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Task 1

In the video, I saw some similarities between Ukrainian and Polish gestures. For
example, when the girl in the video showed the okay or good gesture. I personally
thought that these gestures are used all over the world, or at least in most of them,
because they are such typical gestures, but I was surprised that in Japan, the gesture
that we all know is a swear word or money.
And also when a girl folds and crosses her arms to her body, which means that she is
upset or unhappy about something. In Ukraine, people also do this often, especially
young children when they want to show that they are very tearful, and adults as
As for the difference between the use of gestures by men and women, I can talk
about greetings. for example, men often shake hands when they meet friends.
women do not do this, or at least I have not noticed it. it is an exclusively male
And I know the history of this gesture, that the handshake originated as a way of
demonstrating that both people interacting were not holding wepons and were not
a threat to each other. It came from the age of ШІВЕЛРУ chivalry.
I thought a lot about what gestures I don't like because I don't use them often in
conversation, but it annoys me when people twirl their finger near the temple on
their head to indicate that a person has done or said something stupid. i don't know
why, but to me it's very rude. and it's always better to tell a person about a mistake
than just twirling your finger near their head.
Task 2
Task 3
1. 7% relates to B. Words: This refers to the literal meaning of the words spoken in the
2. 38% refers to Tone of voice (C): Mehrabian found that the tone of voice plays a
significant role, accounting for 38% of the message pertaining to feelings and
3. 55% refers to A. Body language / facial expression: This represents the
importance of non-verbal elements, particularly body language and facial
expressions, in conveying feelings and attitudes.
Таск 4

1. **Mixed Feelings:** Sometimes, people can have different feelings at the same
time. They might say something positive but their tone and body language might
show that they're not entirely happy or comfortable.
2. **Trying to Hide Emotions:** People might want to hide how they really feel.
They could say one thing while using a tone or body language that suggests
something else. This might happen when they don't want others to know their true
3. **Different Cultural Ways:** In some cultures, the way people express emotions
verbally might be different from how they show it through their tone or body
language. This can lead to a mismatch in signals.
4. **Social Expectations:** Sometimes, people might feel pressured to act a certain
way based on what's expected in a social situation. This can cause a difference
between their words and their non-verbal cues.
5. **Not Being Aware:** Some people might not realize how they're coming across.
They might not be fully aware of their own emotions or how their tone and body
language are expressing those emotions.
Presentation facts
1. True - The text mentions that in 2011, over 1 in 3 hiring managers reported placing
increased emphasis on EI.

2. True - The text suggests that EI can be improved with training, as seen in the
section about a study of manufacturing supervisors following EI training.

3. True - The text emphasizes that managers with high EI can lead by example,
resolving conflicts effectively and remaining calm under pressure.

4. True - The text mentions a study finding 34% higher profit growth in firms with
high-El managers, indicating that EI can impact profitability.

5. True - The text mentions a study where surgeons in malpractice suits were less
likely to be sued when spending additional time making orienting comments, using
reassuring language, and conveying empathy and concern.

6. True - The text suggests that people with high IQs tend not to admit to their own
mistakes or take criticism well.
7. True - The text advises that improving EI involves being more aware of gestures
and body language in oneself and others.

8. True - The text highlights that being positive is an important part of EI.

Note: In each case, the statements align with the information provided in the text.
Sessions 4-5. Understanding Non-Verbal Cues
Task 1
I think it is the eyes that contribute to the expression of our face the most because
we can show a lot with our eyes. Whether it's joy or sadness or anger, I think the
eyes are what always give away a person's emotions. When the eyes are wide open,
for example, it means that the person is very surprised.

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