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Painting: Entombment (Gay P.


1. Composition
a. The composition of "Entombment" is characterized by its even distribution
of focus and lack of a singular subject.
b. The attention is equally distributed among each soldier and the reclining
form of Jesus Christ.
2. Color
a. Somewhat muted colors, likely influenced by the painting’s age.
b. Utilized warm tones to make the subjects stand out from the plain
3. Pictorial space
a. Maximized the space of the painting.
b. Left minimal negative space
c. Minimal illusion of depth, shown only by the boats in the background
4. Light and tone
a. Realistic, but basic, shading is applied
b. No dramatic lighting.
c. Warm tones due to the use of warm colors.
5. Form
a. Since the subjects of the painting are human persons, the forms of the
shapes can be described as organic
b. Two-dimensional form
6. Line
a. The most prominent and continuous line of action can be seen in the
reclining form of Christ, leading either to the boats scattered in the
background or the front soldier’s cape.
7. Scale
a. The only indication of scale in the painting once again relies on placing the
boats in the background.
b. The boats' scale compared to the soldiers indicates that the latter is closer
to the viewer.
8. Pattern/ornament/decoration
a. No noticeable patterns/ ornaments, decorations
Sculpture: Golden Crane (Jesus Boslon)


1. Volume/mass/form
a. An average mass (not too heavy but not too light) judging from the
wooden material
b. Three-dimensional form
2. Composition
a. Vertical composition
b. A hierarchy of details can be observed
c. The main subject/ feature of the sculpture is located at the very top of the
d. The bottom part serves as a perching stone for the sculpted bird
3. Space
a. Minimal use of space
b. Can be observed at the hollow part at the center of the sculpture to
emphasize the bird’s crouched position.
4. Scale
a. A small-scale sculpture, but still readable/ distinguishable in terms of what
exactly the sculpture is depicting
5. Color
a. Uniform color throughout
b. The varnish color complements the material very well
6. Surface/pattern/ornament
a. Various patterns can be seen etched on the sculpture, especially on the
bottom of the piece.
7. Line/shape
a. Various lines can be seen
b. Lines were utilized for the detailing of the bird’s features
c. Organically shaped.


Gay P. Blanco's "Entombment" achieves a balanced composition that brings

attention to many subjects within the artwork. This fair distribution of emphasis lets
viewers interact with all elements, from the soldiers to the figure of Jesus Christ. The
use of warm hues and subdued tones provides a stunning contrast between the
subjects and the plain background and adds emotional depth to the picture. Pictorial
space is intentionally maximized, but depth is reduced, represented mainly through
distant boats in the environment. The shading method is realistic but simple, adding
subtle complexity to the organic and two-dimensional human figures. Prominent lines
guide the viewer's eye throughout the composition, and the relative sizes of the boats
suggest scale in relation to the soldiers. The lack of apparent patterns, ornaments, or
embellishments in the artwork helps viewers to fully immerse themselves in the
emotional narrative and significance of the subjects, enhancing the overall effect of the


Jesus Boslon's "Golden Crane" is a remarkably crafted three-dimensional

wooden sculpture, showcasing an astonishing level of lifelike detail. The vertical
composition is thoughtfully designed to create a hierarchy of elements, effectively
directing the viewer's attention to the sculpture's central focus: the beautifully sculpted
bird. The lower part of the composition serves a dual purpose, supporting the bird and
adding to the overall aesthetic. Despite the sculpture's modest scale, it retains a high
degree of recognizability thanks to the artist's skilled use of space, emphasizing the
bird's crouched posture. The sculpture's uniform coloration, complemented by a well-
suited varnish, enhances the overall visual harmony, allowing the intricate details to
shine. Notably, etched patterns, particularly on the sculpture's bottom, introduce a layer
of captivating complexity to the work, further enriching the viewer's experience. This
piece is a testament to Boslon's talent in breathing life into wood, creating a captivating
and lifelike work of art.

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