Phase 1 Questions

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business growth consultant questionnaire:

1. What is your business's vision and mission statement? Do you feel it still aligns with where you want
to take the company?

2. What are your short and long-term goals for the business over the next 1, 3 and 5 years?

3. Who is your ideal target customer and what value do you provide them? How can you better appeal
to their needs and desires?

4. How do you currently acquire new customers and what is your conversion rate? What new customer
acquisition strategies could you test?

5. How do you market and promote your products/services? What marketing channels work best and
which need improvement?

6. What is your pricing strategy? Is there an opportunity to increase prices and profit margins?

7. What key metrics do you track for the health of your business? How often do you review them and
optimize accordingly?

8. How do you differentiate from your competitors? What is your competitive advantage?

9. What systems and processes do you have in place around sales, ordering, fulfillment, customer
service, etc? What can be improved?

10. How do you currently retain existing customers and increase repeat business? What customer
loyalty strategies could you implement?

11. What is your customer service reputation and how can it improve? Do you actively collect customer

12. Do you have an automated email marketing strategy with campaigns, funnels and sequences? If not,
how could you build one?

13. What is your employee onboarding and training process? How can you improve team skills and

14. Do you currently outsource or automate any business functions? What other tasks could be
delegated or automated?

15. Is your business scalable? At what point would you need to expand your team or facilities?

16. What financial statements and metrics do you review? Where are there opportunities to cut costs or
increase profitability?

17. Do you have an advisory board or mentor that provides guidance? If not, how could this benefit
18. What risks, uncertainties or weaknesses does your business currently face? How are you addressing

19. Do you have a succession plan? What would happen if you unexpectedly needed to step away for
an extended time?

20. What areas of the business are you personally struggling with or avoiding? How could you
overcome this?

21. What technology platforms and tools are you utilizing? Are there any that could help automate
tasks or access useful data?

22. How much of your time gets spent on busywork versus strategic priorities? How could you delegate

23. What habits, routines or rituals are important for your productivity and focus? How well are you
adhering to them?

24. How strong is your business network and connections? Who else could become a valuable contact
or partner?

25. What continuing education or personal development activities will support your growth as a leader?

26. What hobbies or interests outside of work replenish your creativity and energy? How could you
make more time for these?

27. What is your current work/life balance? Are there any adjustments needed to avoid burnout?

28. How do you currently attract, onboard and retain top talent? What talent retention strategies could
you implement?

29. Do you nurture company culture and host team events or socials? If not, what could you initiate?

30. Do you have any employee training, mentorship or leadership development programs in place? If
not, how could you start?

31. Do you conduct skip level meetings or provide other avenues for employee feedback? What
communication gaps need bridging?

32. How often do you meet with employees one-on-one? What questions do you ask them?

33. What incentives, rewards, perks or benefits could further motivate your team?

34. How do you monitor and address low employee engagement or performance issues?

35. Do employees understand how their work ties into larger company goals and priorities? If not, how
can you better align?

36. What policies, handbooks or guidelines ensure workplace fairness and consistency? Do any need

37. Have you defined core company values? If so, how well do they permeate decision making and

38. Do you celebrate team or individual wins and milestones? What types of recognition could further
boost morale?

39. What diversity and inclusion practices are in place? Could you be doing more in this area?

40. Are there any looming HR issues or risks requiring proactive management? What preventative steps
could you take?

41. What has been your biggest challenge as a leader and manager? How are you working to improve
in this area?

42. How would your team describe your management style and what you could do better? Are you
open to feedback?

43. Do you have an outside mentor or coach to provide unbiased guidance and leadership
development? If not, how could you engage one?

44. What daily habits and routines set you up for success as a leader? Which habits could you improve?

45. How do you maintain self-awareness of your strengths, weaknesses, triggers, biases, etc as a

46. How do you stay on top of industry changes, competitive forces and new innovations that could
impact your business?

47. What professional associations and networks do you belong to? How else could you expand your

48. What trade conferences, events or industry meetings do you or your team attend? Which would
provide the greatest return on investment?

49. Do you read industry publications, blogs, listen to podcasts or otherwise stay educated on your
field? What sources provide the most value?

