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Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

Design of steel fiber reinforced segmental lining for Line 5, Lot 7

of Metro Sao Paulo.
Benno Ring
Maidl Tunnelconsultants, Munich, Germany.
Renato Bastos Vieira da Fonseca
Consorcio Metropolitano 5, Sao Paulo, Brasil.

ABSTRACT: The alignment of Metro Line 5 Lot 7 runs for 5.75 km under the city of Sao Paulo with
an overburden between 7 m and 47 m. The tunnel is excavated with an EPB-shield of 10.58 m
diameter mainly in sands and clays, with a short part where an organic clay layer is encountered
within the cross-section. For the horizontal stresses in the ground a coefficient of lateral stress
between 0.5 and 0.8 is expected where the overburden is low, and up to 2.0 where the overburden is
high. The segmental design is optimized to allow for steel fiber reinforcement wherever possible.
Verifications are performed with beam- and finite-element-models utilizing nonlinear material
behavior for the concrete. The applied tensile behavior of the steel fiber reinforced concrete is back-
analyzed from test results. Cross-sections represent the characteristics of the alignment with low and
high overburden and existing structures, which in some places are in extreme proximity to the tunnel.

1 INTRODUCTION the tunnel changes its direction to the north-east

and runs to the arrival shaft.
1.1 Project overview The double track tunnel is 5.75 km long and
The alignment of Lot 7 of Sao Paulo’s Metro comprises 6 stations. It is constructed by means
Tunnel Line 5 is shown in Figure 1. Starting at of an EPB-shield with an excavation diameter of
the launching shaft Bandeirantes the tunnel runs 10.58 m. The overburden varies between 7 and
at first in north-eastern direction close to or 47 m.
under the Avenida Ibirapuera until the cross-
roads with the street Pedro de Toledo, where the 1.2 Geology and hydrology
line changes its direction into an eastern
direction and runs mainly under this street. The uppermost layer consists of technogenic
fills of mainly silty clays, slightly sandy,
When this crosses the street Domingo de Morais
generally with blocks and/or organic matter. It
is generally only few meters thick.

Figure 1. Ground view of the tunnel alignment.

Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

Underneath, for most of the alignment, the The segments are made of concrete C45/55
quaternary alluvium deposits are located well and the intention is to use steel fiber reinforced
above the tunnel. However, in a few sections concrete (SFRC) wherever possible.
they have a greater influence since they In the ring joints four plywood plates of
comprise most of the overburden and are even L x B x T = 500 mm x 240 mm x 3.2 mm are
expected to be encountered within the upper placed per regular segment to transfer the thrust
part of the tunnel. They are subdivided into a forces of the TBM. Also in the ring-joint two
very soft organic clay, clays and sands. bicone-fasteners are provided per regular
Below, the tertiary Sao Paulo Formation is a segment. The main intention of these fasteners
sedimentary formation consisting of clays and is to provide a better alignment of the segments
sands generally encountered at the tunnel face in ring erection.
and in the overburden.
The underlying Resende Formation is a
1.4 Subdividing the alignment for analyses
sedimentary formation subdivided into clays
and sands. It is generally encountered at the Due to a tight schedule the production of the
tunnel face and in the overburden. segments started with the verification process
The geotechnical parameters given in Table 1 still under way. Therefore the alignment is
display a large variation of their values. Charac- divided into sections which are verified
teristic parameters to be adopted for design are separately using beam-models (BM) and finite-
not explicitly defined. Therefore the parameters element-models (FE). The cross-sections chosen
used in the structural analyses need to be for verification represent the different charac-
deduced. The elastic modulus is generally teristics of the alignment:
chosen close to the lower end of the given • Low regular overburden of one diameter
ranges under consideration of both the analyzed and horizontal stresses according to K0 =
cross-section and the local geotechnical
0.5 to 0.8 (BM).
In those parts of the alignment with a lower • Passing underneath and close to existing
overburden the coefficient for lateral earth and planned buildings with an overburden
pressure K0 is expected with boundary values of of 1.5 diameters, where excavations of up
either 0.5 or 0.8. Where the overburden is high, to four basements may need to be
the coefficient for the Resende Formation is considered (BM and FE).
specified with boundary values of 0.5 and 2.0. • Passing of a newly constructed 18-floor-
All of the tunnel alignment is located below high-rise-building with a distance of 75 cm
groundwater level. to the diaphragm walls and 1 m below
anchoring (FE).
1.3 Lining design • Passing of NATM-tunnels with little clear
The outer diameter of the segmental lining is horizontal distance, an overburden of one
10.21 m, its thickness 40 cm and each ring has a diameter and excavations in the crown
length of 1.5 m. The ring is segmented into partly in organic soils (FE).
eight segments plus a small key stone of 12°. • Highest overburden of 47 m with water
The intention of choosing a larger number of levels 38 m above the crown and horizontal
segments with this division is to reduce the stresses according to K0 = 0.5 to 2.0 (FE).
bending moments in the ring due to the larger
number of longitudinal joints. • Lowest overburden of 0.7 diameters
crossing a major road in a trench (FE).

