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Improvement of the performance of microbial fuel cell by the

optimization of the amount of wolf vitamin solution through python

and Artificial intelligence
Hamed Farahani a, Mostafa Ghasemib, Mehdi Sedighia, Mostafa Ghasemib*
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Qom, Qom, Iran
Chemical Engineering Section, Faculty of Engineering, Sohar University, 311 Sohar, Oman

*Corresponding author email:; (Mostafa Ghasemi)

One part of the media that has not been deeply studied is wolf vitamin solution which
consisted of some essential vitamines such as biotin, folic acid,vitamin B12, Thiamine
for growing up and productivity of the microorganisms. In this study, different
amounts of wolf vitamin solution (2,4,6,8,10)ml has been used in the media to
observe the effect of this solution in the performance of an MFC in terms of power
generation, COD removal and coulombic efficiency. Python software was also used to
predict and optimize MFC systems. Four different machine learning approaches
including adaptive boosting (Ada-Boost), extreme gradient boosting (XGB),
categorical boosting algorithm (Cat-Boost) and support vector regression (SVR) were
developed to predict power density, from 80% and 20% the dataset was used for the
purposes of training and testing the system, and finally the XGBoost model had the
best prediction among the models. NSGA-II algorithm was used for multiple
optimization. Optimum values for current density, power density, COD removal, and
coulombic efficiency were obtained with error percentages of 2.62 0.79 %, 0.94 0.5%,
4.05 1.89% and 4.49 1.27%, respectively. It proved the high accuracy of the proposed
model. Also the MFC systems have been analyzed through python software to….


One of the serious concerns of the leaders of countries is the energy and water
production and consumption.[1] Most of the developing countries has been faced with
the problem of energy security as the fossil fuels are depleting and also they release
carbon dioxide to the environment. Another serious concern of the world is the lack of
water and environmental pollution due to high load of untreated pollution and
specially wastewater generated by industries which were discharged to the
environment [2, 3]. To find out a solution for these problems, replacing this kind of
fuels with a cleaner and sustainable fuels and also finding a system for waste
management specially as it contains variety of toxic and heavy metals become more
attractive subject for the scientists[4].

Lots of efforts have been spent on higher efficiency waste waterwastewater treatment
and also renewable and clean energy production but most of them had the lack of
efficiency or they were not economical viable. Also some of them used some
techniques which produces greenhouse gasses that had the same issue as fossil fuels
[5, 6].

Microbial fuel cells become more attractive that it has no such problems. In this
technique, the chemical energy of organic substances (which pollute the environment)
will be converted to a clean energy (electricity). In fact, MFC uses the metabolism of
organic materials in the wastewater to produce energy [7, 8].

In fact, MFC is a bioelectrochemical process that utilize the wastewater to produce

clean energy. In design point of view, MFC consists of two chambers which have
been separated by an ion exchange membrane. One of them is anaerobic and another
one is aerobic [9].
The system has been design to optimize the activity of biological system. In the
anaerobic anodic chamber, the oxidation of organic substrates occur with
microorganisms which operates as biocatalyst and the metabolic by products of this
process generates electrons and protons[10]. The microorganisms which interfere in
the production of ions, get their energy from the chemical bonds of organic molecules
and consumes that in electrons and protons production[2, 9, 10].
The electrons transfer from an external circuits to reach to the cathode chamber. This
external electrical energy which can be used in other applications such as in electronic
It should be pay attention that the microorganisms should be attached on the electrode
surface (carbon paper) in anode chamber. In most of the studies, carbon paper used as
the electrode in cathode and anode chamber due to its high conductivity and low cost.

