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Paper books decayed due to the increase of e books that for some people is seen as a great

evolution, nevertheless for others is not. Considering this, it has some advantages such as the
reduction of trees together with a practical use of reading, however it has some drowns such as
the excessive use of electronic devices that can cause health problems.

E- books make a contribution to the environment and have practical functionality when Reading.
Having large reading files in an electronic device, it facilitates the use of reading and carrying
since it contains various options that can be adapted to the taste of the person. Moreover,
employs an impact at the environmental level, avoiding further felling of trees, that leads to the
extinction of jungles, forests and animals due to the destruction of habitats, as it is in the case of
Colombian Pacific forest called Chanul, were all the areas in which it has been found are
heavily exploited.

The excessive amount of time in an electronic device, whether for reading or other activities, can
affect health and is something that paper books avoid.
E books require the reader to constantly stare into bright screens sometimes leading to tearing of
eyes due to the strain, particularly in any screen that mainly contains the blue light effect that apart
from may having vision problems It can also contribute to cataracts, eye cancer and growths on
the clear covering over the white part of the eye.

In conclusion, paper books are harder to handle and do not help to the care of the environment,
although, do not produce damage in the body as it does the e-books, that can lead to eye strain
and other complications and likewise, it has the advantage of being more practical when

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