Table 1. Soil parameters.

Technogenic Alluvium Deposits Sao Paulo Resende
Fills organic clay clays sands clays sands clays sands
γ [kN/m³] 16 14 16 17 14 - 20 19 19 - 21 19 - 21
E0 [MN/m²] 8 - 28 1 1 - 15 5 - 50 10 - 150 50 - 175 40 - 250 50 - 200
ϕ [°] 20 15 20 - 22 28 - 30 22 - 27 30 - 35 21 - 27 30 - 35
c [kN/m²] 10 5 8 5 20 - 100 10 25 - 100 1
OCR [-] - - - - 1.1 - 3 1.5 - 3 1.7 - >4 1.7 - 3.3

Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

2 MATERIAL BEHAVIOR AND DESIGN pt. 3) Interim minimum of the test load where
the largest impact of cracking is
2.1 General behavior apparent before the tensile streng-
thening through the steel fibers begins.
The segmental lining consists of concrete
C45/55. It is reinforced with 40 kg/m³ of steel pt. 4) An intermediate point in residual
fibers wherever possible, or otherwise it is strengthening of the steel fibers.
conventionally reinforced.
pt. 5) Maximum test load due to residual
Verifications are performed utilizing non- strengthening.
linear material behavior due to the intended use
of SFRC. Therefore stress-strain curves for pt. 6) The load at app. 97 % of the maximum
compressive and, in case of SFRC, tensile test load is used to define the failure of
behavior, are required. the specimen.
2.2 Testing of SFRC pt. 7) End of tests at displacement of 3 mm.
The SFRC was tested according to the Japanese
code (JCI 1983) with the four-point bending
tests shown in Figure 2, from which the colored
load-displacement curves in Figure 3 were
determined. A total of seven tests at the age of
28 days were performed.

Figure 3. Results of SFRC-testing.

Point (1) is analytically evaluated assuming

linear elastic behavior. Matching the displace-
ment measured in testing for this point results in
the determination of a low elastic modulus of
Figure 2. Set-up for testing of SFRC. 15.7 GPa. An FE-evaluation of the test-setup
confirms the assumption of the reduced elastic
2.3 Back-analysis of SFRC-behavior modulus. In this analysis the test specimen is
modelled two-dimensionally, with very stiff
Following the initial fracturing the test results springs simulating the supports, and loaded by
show a considerable residual load bearing the same two-point-loads as in the test.
capacity. To utilize the SFRC best, it was All points after the first are not defined by
decided to back-analyze the tested material linear-elastic behavior anymore, thus for
behavior in order to determine the actual evaluation of the points (2) to (6) nonlinear
underlying stress-strain-relationship. material behavior is applied, also taking the
For these analyses the displacement curves initially determined low elastic modulus for
are averaged and simplified by defining seven both compression and tension into account.
decisive points on the curve resulting in the For the back-analyses a simple model of a
black curve shown in Figure 3: beam with two supports and two load points is
pt. 1) Mainly linear-elastic behavior nearly chosen, to which the load is applied as a pre-set
uninfluenced by small cracks. displacement in the two load points. The applied
displacements and the stress-strain-relation for
pt. 2) First maximum of the test load, small tension are modified until a match with both the
cracks influencing the tensile behavior. displacement measured in the middle of the
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

beam in testing and of the supporting force with DAfStb (2010). The resulting curve is shown in
the loads in testing for each of the test points is Figure 4 and Figure 5 as a blue line.
The back-analyses result in the stress-strain
relationship shown as a dashed black line in
Figure 4.

