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How to build a productivity system

We need a productivity system to be able to do the things we want to do without wasting time. It's a combination
of tools and methods that allows us to live our best lives by focusing time and energy in what matters.
Our brain is a powerful machine that can be used to power up our lives if we don't overwhelm it with tasks.

Task Venn Diagram

Type 1 tasks are the ones that our brains do best, such as creativity, connecting with people, generating ideas,
Type 2 tasks are the ones that our brains can do but can be done better in a productivity system that will allow our
brains to free up that space in our minds. These are things such as daily tasks, calendars, emails.
Type 3 tasks are the one that should be in a system simply because it's a waste of time and energy to focus on
them, but we do need them in our lives. Things like remembering phone numbers, birthdays fall into this category.

Layers of a productivity system

Layer 1
keep your life in order with a calendar, which is great for remembering things and blocking time for important
use a email management tool to keep track of the incoming information you get via email. Unsubscribe from
unnecessary stuff.
have a to-do list and keep the habit of writing things down on it, write everything on it.
organize your files in a cloud management system that you trust

Layer 2
if you consume a lot of media, you might want to take notes to remember it later or have them as reference for the
in this layer you can invest time on an e-reader app, a read later app, and a hub content app (Readwise).
you also need a Quick Capture app to capture things as they come in into your life.

Layer 3
build a second brain to make connection and foster creativity inside your system, that will allow you to create new
things from the media you consume.


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