Kisakis Creamy Relief

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Kisaki's Creamy Relief

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Blue Archive (Video Game)
Relationships: Hayase Yuuka/Sensei (Blue Archive), Kisaki (Blue Archive)/Sensei
(Blue Archive)
Characters: Kisaki (Blue Archive), Sensei
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Seduction, Size Difference, Older
Man/Younger Woman, Teacher-Student Relationship, Rough Sex,
Marathon Sex, Armpit Kink, Doggy Style, Multiple Creampies, Multiple
Orgasms, Table Sex, Couch Sex, Impregnation, Breeding, Riding, Hair-
pulling, Loss of Virginity, Body Worship, Lolicon, Dirty Talk, Secret
Relationship, Sneaking Around, Size Kink, Manhandling,
Roughhousing, Fondling, bent over, Desk Sex, Desperation, Forbidden
Love, Nipple Play, Nipple Licking, Pettan, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex,
Groping, Female Ejaculation, Multiple Sex Positions, Dominance,
Creampie, fucktoy, Office Sex, Cell Phones, Dirty Thoughts, Fainting
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-22 Completed: 2023-04-24 Words: 8,718 Chapters:
Kisaki's Creamy Relief
by PluckedPetals, slumbrrr, SolitaryVices


During a visit to get to know Kisaki better, Sensei falls into old habits and knocks her up.

See the end of the work for notes
Chapter 1

Kisaki's Creamy Relief


PluckedPetals (slumbrrr x SolitaryVices)

The early afternoon sun peeked through the blinds of the office room, its warm glow
covering everything in the office.

It was the weekend, and school was out.

Despite this, there was still a hustle and bustle that could be heard throughout the grounds of
Shanhaijing near its entrance. The midday rush of tourists.

Kisaki sighed at the sound of it all. It was all so bothersome.

She gave the haphazard stack of paper in her hands a few straightening taps on the wooden
desk. She heard Sensei humming to himself as he placed books into the floor-to-ceiling shelf,
dusty little piles at his feet.

She’d only recently met the fabled adult at the head of SCHALE, and though she’d be loath
to admit it, she needed help yesterday . What with being head of the Xuanlong Office, the
escalating conflict with those damned merchants, and just general studies, a lot on her plate
was an understatement. Even with a cool head on her shoulders, it was still a lot for a girl her

Of course, Sensei’s services extended far beyond menial chores, but that’s the type of help he
proffered her the moment he saw the state of her office. He’d initially invited himself over to
get to know her better, to better acquaint himself with the school and the goings-on, really get
a feel of how to help but she supposed this would be good enough for now.

Kisaki let out another breath after placing the looseleaf pile next to the previous ones she’d
sorted. At least her desk didn’t look like a nest of paperwork now. Something buzzed out of
the peripheral of her vision.

It was Sensei’s phone. Kisaki glanced at it, eyes flickering up to Sensei on instinct. He didn’t
notice at all, and he kept humming away, dusting, dusting… Her eyes drifted back to the
phone. The screen timed out to black. Curious, Kisaki brought a gloved hand to her mouth,
catching the tip with her teeth. With practiced ease, she slipped it off her hand before her
finger tapped on the screen.

Her eyes widened.

Kisaki was tempted to lock the phone again, almost regretting that she’d taken the
momentary effort to snoop into Sensei’s personal texts, but the text on his lock screen was
plain as day. It was from Hayase Yuuka, the treasurer of the Seminar, but more notably, a
close affiliate of Sensei and SCHALE.

And from the looks of it, it looked like that affiliation was much closer than Kisaki would
have initially thought.

Need some stress relief again, Sensei. Please let me know when you’re available.

The text itself was very innocuous. Formal and perhaps dry, but nothing that could cause
Kisaki’s reaction out of the context of a student asking Sensei for extracurricular help. But
the text had come with an image attachment.

In it, Yuuka was…

…there wasn’t a better way to describe it than “offering” herself, her phone camera
positioned from a low angle, her body stark naked. Her face was bright red. Kisaki couldn’t
blame her, not when the lewd picture was so uncharacteristic of the reputation that preceded

Kisaki gulped. So this was a “nude”.

She wasn’t stupid. She’d heard of those before being swapped around campus. But she’d
never seen one so vivid and so… fresh. But what darkened Kisaki’s cheek with blush was the
insinuations that spiraled from the image. In that single text, an established relationship
spiraled, an entire history of her and Sensei engaging in… stress relief.

Kisaki felt her breath hitch. Her still-gloved hand clenched as her pulse quickened.

Her mind’s eye flashed with all the plausible scenarios that Yuuka and Sensei could have
gotten themselves entangled in. The secret rendezvous, the passionate trysts in his office…

Then she remembered her sessions. It’d been a problem, to say the least. With all the stress in
her life and her tendency to suppress any manner of expressing such stress, Kisaki had
resorted to the one thing any girl her age usually did when they were alone under such

At first, she did it twice a week before bed, but it didn’t take long as the work and stress piled
up, and in response, so did the frequency and intensity of her brief sessions.

It’d gotten to where she’d purchased one of the Millenium Science School’s secret but mega-
popular top-selling black market gadgets. As secret as it was, and despite most schoolgirls
never being shameless enough to admit it, it was something almost everyone owned and
indulged in once in a while. Rookie numbers.
Presently, Kisaki was fucking herself with this miracle contraption at least three times a day.
She gulped, remembering that she needed to keep Sensei away from her personal desk, lest
he find said gizmo in its case in the bottom drawer of her desk.