Figure 5. Stress-strain-behavior for verifications.

For compression the stress-strain-relations

are chosen according to DIN 1045-1 as shown
Figure 4. Tensile stress-strain-behavior of the SFRC. in Figure 5. With regard to the actually deter-
mined material behavior this is a conservative
approach, since the high stiffness used for com-
2.4 SFRC-behavior for verifications
pression will result in higher stress resultants
For structural analysis of the segmental lining being determined. The factor α, accounting for
two different stress-strain curves are required, long term effects in the concrete structure, is
one curve for the determination of internal chosen to be 1.0 since in the tunnel no major
forces and one curve for dimensioning. load changes are expected for the final state.
The stress-strain-relationship for tension is Following DIN 1045-1 a material safety factor
chosen based on the results of the back- of γc = 1.35 is applied. This reduced factor is
analyses. The tensile behavior is simplified for permitted for precast elements under the precon-
residual tensions to the curve shown with a dition of a factory production with continuous
continuous black line in Figure 4, in order to quality control.
both ease convergence of the analyses and to
consider that according to DAfStb (2010) the
2.5 Conventionally reinforced concrete
residual strength at large strains should not be
higher than at low strains. The conventionally reinforced segments consist
For the determination of stress-resultants and of the same concrete C45/55 as is used for the
crack width the averaged material behavior for SFRC. The reinforcement is steel rebar S500.
the segments is applied, shown in Figure 4 and The nonlinear stress-strain-relations according
Figure 5 as a red curve. This curve is deter- to EN 1992-1-1 are assigned. The material
mined by correcting the residual tensile strength safety factors applied are γc = 1.35 for the
with factors according to RILEM (2003) that concrete and γs = 1.15 for the reinforcement.
account for the difference between the height of
the segments and the height of the samples.
2.6 Verification of the reinforcement
The characteristic behavior is determined by
applying the statistics as described in RILEM The ultimate limit state is verified with a safety
(2003) to the averaged values with factors deter- factor for loads of 1.3 in accordance with the
mined from the original test load data, resulting tender documents.
in the green curve shown in Figure 4. The maximum permissible crack-width is set
The design behavior for tension is derived to 0.2 mm to ensure watertightness of the
from the characteristic behavior by applying the segments. The actual crack-width of the SFRC
safety factor of γct = 1.25 as suggested by is determined according to DAfStb (2010) based
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

on the size of the tensile strain. The amount of points. These coupling springs are assigned with
conventional reinforcement required to limit the stiffness in the radial direction. Thus transversal
crack width is explicitly determined according loads are transferred from one ring to the other
to EN 1992-1-1. and staggered rings stiffen each other. The
positions of these coupling elements are shown
blue in Figure 6.
3 ANALYSES WITH BEAM MODELS The frictional coupling through the hard-
board plates is conservatively assumed with
3.1 Beam model 4800 kN/mm and distributed on either two or
three springs per hardboard location. The stiff-
3.1.1 Segmental lining ness of 40 kN/mm for the bicone-fasteners is
Structural analyses are performed with a 2D- negligibly low and modelled with one spring per
beam-model. Each ring with its segments is location of the bicone.
simulated with beams, shown in Figure 6 as
black lines. While the two rings are modelled 3.1.4 Coupling in longitudinal joint
independently, due to 2D-modelling they are Rotational springs, red in Figure 6, are placed in
located in identical positions. the longitudinal joints. Thus rotations between
The K-segment is neglected due to its small segments are possible, but restricted in the
size, thus eight regular segments are simulated. concrete hinge depending on the geometry of
Each segment consists of twenty beams; there- the longitudinal joint, the concrete used and the
fore the two rings are modelled with 160 beams normal force acting on the joint. The rotational
respectively. Each beam is simulated with a stiffness of these springs is modelled according
cross-section of 0.40 m x 1 m. to the simplified bilinear approach by Janssen

