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Minutes #2010-12 Meeting Date: December 8, 2010 Location: KoreaTown/Northgate CBD Offices - 2633 Telegraph Avenue #107, Oakland,

California Time: 4:30 pm Board Members Attending: Phil Porter, President Keun Bae Yoo, VP Linnea Graff Byoung Joo Yu Mohsin Sharif Suk Hee Yoo Jack Beallo, Treasurer Jonathan Bae Alex Hahn Sheila Katz, Secretary Board members absent: Monrelle Williams left at 6 pm Staff present: Darlene Drapkin Lathan Hodge & Kyle Franklin Safety First Guests: Carletta Stark, Councilmember Nancy Nadell Aliza Gallo, CEDA


CALL TO ORDER & ESTABLISHMENT OF A QUORUM Call to Order Agenda Adjustments

A. B.



Spearheading a meeting with Mayor-elect Quan to strengthen support for the BIDs A. Working on next election and annual meeting; will send out New Years letter to property owners and include nomination form. Six members are up for reelection; one has confirmed s/he will not continue to serve. Mark Borsuk has asked also to be removed from the acting Board. Annual Meeting and Election are targeted for February. We will be posting minutes on the website

Maintaining regular communications with Ambassadors; focusing on Top Concerns document, stayaway nuisance offenders, and potential solutions; prioritizing CPTED strategies

The NPI tree grant will be transferred to the CB for implementation when it will be heard by the City Council CED Committee agenda on January 11th Reinitiating Utility Box project identifying three potential artists to submit concepts, coordinate City approvals to move project forward Ambassadors completed a lighting survey to be used as we approach merchants/property owners regarding CPTED strategies to reduce opportunities for crime. Organizing a meeting for merchants with AC Transit/BRT to discuss proposed program on Thursday, January 13, at 6 pm at CBD offices Received a quote for

Economic Development
Contacting property owners for vacancy information: locations, their availability, size, price, contact info, amenities, lease type. (See attachment) Organized meeting with Crucible Director and BJ to explore activating Dollar Store building. Planning to meet with interested committee members, including John Protopappas and Aliza Gallo, to assess the vacancy inventory and agree on strategies for filling them with viable businesses on December 15. Compiling information for Neighborhood profile sheet.

Business Directory is available for distribution; it is also online


L. Hodge & K. Franklin Lathan and Kyle presented a third month assessment of their patrols in the area and strategies for moving forward to address chronic issues including strategies for implementing Stay Orders legal authority to remove chronic problem vagrant offenders from the neighborhood. Guest: Reve Bautista from City Attorneys Office She has been successful in issuing three year stay away orders for criminal nuisances. She has priotitized the major offenders with Safety 1sts help. The mentally ill are more difficult to address.. The Liquor stores must not sell alcohol to certain types and that is one of the problems. Saigon Market also has the 24th street bus stop. They sell alcohol to everyone. Telegraph Quality Market

does this too to a lesser degree. Carletta indicated she has not received any complaints about these stores. We need more advocacy to bring attention to these locations. Providence House is affected by the 24th Street bus stop. They are intimidated and utilize a different bus stop. If we set up a camera to record the activity, would that help? 31st Street wraps around into 32nd. 31st has no parking time limits. Therefore drug dealers hang out there. Carletta will provide support through Traffic Engineering. A park near 34th isnt monitored by the Ambassadors. More lighting is needed. On 29th, a BMW is parked nightly with a man sleeping. Work with the Walgreen District Manager per Aliza to address the homeless encampment. Also address Taco Bell which is of concern too.


BUDGET Phil Porter Further discussion of considerations for a draft 2011 budget The first two years, we didnt have all the pieces in place, particularly security, we now can look at a baseline budget. We need to determine our longterm security budget since it is unsustainable. A handout broke out the three areas we spend on. Our existing commitments and where we need to go with our budget and its existing reserves. We have approximately $285,000 reserves that will be depleted with too much investment on security. Phil was looking to forecast the future budget into 2013. These are broad strokes. We need to recognize that the circumstances that we are in now will need to change for the future. The percentages assigned are prescribed in our agreement with the City. The festival has been subsidized through reserves. Keun Bae expressed concern about the event and only budgeting $5,000. Sukhee expressed that the Festival is the most important contribution to showcase the district. It is not in next years budget since reserve funds will be spent on other items. Keun Bae would like to continue to see $25,000 budgeted for the event. Action: Request an updated budget from Art Murmur now that they are incorporated. We want the After much discussion about the Culturefest budget the following motion was introduced and passed: Motion: to approve budget Culturefest budget of $25,000, with $10,000 coming out of the current budget and the remainder from reserves.


STAFFING Phil Porter Board will discuss update on reviewing staffing for 2011 and options going forward into 2011. Tabled. F. CULTUREFEST , SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 Keun Bae Yoo Update on Event See budget discussion IV. ADJOURNMENT - Next Board Meeting Wednesday, January 12, 2010, at 4:30 pm

KoreaTown Northgate CBD



Spearheading a meeting with Mayor-elect Quan to strengthen support for the BIDs Working on next election and annual meeting; will send out New Years letter to property owners and include nomination form. Six members are up for reelection of which one has confirmed she will not continue to serve. Mark Borsuk has asked to be removed from the acting Board. We will be posting minutes on the website

Maintaining regular communications with Ambassadors; focusing on Top Concerns document, stayaway nuisance offenders, and potential solutions; prioritizing CPTED strategies

The NPI tree grant will be transferred to the CB for implementation when it will be heard by the City Council CED Committee agenda on January 11th Reinitiating Utility Box project identifying three potential artists to submit concepts, coordinate City approvals to move project forward Ambassadors completed a lighting survey to be used as we approach merchants/property owners regarding CPTED strategies to reduce opportunities for crime. Organizing a meeting for merchants with AC Transit/BRT to discuss proposed program on Thursday, January 13, at 6 pm at CBD offices Received a quote for

Economic Development
Contacting property owners for vacancy information: locations, their availability, size, price, contact info, amenities, lease type. (See attachment) Organized meeting with Crucible Director and BJ to explore activating Dollar Store building. Planning to meet with interested committee members, including John Protopappas and Aliza Gallo, to assess the vacancy inventory and agree on strategies for filling them with viable businesses on December 15. Compiling information for Neighborhood profile sheet.

Business Directory is available for distribution; it is also online

IV. ADJOURNMENT - Next Board Meeting Wednesday, November 10, 2010, at 4:30 pm (new time)

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