Cloud Computing

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CO Statement Performance Indicator Knowledge Level (BT Level,

No Highest)
CO1 To understand fundamental concepts of 1.2, 3.2, 4.5 1
software and technology for business
CO5 To design advance business applications 1.3, 6.1 5
program in daily business-related

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing means storing and accessing the data and programs on remote
servers that are hosted on the internet instead of the computer’s hard drive or
local server. Cloud computing is also referred to as Internet-based computing; it is
a technology where the resource is provided as a service through the Internet to
the user. The data which is stored can be files, images, documents, or any other
storable document.

Some operations which can be performed with cloud computing are –

 Storage, backup, and recovery of data

 Delivery of software on demand

 Development of new applications and services

 Streaming videos and audio

Why Cloud Computing?

Here are the top reasons why to switch to Cloud Computing instead of
owning a database server.

1. Reduces cost :

The cost-cutting ability of businesses that utilize cloud computing over time is
one of the main advantages of this technology. On average 15% of the total
cost can be saved by companies if they migrate to the cloud. By the use of
cloud servers businesses will save and reduce costs with no need to employ a
staff of technical support personnel to address server issues. There are many
great business modules regarding the cost-cutting benefits of cloud servers
such as the Coca-Cola and Pinterest case studies.

2. More storage :

For software and applications to execute as quickly and efficiently as possible,

it provides more servers, storage space, and computing power. Many tools are
available for cloud storage such as Dropbox, Onedrive, Google Drive, iCloud
Drive, etc.

3. Employees using cloud computing have better work-life balance :

Direct connections between cloud computing benefits, and the work and
personal lives of an enterprise’s workers can both improve because of cloud
computing. Even on holidays, the employees have to work with the server for
its security, maintenance, and proper functionality. But with cloud storage the
thing is not the same, employees get ample of time for their personal life and
the workload is even less comparatively.

What is Cloud Hoisting?

There are three layers in cloud computing. Companies use these layers based
on the service they provide.

 Infrastructure
 Platform
 Application

Three layers of Cloud Computing

At the bottom is the foundation, the Infrastructure where the people start
and begin to build. This is the layer where the cloud hosting lives.

Now, let’s have a look at hosting: Let’s say you have a company and a website
and the website has a lot of communications that are exchanged between
members. You start with a few members talking with each other and then
gradually the number of members increases. As time passes, as the number of
members increases, there would be more traffic on the network and your
server will get slow down. This would cause a problem. A few years ago, the
websites are put on the server somewhere, in this way you have to run around
or buy and set the number of servers. It costs a lot of money and takes a lot of
time. You pay for these servers when you are using them and as well as when
you are not using them. This is called hosting. This problem is overcome by
cloud hosting. With Cloud Computing, you have access to computing power
when you needed. Now, your website is put in the cloud server as you put it
on a dedicated server. People start visiting your website and if you suddenly
need more computing power, you would scale up according to the need. .

What is Cloud Computing?

 Think of the cloud as the internet. Cloud computing means using services
and storing data over the internet instead of your computer's hard drive.
2. What Can You Do with Cloud Computing?

 You can do lots of things! Store files, run programs, and even build
websites. The cloud provides a way to use computer power and storage
without needing a powerful computer at home.

3. Imagine Three Types of Cloud Services:

 Rent-a-Computer (IaaS): It's like renting a computer online. You get the
virtual equivalent of a computer and storage. You manage the software and

 Ready-to-Use Platform (PaaS): Here, you get a platform ready for your
software. You don't worry about the computer details; you just focus on
your app or program.

 Software on Demand (SaaS): It's like using software over the internet. No
need to install anything. You access the software directly through the web.

4. How Cloud Services Work:

 The cloud provider has big data centers with lots of powerful computers.
When you use the cloud, you're using these computers over the internet.
Your data is stored and processed there.

5. Why Use Cloud Computing?

 Save Money: You don't need a super-expensive computer. The cloud does
the heavy lifting.

 Flexibility: You can access your stuff from anywhere with an internet
connection. It's like having your computer in your pocket.

 No Maintenance Hassles: Forget about updates and fixing problems. The

cloud provider takes care of that.

6. Types of Clouds:
 Public Cloud: Think of it as a giant shared space. Many people use the same
cloud service, and it's managed by a company.