3.2 Loads and load-cases

The general loads considered in analyses are
self-weight, implicitly accounted for in the cal-
culations, as well as earth and water pressures.
The vertical earth pressure is determined by
the depth below the surface and the respectively
applicable specific weight of the soil. Since with
Figure 6. Structural beam model with springs. the beam-model only cross-sections with low
overburden are analyzed, a reduction of the
3.1.2 Bedding springs vertical pressures due to arching effects is not
The bedding springs, shown green in Figure 6, considered. The horizontal earth pressure is
simulate the bedding of the tunnel rings through calculated directly from the vertical earth
the ground. They are assigned with a radial pressure by multiplying with the respective
stiffness plus a tensile failure criterion and a coefficient of lateral earth pressure K0.
minor tangential stiffness to ensure numerical The water pressure rises linearly with increa-
stability of the system. sing depth and is applied on the lining as an
Where the overburden is low, the limited external load.
bedding capacity in the tunnel crown is taken Since the tunnel runs under the city of Sao
into account by reducing the stiffness of the Paulo, many buildings are located above or
bedding springs in the upper half of the ring. close to the tunnel. For the existing high-rise
The stiffness of the spring located exactly in the buildings the respective loads are based on the
crown equals zero. From the crown the stiffness number and type of floors. Each is accounted
rises in a sine wave-form to full stiffness at the for with an individual load, which can be either
tunnel sides. In the lower half of the tunnel the maximal or minimal, depending on what is
spring stiffness is constant. more unfavorable. When determining the over-
all loads, an unloading due to the excavation for
3.1.3 Coupling in ring-joint basements is considered where applicable.
The interaction between the adjoining rings is Future buildings with a load of 36 kN/m² can be
modelled by springs located at the coupling constructed almost everywhere. Existing smaller
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

buildings can be replaced by such new situated. Here the overburden is around 16.6 m
construction. with the groundwater level 10.9 m above the
Traffic loads are accounted for with a uni- crown, as shown in Figure 8.
form general area load of 5 kN/m². Additionally
a special truck load is considered with an area
load of 100 kN/m² and dimensions of 3 m
length and 2 m width.
The loads from buildings and traffic cause a
change of the stress state in the ground, which is
calculated for the crown and both sidewalls of
the tunnel based on an elastic load distribution
The above loads are combined in load-cases
considering K0-values of either 0.5 or 0.8 to
determine the most adverse combination for
dimensioning of the lining. Figure 8. Decisive situation for State-owned area.

The building load right on top of the tunnel,

3.3 Cross-sections and results assumed with a width of 30 m and combined
with a K0-value of 0.5, determines the decisive
3.3.1 Tunnel under residential area situation. In design the tensile strength is
At the beginning of the alignment the tunnel reached, while the compressive stress of
runs underneath a residential area with the 27.3 MN/m² is slightly lower than the respective
lowest general overburden of 11.3 m and the strength of 33.3 MN/m². The determined crack
water table approximately at ground surface, as width is well below the permissible width.
shown in Figure 7.
3.3.3 Tunnel next to and below buildings
Shortly after tuning out of the first station the
alignment of Lot 7 runs close to a 15-floor high-
rise building and partly underneath its ante-
structure of one floor. Both parts of the building
have two subsurface floors with their foun-
dations 7 m below ground surface. The overbur-
den is 16.5 m and the water table 2.5 m above
the tunnel crown, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 7. Decisive situation for residential area.