Researchers in this study, tried to optimize microbial full cell, by machine learning.
AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) tools have been tackling several
engineering. Specifically, the AI methods can effectively handle several kinds of data,
including uncertainty or complexity nature [11]. In this article, machine learning
methods are used for data analysis.
At the very fundamental level machine learning (ML) is a category of artificial
intelligence that enables computers to think and learn on their own. It is all about
making computers modify their actions in order to improve the actions to attain more
accuracy, where accuracy is measured in terms of the number of times the chosen
actions results into correct ones [12]. Supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and
reinforcement learning are the three basic categories into which machine learning may
often be divided.

artificial intelligence (AI) techniques enable MFCs to function more effectively by

aiding in optimization, control, and decision-making.
AI can assist in identifying the best electrode materials, reactor layouts, and operating
conditions to maximize power output and efficiency by considering various
characteristics and restrictions. AI-based solutions are capable of enabling real-time
monitoring and control of MFC functioning. To gain insights into the performance of
MFCs, machine learning techniques can be used to analyze sensor data, microbial
activity, and other pertinent characteristics. Using this data, operational parameters
can be changed, power generation can be optimized, and system problems can be
avoided. AI can help create performance based predictive models for MFC
( [13]).
Machine learning algorithms can analyze historical data to grasp the intricate
correlations between operational parameters and power output. Then, these models
may be applied to forecast MFC performance under various scenarios, facilitate

decision-making, and enhance system performance. By automating some jobs and
decision-making procedures, AI can assist in streamlining the overall MFC process.
Continuous data analysis, adaptive operational condition adjustment, and resource
allocation optimization are all capabilities of AI algorithms. This can increase power
generation, maximize energy efficiency, and simplify MFC operation. It is crucial to
remember that AI approaches in MFCs are still a developing topic, and work is being
undertaken to fully realize their potential. The particular MFC system, the data that
are accessible, and the optimization or control goals will determine the individual AI
methodologies and approaches used. The performance, effectiveness, and
sustainability of microbial fuel cells could be improved by using AI technology in
research and development ( ).[14]

Materials and methods:

Same as our previous study, The MFC has been built by two chambers of anode and

cathode. The size of these cubic chambers sizes is 7 cm, 6 cm and the height of 8 cm.

The active chamber’s volume is about 300 ml. They were separated by a separator

which is Nafio 117 as the proton exchange membrane. The Nitrogen gas was purged

in the anode chamber to make anaerobic condition. By aquarium pump to the cathode

chamber for ORR process, the air injected to the cathode chamber to complete the

reduction process. Figure.1 shows The schematic of MFC is per below.

Fig. 1. Schematic of AEM-MFC

The pH of the anode were adjusted to 6.5-7 which is proper pH for the


2.1. Enrichment

The anaerobic sludge of plam mill oil effluent (POME, Selangor, Malaysia) was used

to inoculate the media in the anode chamber. It was kept in the anerobic condition and

feedfed at 25oC.

2.2. Analysis and calculations

To find out the morphology of the microorganisms which were attached to the

electrode surface, Field emission scanning electronic microscopy (FESEM, SUPRA,

55vp-Zeiss, Germany) was used. As per instruction, the samples must be covered by a

thin layer of gold in the nitrogen atmosphere before capturing the SEM photos.

The produced voltage was measured by a A multi-meter was used to measure the and
the voltages and the results wereare stored in a computerPC. The current and voltage
and current density can be calculated by the formula:as below:
I= (1)
P=V × I (2)
Where the external resistance is annotated by R and is the external resistance
connected to the system and I and V show are the symbols of the produced current
and voltage respectively.
For finding the COD, A media sample was collected from the anode chamber. The
sample was diluted 10 times with the water and then, 2 mL of the sample was taken
with a syring and added to the high-range COD vials. The vials heated to
temperature of 150 oC. whenWhen the liquid inside the vials become uniform, the
vials were put inside spectrophotometer to measure COD.
The columbic efficiency (CE) can be calculated as follows:per below formula:

M ∫ I dt
0 (3)
F b V an ∆ COD
Where the shows the molecular weight of oxygen 16 , and F is the Faraday number.
b is Tthe number of transferred electrons per mole of oxygen. The volume of the
anode is shown by V an and also change of chemical oxygen demand COD is shown
by ∆ COD and the volume of the anode is shown by V an [15].
All the experiments were repeated for three times and the average results were

