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Examining Telnet and SSH in Wireshark

Part 1: Examining a Telnet Session with Wireshark

Part 2: Examine an SSH Session with Wireshark
Why is SSH preferred over Telnet for remote connections?

Testing the connection between your local system and a remote device or server is one of

the frequent uses for Telnet or SSH.

Telnet transmits data without the use of any security protocols or methods. Because of this,

it is extremely dangerous unless utilized on secure, private networks.

SSH protects against unwanted interception and eavesdropping by encrypting data

transferred between the client and the server.

HOW? public-key cryptography is used by SSH to create an encrypted connection. Your

computer and another computer or device are connected by a secret tunnel. When a user

connects using SSH, the client and server exchange keys to establish a secure channel for

data transmission.

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