The decisive situation is determined for the

K0-value of 0.8 and surface loads located to
both sides of the tunnel. When dimensioning for
the characteristic stress resultants the maximum
possible concrete tensile design stress is reached
and the maximum concrete design strength is
almost reached. Since the nonlinear iteration is
convergent for dimensioning, the cross-section Figure 9. Decisive situation next to and below buildings.
is verified in ULS. For verification of SLS the
calculated crack width is well below the The most adverse loading in the lining results
permissible crack width of 0.2 mm. from assuming the maximum loads for the high-
rise part of the building and the minimum loads
3.3.2 Tunnel under State-owned area in the ante-structure, which under consideration
Close to the middle of the alignment the tunnel of the excavation for the basements leads to a
runs underneath an area owned by the State considerable relief of stresses in the ground
where large buildings of only a few floors are below the ante-structure. Combined with a K0-
value of 0.8 the resulting high horizontal
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

pressures and the low pressures in the crown of an elastic modulus for unloading is assumed that
the tunnel exceed the design strength of a steel is twice the size of the regular elastic modulus.
fiber reinforced lining.
In the subsequent design with conventional 4.1.2 Segmental lining, grouting and coupling
reinforcement the limitation of crack width is The individual segments are modelled with
decisive, requiring an amount of reinforcement shell-elements of four nodes, a thickness of
slightly higher than the minimum requirement 40 cm and nonlinear material behavior.
by EN 1992-1-1. The segmental lining is In the circumferential direction 16 elements
realized with a reinforcement cage of 65 kg/m³. are used for each A-segment, 14 for the B- and
C-segments and four for the K-segment, see
Figure 10. In the longitudinal direction the
4 ANALYSES WITH FE-MODELS halved segments in the front and back of the
model are discretized with two shell-elements
4.1 FE- model each and the full segment in the middle of the
When the stress-state in the ground is model with four shell-elements.
substantially altered by structures, excavations
or ground layers, the interaction between the
tunnel structure and the ground becomes more
complex. In such cases beam-models do not
provide realistic results, since the interactions
need to be simplified to a large extent and the
change of loading of the tunnel can only be
crudely estimated. In these cases the more
extensive finite-element-method is capable of
simulating the interdependencies between exca-
vations, structures, ground and tunnel to a high
degree resulting in more realistic results.
The FE-models are three-dimensionally
developed in longitudinal direction from 2D-
meshes. They have a length of 3.04 m and
Figure 10. Modeling of lining with springs in ring-joint.
consist of ten vertical slices:
• two slices of 37.5 cm each, equivalent to The grouting of the ring-gap between the
half a segmental ring, unexcavated ground and the segmental lining is
modelled explicitly with volume-elements of the
• one slice of 2 cm, modelling the gap
actual gap-thickness of 18.5 cm. The material
between two rings,
behavior of the grout is simulated with Mohr-
• four slices of 37.5 cm each, equivalent to a Coulomb parameters.
full segmental ring of 1.50 m length, The nodes of the segmental lining are
• one slice of 2 cm, modelling the gap radially coupled to the nodes on the inner side
between two rings, of the ring-grout with springs of high stiffness
and a tensile failure criterion. To ensure nume-
• two slices of 37.5 cm each, equivalent to rical stability of the analyses, these springs are
half a segmental ring. also provided with a low tangential stiffness and
the resulting tangential forces are limited by a
4.1.1 Soil friction criterion with a coefficient of 0.05.
The layers in the FE-models are oriented by the
layering of the ground, with some simplifica- 4.1.3 Coupling in the ring-joint
tions being introduced where thin layers are The coupling through friction between adjoining
homogenized and merged into the main layer. rings is simulated with springs pre-stressed in
The soil is modelled with volume-elements of longitudinal direction. The exerted friction in
eight nodes. the ring joint is implicitly calculated in analysis
The material behavior of the soil is simulated through a frictional criterion and a transversal
according to Mohr-Coulomb. Depending on the stiffness in the springs. Thus the size of the
respective calculative step, in areas of unloading coupling force is proportional to the differential
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