Adaptive boosting (Ada-Boost):AdaBoost

AdaBoost is one of the most excellent Boosting algorithms. It has a solid

theoretical basis and has made great success in practical applications. AdaBoost
can boost a weak learning algorithm with an accuracy slightly better than
random guessing into an arbitrarily accurate strong learning algorithm,
bringing about a new method and a new design idea to the design of learning

AdaBoost sequentially trains models such that at the end of each iteration,
misclassified examples are identified and have their emphasis heightened in a
new training set.
This set is then fed back into the start of the next iteration. Essentially, at each
iteration, a new base-learner is trained with respect to the error of the whole
ensemble learnt so far. Freund et al. proposed an ensemble strategy to develop
the performance of individual learners through updating the weight of instances,
then developed as the AdaBoost algorithm[16].

The following represent the key steps of the Adaboost technique[17]:

•Defining Weights: wj = , j = 1, 2, ..., n;
• For each i, set the training data to a weak learner Wli (x) using weights and obtain
the weighted Error

∑ w j I (t j ≠ w li (x ))
Err i= j=1 n

∑ wj
, I ( x ) = 0 ifx=false
1 ifx=true


(1−Err i)
• For each i, determine weights for predictors as: β=log ⁡( )
Err i

• Modified data wights for each i to N (N denotes the number of learners);

• Adjust weak learner for data test (x) as output

Extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost): XGboost

XGBoost is an improvement of the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT)

algorithm proposed by Chen and Guestrin of the University of Washington[18].
XGBoost is a kind of regularized machine learning boosting tree
model[18]. XGBoost is a highly efficient implementation of Gradient Boosting
Decision Tree (GBDT) algorithm[19]. XGBoost supports parallel and distributed
computing and can use the CPU's multithreading feature, which speeds up the
computational process[20]

The algorithm aims to improve the running speed and accuracy of the algorithm
model, so it is widely used in various industries. The core of the algorithm is as
Assuming that the model has k decision trees, the integrated model can be
expressed as follows:

^y i=∑ f k ( x i ) , f k ∈ F (2)

where: F is the set of regression trees, and f is a regression tree in the set. The
main idea of the algorithm is that each update is based on the prediction results
of the previous model. By adding a new tree f to fit the residual error between
the prediction results of the previous tree and the real value, a new model is
formed, and the new model is used as the basis for the next model learning. The
details are as follows:

^y i=0 ^y i(0) +f 1 ( x i ) ^y i(2)= ^yi(1)+ f 2 ( x i ) … … ^y i(t )= ^y i(t −1) +f t ( xi ) (3)

Where: ^y i(t ) represents the prediction result of the t-th time, ^y i(t −1)represents the
prediction result of the previous (t-1), and ft(xi) represents the residual fitting

value by the newly added regression tree. Obviously, the goal of prediction is to
make the predicted value ^y i of the number group as close as possible to the true
value yi, and the greatest possible generalization capability is required.
Therefore, mathematically speaking this is a fonctionelle optimization problem,
so the objective function is simplified as follows:

obj (t) =l ( y i , ^y i(t ) ) + Ω(f i ) (4)

where: The first term l( y i− ^yi ) represents the error function, also called the loss
function. The error function to maximize the fit of the sample through
continuous learning of the model to obtain the minimum difference between the
prediction result and the prediction target. The second term Ω(ft) represents the
regularization item. The regularization item defines the complexity of the tree
and increases the stability of the model by continually simplifying it with the
following formula:

Ω ( f t ) =γ T + λ ∑ w2j (5)
2 j=1

T represents the number of leaf nodes in the tree and the second part represents
the L2 modulus square of the weight function w of the leaf nodes in the tree, i.e.
L2 regularization of w, which is equivalent to adding L2 smoothing to the score
for each leaf node, with the aim of avoiding overfitting[21].