 Private Cloud: It's like having your own exclusive club. The cloud service is
just for your organization.

 Hybrid Cloud: A mix of both. Some stuff is in a public cloud, and some is in a
private one.

7. Big Cloud Providers:

 Amazon Web Services (AWS): Like the big department store of the cloud.

 Microsoft Azure: It's Microsoft's version of the cloud. Like a digital


 Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Google's cloud – where the internet magic

8.Security Considerations:

 Data Privacy: Concerns about the privacy and security of data stored in the

 Compliance: Ensuring that cloud services comply with industry and

regulatory standards.

Understanding the basics of cloud computing is essential as organizations

increasingly adopt cloud services to enhance their IT capabilities and overall
business agility.

Case Study: Cloud Computing Adoption for XYZ Company

Background: XYZ Company, a mid-sized manufacturing firm, faced challenges in

managing its growing IT infrastructure. The company's traditional on-premises
servers struggled to handle increasing data loads, resulting in slower
performance, higher maintenance costs, and difficulties in scaling operations.
Objective: To address these challenges, XYZ Company decided to explore cloud
computing solutions to improve scalability, performance, and cost-efficiency while
reducing the burden on in-house IT resources.


1. Cloud Migration:

 XYZ Company collaborated with a leading cloud service provider to

migrate its existing applications and data to the cloud. This involved
moving critical workloads and data from on-premises servers to
virtual servers in the cloud.

2. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

 The company opted for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to provision

virtual machines, storage, and networking resources on-demand.
This allowed XYZ to scale its computing infrastructure based on
fluctuating workloads.

3. Improved Performance:

 With the migration to the cloud, XYZ experienced improved

performance and reduced latency. The cloud provider's data centers,
equipped with advanced hardware and efficient networking,
contributed to faster data processing and application response times.

4. Cost Optimization:

 Cloud computing allowed XYZ to optimize costs by paying for

resources on a consumption basis. This eliminated the need for large
upfront capital investments in hardware, and the company only paid
for the computing resources it used.

5. Scalability and Flexibility:

 The company leveraged the scalability of the cloud to adapt to

changing business requirements. During peak times, additional
resources could be quickly provisioned, ensuring a seamless
experience for users. Conversely, resources could be scaled down
during periods of lower demand.

6. Disaster Recovery and Data Security:

 XYZ implemented a robust disaster recovery plan using cloud-based

backup and replication services. This ensured data resilience and
business continuity in case of unexpected outages or disasters. The
cloud provider's security measures also enhanced data protection.

7. Collaboration Tools:

 XYZ took advantage of cloud-based collaboration tools, enabling

employees to work remotely and collaborate seamlessly. This was
especially valuable during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing the
company to maintain productivity with a distributed workforce.


1. Operational Efficiency:

 Cloud computing significantly improved the overall efficiency of XYZ

Company's IT operations. IT staff could focus more on strategic
initiatives rather than routine maintenance tasks.

2. Cost Savings:

 The pay-as-you-go model and elimination of upfront infrastructure

costs resulted in substantial cost savings for XYZ. The company could
allocate resources based on actual usage, avoiding overprovisioning.

3. Enhanced Agility:

 Cloud adoption increased the company's agility, allowing it to

respond quickly to market changes and business demands. New
projects and applications could be deployed rapidly without waiting
for hardware procurement.
4. Global Accessibility:

 The cloud-enabled global accessibility, providing employees with

secure access to company resources from various locations. This
flexibility was essential for a workforce with diverse geographical

5. Reliability and Availability:

 The cloud infrastructure's reliability and redundancy ensured high

availability for XYZ's applications and data. This contributed to
improved customer satisfaction and minimized disruptions.

In conclusion, XYZ Company's successful adoption of cloud computing not only

addressed existing challenges but also positioned the company for future growth
and innovation in an increasingly digital business landscape.

 Case Study: Netflix and Cloud Computing

Background: Netflix, a global streaming service for movies and TV shows, is a

prime example of a company that embraced cloud computing to revolutionize the
entertainment industry. In the early 2000s, Netflix primarily operated as a DVD
rental-by-mail service. However, as streaming gained popularity, the company
faced challenges in scaling its infrastructure to meet growing demand.


