational opportunities. However, concerns have been raised about the
limited variety of fish provided to captive dolphins. In contrast, dolphins in the wild rely on
hunting and foraging for their food, which includes a diverse range of fish, squid, and
crustaceans. They exhibit natural feeding behaviors that contribute to their survival and
social dynamics. Wild dolphins face challenges such as competition for food and the need to
adapt to changing prey populations. The contrasting conditions of SeaWorld and the wild
significantly influence the manner in which dolphins obtain their food.

The longevity of dolphins in SeaWorld and the wild differs significantly. Wild dolphins have
the potential to live considerably longer lives, reaching their natural lifespan of 30 to 50 years
or more. They benefit from the freedom to roam vast oceanic territories, access to diverse
food sources, and engagement in natural behaviors. In contrast, dolphins in SeaWorld tend
to have shorter lifespans, averaging around 20 to 30 years. The captive environment
restricts their natural behaviors, limits their space and stimuli, and exposes them to potential
stressors. The factors contributing to the shorter lifespan of captive dolphins include
challenges of adapting to artificial habitats, potential health issues, and the absence of social
structures found in the wild. Research indicates that the average lifespan of captive dolphins
is significantly lower than that of their wild counterparts. These differences highlight the
profound impact of captivity on the overall well-being and longevity of dolphins, emphasizing
the importance of providing optimal conditions in their natural habitats.

The rights of dolphins in SeaWorld and the wild are starkly contrasting. In the wild, dolphins
possess inherent rights to freedom of movement and engagement in natural behaviors,
protected by international and national laws. Conversely, dolphins in SeaWorld are subjected
to confinement and trained performances for human entertainment, raising ethical concerns
and infringing upon their rights. Legal frameworks, such as the Marine Mammal Protection
Act and the CMS, aim to safeguard dolphins' well-being in their natural habitats. Animal
rights organizations, like PETA, argue against the captivity of dolphins for entertainment
purposes, highlighting the ethical implications and compromising their welfare. It is crucial to
prioritize the welfare and rights of dolphins in their natural habitats, emphasizing the need to
reevaluate the practice of keeping them in captivity for commercial gain.

the comparison between the lives of dolphins at SeaWorld and in the wild reveals significant
disparities in feeding practices, longevity, and the infringement of their rights. Dolphins in
GAC 002 AE3 Zamid Akil Affif Lopez GAC002

SeaWorld experience deplorable feeding practices, shorter lifespans, and compromised

social dynamics and mental well-being. These negative effects highlight the detrimental
impact of confining dolphins for human entertainment. It is crucial to prioritize the well-being
and rights of dolphins in their natural habitats, promoting their optimal health and allowing
them to engage in their natural behaviors.

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