Categorical boosting (Cat-Boost):CatBoost

CatBoost is a novel variant of the gradient-boosting decision tree method

developed by Prokhorenkova et al. in 2018[22]. Its main idea is that a strong
regressor can be created by iteratively combining weak regressors[23]. CatBoost
has strong learning capabilities to deal with highly nonlinear data[24].It can be
trained by minimizing the expected loss function (L(.)) through gradient descent:

ht =arg minE L ( y , F t−1 ( x ) +h ( x ) ) } (6)

where y denotes the output and h is a gradient step function selected from H, i.e., a
family of functions. The step function can be calculated as follows:

h ( x )=∑ b j I { x ∈R }

where Rj denotes the disjoint regions that correspond to the tree's leaves. bj is the
predictive value of the region, and I is an indicator function[25]. The expectation in
Eq. (6) is approximated by the same dataset, which leads to prediction shift and
gradient bias. These issues result in overfitting. CatBoost resolves them by
employing the ordered boosting method, which causes improving the robustness
and generalization ability of the model[25].

Support vector regression (SVR): SVR

One of the reliable data-driven methods with repeatability in outcomes is

support vector regression (SVR). SVR has useful applications in regression
control, using SVM based ideas, support vectors, finding optimal hyperplane,
and minimizing total deviation and structural risk [26, 27]. Support Vector
machine (SVM) is a group of similar supervised machine learning algorithms
that can be applied for both regression and clustering tasks[28]. SVR is a
systematic technique for soft computation, with a well-established mathematical
formulation. As it has been shown to be very stable for modeling multiple
complex structures, this approach has gained signifcant interest. In the
literature, the fundamental concept behind SVR is commonly presented[29].

Therefore, we present a short description of the SVR conception for the sake of
brevity. SVR attempts to obtain a regression function f(x) for a given dataset
[ (x1, y1), ... .., (xn, yn) ] with x ∈ Rd as the d-dimensional input space and y ∈ R as
the output vector dependent on the input data to estimate the output as below:

f ( x )=w . Φ(x i ) (8)

where b denotes bias vectors, w shows the weight, and φ(x) refers to the function
of the kernel. The following minimization problem proposed by Vapnik should
be solved in order to achieve the right values of the weight and bias vectors [30]:

minimize w T w+C ∑ ¿ ¿ (9)
2 j =1

¿ (10)

where T represents the transpose operator, ε shows the error tolerance, C

represents a positive regularization parameter that defines the variance from ε,
+ ¿¿ −¿¿
ζ j and ζ j consider positive parameters, attempting to point out the lower and
higher excess variations, respectively. By means of the Lagrange multipliers, the
previously discussed constrained optimization problem is taken into a dual
function. Tis move then leads to the final solution, which is presented as follows:

f ( x )=∑ ( a k −a¿k ) K ( x k , x 1 ) +b (11)

where K(xk, x1) represents the kernel function; ak and a k represent the Lagrange
multipliers that follow the 0k and kC constraints.

The kernel function is denoted as K(xk, x1), while the Lagrange multipliers that
satisfy the restrictions 0k and kC are represented by ak and a_k^*, respectively.

Results and discussion

1. Attachment of microorganisms

The attachment of microorganisms on the surface of the electrode is shown in Figure

2. As can be seen in the figure different types of microorganisms are attached on the
surface of electrode. They produce electricity by consumption of the organic

Fig.2. SEM photo of the attached microorganism on the surface of the electrode

They have been tested by CV to ensure their capability for producing the electricity in
Figure.3. As can be observed in the figure 3, some oxidation and reduction peak can
be seen. They clearly, emphasize the oxidation and reduction activities of
microorganisms while before inoculation, no peak was detected. It means that there
are some exoelectrogenic microorganisms in the media which result in catalytic
activity, COD removal and electron and protons production.

Figure 2 illustrates the adhesion of microbes to the electrode's surface. The graphic
illustrates many forms of bacteria adhering to the electrode's surface. Electricity is
generated through the consumption of organic substrates.These have been tested
by CV tests to verify their capacity to generate electricity as shown in Figure 3. Figure
3 displays noticeable oxidation and reduction peaks. The microorganisms' oxidation
and reduction activities were clearly emphasised, as no peak was seen prior to
inoculation. This indicates the presence of exoelectrogenic bacteria in the media,
which leads to catalytic activity, elimination of chemical oxygen demand (COD), and
creation of electrons and protons.