But toy aside…

Kisaki couldn’t help but imagine how it must feel…

What Yuuka felt whenever she’d have her own “stress relief.”

Not with a toy, but with a man.

Despite herself, Kisaki shifted her thighs together, feeling that insatiable heat stoke itself to
life at the base of her stomach. Kisaki’s thumb began flicking through Sensei’s text history.
She didn’t even know when she’d picked up his phone and unlocked it, but her eyes were

Her breath came out shallow as she scrolled through this man’s text history, seeing the flirts,
the conversations, the nudes…

Her breath hitched as her thumb stopped. Her mouth grew dry at the image text he sent.

It was Sensei’s cock, fully erect, presumably right out of a shower. The image had been sent
last week after Yuuka had sent him yet another naked picture.

Kisaki felt the warmth in her loins blossom fully into the familiar heat that she indulged
herself in every day. Her mouth watered. She didn’t know this man, but she had a feeling she
wanted to get to know him and his services soon .

The wheels in Kisaki’s mind turned.

A tap of her finger brought her back to the most recent message with Yuuka. Her eyes
narrowed as she thought things through (as best she could in her current state, anyway). She
and Sensei were going to be alone for the rest of the day. He said he’d cleared up his schedule
to get a “feel for the place”, anyway. Out of courtesy, she’d done the same (albeit a bit

Her mind wandered to the rest of the week, how everything from Monday on was packed, not
a single hour or minute free for herself other than the morning, her lunch, and the scant few
hours before she slept.

Time windows where she’d usually reacquaint herself with that toy of hers.

Kisaki clicked her tongue with frustration.

After seeing that picture, there was no way she could go back.

She glanced over her shoulder to give the man a look. She’d never admit it out loud, but she
could see what the rest of the student body saw in the man. He was handsome, charming,
and, perhaps most attractive, his words and demeanor dripped with experience. Kisaki’s
libido only burned hotter. He seemed a busy man, always consulting students and clubs
across Kivotos.

Who knew when he’d clear his schedule up for her again? Who knew when she could
experience firsthand what turned a diligent fellow student like Hayase Yuuka into such a slut?

No, she needed to seize the opportunity now .

With her mind set, Kisaki’s thumbs typed out a message on Sensei’s behalf.

Not today, sorry. Swamped. Tomorrow?

That seemed in character enough and got the message across. Kisaki locked the phone and
placed it back on her desk. She didn’t bother waiting for a reply.

Sensei was still humming away at the bookshelf, oblivious to his fate, completely heedless of
the intentions Kisaki had for him. The text, the scrolling through his messages, the decision,
all of it had occurred in less than two minutes.

Kisaki was known for her decisiveness and level head. She could make mistakes, but her
judgment and execution were swift because she always knew what she wanted.

With his back turned towards her, he didn’t see Kisaki slide her other glove off her finger, her
half-lidded and seeming dispassionate gaze on his neck. He didn’t see her reach under her
dress, her thumb hooking onto the hem of her panties, and slip them over her thin legs before
she stepped out of them. He didn’t see the rarest and smallest of evil grins curl on her lips
when she stuffed the panties into her oversized jacket and draped it over the back of her desk

Instead, when he turned his head around to check on her, all he saw was Kisaki perched on
the desk, eyes roving over a ledger that she marked with a pen.

His eyes couldn’t help but roam downward at her exposed legs, the slits of her qipao making
the dress useless in covering them at all as she sat with one leg over the other. A lump formed
in his throat as he saw the scant few inches of naked skin that smoothed up into her rump,
and his imagination went a little wild. Was she wearing anything underneath?

Kisaki’s eyes peered up from the sheet in her hand, the pen she was using poking at her lip.
Her grey eyes looked over at Sensei with the same dispassion one might give a bug. Kisaki
could see a lump form in his throat.

“H-How’s progress over there? I see you shed a layer or two.”

Kisaki held his gaze, and she switched legs, the brief move giving her a slight sense of
alleviation, the cool air against her bare, soaked pussy. She knew he could see a hint of that
out of the corner of his eye. Just like she could see the bulge that was forming in his trousers
out of the corner of hers.

Barely a few minutes into her plan, and it was already working. She could almost smell him
from here.
She broke eye contact, looking back at the ledger.

“Everything’s fine. It just felt a little hot, is all.”

With that, Kisaki let the silence settle between them, her mouth still a flat line, her eyes still
opaque in their uninterested façade.

But she could already feel the results in the air, the tension, the eyes on her skin, oblivious
that she was privy to the way they felt. She’d seduced no one before, much less an adult, but
if it was this easy, she’d be experiencing a new form of stress relief right on schedule.

Sensei cleared his throat again.

“Right on,” said Sensei. “Great! Yeah, um, let’s just keep it up, and before you know it, this
office will be spick and span.”

He turned back to the bookshelf. In a blink, Kisaki’s gaze drifted to his back again. “Then we
can get right down to business,” he continued.

Kisaki nipped at her bottom lip with her teeth.

“Indeed,” she muttered.

Chapter 2

It’d been just a little over an hour since Sensei had stepped foot into Kisaki’s office and
helped her tidy up. That wasn’t originally in his expectations for how his visit would unfold,
but as with most things, he rolled with it.

But he would find his expectations subverted again during his time in that office, namely in
the… strange signals he was receiving from Kisaki herself.

Sensei might have been a happy-go-lucky type of man. A youthful exuberance that translated
well into consulting his students, and making him approachable enough to provide his
guidance to most of Kivotos’ collective student body.

But he wasn’t naïve.

