ABCDE Method

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ABCDE method

The ABCDE method of task prioritization is a time management technique that helps individuals or teams to manage
their tasks effectively. Here's how it works:

A - Tasks that are most important and need to be done urgently. These are tasks that have serious consequences if not

B - Tasks that you should do, but are not as critical as 'A' tasks. These are tasks that have mild consequences if not

C - Tasks that would be nice to do, but aren't necessary. There are no consequences if these tasks are not completed.

D - Tasks that can be delegated to someone else. These are tasks that you might not necessarily need to complete

E - Tasks that can be eliminated. These are tasks that don't contribute to your productivity or goals and can be
removed from your list altogether.

The idea is to start with the A tasks and move down the list, ensuring the most important tasks get done first.

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