Fig.3 cyclic voltammetry of the microorganisms

Soft computing strategy Title about your part:

In this research, experimental data related to 5 MFCs have been
collected.Fig.41 shows the range of extracted dataset in box plots. A box
plot is a chart that uses graphics to represent a set of data's minimum,
maximum, and various quartiles. Fig.52 is the Pearson correlation

coefficient matrix that shows the correlation between input and output
characteristics. The point that is noteworthy in this figure is that the
amount of COD removal increases dramatically with the increase of
vitamin content, also the amount of vitamin has a direct relationship with
power density and columbic efficiency (CE).
Fig.14.Box plot of the input and output variables.

Fig.3 5 Pearson correlation matrix between the input and output variables.

Different machine learning models including adaptive boosting (Ada-Boost), extreme

gradient boosting (XGB), categorical boosting algorithm (Cat-Boost) and support
vector regression (SVR) were used to predict the power density of MFC systems. For
this purpose, Vitamin solution (mL) and current density (mA/m2) were considered as
input and Power density (W/m2) as output of the models.
The performance of the models for predicting the training, testing and total data were
evaluated, and the results obtained are shown in Table1.

Statistical criteria were used to evaluate the accuracy and power of the proposed
techniques in predicting output parameter. The statistical variables used in the
analysis were root mean square error (RMSE), correlation coefficient (R2), The
mathematical expression of the aforementioned criteria is as below:

Root mean square error:

RMSE= ∑ ( X i exp−X i pred )2
n i=1

Correlation coefficient:
R =1−¿

In the formulas presented above, Xi,exp is the empirical value of the parameters, and
Xi,pred is the parameter value predicted by the proposed prediction tools.

Table 1 shows the quantitative evaluation of the proposed strategies using the above
indicators for power density. The accuracy of the training and testing sets for
evaluation metrics are displayed in detail in this assessment. According to this
evaluation, all the created models are able to calculate power density for training and
testing data.
According to Table 1, the XGBoost model with R2=0.8942 and RMSE=4.0997e+01
has the best performance and prediction among all the used models.

Model data R2 RMSE

Train 0.9992 7.1138

Ada Boost Test 0.8605 3.2641e+01
Total 0.9999 0.0024
Train 1.0000 0.0029
XG Boost Test 0.8942 4.0997e+01
Total 1.0000 0.0024
Train 0.9999 1.0787
Cat Boost Test 0.8927 4.1277e+01
Total 0.9999 2.3586
Train 0.2842 1.7977e+02
SVR Test 0.3969 9.7877e+01
Total 0.9998 2.3587


Statistical results of developed models for predicting power density

In order to represent the accuracy of the developed models in the present study,
graphical error analysis was also applied along with statistical error analysis. In the
graphical analysis of models, the cross-plot of training and test sets for the developed
models are presented in Fig. 63 for Power density. In these graphs, the predicted
power density is plotted against the actual value. As can be seen, for the XGBoost
model both test and training sets, accumulation of the training and test sets around the
unit slope line is very dense. the maximum difference between the experimental and
predicted values of Power density and how they are distributed in the range of
experimental values is useful information obtained from the error distribution
diagram. The congestion of points around the zero line indicates the accuracy of the
model. Fig. 74 indicate the error distribution of the developed models for Power
density. It can be seen that the XGBoost model is more accurate.

Fig.3.6.Cross-plots of methods for Power density.

Fig.47.Error distribution diagram of the methods for Power density.