He knew when a girl had ulterior motives; when there was a hidden meaning behind
invitations, behind innocuous looks, behind the tilt of body language…

So when Kisaki flaunted herself a bit in the minutes after they’d cleaned her office, Sensei
was more than a little blindsided.

Was this student trying to seduce him?

Seeing how they’d just met, he was still unfamiliar with her tells. The possibility that he was
misreading her intent and her body language was at the forefront of his mind. It didn’t help
that Kisaki’s default demeanor was so cold; her eyes perpetually half-closed, her grey pupils
opaque in their cool and impersonal sheen.

She was difficult to read, archaic manner of speech aside.

Sensei tried to shove his assumptions away, attempting to remain upbeat and remember what
he was there for. Being the natural extrovert that he was, he kept the conversation going,
asking her questions about the school, her academic career, and her outlook on the coming

She’d reply in her typically flat tone, expressing nothing other than disinterest. Though
Kisaki made it difficult to build any meaningful flow to a conversation, Sensei rallied through
it anyway.

But it quickly became apparent that despite his initial intentions, Sensei’s attempts at small
talk to get to know her had become a pretense to distract himself. If this girl was trying to
seduce him, it was working. Very well.

It was difficult not to recognize Kisaki’s beauty in more normal circumstances. Even when
they first met, Sensei couldn’t help but let his cursory gaze linger for a moment too long. Her
petite figure, her cute face, her unblemished pearly skin, those striking grey eyes, and the
darkness of her hair, tied up in two buns on the side of her head.
Back then, Kisaki was still wearing that oversized pinstripe jacket that cloaked her figure.
Now, it was Sensei’s first time seeing her in just her qipao.

With the cloak gone, it let him see a lot more than before. The dress’ lack of sleeves let her
bare her thin arms in full view, the silk of its almost-skintight cut skimming along her tight
curves, the slits at her thighs allowing him a full view of her perfect legs and a teasing hint of

It grew more and more difficult for him to focus on the task at hand, and as the minutes rolled
by, his inkling of suspicion only grew to become the prevalent suspicion in his mind.

He’d sneak looks over at her out of the corner of his eye, and she’d be bending over to pick
something up for a moment too long, the dress hiking up her legs. She’d sidled up next to
him close enough for him to smell her hair.

Once or twice Kisaki stretched towards the ceiling with her eyes shut, pushing her tight body
out and giving him a full view of her smooth armpits while the imprint of her curves poked
against the thinness of her qipao; he swore that in those hidden looks he saw the outline of
her nipples, erect and tiny. Sensei’s mouth watered.

This girl was more dangerous than her reputation claimed.

She proved that assessment when she slipped between him and the bookshelf he was
rearranging under the pretense of replacing a book she’d found at her desk. Having her in
such close quarters, her back almost pressing against his body, her head just below her chest,
her scene of jasmine wafting up to his nostrils…

Sensei couldn’t stop his dick from twitching.

He gulped, balling his hands into fists. That damned couch was directly behind him, trapping
him against her. He was feeling heady from how she smelled. Intoxicated, he kept backing up
as far as he could, feeling his self-control waning. His breath left him with a small shudder at
the sight of her bare neck.

He wanted to taste her. He wanted to see if she really was—

Sensei couldn’t see it, but Kisaki’s lips echoed the grin that curled at the beginning of it all.
She had him, she could tell. Now was the time to see if he’d act on it.

Kisaki bent over slightly, her tight little rump pushing up right against his crotch. Sensei
couldn’t hold back the whimper that escaped his throat. His hands stayed at his sides.

Kisaki pushed her hips back further with more intent, her breath quickening at the feeling of
that bulge giving a twitch through his trousers. She gave her hips a vertical slide, rubbing
herself against him, coaxing out more of those twitches, more of this adult’s pathetic

She was about to push back further when Sensei’s hands grabbed her by the waist. She
gasped as she was turned around, one of his arms wrapping around her lower back, another
grabbing her by the chin.

Sensei looked down at her with a wild look. He was panting, and when his mouth wasn’t
open, he was gritting his teeth.

Kisaki looked back up at him with her typical emotionless stare, but she couldn’t hide the
dark swirl of lust in her pupils. Her lips parted, hot breaths slipping out between them in little

“Sorry,” said Kisaki, her tone flat despite the uncharacteristic flush on her cheeks. “It is quite
a cramped—”

In the next moment, Sensei locked his lips against hers, capturing her words and forcing out a
squeak from her.

Kisaki didn’t have time to savor her victory, nor adjust to the change of pace as the first kiss
melted into the second, then the third. His mouth was relentless with how he claimed her tiny
lips, and Kisaki’s arms reached up to clasp themselves around his neck.

He was worked up, the hand at her side squeezing her through the dress with a grip that
ensured she couldn’t wriggle out of this even if she wanted to. Sensei gave hungry grunts as
the hand at her chin left to palm her body through her qipao. She wrapped her arms around
him tighter as he found her nipples, with no hesitation before his fingers rubbed through the

This was it! Something a mere toy couldn’t give her!

He wasn’t even touching her down there yet and Kisaki could feel herself dripping for him.

His tongue shoved itself between her cheeks as he pushed her against the bookshelf behind
her. The pain of the impact was nothing compared to how good he made her feel. Her lack of
experience was clear, her tiny tongue struggling for but a few moments against his before
conceding to being pinned by his. Hot saliva dripped between their chins in their embrace.

Sensei huffed through his nose, seeing red. He was right all along: this little girl was nothing
but a repressed cocktease. She didn’t need to say a word for him to tell—her little mewls and
the way her nails dug into the back of his shoulder were more than enough. He moaned,
feeling his cock pulse in the cage of his trousers, feeling pre-cum already leaking out into his

He huffed breaths through his nose, relishing every noise she made against his tongue.

