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Scripts Index Claustrophobia

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Claustrophobia often occurs as result of an early experience of being 'closed in'
somewhere during early childhood, therefore my first approach would be one of
Ericksonian Approaches
creating a 'safe place' for your client - somewhere that he or she feels comfortable and
Strategies Index safe in. The second session would involve regression - using Ideomotor Signaling to
Hypnosis Topics
allow the client to see that the experience was probably quite frightening for him at that
Case Histories
time - because he didn't know what the outcome would be - but to realize that he
Learning Hypnosis survived it - and what happened was probably a 'childish prank' - or a result of some
Hypnotize Yourself exceptional circumstances - and therefore extremely unlikely to re-occur. Depending
Learn Hypnotherapy
upon the time factor involved, the following script can progress from session two or at
as a career
a future session.

Mysticism at eMystica Begin with your favorite induction and deepener from Hypnotic World.
Paranormal And today I want to take you even further back in time - to the earliest experience you
ever had - perhaps the safest environment you ever knew - in your mother's womb.
And you can feel yourself now going further and further back in time - going back as
though there's no such thing as time - getting younger and smaller - until you're a
small baby being held by those arms that loved and cared for you.
Improve your memory
How comfortable it was to be held close and tight - feeling the safety of those loving
Freudian Personality Test
arms - knowing that all your physical and mental needs were met.
Body Language

Enjoy this experience now.

Hypnosis Facts
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Facts And then, go even further back - to your birth - and those months preceding that
History of Hypnosis
important event - when you were in your mothers womb - feeling nurtured and safe
Site Stuff and comfortable - all you can hear is the gentle beating of your mother's heart - (if you
Site Map have heartbeat music then this is the time to play it) - (pause for a while) - it is dark in
Link to us here - it is so dark and so comfortable and you feel so safe - it is a wonderful feeling.
Solutions Corner
Experimental Hypnosis
Online Hypnosis I want you to really remember and experience this special time - the very beginning of
Links your existence - the natural environment for you - knowing - without knowing why - that
Privacy you had room to grow and to develop into the unique individual that you now are.
Hypnosis Events
Hypno Teaser (Amusements)
Books We Recommend It is said that during these months - babies dream of their life ahead - they make full
Frequently Asked Questions use of their special time. A time when the brain is developing and taking in even
Psychology 26/01/2007
Hypnotize Yourself with Hypnosis Scripts at Hypnotic World Página 2 de 3

eMystica external stimuli - laying down pathways for future development and growth.

And because this experience is so natural - what could be more - that our very first
experience of existence? That you welcome a return to your roots. And you begin to
feel comfortable and safe when you're in an environment of being closed in.

And to demonstrate this now - would you please return to a future date? And imagine

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yourself sitting or standing in a very small room. The room measures only two meters
Keep up-to-date in the world of square and the door is wide open - one hundred percent.
hypnosis, self hypnosis, latest
scripts and past life regression Nod your head or signal when you are there.
with the Hypnotic World
Newsletter (Wait for signal).

Your Email: Good - now move towards the door and close it halfway - so that it's fifty percent open
- and notice how safe you still feel. Let me know when you've done this.

Okay, now close it some more so that it's only 25% open - do you feel any different?
See our Privacy Policy No - you see you still feel safe and comfortable and so relaxed.

Printable Version So go forward and close it some more - again - half way so that its only 12.5% open -
and you still feel so safe and relaxed, do you not?

Now before we close the door even more - I want you to - with your eyes fully closed -
take yourself to your 'special place' - such a wonderful place to be. Feel the comfort
and safety of your special place and know in your heart that you can come here
whenever you want - simply by closing your eyes and telling yourself 'I'm going to my
special place'.

As you do this - you realize how easy it is - when you close your eyes - to shut out the
rest of the world and enjoy this special time. This makes you feel safe, safe and
comfortable and so relaxed.

And in your mind, in your imagination - you move to the door and close it completely.
And as you do so - you shut away any distractions from the outside world - and totally
and completely enjoy your special place.

Even during this time - should you open your eyes and notice that you are still here in
your special place - your realize that it doesn't change anything for you - because all
you have to do - to feel comfortable - is to close your eyes - and take yourself back - to
your special place.

And in the future (name) whenever you are in a situation where you previously felt
uncomfortable - all you need to do 0 is to close your eyes - and to take yourself back
to your special place.

And in a moment I'm going to count from one to five and at the count of five you'll be
wide awake. 26/01/2007
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One, two, three, four, five.



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