 Traditional data centers were insufficient to handle the increasing number

of subscribers and the demand for high-quality streaming services.

 Need for a scalable and reliable platform to deliver content to a diverse and
expanding audience worldwide.

Solution: In 2009, Netflix made a strategic decision to migrate its entire

infrastructure to the cloud, specifically to Amazon Web Services (AWS). This move
allowed Netflix to take advantage of AWS's extensive suite of cloud services.

Key Components of Netflix's Cloud Adoption:

1. Scalability:

 AWS provided Netflix with the ability to scale its infrastructure

dynamically based on demand. This was crucial for handling
fluctuations in streaming traffic, especially during peak hours.

2. Content Delivery:

 Netflix used AWS's content delivery network (CDN) services to

distribute content efficiently. This ensured that viewers around the
world could access high-quality streaming without delays.

3. Data Analytics:

 AWS's data analytics tools enabled Netflix to gather insights into

viewer preferences, watching habits, and other metrics. This data
was then used to personalize recommendations for individual users,
enhancing the overall user experience.

4. Global Reach:

 Leveraging AWS's global infrastructure, Netflix was able to reach

audiences on a global scale. This allowed the company to expand its
streaming service to different regions seamlessly.

5. Cost Efficiency:

 By moving to the cloud, Netflix shifted from a capital-intensive model

to an operational expenditure model. This meant they only paid for
the computing resources they used, optimizing costs and improving
financial efficiency.


1. Unprecedented Growth:

 The transition to the cloud facilitated Netflix's explosive growth,

turning it into one of the world's leading streaming platforms with
millions of subscribers globally.
2. Reliability and Availability:

 AWS's reliable infrastructure ensured that Netflix could provide a

highly available streaming service, minimizing downtime and
disruptions for users.

3. Innovation:

 Netflix continued to innovate in content delivery and user

experience. Features like offline viewing, 4K streaming, and
interactive content became possible through cloud technologies.

4. Adaptability:

 The cloud-based infrastructure allowed Netflix to adapt quickly to

evolving technologies, user behaviors, and industry trends.

Netflix's successful use of cloud computing not only transformed its business
model but also set a precedent for other companies looking to harness the power
of the cloud for scalability, efficiency, and innovation.

Big data

Big data refers to large and complex datasets that cannot be easily processed or
analyzed using traditional data processing tools. These datasets typically involve
massive volumes of structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data, and they
can come from various sources, including sensors, social media, business
transactions, and more.

The key characteristics of big data are often summarized using the "3Vs":

1. Volume: Refers to the sheer size of the data. Big data involves datasets that
are too large to be comfortably processed by traditional database systems.
2. Velocity: Refers to the speed at which new data is generated and the speed
at which data moves. Real-time or near-real-time processing is often a
requirement for big data applications.

3. Variety: Refers to the different types of data, including structured data (like
databases), semi-structured data (like XML or JSON files), and unstructured
data (like text, images, and videos).

There are also additional Vs that are sometimes added to this definition:

 Variability: Refers to the inconsistency in the data. For example, the data
may be coming from different sources in different formats.

 Veracity: Refers to the quality of the data. Big data sources may have data
quality issues due to the diverse sources and the speed at which it is

 Value: Ultimately, the goal of working with big data is to extract valuable
insights and make informed decisions. The value of big data is derived from
the insights gained through analysis.

To handle big data, organizations often use specialized tools and technologies,
including distributed computing frameworks like Apache Hadoop, data storage
systems like NoSQL databases, and data processing tools like Apache Spark.
Additionally, machine learning and data analytics techniques are commonly
employed to extract meaningful patterns and insights from large datasets.

The field of big data has significant implications for various industries, including
finance, healthcare, retail, and more, as it enables organizations to make data-
driven decisions, identify trends, and gain a competitive advantage.
Big data has numerous applications across various industries due to its ability to
process and analyze large and complex datasets. Some key applications of big
data include:

1. Healthcare:

 Predictive Analytics: Big data is used for predicting disease outbreaks

and patient outcomes.

 Clinical Decision Support: Analyzing patient data to assist healthcare

professionals in making more informed decisions.

 Fraud Detection: Identifying fraudulent activities in healthcare

insurance claims.

2. Finance:

 Risk Management: Analyzing vast amounts of financial data to assess

and manage risks.

