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I am sure that everyone in his life had conflict with other person,this is normal

in human’s life. A lot of conflicts can be with family member ,but more common are
with our friends. There are a lot of solutions that can handle this situations which I
will write about more in this article.
The foundation of resolving conflicts is effective communication with conflicted
friend. Open conversation is the majority to listening to both persons feelings about
disagreement which allows for easier reconciliation.
Another important thing is empathy ability which has a big impact on conflict
because it allows us to understand other person feelings better.
Sometimes, it is worth giving ourselves and other person time or space. It is
very easy solution which can resolve controversy.
In harder cases it is good to ask other person for help. People who are not
involved in the conflict are good at resolving it because they are not on any one
person's side so they can propose solutions that are good to both sides of the
In conclusion, conflicts with friends are a common thing in human’s life so we
shouldn’t worry so much about it,we should just deal with it as fast as we can using
advices such as open conversation,being empathetic to a conflicted person,giving
time or space ,or else asking for help from a neutral third party or.

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