The power density results are shown in Fig.568. As can be seen in Fig. 68A, the
maximum power density produced by MFC1, MFC2, MFC3, MFC4 and MFC5 is
150, 243, 395.6, 352.08 and 770.6352.4 mW/m2 respectively. The results show a clear
sharp increase in power generation with by increasing the amount of wolf vitamin
solutions from 2 ml to 6 ml per liter. and after that it starts to decline. It can be due to
the fact that when the amount of vitamin solution increases and the microorganisms
can’t utilize it and so the concentration of the vitamin inside the cell get increased and
subsequently they spoil the energy metabolism in bacteria and support some certain
functions of organisms [31, 32]. by osmosis phenomena the cell get dehydrated.
The power density values are displayed in Figure 568. Fig. 68A illustrates the highest
power density generated by MFC1, MFC2, MFC3, MFC4, and MFC5 as 150, 243,
395.6, 352.08, and 770.6352.4 mW/m2, respectively. The findings indicate a distinct
and rapid rise in power output when the quantity of wolf vitamin solutions is
increased from 2 ml to 6 ml per litre. Subsequently, there is a subsequent decrease in
power generation. The increase in the amount of vitamin solution can lead to an
accumulation of the vitamin inside the cell. This can disrupt the energy metabolism in
bacteria and support specific functions in organisms [31, 32]. The cell undergoes
dehydration by osmosis.
Figure 6b displays the polarisation curve of the MFCs. It is utilised to determine the
exterior resistance of the systems.

Figure 6 b, shows the polarization curve of the MFCs. It’s used to find the external
resistance of the systems.
yeast extract from 1 g/L to 5 g/L.
Fig. 7 9depicts the COD removal and CE of MFC systems as a result of the catalytic
activity of microorganisms in wastewater. MFC4 and MFC5 had the highest COD
removal by 80% and 90% respectively, while MFC2 could remove the COD only by
59%. The lowest CE (29%) belongs to MFC3, and the highest CE (50%) is for MFC4.

Fig.5.The power density versus current density.

Fig.68.The polarization curve of the MFCs.

Fig.79.COD removal and CE of different MFCs.


In this research, NSGA-II algorithm was used to optimize MFC. NSGA-II is one of
the most influential and widely cited algorithms in the field of multi-objective
optimization. The multi-objective evolutionary algorithm NSGA-II maintains variety
and convergence in the Pareto front by utilizing crowding distance and non-
dominated sorting. The parent and offspring populations are combined in this elitist
algorithm, which then chooses the best solutions based on distance and rank.
Table 2 shows the result of optimization and validation of optimized result. The
percentage error of current density, power density, COD removal and coulombic
efficiency is 2.62 0.79 %, 0.94 0.50 %, 4.05 1.89 % and 4.49 1.27%, respectively. In
sum, all percentage errors less than 5 2 % and acceptable. Selecting the appropriate
optimization will require further investigation because the ideal circumstances can
differ depending on the economic perspective.

The NSGA-II method was employed to optimise the MFC in this study. NSGA-II
is a highly significant and extensively referenced algorithm in the domain of
multi-objective optimisation. The NSGA-II algorithm effectively preserves
diversity and convergence in the Pareto front through the use of crowding
distance and non-dominated sorting. This elitist algorithm combines the parent
and offspring populations, and subsequently selects the most optimal solutions
based on criteria such as distance and rank.
Table 2 displays the outcome of the optimisation process and the subsequent
validation of the optimised result. The current density, power density, COD
elimination, and coulombic efficiency have percentage errors of 2.62 ± 0.79%,

0.94 ± 0.50%, 4.05 ± 1.89%, and 4.49 ± 1.27%, respectively. Overall, any
percentage errors below 5.2% are considered acceptable. Further analysis is
necessary to determine the optimal optimisation strategy, as the ideal conditions
may vary based on the economic viewpoint.

Table 2. The result of optimization by NSGA-II algorithm

Vitamin current Power density COD removal Coulombic

solution(mL) density(mA/m2) W/m2 (%) efficiency (%)
Optimal 5.8 576.8 395.6 78 12
Validation 5.80 9.71 581.4 397.6 79.5 11.85
Error % - 0.79 2.62 0.50 0.94 1.89 4.05 1.27 4.49

Figure 10. Optimized MFC running during long times

Figure.10 Shows the MFC whi ran for long times. As can be seen the voltage
increasing during the time and reaches it maximum almost after around 100
hours. After that the voltage stay at constant value. The trends of COD removal
is similar to the voltage however it has a little gap. It reaches its maximum
(around 80%). That’s the required time for attachment of the microorganisms
on the electrode surface and breaking down of the substrate’s structure[33]. The
CE shows the same trend by this difference that the CE shows a continuous
increment with the time. It means that, with the time more exoelectrogenic
microorganisms contribute to the substrate degradation and electrons and
proton’s production[34].