 Fraud Detection: Identifying unusual patterns or activities that may

indicate fraudulent transactions.

 Customer Insights: Analyzing customer data for personalized

financial services and recommendations.

3. Retail:

 Customer Analytics: Analyzing customer behavior to provide

personalized shopping experiences.

 Inventory Management: Optimizing inventory levels based on

demand predictions.

 Price Optimization: Adjusting prices dynamically based on market

trends and customer behavior.

4. Telecommunications:
 Network Optimization: Analyzing network data to optimize
performance and prevent downtime.

 Customer Experience Management: Analyzing customer data to

improve service quality and customer satisfaction.

 Fraud Detection: Identifying and preventing fraudulent activities in

telecommunications networks.

5. Manufacturing:

 Predictive Maintenance: Analyzing sensor data to predict equipment

failures and optimize maintenance schedules.

 Supply Chain Optimization: Optimizing supply chain processes based

on real-time data.

 Quality Control: Analyzing production data to improve product


6. Education:

 Learning Analytics: Analyzing student data to improve educational

outcomes and identify at-risk students.

 Personalized Learning: Using data to tailor educational content to

individual student needs.

 Administrative Efficiency: Streamlining administrative processes

through data analysis.

7. Government:

 Public Safety: Analyzing crime data for predictive policing and

emergency response planning.

 Social Services: Using data to identify and address social issues and
allocate resources effectively.
 Transportation Planning: Analyzing traffic and transportation data
for efficient urban planning.

8. Marketing and Advertising:

 Targeted Advertising: Analyzing customer data for personalized and

targeted advertising.

 Campaign Optimization: Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing

campaigns through data analysis.

 Customer Segmentation: Creating targeted marketing strategies

based on customer segments.

9. Energy Sector:

 Grid Management: Optimizing energy distribution and consumption

through data analysis.

 Predictive Maintenance: Analyzing data from sensors to predict and

prevent equipment failures.

 Renewable Energy Optimization: Optimizing the generation and

distribution of renewable energy.

Uploading files to Google Drive is a straightforward process. Here are step-by-

step instructions on how to upload files to Google Drive:

Using the Google Drive Website:

1. Go to Google Drive:

 Open your web browser and go to Google Drive.

2. Sign In:

 If you're not already signed in, sign in with your Google account.

3. Create a New Folder (Optional):

 If you want to organize your files within a new folder, click on the "+
New" button on the left sidebar, then select "Folder" to create a new
folder. Give it a name.

4. Upload Files:

 Click on the "+ New" button again, but this time select "File upload"
to upload individual files. Alternatively, you can drag and drop files
directly into your Google Drive window.

5. Select Files:

 In the file picker dialog, navigate to the location of the file(s) on your
computer, select the file(s) you want to upload, and click "Open."

6. Monitor Upload Progress:

 Google Drive will display a progress bar as the files are uploaded.
Once the upload is complete, the files will appear in your Google

Using Google Drive Desktop App:

If you have the Google Drive desktop application installed, you can simply drag
and drop files into the Google Drive folder on your computer. The files will be
automatically synced to your Google Drive online.

Using Google Drive Mobile App:

If you're using a mobile device, follow these steps:

1. Download Google Drive App:

 Download and install the Google Drive app from the App Store (iOS)
or Google Play Store (Android).

2. Open the App:

 Open the Google Drive app and sign in with your Google account.

3. Tap the "+" Icon:

 Look for the "+" icon (usually at the bottom right) and tap it.

4. Select "Upload":

 Choose "Upload" from the menu.

5. Select Files:

 Navigate to the location of the file(s) on your device and select the
file(s) you want to upload.

6. Tap "Upload":

 Tap the "Upload" button to start the upload process.

Remember, you need a Google account to use Google Drive, and you may need to
ensure that your files don't exceed your Google Drive storage limit. If needed, you
can purchase additional storage through Google.
Video demonstration link :

Relevant Books:

 Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture" by Thomas Erl,

Ricardo Puttini, and Zaigham Mahmood

 Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture (The Pearson

Service Technology Series from Thomas Erl)

 Big Data for Dummies | e Paperback – 1 January 2013

 by Judith Hurwitz (Author), Alan Nugent (Author), Fern Halper (Author), Marcia Kaufman (Author)

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