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Answer key: Progress tests B

Unit 3 Writing
Reading 7
1 Content (maximum 4 points)
1T 2F 3F 4T 5F 1 point for content of each
2 Form (maximum 2 points)
1 bone 2 points for good sentence
2 sound / fast structure and paragraphing.
3 brand 1 point for reasonable structure.
4 wide
5 fighting Range (maximum 2 points)
2 points for using a good range of
3 vocabulary and structures.
1B 2C 3B 4A 5B 1 point for using a reasonable
6 C 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 A range of vocabulary and structures.
0 points for using a poor range of
Grammar vocabulary and structures.
1C Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
2C 2 points for accuracy over 80%.
3 He’s learned a lot 1 point for accuracy between 70
4C and 80%.
6 We’ve known
7 He’s been coughing
8 I’ve been trying

1 going
2 investing
3 to happen / will happen
4 to move
5 changing
6 being criticised
7 start

1D 2A 3C 4B 5E

Solutions Advanced Tests 1

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