He couldn’t get enough of kissing her, dominating her tiny mouth with his lips and his
tongue, swallowing her spit and her girlish squeaks.

All the while, his hands roamed her body, grateful for how thin her qipao was, how it clung
to her curves as if it were sewn directly onto them. Her body felt better to the touch than he
expected, so soft and tight against the palm of his hand. He left her tits to grope the rest of
her, fingers raking against her tight belly, pushing with intent against the place where her
womb would be.

Kisaki couldn’t control the whimper that leaked out of her. She was wetter than she’d ever
felt in her life. Her head shifted to the side to accommodate Sensei’s unrelenting kisses, his
tongue intent on stuffing itself down her throat. He’d pull back for just the right time for her
to catch her breath, strings of spit falling between them and bridging their tongues before
he’d surge forward and swallow her next moan. She melted into the madness of it, losing
herself in the sound of their mouths fucking, the cadence of hot slurps and delicious smacks
of air.

Her eyes shot open as another squeak was ripped from her throat. Sensei had slipped his hand
under qipao’s front flap, and his fingers now ran up and down her slick pussy.

Sensei’s eyes locked with hers as he eased up on the kiss, giving his tongue one last swirl
between the girl’s cheeks before he followed that with a chain of rough clasps of his lips. His
fingers were soaked. As he’d suspected, the tiny slut wasn’t wearing any panties.

He pulled back from the kiss, spit falling between them like gossamer. They panted together
as he shoved two fingers inside of her snatch, impatient.

Kisaki gasped at that, but her eyes were still unreadable as ever. Sensei kept their gazes
locked, his other hand gripping her waist to keep her steady.

God, she was tight. If it weren’t because she was so wet, he doubted his fingers could have
slipped into her with such ease.

He watched her cute face, her mouth open as she panted in ragged breaths, watched how she
winced and peered up at him, a string of spit slowly dribbling down from her lower lip.
Before he knew it, his fingers were knuckle-deep. He curled them. Kisaki choked on her

Sensei smiled. “Fuck, you’re wet,” he said with a low growl, his words spat out through
gritted teeth. His fingers pumped, yet even so, Kisaki’s expression remained stoic.

He could feel the desperation of how her cunt squeezed around him, hear it in the quiet
mewls he pulled out of her throat. “With a little girl like you running this place, I’m not
surprised you need some help. You should have just asked me instead of wasting time.”

Kisaki said nothing. It was hard for her to catch her breath, much less speak any words. Her
chest tightened in tandem with her insides clenching and sucking in his fingers. It was just his
digits and yet this already felt impossibly good, sparking pleasure that far exceeded any sort
of toy she could try. Her arousal dripped in long translucent lines onto the floor, some strings
catching on the inside of her thighs.

Sensei reached up to clasp one of her arms, making her slip it off his shoulders. Kisaki let
him reposition it as he pushed up, stretching the arm above her head. On instinct, she grabbed
the edge of the shelf above her. Without a word, he pointed at her other arm and she did the
same, fingers finding a solid grip.
He gave her a grin before his mouth found hers again. They swapped a brief few kisses
before his lips peeled off hers and fluttered against her jaw. The fingers inside of her pumped
faster, curling at the perfect angle each time to strike a spot that made Kisaki see spots. Her
knees trembled beneath her.

Sensei could barely contain himself as he reached up with his free hand to peel down the silk
clinging to her neck. His mouth found the skin beneath and he tasted it, huffing in her scent,
tongue lapping out to taste it. He couldn’t resist the temptation to give her a bite.

He earned a sharp gasp. It ran through him like lightning, his cock giving another throb. He
hissed as he pulled back from her neck, and with his breaths as ragged as hers, he moved on
to the side, now face-to-face with her exposed armpit.

Zero hesitation and he shoved his face into it, nose buried in its smoothness, huffing in her

“S-Sensei,” Kisaki said in a breathy whisper, the furthest she’d express any form of shame.

She wanted to look at what he was doing, at how he kept breathing her in, feeling his hot
exhales and quiet groans against her sensitive pits.

Her eyelids flickered, as did her halo. She didn’t care what he did anymore, as long as he
made her feel this good. She already felt the heat in her loins feel close to spilling over.

Sensei grew more feral with every moment, his tongue finally bursting out of his lips,
carpeting Kisaki’s armpit. His spit coated the smooth skin as he repeatedly licked and licked
and licked, savoring every bit of flavor, feeling himself grow intoxicated in it. In his daze,
Sensei switched to her other armpit, defiling it with more licks, more suckles of his
appreciative lips, breathing in her deepest scent as he let hungry groans echo into the skin.

All the while, his fingers pumped, faster and faster, the pace so fast that Kisaki was writhing
now, her frame shaking from head to toe in her exposed position. Her nipples ached against
her silk. As if he could read her mind, Sensei swooped in from her armpit and pulled at the
top portion of her qipao, ripping the clasps apart, peeling the silk back and letting it hang to
the side, and exposing her breasts.

He didn’t bother commenting or thinking about the fact that just like her pussy, her tits didn’t
have a shred of undergarments layered between them and her dress. All he cared about was
devouring her.