displacements of neighboring rings and the size basement floors. It is assumed that the depth of
of the respective normal force. The direction of respective excavations is 14 m. For such future
the coupling force is perpendicular to the axial constructions the client defined a safety zone
(longitudinal) direction, resulting in both radial around the tunnel, consisting of a circular ring
and circumferential forces. The location of the with a thickness of one tunnel diameter. Within
springs is illustrated in Figure 10 with the this safety zone no constructions are to be built.
springs shown in pink color. Thus analyses for this load-case only consider
The coupling through the bicone-fasteners is excavations outside of the safety zone.
neglected in the FE-analyses. Right after turning out of the first station the
alignment of Lot 7 crosses underneath an area
4.1.4 Coupling in the longitudinal joint where future excavations above and to the side
In the longitudinal joint two sets of springs are of the tunnel are possible. Here the overburden
modelled, one set simulating the transfer of is 16.6 m and the water table is 16 m above the
normal and shear forces, and the other set simu- crown (Figure 11).
lating the transfer of moments. The springs
transferring the normal forces couple one seg-
ment to the other with very high stiffness and
are oriented in circumferential direction. To also
transfer shear forces they are equipped with a
stiffness perpendicular to the circumferential
plane, with a frictional criterion limiting the size
of the transferable shear force.
The rotational behavior of the springs trans-
ferring moments in the concrete hinge of the
longitudinal joints is modelled according to the
nonlinear approach by Janssen (1983).
4.2 Loads and load-cases
The loads considered in FE-analyses are
generally the same as for the analyses with the Figure 11. FE-mesh for excavations above the tunnel.
beam-models (see section 3.2). The difference
in loading lies in the implicit determination and For long stretches the alignment runs along
distribution of the loads, with the primary an avenue where future excavations could be
stress-state being calculated implicitly from the located to the sides of the tunnel. One such
unit weight and the coefficient of lateral stress situation is analyzed with the mesh shown in
K0 of the respective layers. Figure 12, where the overburden is 17 m and the
In the FE-meshes the foundation loads are water table 16 m above the crown.
applied below the respective foundations and
excavations are considered based on their
dimensions. The general traffic loads are
applied at ground surface and the additional
special loads in the most unfavorable position.
To account for loads within a construction
site, a 10 kN/m² general load is assumed where
applicable at the surface in unfavorable position.
The analyses are performed in calculation
steps which combine the different loads in order
to determine the decisive load-combinations.

4.3 Cross-sections and results

4.3.1 Future excavations with low overburden

According to specifications by the client, future Figure 12. FE-mesh for excavations beside the tunnel.
buildings need to be considered with up to four
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

For both analyses the situation with lateral 4.3.3 Tunnel right next to NATM-tunnel
stresses according to a K0-value of 0.5 is Entering and exiting a turnout structure the
decisive. In design the tensile strength of the alignment runs close to a NATM-tunnel, which
SFRC is reached, while the compressive stresses will later incorporate parking tracks for trains.
are clearly below the strength of 33.3 MN/m². For construction of the NATM tunnel a jet-
Also the determined crack width is well below grouted umbrella, reduction of the water table
the permissible width. from the tunnel and excavations in parts with a
remaining core are designed and considered in
4.3.2 Tunnel right next to Platinum Tower the FE-analyses.
Right before entering the second station the The TBM-tunnel has an overburden of
alignment runs underneath Avenida Ibirapuera 11.8 m and the water level is 5.6 m above the
and right next to the newly constructed Platinum crown. The lower 1.9 m of an organic clay layer
Tower of 18 floors above ground and four base- of 6.5 m thickness and a stiffness of 1 MN/m²
ment floors. From the construction of this will be excavated by the TBM. The situation of
building the diaphragm walls with 75 cm both tunnels is shown in the detail of the FE-
distance to the tunnel and the anchoring with its mesh in Figure 14, with the organic clay
lowest layer 1 m above the tunnel remain. Here hatched in brown color.
the overburden is 13.3 m and the groundwater
level is 2.6 m above the crown. A detail of the
FE-mesh used in analysis is shown in Figure 13.

Figure 14. Detail of FE-mesh for neighboring TBM- and

Figure 13. Detail of FE-mesh for the tunnel at Platinum NATM- tunnels.
The results clearly show that the segmental
The most adverse loading in the lining results lining must be designed with conventional rein-
from assuming traffic loads on the avenue and forcement due to the presence of the organic
minimum loads for the foundations of Platinum clay layer in the crown. The limitation of crack
Tower. Combined with a K0-value of 0.5 the width is decisive, requiring an amount of rein-
resulting high vertical pressures and the low and forcement well above the minimum requirement
asymmetric pressures in the walls of the tunnel by EN 1992-1-1. Apparently the proximity of
slightly exceed the design strength of a steel the NATM-tunnel does not exert a strong
fiber reinforced lining. In the subsequent design influence on the TBM-lining. However, the
with conventional reinforcement the limitation results also show that the original NATM-
of crack width is decisive, requiring an amount design needs to be revised in order to allow for
of reinforcement below the minimum require- convergence of the analyses.
ment by EN 1992-1-1. The segmental lining is
realized with the same reinforcement cage as
specified in chapter 3.3.3.

Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2014 – Tunnels for a better Life. Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

4.3.4 Tunnel with high overburden and high 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
horizontal pressures
For long parts of the alignment the overburden The alignment of Metro Line 5 Lot 7 runs for
is high and the tunnel lies within the clays of the 5.75 km under the city of Sao Paulo with an
Resende Formation, for which the coefficient of overburden between 7 m and 47 m. The tunnel
lateral stress K0 is specified with boundary is excavated mainly in sands and clays, with a
values of 0.5 and 2.0. The maximum overbur- short part where an organic clay layer is
den reaches 47 m as shown in Figure 15 and the encountered within the cross-section. For the
respective water level is 37 m above the crown. horizontal stresses in the ground a coefficient of
In order to calculate a more realistic loading of lateral stress between 0.5 and 0.8 is expected
the lining, stress-relief caused by the face- and where the overburden is low, and up to 2.0
grout-pressures exerted from the TBM during where the overburden is high.
tunneling are considered in structural analyses The segmental design is optimized to allow
with assumptions regarding the support. for steel fiber reinforcement wherever possible.
Verifications are performed with beam- and FE-
models utilizing nonlinear material behavior for
the concrete. For this the applied nonlinear
behavior of the SFRC is back-analyzed from
test results. Load-cases comprise self-weight,
earth and water pressures and traffic loads.
Existing buildings are considered with their
actual loads and future constructions must allow
for an excavation of up to four basements
outside of a safety zone around the tunnel.
At the time of writing this article analyses are
mainly finished. For most stretches of the
alignment the use of SFRC can be verified.
Where the overburden is higher than 1.5
diameters, additional splitting reinforcement is
required at both ring- and longitudinal joints.
Figure 15. FE-mesh for tunnel with high overburden. However, where either existing buildings are in
very close proximity to the tunnel or where an
The situation is still under analysis at the organic clay layer of low stiffness is
time of writing this article. From preliminary encountered, conventional reinforcement must
results it can be concluded that the decisive be used for the respective short stretches.
situation of an excavation right on top of the
alignment combined with lateral stresses accor-
ding to a K0-value of 2.0 can be verified for REFERENCES
SFRC. However, since the overburden is high,
high thrust forces of the TBM will occur, DAfStb 2010: Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton
requiring conventional reinforcement to prevent Richtlinie Stahlfaserbeton.
splitting. Overall, a combined reinforcement of DIN 1045-1 2008: Tragwerke aus Beton, Stahlbeton und
Spannbeton – Teil 1: Bemessung und Konstruktion.
steel fibers and rebar will be required at the EN 1991-2 2003. Eurocode 1: Actions on structures –
ring- and the longitudinal joints. Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges.
EN 1992-1-1 2005. Eurocode 2: Design of concrete
4.3.5 Future analyses structures – Part 1.1: General rules and rules for
Verifications yet need to be performed for the buildings.
Janssen, P. 1983. Tragverhalten von Tunnelausbauten mit
short stretch of crossing one of Sao Paulo’s Gelenktübbings. Thesis (PhD in Civil Engineering) –
major roads, where the overburden of 7 m is Technical University of Braunschweig. Germany,
lowest due to the road running in a trench. 136p.
Also situations at the end of the alignment, JCI 1983: Japan Concrete Institute, Standards for Test
where tunneling is directly under new high-rise Methods of Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Method of
buildings, still need to be verified. Test for Flexural Strength and Flexural Toughness of
Fiber Reinforced Concrete (Standard SF4).
RILEM TC 162-TDF 2003: Test and design methods for
steel fiber reinforced concrete”, σ-ε-design method.

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