50. Have you defined your personal criteria for evaluating potential partnerships, vendors, agencies,

51. Do you currently outsource or use agencies for any functions like marketing, PR, HR, IT, etc? How
are they performing?

52. What has been your most successful partnership or channel? What made it effective?

53. Where could strategic alliances with other businesses provide a competitive advantage?
54. Do you engage influencers or brand ambassadors? If not, who could you potentially partner with?

55. Do you have a strong professional services network for legal, finance, HR, IT, real estate needs? If
not, how can you cultivate this?

56. What local business associations or organizations are you involved with? What other groups or
activities could elevate your reputation?

57. Are there any campaigns, causes or philanthropic initiatives your company could participate in or

58. What local networking events could expand your brand exposure and connections? How can you
maximize presence and engagement at these?

59. What types of pro bono, volunteering or community service initiatives could your team participate

60. Could you or some of your team members benefit from joining a board, committee, council or other
civic engagement groups?

61. What types of internships or job shadowing programs could you offer to benefit students and the

62. Is your website optimized with the right messaging, visuals and calls-to-action? How can it better
attract and engage?

63. Do you fully leverage social media and optimally post and engage? What improvements could
boost branding and connections?

64. How do your brand visuals, logo, typography, packaging, etc. convey your positioning and
personality? Do they need updating?

65. Do you have branded templates, signage, graphics and merchandise to reinforce awareness? If not,
what could you produce?

66. Is your brand messaging consistent across all platforms, materials and communications? If not, how
can you align it?

67. Do you have an SEO strategy to improve website traffic and search visibility? What optimizations
or content could help?

68. Have you claimed and optimized all pertinent online listings and directories? Which platforms
should be priorities?

69. Do you run paid search, social, display or video ad campaigns? How could you improve targeting
and performance?

70. Do you have a customer relationship management (CRM) system to organize contacts, interactions
and data? If not, how could one help?
71. Do you collect customer satisfaction data, reviews or testimonials? If not, how could you gather
and publish this content?

72. Could you implement a customer loyalty or referral program? What incentives and rewards would
motivate engagement?

73. What types of lead magnets, free content offers or other value building strategies could you

74. Do you send a regular email newsletter with helpful education and offers? If not, what topics and
frequency would work best?

75. Could you add more ways for website visitors to convert directly without sales team contact? What
options could you test?

76. Do you nurture leads with customized drip campaigns? If not, how could automating this follow up
help conversions?

77. How are sales team members currently compensated? Would a different structure incentivize more

78. What sales tools, software or other resources could boost the team's efficiency and close rates?

79. How are sales territories, quotas and goals currently set? Do these need realigning based on growth

80. When was the last time you reviewed pricing and margins? Is there an opportunity to optimize

81. What are your current sales and marketing costs per new customer acquired? How could you
improve that?

Here are some additional questions I can ask as a business growth consultant:

82. What sales objections arise most frequently? How can you improve addressing these?

83. Could expanding your product/service lineup help give your sales team more options and bundles
to offer?

84. Do you conduct win/loss analysis on prospects to assess why some convert but others don't? What
key insights have you gained?

85. How personalized and tailored are your sales interactions and collateral? What more could you do
to resonate individually?

86. How do your current sales and marketing teams collaborate? What could improve alignment?

87. How do you currently generate new sales leads? What untapped lead sources exist?
88. Do you have a sales methodology all team members are trained on? If not, what system could you

89. What skills training or coaching do sales team members need to improve results?

90. Do you hold regular sales team meetings and share successes to motivate the team?

91. How could you better leverage data and analytics to fine tune your sales process?

92. What is your onboarding process for new sales hires? How could you improve ramp up time to

93. Have you defined your ideal customer profile? If so, how can you structure sales efforts to better
reach them?

94. What assessments or tools do you use in screening and hiring sales people? How could you
improve the process?

95. Do you record sales interactions for coaching and training purposes? If not, what value could this

96. What is your sales technology stack? Are there any gaps a new tool could fill?

97. Do you conduct multichannel outreach across email, phone, social media, etc? What channel
generates the most qualified leads?

98. How could you improve sales team motivation and morale to keep energy and momentum high?

99. Are there any common bottlenecks within your sales process? How could you streamline?

100. What innovative sales tactics or strategies have your competitors implemented that you could
learn from?

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