He gave her nipple the same treatment as her armpit, giving it only a moment’s glance before
his lips closed around it, his tongue drawing eager and savorous circles, moans spilling from
him when he felt the tiny nub grow only harder against each flick against it. He switched to
her other tit all the same, taking his free hand to rub and flicking against the nipple he’d just

Kisaki could barely handle it, her head tilting back against the bookshelf as she let out her
first unabashed moan, her eyes squeezed tight. Her pussy was clenching around Sensei so
tightly now, her grip on the shelf with white knuckles. Every little thing he did made her go
wild, her entire body a pulsing coil for him now, the pleasure inside of her just growing more
encompassing with every pump of his wrist, every lick, every…


Kisaki came. Her vision turned white as her entire body shook, convulsing under the waves
of pleasure that ripped through her frame. She choked out soundless moans, struggling to
gulp in any air, singular tears squeezed out of the sides of her eyes. She’d never cum so hard,
never felt so good!

Kisaki let out a noise she’d never made in her life when her entire body suddenly became
weightless. She felt her legs suspended in air, felt Sensei’s strong grip around her thighs. It
would take a moment for her to realize that he’d gotten on his knees, hoisting her legs onto
his shoulders. But the moment was stolen from her when he buried his face into her pussy
mid-orgasm, and his tongue attacked her clit.


Kisaki’s orgasm compounded into another, her eyes rolling into her skull as the pleasure
seemed to chain together, an unending torrent of heat that spilled out of her in wave after
wave. Drool leaked out of the corners of her mouth as her head threw itself back into the
shelf again, uncaring of the pain. One of her hands slipped off the shelf above her head and
shot to Sensei’s scalp, fingers coiling into his hair. She choked for air, her back arching off
the shelf, body still wracked with nerve-searing bliss.

Sensei didn’t stop. His hands slid up and down her smooth thighs, fingers sinking into the
supple flesh of her ass. He loved how her tiny hand kept trying to pull at him as he ate her out
like a starving man, each orgasm that tore through her squirting sticky essence all over his
face, staining the inside of her inner thighs.

He grunted in pure abandon, swallowing as much of Kisaki as he could, shivers running

through his skin at the feeling of her bald pussy against his lips. He couldn’t get enough of
her. Her scent, her taste, he grew more ravenous and more intoxicated the more that he

But eventually just eating her out wasn’t enough. He wanted, needed to claim her the proper
way. He could eat out this girl all day but he didn’t want to blow a load in his pants.

He wouldn’t want that sort of appreciation to go to waste.

Sensei gave Kisaki’s cunt a few last licks, hands palming her ass, effortless in keeping her
suspended. She was so light he couldn’t wait to throw her around some more later on. But for
now, there was one thing on his mind.

He withdrew from her heat, his face drenched in her stickiness, strings of it parting between
them and spilling from his chin. He dropped her legs onto the floor, an evil grin on his lips at
the sight of how she quaked, her eyes barely able to keep themselves open as she parsed
herself through the final link of a chain of climaxes.
Sensei watched her like that as he stripped himself, throwing aside his clothes onto the floor,
feeling his balls just ready to burst at the sight of her: her tits still glistened with his spit, her
knees shook and angled towards one another as strings of her arousal visibly leaked between
her legs, one of her arms still clung to the bookshelf above her.

Kisaki looked up, feeling sense slowly returning to her, vision included. She blinked, the
vague form of an adult taking form in front of her. Another blink and she had just enough
time to see a very naked and very feral Sensei rush to meet her lips. Kisaki let him claim her
mouth again, let his hands give their hungry grabs across her body.

That was when she felt it. The heat, the weight of it, the pulsing need pressed against her
belly. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know what it was, and despite the blissful torture
he’d just subjected her to, her loins began to ache for him. She needed him inside her as
much as he did. Without prompting, her hips let him know by pushing forward against him,
coaxing more throbs against her silk-laden stomach.

Their tongues were uncoiled as Sensei looked at her with the eyes of an animal. Kisaki felt
her core throb. Without a word, Sensei took his cock and pumped it, his head swollen and
almost blue, a string of pre-cum dripping to the floor. Kisaki’s breath quickened as she
reached above her with her free hand, both arms now above her head as she braced herself.

Sensei’s hands wrapped below her thighs. One of her shoes fell off her foot, clattering to the
floor. He hoisted her up, wrapping an arm around her lower back, as he took his dominant
hand to grab the base of his cock, keeping it steady.

They never broke eye contact.

Sensei inched his hips forward until his crown slid against her hairless cunt. He hissed,
clenching his teeth, the fingers digging into Kisaki’s body, digging deeper. He slid his cock
up and down, making it slick with her essence.

He drew more little whimpers from Kisaki as she felt the size of it, looking below and seeing
the imprint of his shaft poking through the front flap of her dress as he slid its length against
her, back and forth. Kisaki swore the outermost tip of it stretched past her belly button.

She swallowed.

Then Sensei pulled his hips back entirely, firmly pressing the head of his cock against her
heat. They shared but a single look before he snapped his hips forward and finally shoved
himself inside of her.

“A-Agh…!” Sensei grunted, less than a quarter of his prick inside of her.

He’d been fantasizing about how tight she would feel this entire time, feeling her out with his
fingers, but even all of that was nothing to prepare him for reality.

Kisaki could only bite into her lower lip, breathing deep breaths through her nose as he
pushed himself deeper, deeper. In small forwards and backward strokes.
Sensei felt a sense of power and pride come over him. It was the same sensation as when he
took Yuuka’s virginity for the first time. It was a notion that could only belong to an adult as
secretly avaricious as he was. He was dominating Kisaki, he thought. She was his now. He’d
been the one to take this chastity from her, and the more he thought about it, the less control
he had over his own body.

