Radar HPC

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Blender Software HPC

Get triangles from HPC_Targets.blend file using Blender bpy api

Environment (Target) For each Suite

Design For each Radar Sensor
Design 3D
Animation For each Transmit Antenna
HPC_Targets.blend Allocate Rays
HPC_Settings.txt (MainBeam+LOS Triangles)

Array Radar HPC_Settings.txt

Azimuth Elevation Antenna to triangle-
Beamwidth and x direction
TX-RX Antenna Tilts
Iso-Sphere surface Raycast the
segmentation(in Be direction hit triangle
amwidths) (triangle-y)

Blender Addon
triangle-x ==
or 3D Rotation Based triangle-y
on Antenna Tilts

LOS Triangle Rays

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Get triangles from HPC_Targets.blend file using Blender bpy api Get triangles from HPC_Targets.blend file using Blender bpy api

For each Suite For each Suite

For each Radar Sensor For each Radar Sensor
For each Transmit Antenna For each Transmit Antenna
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Ray Tracing Gather Path Hit Points and material information Series

For each Ray

Raycast and Calculate the Hit Point
For each Receive Antenna
For each Related Path
Find Hit point Calculate the distance, distance rate and amplitude
based on the modified radar equation

For each Receive Antenna Reflection Direction

LOS check Calculation Calculate the pulse number for this animation frame
Yes For each Pulse and for each fast time ADC sample:
Add a Ray for next
Add a TX-RX Path

Current Multipath Yes

Bounce < Max Bounce

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3.Computational requirement for each process for a given choice of parameter and scene. I gather we could have different settings giving various numbers. Can we focus on max computation and
min computation settings?

This is well defined for parallel implementation on HPC

Each receiver, each pulse, each fast time signal can be generated in parallel
Computational load:
For massive MIMO configuration: More than 90%
For traditional array configurations: usually less than ray tracing
3.Computational requirement for each process for a given choice of parameter and scene. I gather we could have different settings giving various numbers. Can we focus on max computation and
min computation settings?

Some parts can be implemented in parallel on HPC

LOS Triangles in Rays Allocation
Find Hit Point in Ray Tracing

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