Figure 10 depicts the MFC operating for an extended duration. The voltage gradually
increases over time and reaches its peak after approximately 100 hours. Subsequently,

the voltage remains at a steady magnitude. The patterns of chemical oxygen demand
(COD) elimination closely parallel the voltage, with a slight discrepancy. It attains its
peak at approximately 80%. This is the necessary duration for the bacteria to adhere
to the electrode surface and degrade the structure of the substrate[33]. The CE
exhibits a consistent upward trajectory, in contrast to this distinction where the CE
demonstrates a continual increase over time. This indicates that with time, an
increasing number of exoelectrogenic bacteria play a role in breaking down the
substrate and generating electrons and protons[34].


This study has testeddemonstrated the effect of different MFCs with various
amount of wolf vitamin solution an important component of media in the
performance of microbial fuel cell. The experimental work has proved that:

a) When the amount of wolf vitamine solution increase until 6 ml in a liter, the
power density also increases 2.45 fold and after that it start to declined slowly
that can be due to vitamin precipitation and deactivation of microroganisms.
[b)] The CV test, showed high catalytic activities of microorganisms. The
oxidation and reduction peaks are the strong evidences of high bio catalytic
activities of microorganisms that convert substrates to the electricity..
b)[c)] Four intelligent and powerful models including Ada-Boost, XGB, Cat-Boost
and SVR were used to predict power density. The XGBoost model has the highest
accuracy in predicting power density with R-squared values for training and
testing data sets of 0.0029 and 4.0997e+01, respectively, and RMSE values for
training and testing data sets of 1.0000 and 0.8942, respectively.
c) Using the NSGA-II algorithm, the output values were optimized. Current density,
power density, COD removal, and coulombic efficiency all reached optimal levels
with error percentages of 0.79 %, 0.5%, 1.89%, and 1.27%, in that order. And d
d) Different applications of MFC was cleared through running MFC over a period of
time. The CE of an MFC shall be increased in long times while for having higher
power output the MFC needs to reach to its maximum value and then it should be
maintained. Beside that it can be seen, the COD removal of the system reaches it
maximum value over time by maturation of microorganisms.

This study has examined the impact of several microbial fuel cells (MFCs)
containing varied quantities of wolf vitamin solution, a crucial component of
the media, on the performance of the MFC. The empirical research has
demonstrated that when the concentration of wolf vitamin solution is
increased to 6 ml per litre, the power density likewise increases by a factor of
2.45. However, beyond this point, the power density gradually decreases,
possibly due to the precipitation of vitamins and deactivation of
microorganisms. The CV test demonstrated the microorganisms' significant
catalytic capabilities. The presence of oxidation and reduction peaks serves as
compelling proof of the robust bio-catalytic activities exhibited by
microorganisms that facilitate the conversion of substrates into electricity.
Four sophisticated and robust models, namely Ada-Boost, XGB, Cat-Boost,
and SVR, were employed to forecast power density. The XGBoost model
demonstrates superior accuracy in forecasting power density, as evidenced by
its R-squared values of 0.0029 and 4.0997e+01 for the training and testing

data sets, respectively. Additionally, the model exhibits low root mean square
error (RMSE) values of 1.0000 and 0.8942 for the training and testing data
sets, respectively.
The output values were optimised using the NSGA-II method. The error
percentages for current density, power density, COD elimination, and
coulombic efficiency were 0.79%, 0.5%, 1.89%, and 1.27%, respectively,
when they achieved their ideal levels. The various applications of MFC were
demonstrated by running MFC for an extended duration. The CE of a
microbial fuel cell (MFC) will gradually grow over extended periods of time.
In order to get a higher power output, the MFC must attain its maximum CE
and then be consistently maintained at that level. In addition, the system's
COD removal reaches its maximum value over time due to the maturity of


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