He pumped back and forth, again and again, railing the little student with deep and powerful
thrusts. Watching her bounce with every push forward sent a shiver along his spine. She was
so small compared to him, and it was difficult to overstate that fact.

She seemed to love their size difference, too. Kisaki’s petite body clung to his own like it
didn’t want him going too far. She welcomed his thrusts time and again, her body slowly but
surely accommodating his immense girth.

It was a shame that he was already close to climax. Or, perhaps it might have been if they
didn’t know that things were far from over between them.

Sensei grunted and groaned as he let himself go, emptying into Kisaki’s tight little body and
giving her as much as his tensing balls could provide here and now. The sensation of
creaming Kisaki was almost indescribable, as was the wetness and heat that seemed to radiate
from her.

She squealed with delight, and it was a squeal that Sensei stifled with a kiss. Their tongues
danced together once again, and Sensei’s moans spilled into her mouth as his cock spilled
into her snug, sodden snatch.

Sensei was still as hard as when he first slipped into her, and his shaft throbbed inside
Kisaki’s tightness, eager to hollow her out all over again. Their lips crashed for a few
moments before Sensei stepped away from the bookshelf, taking Kisaki with him. His hands
wrapped around her waist, thumbs almost meeting in the center of her tiny frame, fingers
almost completely encircling her.

He pivoted back, facing the bookshelf now. Then, with his grip around her, Sensei turned her
around like a corkscrew, his shaft still balls-deep in her all the while.

Kisaki didn’t exclaim at the sudden move, but she let out a small gasp all the same. Her legs
fell out under her until her tippy-toes touched the floor. Without the bookshelf or Sensei’s
shoulders to support her she blindly reached out for something before realizing she was now
face-to-face with the back of one of the office’s sofas. That was all the reprieve she was
allowed before Sensei began to fuck her again.

Sensei’s head fell back as Kisaki’s snug heat made him see stars. Even after such a hard fuck
against the bookshelf her cunt seemed to beg for him to keep breaking it in, her inner folds
sticky with his previous creampie, their intoxicating pressure still hard for Sensei to believe.
His arms kept bringing Kisaki back into his crotch like some sort of sex doll. The sheer ease
of lifting this girl up like that, wrapping her around his prick like a toy…just the sight of it
made him fuck her faster, pumping his hips to meet her, his arms slamming her into his
crotch faster.
Cum spilled out with every shove of his cock in thick strings of white, each thrust spilling out
more of his load into a growing puddle on the floor as Sensei raced to fill her with another.
Kisaki was breathless, her feet struggling to stay on the ground, the remaining shoe on her
foot dangling by her toes.

He treated her like the ragdoll that she might as well have been. Despite her status at
Shanhaijing school, that was what she was to Sensei at present: a ragdoll. A fucktoy.

The realization made her shout with pleasure. Her face burned bright red with her blushing as
she hung in his arms, almost completely off the floor while he manhandled her.

All the while, the ravenous adult continued to thrust and grunt like a beast in heat. He railed
her repeatedly, taking her from behind and watching her entire body shake and shiver against
his own.

For a moment, Sensei was inwardly thankful that Sumire had dragged him into all those
workouts. The stamina he gained since meeting the Millennium student did wonders for him
and Yuuka. Now, it would do wonders for him and Kisaki as well.

He held her hips so tightly he almost worried he might bruise her skin.

Then again, thought Sensei, if her moans are anything to go by, she’d be into that…

The room filled with the sound of their hips smacking together, like another student was
clapping in the room with them.

The clapping reached its climax alongside the both of them, with Kisaki creaming herself
over Sensei’s seizing cock. The poor thing was shivering with ecstasy and clenching around
Sensei’s shaft, even as the adult reached another climax of his own. He let himself go just as
he had before, giving Kisaki another glorious and gooey creampie.

The adult stuffed her crevices full of spunk, painting her insides pearly white with his hot,
sticky jism. Kisaki’s tongue dangled from her mouth as she drooled all over herself, hanging
limp in the man’s embrace before he turned his body and shoved her into the sofa, folding her
body over it like a hot tortilla.

Nothing could be heard now except the collective sound of their panting. Hot dollops of
spunk spilled out of Kisaki’s cunt in thick ropes that drizzled onto the floor. Kisaki could
only lay there, her body folded in half, her legs pressed up against the back of the sofa, her
arms limp and useless beside her head. Her bangs stuck to her forehead with sweat. Her body
gave occasional twitches, the vestiges of her climax and the violent fucking she’d just
endured dripping out of her system along with the fat load Sensei had packed her with.

She felt so full. His stickiness seemed to swell out against her womb, wads of clinging
between Sensei’s meat and her inner walls. It was a feeling that Kisaki couldn’t get enough
of, and despite Sensei putting her through her paces, she wanted more.

Sensei shared the same sentiment.

He looked down at his handiwork, running his hand over Kisaki’s plump little ass. Even after
such an intense fuck, his cock was still more than eager to do it all over again.

Without another word, his hips cycled into her once more, coaxing out those delicious little
mewls, the breathless chokes of air.

To see such a dignified leader of the student body bent over the sofa of her office was more
than enough to revitalize Sensei’s libido to a fever pitch once more, and in just a few pumps
of his hips their skin clapped in loud and wet smacks.

He took his hands to squeeze her again, breath hitching at how Kisaki would now clench
around him with intent. She was a quick learner. He quickened the pace then; he didn’t want
to waste any more time when he had so much more to teach her.

Kisaki moaned out as Sensei kept going, hollowing her out, shoving himself deep with that
infectious primal need that only made her need more.

