Bacolod City College-Stat-Finals

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Advanced Statistics – Final Exam


1. Prepare separate paper that will serve as your ANSWER SHEET.

2. Organize your solution and write legibly.
3. Attach this QUESTIONNAIRE together with the ANSWER SHEET

Part I. The following are situations which you can relate as a student under Statistics class.
Your task is to determine the appropriate statistical tools to be used. Enumerate the
assumptions to be met and discuss as well the variables & sample size which are indicated in
the problem. (5 points each)

a. A Mathematics teacher is interested to find out if the 10-day intervention was effective to
the 50 students with low proficiency level. Before the 20-day intervention, the same students were observed and
their scores were recorded. It was compared after 10 days hoping that the intervention was effective. No outliers
were found and data was found homogeneous. A test of normality was also observed.

b. A college professor, wanted to find out if there is significant difference in the average of students coming from
public schools and private schools. The first years (30 students) were taken as sample. There were some outliers.
Despite this, data shows homogeneity and
achieved normality.

Part II. There will be two (2) research problems with its corresponding inferential questions. Your task is to determine
which among the tables are to be included in reporting the results.

Research Problem 1 (for 10 points)

After gathering data regarding the level of performance of students in math and their reading comprehension of the
schools in a school in Bacolod City, the following reports were given based from
these questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of:

a. sex;
b. subject specialization?

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of performance of students in math when they are grouped according to
the aforementioned variables?

3. Is there a significant relationship between performance of students in math and their reading comprehension?

REPORT ONLY Problem numbers 2 and 3. Make sure to tell whether it was significant or not. Please
note that the sampling technique used was random sampling and the data has no significant outliers.
Furthermore, the data shows linearity. Hence, all assumptions were met.

Independent Samples T-Test

Independent Samples T-Test
t df p
Math Performance -0.169 22.564 0.867
Note. Welch's t-test.

Paired Samples T-Test

Measure 1 Measure 2 t df p
Math Performance - Sex 161.335 29 < .001
Note. Student's t-test.

ANOVA - Math Performance

Cases Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
Sex 0.272 1 0.272 0.029 0.865
Residuals 258.694 28 9.239
Note. Type III Sum of Squares

ANOVA - Math Performance

Cases Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
Specialization 8.842 3 2.947 0.306 0.821
Residuals 250.125 26 9.620
Note. Type III Sum of Squares

Pearson's Correlations
Variable Math Performance Reading comprehension
1. Math Performance Pearson's r —
p-value —
Upper 95% CI —
Lower 95% CI —
2. Reading comprehension Pearson's r 0.067 —
p-value 0.726 —
Upper 95% CI 0.417 —
Lower 95% CI -0.301 —
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

Spearman's Correlations
Variable Math Performance Reading comprehension
1. Math Performance Spearman's rho —
p-value —
Upper 95% CI —
Lower 95% CI —
2. Reading comprehension Spearman's rho 0.078 —
p-value 0.681 —
Upper 95% CI 0.427 —
Lower 95% CI -0.290 —
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

Research Problem II.

Research Problem 2 (10 points)
A quasi-experimental study on assessing proficiency on solving algebraic expression using a pretest-posttest design
conducted to two (2) sections, each consists of 50 students during the pandemic

1. What is the level of the digital literacy skills of the control group and the experimental group during
their pretest?

2. What is the level of the digital literacy skills of the control group and the experimental group during
their posttest?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of digital literacy skills of the control group and
the experimental group in their pretest?

4. Is there a significant difference in the level of digital literacy skills of the experimental group
in their pretest and posttest?

5. Is there a significant difference in the level of digital literacy skills of the control group and
the experimental group in their posttest?

REPORT ONLY Problem numbers 3 to 5. Make sure to tell whether it was significant or not. Please note
that the sampling technique used was random sampling and all assumptions were met.

Paired Samples T-Test

Control Experimental t df p
pretest - Groups 77.695 99 < .001
Note. Student's t-test.

Independent Samples T-Test

Control Experimental t df p
pretest - Groups 73.595 99 < .06
Note. Student's t-test.

Paired Samples T-Test

Experimental Experimental t df p
pretest - posttets -18.287 99 < .001
Note. Student's t-test.

Independent Samples T-Test

Control Experimental t df p
posttest - post tets -18.287 99 < .001
Note. Student's t-test.

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