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Minutes #2010-11 Meeting Date: November 10, 2010 Location: KoreaTown/Northgate CBD Offices - 2633 Telegraph Avenue #107,

Oakland, California Time: 3:00 pm Board Members Attending: Phil Porter, President Keun Bae Yoo, VP Linnea Graff Byoung Joo Yu Suk Hee Yoo Jack Beallo Jonathan Bae Alex Hahn Sheila Katz, Secretary Board members absent: Monrelle Williams Mohsin Sharif Mark Borsuk, VP Staff present: Darlene Drapkin Lathan Hodge & Kyle Franklin Safety First Guests: Kenneth B. Pearce Managing Partner, Grant Miller John Cox Mortuary Rose Pratt-Nervis Resident Shari Godinez Oaklands Merchant Leadership Forum


Agenda Adjustments Jack Beallo requests revisiting the Board of Director second Wednesday meeting time in order to accommodate further interested parties in attending Board meetings. Motion: to hold meetings at 4:30 on second Wednesday starting in December was seconded and approved unanimously. II. PUBLIC FORUM COMMUNICATIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Persons wishing to speak to any item NOT listed on the agenda may do so at this time in Public Forum. Please complete a speaker card if you wish to comment on either an agenda item or at public forum. Guests are allowed to speak for three minutes on a particular topic. III. CONSENT ITEMS A. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 13TH BOARD MEETING MINUTES Motion: to approve the minutes was seconded and passed unanimously


KTONG ASSOC. VACANT TREASURER POSITION The Board will accept nominations and vote for the vacant Treasurer and Executive Committee position. Phil inquired regarding interest from Board members in the Treasurer position. Jack Beallo had expressed an interest. Motion: to accept Jack Beallo into the Treasurer position and Executive Committee was seconded and passed unanimously. Discussion: Vic Meinke did not leave forwarding information. However his assistant, Loretta Lewis may be able to provide information, if desired. IV. UPDATES/ACTION ITEMS A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS UPDATE

Providing job description and other pertinent information for Executive Director search. As a result of Vic Meinkes resignation, Chuck Prosper, Alta Bates COO, has expressed an interest in attending a meeting and learning more about his potential role with the organization.

Maintaining regular communications with Ambassadors; focusing on Top Concerns document, and potential solutions; prioritizing CPTED strategies Preparing future CPTED meetings with Merchants block by block. Brokering a meeting with the City Attorney and OPD to establish Stay Away Orders in an easier fashion.

The NPI tree grant will be transferred to the CB for implementation when it will be heard by the City th Council CED Committee agenda on January 11 Reinitiating Utility Box project identifying three potential artists to submit concepts, coordinate City approvals to move project forward Working with the Citys Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Coordinator to provide free bike racks to merchants; ambassadors are distributing flyers to merchants regarding adding bike racks outside their business Ambassadors completed a lighting survey to be used as we approach merchants/property owners regarding CPTED strategies to reduce opportunities for crime.

Economic Development
Contacting property owners for vacancy information: locations, their availability, size, price, contact info, amenities, lease type. Planning to meet with interested committee members, including John Protopappas and Aliza Gallo, to assess the vacancy inventory and agree on strategies for filling them with viable businesses Exploring a recruitment program whereby an arts organization occupies a space, making tenant improvements in exchange for no rent; The Crucible is one interested party Neighborhood profile sheet is being created for agents to use as a recruitment tool.

Continuing collaboration with Art Murmur organization as it incorporates. Business Directory is at the printer; it should be available in one week; it will be distributed via our merchants Website is being updated and will include an online business directory in addition to a word press content management system in order to include interactive communication.


L. Hodge & K. Franklin Lathan and Kyle presented a second month assessment of their patrols in the area and strategies for moving forward to address chronic issues. During the Holiday season crime incidents are up. Safety First has encouraged 90 property owners to complete a form from OPD giving them permission to go on the properties to address any criminal issues that arise. Discussion ensued about increasing coverage during December, specifically Saturday and Sunday. The Board invited Safety 1st to provide a proposal for Saturday and Sunday and omit a Monday as an alternative during the month of December. Motion: to authorize the EC to decide on increasing security for the month of December was seconded and approved unanimously. Discussion: A leaflet or pamphlet reminding merchants about tips for a crime-free Holiday should be distributed in addition.


Phil Porter Discussion of the Memorandum of Understanding with Center Point for granting a conditional use permit for the Parolee Day Reporting Center at 3333 Telegraph Motion: to approve the MOU with some minor corrections and for Phil to sign was seconded and approved unanimously. (attached)


STAFFING Board provided update on reviewing staffing and options going forward into 2011. The staffing committee comprised of Phil, Alex, and Rose Pratt-Nervis shared the latest job description. Some suggestions were made including not just a request for proposal but also qualifications. Need to finalize whether a part or fulltime position and the salary. The range discussed was from $50,000 to $60,000. It is an outside contract instead of a hired position on payroll. Termination clauses can be tweaked by Jonathan Bae in the future. It was agreed it is not necessary to include yet. Rose expressed concern about the inferred status of an outside contractor versus an employee. It is important for the contractor to spend time in the office. It is anticipated the position will be fulltime. Salary will not be included but remain negotiable. It was recommended to explore internships and Americorp as possibilities to supplement the part or fulltime positions.


CULTUREFEST , SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 Discussion of the proposed 2011 event to approve 2011 Budget Postponed till December when Jack will review. It was agreed that an initial contribution be available.

Motion: Jack introduced the motion to approve $10,000 towards Culturefest and BJ seconded The motion passed unanimously.


BUDGET Phil Porter Phil will discuss the budget further when meeting with Jack Beallo, the new Treasurer, and Darlene. IV. ADJOURNMENT - Next Board Meeting Wednesday, November 10, 2010, at 4:30 pm (new time)

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