In and in and in, Sensei kept fucking her. Her fingers dug into the cushion of the couch, sweat
racing in hot beads across her pearly skin, her cheek pressed deeper with every drive of
Sensei’s hips. Kisaki’s toes curled as she let herself go completely.

She didn’t brace herself, her fingers didn’t clench tight to ground herself. Instead, she just
embraced the fact that Sensei was using her for stress relief as much as she’d initially used

It felt wonderful to just let someone else take the reins for a while, to just completely forget
about everything, to let a more experienced adult step in and teach her how to deal with her

Kisaki came, each hiccuping moan stressed by the wet slap of her ass cheeks against his skin.
She let the bliss wash over her, let her mind go blank for the umpteenth time that afternoon.
She really needed this, and she didn’t want it to stop until he’d emptied his relief inside her.

For the first time, she let Sensei hear it.

“M-More,” Kisaki said in a mewl.

Sensei’s thrusts slowed. Did he not hear her? Was the sex loud enough to overpower her
weak attempt to plead?

“More…” she tried again, feeling the last waves of her orgasm eke out of her, but once again
feeling Sensei’s cock slow its pumps inside of her. “Sensei, please…”

Kisaki was about to turn around and muster the strength to look over her shoulder when
suddenly pain ripped through her scalp, tears spilling out of her eyes. She gasped, the
relatively relaxed position of being bent over the couch completely upended now as her entire
body was forcefully bent up , suspended by her twintails.

Before she could say anything, Sensei pounded her, pulling back his entire length before
slamming it into her depths, using all of his weight behind every throw of his hips.
“S-Sensei, I—!”

The overwhelming mix of sensations made Kisaki cum again, her helpless arms flailing to
grab onto something, anything, in this position before they just fell limp in front of her. At
this point, Kisaki was truly helpless, as Sensei rutted her harder than ever before, sweat flying
with every rough pounding into her tightness.

“Finally ngh! being honest, huh?” Sensei said, a malicious grin on his lips. He took Kisaki’s
hair and wrapped it around his wrists before he yanked harder, making Kisaki cry out in a
voice he’d never heard from her before. “Effective communication is agh! crucial to being a
good leader, you know. I’m glad I could teach you that today.”

With that, Sensei poured all of his energy into stuffing this little girl with no intent on
stopping. His cock relished every inch of her gloving heat, as if it were the first time it was
inside her. His hands kept steady, fists gripping Kisaki’s hair, orgasms ripping through her
tiny frame, her body helpless to his onslaught.

He was pounding her with the full intent to rearrange her guts, and he knew from the way she
moaned that wanted it as badly as he did.

“More, oh, Sensei, please!”

Her words, choked out between careless moans, made Sensei’s cock throb and his hips shove
into Kisaki’s body harder. Moreso than most, turning Kisaki into his cocksleeve was a
gratification that made Sensei run wild. They barely knew each other, and to see the cold and
withdrawn president beg for his cock, moaning like a wanton slut, it was enough to…

“You want it so bad, then take it, Kisaki-chan! Fucking—!”

He pulled hard, forcing out more tears from Kisaki’s eyes as his cock stuffed a third creampie
into her young pussy, his bulbous head wedged right up against her womb. Kisaki’s chest
pushed out as her eyes rolled into her skull, her little tongue hanging out of her bottom lip as
she went over the edge with him, her breath coming out as wheezes.

Sensei’s balls throbbed as he buried his face into Kisaki’s sweaty scalp, moaning into her
hair. He panted, sweat streaking down his skin as cum spurted out of the tight seal of his shaft
and her pussy lips, her womb so packed with his loads that this new batch of spunk had
nowhere to go but puddles of stickiness on the floor at Sensei’s feet.

Sensei let go of Kisaki’s hair, deigning to wrap his arms around the girl’s slender frame
instead as he rode out the rest of his climax, feeling her delicate arms fall against his.

Then came the rest. The much-needed rest.

Kisaki’s fingers trembled as she told Mina not to come into work today.

It couldn’t be helped. There would be no work happening in the Xuanlong Office of

Shanhaijing School. Not while Sensei from SCHALE was sequestered in her office. Not
while Sensei from SCHALE was balls deep inside her.

I’ll t ttake care of ffeverythhinng. Seeyyou tommorro w. Godnighht.

It was good enough, Kisaki supposed. Unspoken payback for how she’d impersonated the
man who was doing a bang-up job of rearranging her insides.

Sensei grunted and groaned like a beast in heat as he thrusted, slamming the girl up and down
on his lap while he took his place in her chair. Amusingly enough, the seat was much bigger
than her, almost like it’d been made for an adult like him instead.

He kept the little tramp in his lap, working up a steady rhythm as he thrust in and out of her
well-fucked snatch, pumping her up and down with his hands on her tiny hips—hips that
were bruising with dark finger marks on where he manhandled her; treated her like the sex
toy she was.

“Sen… sei…”

Kisaki groaned, tipping her head back as she moaned his title. Sensei took that as an
invitation to keep it up, and to lean in to plant an ardent kiss against the brat’s little neck—a
neck he could wrap his fingers around if he were so inclined.

Kisaki screwed her eyes shut as she dropped her phone, drooling from both pairs of lips
while the man bounced her on his lap again and again. He made a big show about owning her
like this, especially now that he understood exactly how much she loved it.

“Kisaki,” he growled. “You’re too dangerous for your own good…”

She could only crack a grin at that. She opened her eyes, and despite how unfocused they
were, she saw Sensei was struggling to keep it together. It was like she was a succubus, and
every thrust was dampening the man’s resolve and vitality. He was going to pump her full of

“S-So ruthless,” said Kisaki, her little chest heaving with every heavy breath. Then she
confessed. “I want this… every d-day…”

“Every, ngh, day?” He smirked, pretending like he was even mulling it over. “You’re such a
selfish little thing, aren’t you?”

“You’re the one who’s s-selfish,” Kisaki groaned. “You’ll screw me p-pregnant at this rate…”

“Now there’s a… hah… thought. Kisaki from Shanhaijing… with a swollen belly… after just
one m-meeting with Sensei!” He slammed her down to emphasize his point, prompting the
little girl to squeal with ecstasy.

“Sensei!” Kisaki screamed. “Yes, Sensei! SENSEI!”

She clenched and convulsed over Sensei’s cock, squeezing him so tightly as to wring him of
everything he could give her. She spilled all over his lap, blushing furiously as she ejaculated
in a spray of transparent, glistening love.
Sensei came just after she did, though by now, the little brat was getting a bit too loud for his
liking. There was a time for peace and quiet, and that time was now.

He silenced Kisaki with a long, impassioned kiss. Her eyes went wide with surprise, but in
the next second, the little student melted in Sensei’s embrace and kissed him back while he
held her snugly.

This kiss differed from the others somehow. It was as though with this smooch came a
realization—the realization that she just went from simple student to budding mother. A flash
ran through the little one’s mind. It would catch; Sensei would be the father to her child,
gifting her with something not so easily gained in Kivotos.

His cock pulsed and throbbed as he filled her yet again with his hot, gooey, potent seed. He
had effectively hosed her eggs to their limit, and there could be no force in all of Kivotos that
would prevent the inevitable now.

If she didn’t have a reason to stay attached before, then Kisaki from Shanhaijing certainly
had one now—and in due time, it would be made obscenely apparent.

The qipao- clad student always knew she’d get bigger one day. She never expected, however,
that it would be in width—not height.

And just like that, the couple broke their kiss.

Kisaki panted hard as she rested against Sensei’s chest. Sensei, too, did his best to catch his
breath. He closed his eyes and sank into the girl’s seat, basking in the heat they shared,
swimming through the heady afterglow like it was the most potent drug in the world.

“Fuck,” said Sensei. “Fuck…”

“Sensei,” said Kisaki. Whispered, really. “Thank you…”

“Thank me? For what?” he asked. But Kisaki couldn’t reply. In fact, Kisaki couldn’t do much
of anything anymore.

The poor girl fainted in his arms, and she wore the dreamiest smile that Sensei had ever seen.
It was a smile unlike any that his students had ever given him. Not even his precious Yuuka
wore a smile quite like Kisaki’s here and now, and it melted Sensei’s heart to see it clearly.

It was the weekend, and school was out.

The late afternoon sun peeked through the blinds of the office room, its warm glow covering
everything in the office. Kisaki was bathed in that glow, looking less like a simple
Shanhaijing student and more like a goddess made manifest.

He kissed her on the forehead. It was the last thing Sensei did before drifting off himself,
sinking deeper into an enchanting afterglow with a new mother tucked away in his arms.

And then they were gone.

The next day, Mina let out a low whistle as she looked around the room.

“Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this place look this great.”

The Xuanlong Office student cast a smile toward Kisaki, who hid her own expression behind
the pages of a Shanhaijing newsletter.

“You and Sensei must have really worked up a sweat, huh?”

That seemed to get a reaction out of Kisaki. The girl coughed a few times, going beet red as
Mina stepped up with concern.

“Need some more coffee?” she asked. “Light and sweet, just how you like it?”

“N-No,” said Kisaki, “I’m fine, just…”

“Distracted,” said Mina. “Well, anyway, I’m glad you and Sensei seemed to get along just
fine. I was worried about nothing.”


Kisaki cast a knowing smile toward the office blinds, her fingers already dancing across her
phone’s keyboard.

Sensei, she typed. Are you available?

To her surprise, the man’s response came through within the minute.

Not today, sorry. Swamped. Tomorrow?

She frowned.

What a crippling sense of humor that man had.

She was about to put her phone down when it buzzed again, checking it faster than she would
have liked, even with Mina eyeing her with an arched eyebrow.

Come and visit me instead, said Sensei’s message. I need to see you about touching an adult’s
phone and getting into his business.

Kisaki smiled.

So I will see you at SCHALE tomorrow, Sensei. For… business?

And then a response.

No. For pleasure. I cleared the day’s schedule so I could fill it with you.
Don’t keep me waiting.

Kisaki gulped. Her fingers trembled, and this didn’t go unnoticed by the Xuanlong Office’s
other occupant.
“Is everything okay?” asked Mina.

Kisaki smirked, locking her phone with a fulfilled flourish.

“I’m taking the day off tomorrow,” she announced, much to Mina’s surprise.

“Eh?! What do you mean you’re taking the day off tomorrow?!”

“Hmm~ just a personal day to lie back, put my feet up, spread my legs—ah, I mean—!”

“Don’t lie!” Mina huffed. “You’re going to spend the day stretching again, aren’t you?”


“To get taller like you always try to do,” said Mina, turning up her nose. “You can’t hide from

“Hmph. That’s right. You got me, Mina,” said Kisaki, hiding her face behind the newsletter
again so she could bite her lip at the thought. “I’ll be doing a whole lot of stretching all day
tomorrow. Maybe every day this week!”

I have to stay fit and healthy for the baby, after all…
End Notes

ayyo what up we're PluckedPetals, a collaborative effort from the filthy minds of
SolitaryVices and slumbrrr.

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